I'm a mage, what's wrong with loving farming?

Chapter 122 122 Grass like the sun

Chapter 122 122. Grass like the sun

In fact, as early as when he saw the glowing night-shining grass, Cloya had already had the idea of ​​making it glow and heat literally.

If it can emit light and heat, it can be very useful whether it is on the seabed or on land.

In fact, some modern methods can also be used, such as building a greenhouse, but using a greenhouse completely would really be like keeping them in a greenhouse.

He wanted to ensure that they could contact the outside environment and then give them help to survive. In this way, they can adapt to the environment and perhaps produce some unknown changes.

After all, not all places have magic crystal vines and night-shining grass. If it is calculated according to the benefits, Cloya can easily set up a magic circle.

He is thinking more about the future now.

In order to fulfill his vision, Cloya has been working hard.

There is some progress, but not much.

The conventional magic circle that converts magic power into heat does not have the brilliance similar to the sun that he imagined.

Of course, he is not satisfied with his pursuit of excellence.

The turning point happened after he got a brand new magic book. He found a very special magic in the third-level magic - the full name is "Basic Life Spells of Dardanelles".

There are seven magics in it.

Including: water purification, bed making, simple mansion, heat array, cold array, food identification, and meal making.

With such a set of magic, he can deal with almost most environments.

After learning about these magics, he was particularly curious about the heat array and meal making - what is the difference between the former and the ordinary heat array?

How can the latter create things out of thin air?

After research, it was found that the meal making technique is actually to gather magic energy to form fake bread, which will still decompose into magic energy after eating.

But it is made of energy after all, which can temporarily satisfy hunger and provide strength.

It is not the kind of bread that he imagined that can be made directly. If it can be made like this... it is probably not a third-level magic that can make sense.

To create a magic bread, the magic power required is almost equivalent to letting Cloya cast a fourth-level magic.

The key is that the bread tastes dry and tasteless, and it requires a lot of energy and magic power, which is a bit useless.

He temporarily put this spell aside and prepared to find an opportunity to engrave it on the magic plant, maybe he could make a bread tree.

As for the other thermal energy array.

It is very special. It will automatically adjust the temperature and the frequency of magic release according to the nature of the magic power and the surrounding environment. In other words, it is equivalent to an intelligent air conditioner.

It is fundamentally different from the magic pattern that can only release heat sluggishly and needs to be manually adjusted.

So Cloya immediately began to prepare - he mixed the sunlight magic produced by the sunflower with the fire magic drawn from the seabed, ensuring that there was some sun magic while the other magic was the main one.

In this way, the mixture was successfully completed, with a ratio of about one to twenty, but he needed to use the Seven Stars Separation Technique to mix and blend it personally to fully integrate it.

All this magic power was poured into the energy storage tree, and finally hinted to the night-light grass, telling it the external environment and the struggling magic plants and monsters.

As expected, it was just as he thought -

[Engraving successful, Night-shining Grass (heat energy array)]

[Since this magic plant already has an exclusive engraving "I give light, you give me magic", this magic will also change. ]

[The Night-shining Grass is extremely eager to release the light of magic power to care for the surrounding magic plants and monsters. ]

[It will adjust its own magic output according to the environment and provide a radiance related to the magic of the energy storage tree. ]

[The effective range changes according to the magic level. ]

Compared to the previous exclusive engraving, it is indeed a bit short.

But the effect is really good.

The magic plant itself can feel the changes in the surrounding environment, and it has a little more agility than a simple array. Now the light it emits is really a bit like the sun.

"Now it's time for you to test the effect."

Kloya stood up and gently stroked the Night-shining Grass. The fingertips felt the heat as hot as a flame.

It is looking forward to facing the wind and snow and the environment outside, and wants to release its own light and heat.

"Then let's go."

"Put it in."

He patted the clock golem floating beside him, and the latter immediately sucked in the energy storage tree and night-shining grass, and then followed behind Cloya.


The wizard left his castle.

He first took a look at the sunflowers he planted -

Although they are pure fire magic plants, Cloya doesn't have to worry about them, because they are huddled together for warmth, resisting the wind and snow with their own magic power.

Just like the storms they have experienced before, their magic power will be trained more and more pure under such circumstances.

Perhaps after this blizzard is over, they will have obvious changes.

Walking in the wind and snow, all around is white.

This snow has covered the entire earth. In just two hours from waking up in the morning to noon, the depth of the snow has reached 30 centimeters.

Ordinary people need to help each other when walking, but he walks very easily, and the magic shield pushes away all the snow around him.

It's like strolling in the garden.

It feels pretty good.

He took a leisurely walk in the snow, and it took him a while to reach the magic field.

The busy people saw him and shouted in unison: "Lord!"


Kloya nodded casually, then waved his hand, and the magic power gathered into a model in his palm, and then burst out.

With him as the center, the light golden halo spread out like a ripple on the water, covering all the people busy in the magic field.

As long as the halo shines on people, they will immediately feel that their physical strength has been fully restored, as if they have been injected with chicken blood, and it seems that even the wind and snow around them are not cold.

They did not continue to salute and thank, but just worked harder-shoveling away the snow and taking care of the second crop of thick potatoes and lily of the valley that were replanted.

Kloya looked at his magic and felt that the magic of the Church of Light was indeed very useful in this environment.

Just a simple "physical ripple" made so many people recover their energy and work harder.

He walked into the field where the fire magic plants were planted, and saw the Sons of Harvest who were so tired that they almost collapsed.

These four people had already sat on the ground without caring about their image. Even when they saw Kloya, they were reluctant to get up and salute.

This was still with the help of the physical aura just now. If it weren't for this aura, they probably wouldn't be able to get up.

"Thank you for your hard work."

Kloya waved his hand again, and this time he directly poured four golden lights into their bodies.

"Thank you for your gift, Lord!"

After being illuminated by this energy light, they were visibly refreshed and could get up and salute.

However, light spells are generally stimulating, especially this kind of immediate recovery. If you don't rest well afterwards, it will definitely affect your body.

So Kloya ordered them to go back and rest.

If you consume too much energy and hold on... If you don't do it well, you will become a waste. He doesn't want the chosen farmer he found to fall down like this.

Elena nodded quickly, and several people supported each other and left.

When they left, those who were originally working also made way for them, and someone escorted them back to the town.

The treatment was very good.

Seeing this, Kloya was relieved.

He walked to the center of the field and ordered the clock golem to release the energy storage tree and night-shining grass in the space.

The poor energy storage tree trembled, as if it had a chill, and immediately rooted its roots into the soil.

And the night-shining grass, it has begun to emit brilliance.

The golden-red light lit up and flowed on its leaves.

The light emitted was like the sun rising slowly, illuminating the surrounding area of ​​​​an acre of land.

The warm breath enveloped all the magic plants at once, and they stretched their branches and leaves in this warm air, and heard happy voices.

The magic field vines seemed to feel that there were friends to help them, and they retracted their magic power into the branches and leaves, relaxing some of their resistance to the wind and snow outside.

"Wait." Cloya couldn't help but touch the night-shining grass, "What did I tell you before?"

The grass emitting a golden-red halo trembled, and the magic power it emitted weakened. The surrounding wind and snow invaded here again.

The magic plants that had just stretched out their branches and leaves suddenly felt the cold wind and snow, and they were depressed all of a sudden, and even had a little complaint in their voices.

The poor magic field vines were deceived and confused.

It didn't know why its friend suddenly reduced the supply of magic power.

It wanted to resupply magic power, but was stopped by Cloya.

At this time, Cloya was only concerned about whether those magic plants could adapt to the environment. Although they were fire magic plants, Cloya didn't need the most basic fire magic plants.

What he needed now was magic plants that could mutate.

There were as many basic ones as he wanted, but mutated ones were rare.

He stood in the field and looked around, his eyes kept scanning, trying to find some changes.

Time passed slowly.

The magic power and warmth emitted by the night-shining grass and the magic field vines can barely allow these magic plants from the tropical environment to resist the wind, snow and cold.

Some of them have stretched out their branches and leaves, trying to absorb the icy magic power.

One of them caught Kroya's attention.

It was... the burning pepper!

It was conveying its wishes and consciousness -


"I'm so hot."

"It's so hot!"

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