I'm a mage, what's wrong with loving farming?

Chapter 121 121 People and Things in the Snowstorm

Chapter 121 121. People and Things in the Snowstorm

The biting wind mixed with the flying snow seemed to sweep across the surrounding sea and the land beyond in just a moment.

The air was suddenly filled with chill.

It was so cold that it could sting one's skin. If one stayed in such an environment for a long time, one would definitely die of hypothermia.

For the nobles, such a blizzard meant that they could not go out hunting, which was a little troublesome.

For ordinary people, it was a catastrophe.

They would not be able to go out to work or find food, and could only wait at home. After running out of stored food, they would die of cold and hunger.

This was the dilemma that most people in the North would soon face.

But it was not the dilemma faced by Hanjiao Island.

One by one, the white houses made of the building magic material "white mud" had already been built.

They stood neatly on the flat ground.

Although Kroya was not a city planning major, he had played a lot of games after all, and it was still possible to build houses in a uniform manner and leave roads and space.

Perhaps it was to satisfy a little obsessive-compulsive disorder, so almost every house was built in the same way, and the distance between houses was exactly the same.

The population of Hanjiao Island was not very large. Even if everyone lived together and each family had a separate house, there were only more than 130 houses.

It can be said that it barely formed a small town.

Under the leadership of Semir and Elena, houses were even built for families who had lost their ability to work, striving to ensure that everyone had a new house to live in.

Some of these things were instructed by Cloya, and some were done spontaneously by Semir. This young man who came from a peasant family seemed to be self-taught in these things and soon won a lot of praise.

If it were other noble lords, they might worry about whether the existence of such a prestigious guy would pose a threat to their rule.

But for Cloya, he didn't care.

It was actually a good thing that someone was willing to worry about it, because no matter what, he couldn't escape from his palm.

In short, in order to exchange materials for building houses from Cloya, almost everyone worked, and someone stayed at the branch of the underwater magic field for a long time.

As long as there are flowers growing, they will be picked immediately.

It may be because doing so greatly speeds up the circulation of magic in the branches created by the magic field method, and it absorbs magic faster and faster.

The six-pointed star flowers picked have filled up Croa's warehouse, and he gave most of the magic in the flowers to the energy storage tree to prepare for the next snowstorm.

It can be seen how many there are.

The huge amount of magic flowers naturally allows people to exchange for clean and tidy homes and necessary supplies, and Croa has already warned them.

Such complete conditions and proper arrangements.

Therefore, when the blizzard fell from the sky, people had all retreated to their homes.

Prepare to survive the blizzard period.


Elena stood in front of the clean and bright window, looking at the whistling wind and snow, and a look of uneasiness flashed across her face.

The warm wind provided by the magic power blew into the house continuously, and the whole house was as warm as spring, even wearing only a single piece of clothing.

It was in stark contrast to the cold and windy weather outside the window.

As the child of the harvest, she could actually feel the weather changes around her, but this time she didn't feel anything at all.

The blizzard appeared so suddenly.

Even though the lord, Croa, had predicted this disaster and left enough food and supplies for them, this situation made people feel uneasy.

She couldn't help but put her hands together and prayed in front of her chest: "Mother Goddess, please let your light shine on this island so that it will not be invaded by disasters."

This is how she prayed, but she seemed to have forgotten what the statue of the Mother Goddess of the Earth looked like.

When she prayed, she didn't know whether she was praying to Croa or to something else.

After the routine prayer, she heard heavy footsteps and turned around to look - and saw her father and brother, both of them had put on thick clothes, as if they were preparing to go out.

"What are you going to do?" Elena wondered, "Father, brother, is there not enough food at home?"

Since there are three people who can earn "wages" in their family, there is a lot of food, almost filling up the entire storage room.

It stands to reason that they don't have to go out.

Elena's mother Annette was also worried beside her.

Although she didn't have to fight the waves to go out fishing, she was also exhausted by how to take care of the two children and an adult at home.

Even she changed from a girl who could only make some ordinary food at the beginning to a middle-aged woman who can bake bread, pickle salted fish, dry fish, make sauces, etc.

When she saw the food in the storage room that her husband and children had worked hard for, she felt almost unreal, and she had to go to see it several times at night to feel at ease.

Such a beautiful life made her worry about gains and losses.

So, she was reluctant to see them go out to take risks in such weather-there was food at home, why take risks?

Semier understood the concerns of his sister and mother very well.

He quickly explained, "We have already agreed to clear the snow after it starts to snow.

I also want to see Lord Croya’s fields. "

With a smile on his face, the young man rubbed his sister's head: "You just stay at home, don't worry about us, it's very safe."

This is indeed true.

People are now gathering together, and there are heaters and food in the sturdy houses. Even if something happens, you can find someone to help.

The advantage of having fewer people is that everyone knows everyone, and no one with bad intentions will suddenly break in. Even... the door doesn't even need to be locked.

They will be able to handle things with confidence.

All of these are gifts from Lord Croya, and of course they have to repay them, not to mention that Croya will also give them rewards.

"Ah." Elena immediately said angrily: "Why didn't you tell me!"

She immediately ran back, found the clothes she had bought from Rob not long ago, quickly put them on, and then ran out.

"I want to go with you too!"

"I'll call my friends, they can help too!"

Samir and his father shook their heads helplessly.

"All right."

They also know that they can't stop her, and besides, Elena has a good relationship with the new Harvest Sons now, and their power is very important.

"Mother, let's go!"

"We walked."

"be careful on the road."

In this way, the three of them left the warm home under Annette's eager expectation and went directly into the raging wind and snow.

Although the wind and snow were raging, there were no people on the road.

There were still figures clearing the snow on the road despite the violent snowstorm, trying to clear a passage.

At the same time, more people were heading towards the magic field.

Samuel and his father quickly found a few friends, covered their faces with hats, and said hello: "Are you coming out too?"


The other party also had a smile on his face: "Let's go see the lord's magic field."

"That's great, let's go together!"

The crowd quickly gathered and trudged forward in the white snow, like a long black dragon, and soon arrived at Croya's magic field.

The magic field grape vines are still persisting in the face of this wind and snow.

But unlike rain, which can flow through the gaps between branches and leaves, snow can really crush it if it accumulates.

"Come and help!"

Semier greeted, and people immediately began to help the Magic Field Grape Vine clear the snow. The latter seemed to know that they were helping him, and took the initiative to tilt the vines and leaves to make it easier for people to help them clear the snow.

Things got really exciting here soon.

On the other side, the area planted with fire-type magic plants was a bit miserable.

The grapevines in that area did not make any move to retreat. Golden light flowed inside each vine, and the magic power from the sunflowers was shining on the earth and magic plants below.

It is so obvious under the snow and dim sky, like a standing warrior, not afraid or shrinking from the wind and snow.

But obviously, continuing like this is not the answer.

The chill and icy magic brought by the wind and snow are too much. If the magic field grapevine has enough magic, it may be able to withstand it.

The problem is, the magic of sunflowers is not endless.

Now that they have lost the sunlight, even they can only languish. How can they still have the energy to provide extra magic power?

For these magic plants living in tropical areas, the current environment and climate are simply a disaster.

There may be some lucky people who can survive this snowstorm and no longer fear such weather, but most of them will die.

Elena and the other three Harvest Children shuttled through the fields, spreading their power, hoping to use the power from the Mother Earth to help them survive this disaster.

She seemed to be able to feel the fear and fear of these magic plants. The tears on her face were almost one drop after another, falling on the ground, splashing out with a golden-green halo.

The magic plant also felt her emotions, and tried hard to absorb the magic power to resist the coldness around her.

While they are busy like this.

In the distance, Croya, who was sitting on the terrace garden, watched the scene coming from the King of Obsidian Curve Vine.

There was a smile on his face, and he turned to look at another scene on the side - it was grass growing on a tree trunk as thick as a radish.

They have completely covered the energy storage tree, and the halo they emit is red with a little golden light, like a sun.

Maybe we can no longer call them "luminous grass".

It’s time to call them sun grass.

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