I'm a mage, what's wrong with loving farming?

Chapter 120 Developments before the Snowstorm

Chapter 120 120. Development before the storm

This batch of purchased classics made Croya addicted to them and unable to extricate himself.

For more than ten days in a row, he stayed in his laboratory and residence without leaving the house.

Apart from eating, sleeping and going to the toilet, I just study.

The mystery and fun of magic really made him want to stop.

Level three and level four magics are much more difficult to learn than the previous level one and two magics, and some of them even require learning prerequisite magic.

For example, he has always used the fireball technique very smoothly.

Its advanced magic is called Chain Fireball.

According to the caster's own magic reserve and control ability, fireballs can be continuously released.

After studying with the help of the Void Moon Divine Tree, Croya discovered that this magic seemed to be composed of a combination of two different spell imprints——

Basic fireball spells and multi-casting spells to maintain stable magic power and continue to cast spells.

The latter is actually a fourth-level magic, which is also recorded in this magic book.

To be honest, this kind of magic is much more difficult to learn than Croya's red refrain, and the effect is not as good as the red refrain.

At most, he can only release magic twice in a row.

After discovering this, he became very curious.

Why can this kind of fourth-level magic be related to the first-level magic like fireball? Why is the difficulty of casting spells reduced after combining with Fireball?

He felt that if this aspect could be thoroughly studied, it would be a huge improvement and help for him to imprint magic on Warcraft and Magic Plants in the future.

After research and comparison, he looked at the three spell models of fireball, chain fireball and multi-casting thoughtfully.

"This seems to be a characteristic."

Croya murmured to himself: "If multicasting is suitable for all magic, then the magic patterns and models in this chain of fireballs are simply modified and added for the latter."

"The concept of multicasting is given to fireball, and the two form a new spell model that is similar but not identical."

"The chain of fireballs should be called the multi-casting fireball technique."

To put it simply, this is an exclusive enhancement.

Similar magics include fireball and ice earth.

They add the magic of "magic amplification" to the ordinary fireball spell and ice earth spell.

The former is Level 1 and Level 2, and the latter is Level 2.

Combining two low-level magics to form a high-level magic, both the power and range are significantly improved.

This discovery gave Croya a new inspiration.

He found the pure white sea spirit coconuts and engraved them with the magic of magic increase, hoping to see if they could have an effect on primary summoning spells.

The experiment was not successful for the time being.

However, they do consciously use primary summoning after using magic amplification.

According to two days of observation, the two spell models have a tendency to fuse, and perhaps they can really fuse after they are used a certain number of times.

Becomes [Basic Summoning Technique of Magic Amplification].

In order to have more models and data, Croya even imprinted different magics on individual gray magic ants - such as magic amplification plus giant power, multi-casting plus earth ball, and so on.

This is the good thing about the Gray Demon Ant. As long as he exerts mental suggestion and hypnosis on the Queen Ant, the ants under its hands will immediately become obedient.

The only pity is that the IQ and magic power reserves of these ants are really pitiful. At most, they can only perform second-level and some technical third-level magic.

It's okay to try low-level magic on them, but high-level magic is a bit less effective.

But it was pretty good. He believed that natural evolution would definitely give him a surprise.

After completing these experiments with magic, he began to refine basic magic weapons and potions, and the Hailingzhi potion was successfully refined.

He did not sell it to outsiders, but chose to train his own team - orphans with innocent wealth and existing mage apprentices, and each of them was given a regular distribution.

This is quite a luxury offering.

Hailingzhi potion is difficult to prepare and requires very high magic power and techniques.

That is how Croya provided them.

Under the same resource supply, whoever can become an official first-level mage faster will get more resources.

For those ordinary people, they are not afraid of troubles, but are afraid that there will be no reward for their efforts.

As long as they are given a little channel to rise steadily, they will hold on tightly and work hard to climb upward.

After knowing this, Croya was silent for a moment and asked Rob to provide them with more magical food.

While making the living environment more comfortable, the requirements are becoming more and more stringent.

After sensing these changes, these children and apprentices became more and more loyal to him, and in the end they even became a little fanatical.

Every time Croya saw them, he could feel the music burning like a fire in their hearts.

Probably in their eyes, Cloya gave them a way, which was enough for them to be grateful. No matter how difficult this road is, at least it is a path that can lead to stable progress.

Everything that remains is a reward for His grace.

To be honest, he was a little emotional.

Those who work hard do deserve these rewards.

Now that the territory is developing better and better, the Harvest Sons have also been brought back, and under the leadership of Elena, they have joined in the work of cultivating Poseidon Barley and other magic plants.

Since Croya had warned that there might be a snowstorm, they studied magic harder than the apprentices, putting batch after batch of barley and mature magic plant fruits into the warehouse.

Among them are the Anshen Lily of the Valley and the thick soil potatoes that have matured for the first time. The latter's output is ridiculously exaggerated, with the yield per mu being almost as high as 10,000 kilograms.

You must know that this is an environment close to medieval Europe, and it cannot compare with the seeds cultivated by scientists from generation to generation in his previous life.

I can only say that magic is indeed a bit powerful.

He also did not sell the first batch of harvest, but stored it all.

With these thick potatoes and Poseidon barley, the food reserves in the territory increased visibly, and he felt more and more happy after inspecting the granary.

This pile of food, even though it is just ordinary magic plants and barley, makes people feel extremely happy.

Even in the face of possible snowstorms in the future or an increase in population, it is completely sufficient.

It can be said that everything is on the right track.

It's a pity that there is still no news from the Baron and Sesu. If Gopher and the tortured people could come over, he would definitely be happier.

But according to the news, it’s not far off.

A few more days passed.

After Croya felt that he had entered a period of exhaustion in learning magic, he decisively took out the obsidian fragments that had been there for a long time.

Colorful clear chips fell on the table, each one filled with gorgeous colors.

The empty crystal fragments among them had already been fed to the mushrooms as early as when they were first brought back.

The result was very unexpected - the mushroom rejected the power of the sky and even showed more disgust than the divine power of the Mother Goddess of the Earth.

The emotion was so strong that he was startled by the mushroom's sudden outburst of disgust.

He is really puzzled, why do you no longer need the power of Kong Yao even though you came from it?

Of course the mushroom and the angel would not give him an answer.

He had no choice but to give up, and because he devoted himself to the hard work of learning magic, he stayed here until now.

Now he seems to be less enthusiastic about these things, because even if he researches something, he cannot replicate it.

There are only so many obsidian fragments, and they will be gone after you use them.

To him, what cannot be replicated is as illusory as a miracle.

"Well, it's just a tonic for idleness and boredom."

He took out the Earth's Obsidian and Water's Obsidian crystals, performed the Seven-Yao's Separation Technique, extracted the power from the two Obsidian crystals, and then combined them.

The blue was mixed with the brilliance of earthy yellow, and finally turned into a light green color.

Verdant and full of vibrant colors.

After Mu Yaoqu Vine King felt this power, his vines trembled with excitement, and even put them on Croya's arm.


It was the first time it had taken this tone.

That flattering tone with a bit of pleading made Croya get goosebumps - if a human beauty said this, it would be pleasant to the ear, but it is a vine!

It seems that he will never be able to understand the psychological activities of people who have feelings similar to love for monsters and monster plants.

"I'll give you some. I'll use the rest to cultivate sunflowers."

Croya generously gave half of the Obsidian Curved Vine King, and gave all the remaining Obsidian essence to the Red Sunflower.

This thing is what he mainly cultivates.

So you have to give it a try if you find any good stuff.

He used the other Mu Yao's power in batches to try to evolve other magic plants.

After successfully separating and creating the essence of Mu Yao, he tried to extract the power of Fire Yao, Wind Yao, and even Kong Yao crystals.

But the result disappointed him.

I can still try to mix the first two, although there is no result.

However, the power of the power of the sky is extremely stable, and Croya's current magic power cannot achieve the mixing process at all.

In the end, I had to give up temporarily.

In this way, time moved forward smoothly as he studied and inspected the territory.

One day.

When Croya woke up in the morning and was staring at the ceiling boredly, he suddenly noticed something white falling on it.

He didn't react at first, but after a few seconds, the entire roof was covered in snow.

He woke up immediately.

It's snow!

It was just as the angel warned him back then...the blizzard was really coming!

Thanks to Book Friends 20170517213536838, Fengye Xianliu, My squandered life, growing old slowly with books, Lingguang 1973, Who will understand the troubles of chasing updates, awdsxqe, and the insomnia bug bosses for their monthly votes and recommendation votes.

The fourth update is finished today, come back tomorrow!

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