I'm a mage, what's wrong with loving farming?

Chapter 119 119 Join the Alliance and Purchase Classics

Chapter 119 119. Join the alliance and purchase tomes

Sensing the prompt from the Holy Spring Chamber of Commerce again, Croya felt a little surprised - at this speed, is it still a mage who would spend ten days and a half to do anything?

To be honest, he thought he would have to wait for a while.

The news came so soon?

That was a message, a very simple message——

"Mage Hanjiao, please come and meet us. The Mage Lords Alliance is waiting for you to join."

There was only one sentence, his voice was old and his tone was quite steady, without any ups and downs.

After Croya thought briefly, he immediately accepted the invitation.

It is of course a good thing to solve it quickly. The sooner you get the magic, the sooner you can learn it, and you can imprint more and more powerful magic on the monsters and magic plants.

After he was invited to go, deep blue water gushes out.

Three or four seconds later, the surrounding scenery suddenly changed, and we came to a valley covered with snow, where a variety of tall pine and fir trees grew.

At a glance, it's almost impossible to see the edge.

In front of him was a wooden house with a roof covered by white snow. It looked ordinary and nothing special.

After hesitating for a moment, he reached out and knocked on the door.

"Please come in."

The sound sounded, and the door of the wooden house opened with a creak. It was dark inside, and it was impossible to see what was there.

‘It’s so mysterious. ’ He couldn’t help but complain.

To be honest, it was a bit weird, but the weirder it was, the more curious Croya became, and he immediately stepped in.

After entering, there was a moment of darkness.

Then, my nose first smelled a faint fragrance of pine wood, and then my eyes were filled with a faint light of fire.

He stood on a soft and comfortable carpet. The decorations in the room looked ordinary, and there was a fireplace burning charcoal and crackling.

This kind of decoration can make people feel warm, comfortable and relaxed.

An old man was sitting on the sofa in front of the fireplace and waved to Croya: "This way!"

He was leaning comfortably on the soft sofa, wearing a gray robe. The robe was like pajamas or something, the fabric was soft and wear-resistant, and very comfortable.

He looks like an ordinary old man.

The only difference is that his face is rosy and fair, with no age spots or sagging eye bags at all.

Look old and young at the same time.

Magic power surrounded him, and the crystal blue halo was like substance.

Just from the fluctuations of these magic powers, it can be seen that this is at least a level 6 or above archmage, which seems to be stronger than that mermaid.

‘The Mage Lords Alliance really has a big boss. ’

Croya stepped forward and said in a respectful tone: "Hello, Senior Master Riwan."

Facing such high-level mages, it is necessary to be polite when greeting them. Who knows if they have any special quirks, such as getting angry without saying hello or something.

"Please take a seat, Master Hanjiao."

Master Riwan smiled gently and pointed to the seat opposite him: "I need to ask you a few questions to decide whether you can officially join."

I don't know why, but when Croya looked at his smile, it reminded him of the examiner's sense of déjà vu during the previous interview.

It was really a little nervous.

He sat down and quickly adjusted his mood and calmed down.

The Riwan mage opposite looked at him for a while and said in surprise: "Level 3, you are already a level 3 mage?"

Although the words were said in a questioning tone, the meaning behind them was firm.

"That's right." Croya nodded.

It was expected that his strength would be revealed. For such a powerful mage, and in his territory, it was normal for him to be noticed.

Besides, he also wants to buy magic books and knowledge above level three. Why should he buy it if it’s not level three?

So he had nothing to hide and admitted it frankly.

"It seems that you have a secret, but who doesn't have a secret?" Master Riwan was still smiling: "In the name of magic, no third party will know about our conversation this time.

You can be assured. "

After he finished speaking, he did not continue to pay attention to these and asked again: "Then do you have any special properties?"

"Since we are mage lords, we must have our own special properties."


Croya thought about it.

When it comes to special products, sunflowers are definitely one of them.

Of course, this refers to sunflower seeds that have not undergone any processing.

The original sunflower magic power that had not been produced through the Qiyao Separation Technique was actually quite different from the morning dew potion he made.

One is the raw material, and the other is the product after finishing. Not everyone has the means to finish the latter.

Of course, there is no need to worry about Master Xingling losing his vest.

So, he directly took out a handful of sunflower seeds and handed them over: "These sunflower seeds, which I call sunshine sunflowers, are my specialty."


Master Riwan took it and looked at it carefully. With his magic perception ability, he could immediately distinguish the special magic power in these sunflower seeds.

He praised: "Oh! These sunflower seeds are very special. The magic inside is full of the power of sunlight and full of vitality.

Estner mentioned to me that you bought sunflowers from him, but he didn't know that you could cultivate sunflowers to this extent. "

Hearing this, Croya couldn't help but ask: "Do you also know Estner?"

"That's an enthusiastic kid, and kids like that are always popular," he replied.

It seems that they have a common acquaintance, and Master Riwan's tone towards Croya is obviously much gentler.

Taking advantage of the situation, he asked his last question.

“Joining the alliance means helping each other and even providing assistance to other mage lords within a certain range. This is the rule set by the other two archmages and I.

Can you do it? "

Croya nodded: "Okay."

Anyway, he is willing to help as long as it doesn't affect him, but if it affects him...then he needs to think carefully.

Master Riwan nodded and stood up from the sofa.

"Then you are welcome to join."

With his voice, the surrounding cozy cabins dissipated like morning mist, replaced by a space filled with various bookshelves and books.

He waved to a bookshelf, and immediately a large and heavy book flew over and landed in front of Croya.

"This is a collection of third-level to fourth-level spells. It contains a total of 300 types of common earth, water, fire, wind and extended magics.

It should be just right for you to study. "

Obviously he also knew what Croya wanted when he joined the alliance, and he directly provided what the latter needed.

Croya's eyes did light up.

Three hundred new magics!

This means that after Croya learns it, he can imprint more special magic on monsters and magic plants, and create more special existences.


"How many magic crystals are needed?" Croya asked.

He currently has four thousand magic crystals in his hand.

The Holy Spring Chamber of Commerce's third-level and fourth-level spell encyclopedia has a price tag of six thousand to ten thousand magic crystals. The internal price is not that expensive, right?

It should be enough to buy it.

As a result, the price was cheaper than he expected.

"A thousand magic crystals." Master Riwan raised a finger: "This is a benefit that every newcomer has, but these magics can only be learned by yourself and must not be passed on to others."

Croya: "!!!"

The price was much cheaper than he thought.

Only a thousand magic crystals?

"Okay, I won't tell anyone!"

Immediately, he transferred a thousand magic crystals towards Master Riwan.

After receiving the magic crystal, Master Riwan's eyes seemed to flash with light.

He smiled like an old fox.

"In addition to magic, do you need other books?"

Half an hour later.

Croya returned to reality holding several large books.

The corners of his mouth twitched a little.

The Riwan mage was like a golden salesman, and every magic book he recommended was something that Croya couldn't refuse.

So in the end, in addition to the "Intermediate and Advanced Spellcasting Encyclopedia", he also purchased "Intermediate Alchemy Potion Formulas", "Basic Magic Array Encyclopedia", and "Magic Weapon and Scroll Manufacturing Method".

All four thousand magic crystals were spent.

Poor Croya's pockets are empty now, but his mood is indescribably happy.

In fact, if strictly speaking, being able to buy so many magic crystals for four thousand and such a comprehensive book is already a huge profit.

This is the benefit of having power to rely on.

If it were those wild mages, it would definitely cost several times more to buy so much knowledge.

Upgrading a mage requires the accumulation of knowledge. The saying that knowledge is power is the absolute truth for mage.

With this batch of classics, his knowledge reserve and combat effectiveness can definitely be improved to a higher level.

Croya took a deep breath: "Huh, let's plant it first, and then go back to the castle to learn magic."

He put away all the classics and then came to a nearby depression that had been identified.

This place is about half an acre in size. In terms of size, it is almost the same as the deep pit where the simulated magic tree grew.

He had removed all the ancient grass fungi that originally grew inside and replaced them with blood grass fungi dug from Yun Dao.

At the same time, the Magic Field's method has not fallen.

After a lot of work, the artificial magic tree was finally planted in the center of the pit, and it was considered complete.

During the planting period, he also found a fish-tailed sea duck, fed a few blood grass fungi, and observed it carefully.

As a result, there was nothing strange about the fish-tailed sea duck at all. It was alive and kicking, and I wanted to continue eating more.

This made Croya breathe a sigh of relief. Since there was no problem, that was fine. Once they multiplied, they could consider getting some carnivorous monsters.

Finally, he handed over the task of feeding the simulated magic tree to the two thieves, and gave the task of taking care of the sea monster turtle to the sea dolphin.

Then he took away the mature sea ganoderma.

In this way, he left the bottom of the sea with a lot of harvest and returned to the castle.

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