I'm a mage, what's wrong with loving farming?

Chapter 118 118 Sea Turtle, Invitation Letter.

Chapter 118 118. Sea Turtle, Invitation.

Standing on the boat and preparing to return, Kroya naturally witnessed the whole process of the island disappearing.

And he also vaguely felt that a huge consciousness had left here, and his breathing became smoother in an instant, and the clouds and mists around him also completely disappeared.

The sea area suddenly became bright.

"It disappeared..." He didn't know whether he was disappointed or relieved.

There were obviously more treasures on it, but the problem was that his level was not enough to support him to explore inside. If he really encountered any danger, he would die.

It was really uncomfortable to be hanging in the air like this.

It's good that it disappeared now, so I don't have to worry about it.

As for whether there will be a chance to see it in the future, let's talk about it later.

Kroya retracted his gaze and looked at the group of sea dolphins that suddenly became excited. They seemed to be swimming around some... turtles.

Those turtles appeared from the island after it disappeared. Each of them had a crystal red back shell, and they didn't look like good people.

The Astral Body Imprinting Technique has given the answer - these turtles are the same species as the turtle eggs embedded in Jack's wooden boat, all of them are sea turtles.

The one in Jack's boat was probably accidentally washed into the water when it came here.

These sea turtles are very small.

Each of them is at most the size of a palm, and it seems that they have just been born. They are surrounded by sea dolphins, and they open their mouths and roar silently.

Gathered together, pitifully resisting.

But how to say... When you are weak enough, all your actions will become cute.

These sea turtles are in this situation. They have no effective resistance at all. They are played with by sea dolphins like toys.

Kroya looked at it for a while and suddenly raised his eyebrows.


No, it seems that it is not just a toy.

When the sea dolphins used their beaks to push the sea turtles, they seemed to use their water control ability to control the sea water to wash over the latter's crystal red shell, and then drink the sea water.

Just like licking a lollipop?

He was a little surprised. He had never seen this kind of monster. Could it be that these ruby-like shells were special?

"My Lord."

Jack suddenly spoke cautiously: "I have heard of this kind of monster. They seem to be called Sea God Turtles.

Their shells help heal wounds and have a sweet taste. I once ate Sea God candy made from them in a tavern.

It is said to be a gift from the God of the Sea."

Kloya nodded after listening.

"Is that so."

It turned out to be a turtle that can be used to make tortoise jelly. As for why it is Sea God Turtles in Jack's mouth, it is actually easy to understand.

Sometimes monsters will change their names adaptively.

Sea God Turtle, it sounds better than Sea Demon Turtle anyway.

Anyway, those priests and charlatans in the church like to name all kinds of naturally bred monsters and plants in the name of God. It is normal.

Since these Sea Demon Turtles are useful, just take them all back!

He told the sea dolphins: "Take them back intact."


Three sea dolphins came out immediately, circled around the sea turtles, controlled the sea water, and took them behind the boat.

Kloya sat at the bow, facing the sea breeze, and just wanted to close his eyes and rest for a while, he suddenly felt the Holy Spring Crystal Card in his pocket cool slightly.

That means someone contacted him, or sent him a message.

"It's gray sand."

He ignored it for the time being, just closed his eyes and rested, planning to go back to the Air Coral Base to deal with it.

It's not convenient to open the Holy Spring here.


With the help of the sea dolphins, the boat soon arrived near Hanjiao Island. Kloya told Jack to go back first, and he went to the underwater ranch.

He planned to set aside an area to plant blood grass fungi and the precious pseudo-demon tree.

By the way, see what news the crystal card brought him.

Sitting on the grass, Cloya first took out the crystal card, and after injecting magic power, azure spring water immediately gushed out.

A moment later, a voice came out from inside——

"Sorry, Master Hanjiao, I just finished a magic research... Yanshan has told me about your matter.

I just need a material. If you can provide it for me, I will help you join the Lord Mage Alliance with Yanshan."

The voice was a bit... hoarse and tender, just like a teenager in the voice change period.

"Is Master Huisha a child, or did he use magic to change his voice?" Cloya was a little strange.

However, he still didn't care much about these. He took a look at what Huisha needed and smiled immediately.

"That's easy."

What the other party wanted was a huge coral with a size of at least ten meters, requiring a little more magic power, that's all.

Cloya even ordered the sea dolphin to find it.

In terms of understanding the surrounding waters, no one knows better than them, and you can definitely rest assured to leave it to them.

The sea dolphin did not disappoint him.

After a while, they controlled the water flow and wrapped a coral that was just ten meters high.

"Thank you." Kroya praised and passed the coral directly.

This time the other party responded immediately.

"Thank you very much for your help."

Still speaking in a very polite and courteous tone, he also sent something by the way, which was a package full of sand.

It doesn't look like ordinary sand. It is dull gray under the light, but if there is no light source, it will immediately become golden.

It also exudes a warm breath.

Gently grabbing a handful is like grabbing a handful of sand in a desert scorched by the sun, it feels warm.


He glanced at the message——

"This is a specialty here, a magic material called gray gold sand. I will give you some. I will recommend it to you later together with Master Yanshan.

Looking forward to doing business with you again. "

Master Hui Sha's voice fell, and the spout of the holy spring also disappeared.

From the time Croya responded to the end of the transaction, only five minutes passed. The speed made him feel a little unreal.

You know, a full month has passed since the last time I sent a message to Master Hui Sha.

One month and five minutes... are really a bit disconnected.

"Forget it, that's fine."

There is nothing wrong with being quick. Now he is looking forward to joining the Lord Mage Alliance, and then purchasing more advanced magic and knowledge through the other party's channels.

At the same time, on the other side.

In the deep blue fantasy.

The red-haired Master Yanshan looked at the person opposite with a smile and teased: "This coral is really special, isn't it?"

Sitting opposite him was a young man with his chest exposed and his whole body dressed in extremely cool clothes.

He has a smooth and strong body with muscles, and his skin has a dark color. He does not look like a mage at all, but more like a young warrior.

He seemed to have just finished reading something, and then he answered with a smile: "I have long heard that there are sea tribes and mermaids on Hanjiao Island. They can regulate the magic power in the sea and keep all magic plants and monsters in the best condition. environment.”

"Now it seems that is indeed the case."

"With this coral tree, I can buy a sacred pattern from the Poseidon Church from the Holy Spring Chamber of Commerce. It should be able to pray for rain."

Master Yanshan nodded: "It is said that the current Poseidon is an upgraded member of the royal family of the mermaid clan. The former God of Light in the Vast Sea has gone to who knows where."

"But you can only use this method once."

"Yes." Master Huisha sighed: "But once is enough. If there is no more water..."

It stands to reason that as a noble mage, there are too many ways to find enough water, but it is really impossible to open up the water elemental plane.

There is endless water in there.

But the problem is that the Gray Sand Sea is very special, and the passage to the water elemental plane cannot be opened here.

There are a lot of prohibitions here.

Master Yanshan also sighed: "Your place is much more troublesome than mine, with the gray sand sea, it doesn't rain often and it can't store water.

By the way, have you bought the Water Storage Magic Tree? "

The relationship between the two of them is obviously very good. They talk freely when talking, and Master Huisha is not as polite and distant as when he talks to Croya.

Upon hearing Master Yanshan's inquiry, Master Huisha sighed deeply: "No."

The young mage spread his hands helplessly: "That kind of magic plant is something that the elves have explicitly banned from exporting. I am trying to find a way to ask the Lord of Gray Forest to find a solution.

Let's see if we can smuggle a few plants through her channels. "

"Is that so?" Master Yanshan nodded, not envious of him at all.

Although Gray Sand's territory covers a full 50,000 hectares, most of it is an endless sea of ​​sand.

The oases that serve as residential areas are scattered in this vast sea of ​​sand. It is a difficult task to deliver news or anything.

But he couldn't ignore it.

Because he was born in this sea of ​​sand. After achieving some achievements in the Mage Association, he specifically applied to be the lord of the Gray Sand Sea in order to change his hometown.

The two mages spoke a few more words, and then simultaneously delivered a formal letter to a wizard named "Riwan".

The other party responded quickly.


With two simple words, at the same time, the Riwan mage conveyed a message to Croya's code name, Hanjiao mage, which they had provided.

That's an invitation.

Inside, there was not only an invitation to join the Mage Lords Alliance, but also an illusion that he and several powerful lords rented at the Holy Spring Chamber of Commerce.

There he would meet Croya in person.

Hearing what he heard was believing, he wanted to test Croya personally before he could finally determine what kind of treatment he would give Croya.

The world of mages is actually very realistic. Useful people can always get more preferential treatment and resources.

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