I'm a mage, what's wrong with loving farming?

Chapter 117 117 Void Fragment, Blood Pasture Fungus

Chapter 117 117. Sky Shard, Blood Grass Mushroom

"Angel Sheep."

"But it's not an elemental creature."

Kloya was immediately confused. Was the thing in front of him really like an angel because of its shape, or was it really an angel sheep?

Under the perception of mental power, they didn't seem to have very strong magic power. The magic power on their bodies was at most the level of a first-level magic beast.

Not even as strong as the ducks he raised.

He couldn't help but doubt again that this kind of magic beast that looked particularly sacred and beautiful... could it really be an angel-looking sheep?

When he was wondering and hesitating whether to move forward.

The three angel sheep seemed to have discovered him and immediately made a frightened "bleating" sound.

They were like crazy and bumping around, trying to escape in fear.

Then, they didn't know how to rush to where -

Immediately, a space crack formed in front of them, and a strange sky island and sea of ​​clouds could be vaguely seen inside.

"Hey, this won't do!"

Seeing this, Cloya immediately raised his hand and threw out a red ray, which hit one of the angel sheep with a "swish".

No matter if it's dead or alive, I'll get it first!

As a result, the angel sheep trembled slightly, wailed, and colorful chips about the size of a fingernail fell from its body.

The chips fell to the ground, looking particularly beautiful under the sunlight.

It itself was unscathed, and even its soft white curly hair had no signs of burning.

The next second, it followed the other two sheep and fled into the space channel and disappeared directly.

Only Cloya was left looking at the pile of chips in thought.

"...Is this considered a treasure?"

He had seen that there were five different colors of chips, including blue, khaki, red, cyan and... platinum.

He was very familiar with the blue chip, which was the water crystal.

So were the rest the fragments of the earth, fire, wind and... air crystal?

He immediately stepped forward and picked up the chips of different colors.

He put them in front of his eyes and observed them carefully.

Sure enough, the white-gold crystal seemed to be flowing with clouds and skylight, as if a small piece of the sky was cut off and materialized.

This power is almost the same as the power emitted by the mushroom.

It must be a fragment of the Kongyao crystal!

This is one of the three upper attributes among the seven kinds of Yao crystals. He once thought about whether he could buy it from the Shengquan Chamber of Commerce, but the Shengquan Chamber of Commerce replied that they did not have enough authority and would not sell it to him.

It’s a pity that this chip is only the size of a fingernail.

The power inside... converted into magic power, I’m afraid it’s not enough for even a fireball.

Among this handful of about forty chips of various colors, there are only three pieces of Kongyao fragments.

‘It’s good to get it. ’

He didn’t feel disappointed.

He was just very curious about what the angel sheep was. It could drop Yao crystal fragments with just one hit. If he caught it... wouldn’t it be a constant supply of Yao crystal fragments?

He decided to go back and see if he could buy some information from the Shengquan Chamber of Commerce.

Now, it is important to continue exploring.

After carefully putting away the Yaojing fragments, he continued to move forward.

After walking about 400 meters, a crack suddenly appeared on the ground in front of him, which was originally covered by the ancient grass fungus.

In the white clouds, the black crack was so obvious.

On this side of the crack was the emerald green ancient grass fungus, and on the other side of the crack... the ancient grass fungus covering the ground turned into a very strange red grass.

These grasses fell on the ground, like pieces of meat, with strands of red light flowing on the surface. At first glance, it looked like countless red streams flowing.

There was a strong smell of blood in the air.

At first glance, the crack looked like some kind of dividing line, preventing people from moving forward.

Kroya stopped in front of the crack temporarily, staring at the red grass, and its name emerged in his mind-blood grass fungus.

This is also a kind of fungus, with only one word difference from the ancient grass fungus, but the appearance and state are very different.

Jack, who was following behind Cloya, was already trembling when he saw this scene, and wanted to run away on the spot.

This strange grassland really looked like a hellish scene, and anyone would feel terrified and panicked.

However, Cloya's expression became more and more weird.

"Huh? Why do these grasses feel wrong?"

He tentatively stretched out the magician's hand to take a blood grass fungus, and after careful observation, he was surprised to find that...

After tearing it open, there were fibers similar to meat, with fine texture, and even pale white fat.

It is indeed meat, but it is not animal meat, but plant protein, which is the so-called "vegetarian meat".

In a sense, this is indeed a meat meadow, although it is vegetarian meat.

He blinked his eyes, but still did not use Jack behind him as a guinea pig, but put a few into the crystal bottle out of curiosity.

Then he endured the strange texture and discomfort under his feet, and walked forward on these sticky and "smacking" grass.

After walking another 300 meters, the ground in front of us suddenly sank, forming a deep pit.

At the bottom of the pit, there was a strange tree.

It was about two meters tall, and the bark looked like it was made of various skins, human skin, animal skin, fish skin... It was like an evil thing spliced ​​together by some means.

There were a lot of crows flying around the tree, and they were throwing the blood grass fungus in their mouths to the side of the tree.

As long as the blood grass fungus touched the strange tree, it would be sucked dry immediately and turned into gray-white mycelium flying.

It was like the crows were offering ancient grass fungus to it.

‘A simulated magic tree. ’

He looked at the star body of the tree, but unexpectedly found that:

Its star body was also spliced, and the place where each branch was connected to the trunk seemed to have the "broken limb splicing" spell structure he had seen before.

‘Is this an artificial tree? ’ He was a little confused.

Being able to combine so many different structures together, this splicing method is much more powerful than him.

After admiring this wonderful spell structure for a while, he jumped down decisively, landed lightly, and began to cast a spell to disperse the crows around him.

Even if the poor crows gathered together and cackled in resistance, they could not resist a third-level magician who was cheating.

They were soon driven away by the endless spell barrage.

Cloya then walked to the pseudo-magic tree leisurely and began to dig its roots carefully.

The pseudo-magic tree did not resist at all, and let Cloya dig it out soon.

Its trunk was two meters high, and it was lush, but its roots were very short, not as thick as those of the small trees.

It was just like a decoration.

"Is it so easy?"

He couldn't help but sigh.

In the words of the dwarf alchemist, the pseudo-magic tree was also an extremely rare magic plant. How could it be obtained so easily?

It felt unreal.

In order to avoid more trouble.

Croa took out the clock golem given by the Holy Spring Chamber of Commerce from his pocket, pointed at the simulated magic tree and ordered: "Put it in."

The clock golem nodded, shot a blue beam of light at the simulated magic tree, and pulled the latter into the crystal stone on its chest.

After putting the simulated magic tree in, it flew around Croa, and finally consciously got into Croa's pocket.

Patting his pocket, Croa praised: "Not bad."

The crystal stone on its chest can hold living things, whether it is a person, a magic beast, or a magic plant.

This is very convenient. As Croa's level gradually increases, the shell magic weapon has become a little weak in some places, and at this time, the help of the clock golem is needed.

It should be said that this little gift from the Holy Spring Chamber of Commerce is really good.

After putting the simulated magic tree in, the goal of this trip has been completed, and it only took less than two hours.

To be honest...it was a bit too smooth.

He left the pit and looked at the area covered by clouds in the distance. He hesitated for a while, but did not move forward.

There was no sound in the area ahead, and the fog was very thick. There was a huge source of magic power emanating from it.

This source of magic power was so strong that Cloya was a little suffocated, and it was also the reason why he gave up exploring.

"Let's stop while we're ahead. Since we have already got the pseudo magic tree..."

Cloya began to collect the blood grass fungi growing on the ground. These things can bleed like flesh and blood, and can also feed the pseudo magic tree. They are very good things no matter how you look at them.

After returning, find a monster to try it. If the monster does not change much after eating it and does not die, maybe it can be used to breed carnivorous monsters.

The only problem is: what do they grow on?

Is it the same as the ancient grass fungi?

He also tried to dig the clouds under the blood grass fungi to save them, but failed. These things can exist only because of the magic power flowing through the entire island.

This kind of magic power is something Cloya cannot copy.

Fortunately, even after leaving the cloud, the blood grass fungus did not lose its activity or anything.

After collecting enough blood grass fungus, Kloya turned around and left without hesitation, leaving with Jack who had wanted to leave for a long time.

What he didn't know was that after he turned around and left, a slender being in the fog deeper in the island looked in the direction of Kloya.

The flowing fog formed pieces of crystal white scales on its body surface, and the intertwined light formed eight dragon horns like a crown on its head.

Its eyes were filled with sacred platinum light, without a trace of tyranny, only wisdom and compassion.

Its gaze seemed to stay on Kloya's forehead, wrist, and the position close to the dantian where magic power was gathered.

"Lucky human... this kind of magic."

"The mermaid is about to wake up, I have to leave here."

Its voice was crisp and pleasant, like a mountain spring flowing through the grass, and like the collision of gems and jade.

After watching Kroya leave the island, it lay down again, and the light wrapped around its body was injected into the earth.

The clouds that made up the island gathered towards it at a very fast speed, and finally merged into its body.

The figure of the dragon was like invisible and immaterial mist, disappearing in the golden sunlight and sea breeze.

However, before the island disappeared, some small things fell down, and landed exactly in the group of sea dolphins.

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