I'm a mage, what's wrong with loving farming?

Chapter 132 The Possibility of an Artificial Mage

Chapter 132 132. The possibility of artificial mage

"Hanjiao Island exchanges labor for living materials."

Jamie's voice came out steadily: "There is indeed something you need to do now, shovel the snow."

“All you have to do is put the snow into the pool in front of this high-rise building, and this snow will be your daily water use when you live here.

Use this water for cooking, bathing and drinking. "

He glanced below and made a rough estimate in his mind: "There are 630 people in total, divided into six teams, and each team gets its own water resources by shoveling snow.

Remember, if one person in the team is inactive, the supply of supplies for the entire team will be reduced by half.

And we will reconsider whether we can settle down on Hanjiao Island. "

This was Croya's order conveyed by Rob.

There is so much snow now, and there is nothing messy in the snow. It will not be too clean, but it can be used after sedimentation and filtration.

You must know that these are all fresh water resources, and they must not be able to use much.

It's not too much to store the rest, and it's not too difficult. It's just right to train the obedience of these serfs who have just arrived here.

As long as they can adapt to the rules and life on Hanjiao Island and integrate into it in the future, of course it will be a matter of course.

What's more important is that this model of team-driven individuals can effectively avoid the emergence of a single person who likes to be lazy and eventually bring down the entire team.

When the entire group is working hard to do one thing, even if they want to be lazy and slippery, they will be driven forward.

This is the power of belonging to a collective team.

When Jamie said these words, the serfs really didn't care much at first.

Use water or not...at worst, just go outside and get some snow to use. After all, there is no concept of clean or unclean.

But when I finally heard that I couldn’t settle down on Hanjiao Island...

They immediately became anxious.

With such an environment outside, where can they go if they leave here? It is estimated that they will be swallowed up by the wind and snow before they go very far. Even if they can reach the territory of other lords, there will definitely be no one to accept them.

Their own food is not enough. If there are outsiders, they will fight and fight.

A more courageous old man who had worked as a mercenary outside couldn't help but ask: "Master Mage..."

"Don't call me Lord Mage!" Jamie immediately interrupted him seriously: "On the entire Hanjiao Island, only the lord can be called Lord Mage! You can just call me Jamie!"

Just kidding, when he heard this call, he almost got goosebumps. If the other apprentices heard him being called like this, they would be surprised if they didn't challenge him for a duel.

"Lord Jamie."

The gray-haired old mercenary was also lucky enough to meet some big shots. He immediately accepted his kindness and said clearly: "Then can we find someone to form a team ourselves?"

"Of course not."

Jamie shook his head: "Next, we will randomly form a team. After the team is formed, until you leave this high-rise building, you cannot exit unless you die."

"You have to work hard. As long as you follow the plan, everyone can live well."

Rob had already told him that he must not let these people he knew form a team, as there might be people who wanted to cause trouble.

More people will make you bolder.

In order to avoid this situation, we can only randomly disrupt the team before forming a team. Although it cannot be completely avoided, it can at least be avoided to some extent.

After saying that, he gave an order.

"Someone, take them out to form a team!"

Immediately, knight apprentices entered the scene and began to randomly take people out and distribute simple clothes and simple tools.

This is the first step for them to integrate here. After they adapt, there will be seabed mining business waiting for them.

Only when everything is completed and fully adapted can one be considered a member of Hanjiao Island.

Croya, who saw all this in the laboratory through King Mu Yaoqu Vine, nodded: "Jamie is becoming more and more presentable."

He looked away from the surveillance circle of Mu Yaoqu Vine King, then glanced at the wind and snow outside, and then returned his gaze to Mir.

After some research, he has determined that these magical powers are resonating with the surrounding environment, and perhaps also resonating with other things.

Because he found several strange little dots in these magic powers, which seemed to be the same source of magic power.

It felt like... like a radar.

Detecting changes in the surrounding environment.

And as time goes by, these strange little dots are getting closer and closer.

"Did Seleu bring your friend here?"

Croya could only make this conjecture. Otherwise, could it be said that a moving space rift was approaching Hanjiao Island?

That... is a bit too outrageous.

After hearing Croya's inquiry, Mir scratched his hair in confusion: "I just have a vague feeling that a being who is very close to me is approaching."

"If that's the case, I guess they are your friends." Croya thought for a moment and suddenly asked: "Would you like to be the caregiver of my apprentices and go for a walk outside?"

In fact, he had already had this idea.

With his continuous supply of resources, these mage apprentices and knight apprentices have actually achieved basic combat effectiveness, even approaching first-level mages and knights.

Croya has always admired teamwork, so he specially taught the mage apprentices the method of "cleansing the essence and cutting the marrow" of the knights, hoping that they could grow and cooperate together.

Comradeship is definitely one of the strongest relationships.

But on Hanjiao Island, it was too difficult to have a truly difficult training, so he considered whether he could let them go out to exercise.

It's just that although he has made some magic tools that can live in such an icy and snowy environment, he still lacks someone who can take care of them.

A person with experience and sufficient strength.

Mir was the best candidate he was looking for - he had lived in the Stardust Circus for a long time, so his experience was certainly rich enough, and as a torturer, he also had enough magic power.

There should be no problem in moving around Hanjiao Island.

Hearing Croya's question, Mir was stunned for a moment, "Me?"

"But if I leave here, will I be arrested, and I won't have much power..."

He was clearly uneasy.

"So this is what I mentioned before. If you can't mobilize the magic power in your body, then I can help you find a way."

Croya took out a young grapevine.

It is very young, only four or five centimeters long at most, and has a translucent luster, like a work of art made of crystal.

"Lord Croya..." Mir seemed to take a deep breath, his eyes filled with a look of death.

"As long as you can accept my brothers and sisters, I am willing to dedicate all my magic power to you, you can absorb it as you like!"

After saying that, he closed his eyes.

Croya: "???"

After a brief moment of confusion, he immediately understood what this guy meant - maybe he thought he was going to use the magic field vines to drain his magic power.

Suddenly he shook his head helplessly.

"Who do you think I am?" He said sternly: "I want this thing to take root in your scar, so that you can draw magic power from it at any time.

Since you can't use those magic powers directly, is it possible to transform them? "

In fact, he has already experimented with this.

There is extremely pure magic power in Mir's scars. As long as the magic field grapevine takes root, it can be completely absorbed and transformed into usable magic power.

To be honest, he had considered using them as humanoid self-propelled magic crystals, allowing some offensive magic plants to take root in them and launch attacks when necessary.

But after thinking about it carefully he began to give up.

Because he considered that it was a bit weird to just use people as magic crystals, and in any case, it was not as flexible as when people released magic by themselves.

A mage who can release magic by himself, no matter what the environment, is better than a somewhat dull magic plant - a magic plant that can communicate may also work, but how can he have so many of these magic plants?

Therefore, he could only find a way to filter the magic power in the scars and re-transmit it to the victims like Mir.

If this experiment can succeed, it will be equivalent to creating a mage with nearly infinite magic power. Even if he can only learn some low-level magic, it will definitely be an excellent help.

"That's what I planned to do..."

In order for Mir to accept it, his attitude was unprecedentedly kind.

The latter quickly understood what Croya meant.

Without thinking much, he nodded directly: "Lord Croya, I do!"

Mir clenched his fists: "I also want to become a mage!"

God of Magic, they have suffered countless crimes because of the identity of this tortured person, but they never thought that they could control this power and become a real mage.

If Croya can really help him do it, then he will be absolutely loyal to Croya until the end of his life.

Seeing him like this, Croya nodded with satisfaction, and then said, "Okay, I'll start trying."

"Okay!" Mir closed his eyes again.

Croya first looked at the magic field grapevine in his hand. It was a very small branch that had been engraved with the magic of splicing broken limbs.

In his mind, he planned to let the magic field grapevine take root into the crack, and then reach the cyclone where ordinary magicians hold magic power through the blood vessels in Mir's body.

Let the grapes it produces replace these cyclones to provide Mir with magic power - it is an elemental magic plant in itself, an incorporeal existence, and can naturally enter Mir's body.

Of course this process will be very painful.

This kind of alien thing advances inside the body, and eventually expands into a cyclone, which is absolutely unbearable pain.

He had already informed Mir, but the latter said that he had experienced many experiments and tortures.

This pain is nothing at all.

Only Croya can do this to have a certain possibility of success.

If it were done by someone else, they would certainly not be able to accurately guide the Demon Field Grapevine to the location of Mir's cyclone, nor would they be able to control it from wandering around.

But Croya can.

Although the astral body imprinting technique cannot work on humans, he can control the progress of the magic field grape vines based on the flow of blood vessels and meridians in his body.

Even though humans can’t see it, the magic field grape vines can always be seen.

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