I'm a mage, what's wrong with loving farming?

Chapter 133 Angel: This is the right way

Chapter 133 133. Angel: This is the right way

"Then let's get started."

After filtering out all distracting thoughts, Cloya picked up the Magic Field Grapevine and communicated with its consciousness.


The Magic Crystal Grapevine trembled slightly, indicating that it was ready.

Cloya carefully inserted it into Mir's wound, and the Magic Field Grapevine immediately began to absorb the magic power inside and extend its roots into it.

It began to expand within a few breaths, and soon covered Mir's wound, fitting perfectly, as if there was a glowing decoration behind it.

At the same time, it began to slowly enter the blood vessels near Mir's wound through Cloya's control. As an elemental magic plant, it can shrink to a point where it is almost unnoticeable.

It stands to reason that there will be no problems such as blocked blood vessels.

But even so, Mir still had a strong rejection reaction-his body temperature began to rise, and he began to have obvious spasms and convulsions.

"Hmm." Mir clenched his teeth, and his veins bulged.

This situation was expected, and Cloya had already prepared a backup plan.

"You have to be patient." Cloya waved to the Orpheus Swan Flute Tree and poured the power of the Serenade into Mir's body.

The music formed a chain of notes, which revolved around Mir's body and played a tune that made people calm.

This is harmony and sharing.

Cloya was using his magic to share his pain.

It is better for two people to bear it than for one person. He has a high tolerance for pain and does not feel too uncomfortable.

The Orpheus Swan Flute Tree immediately passed magic to Cloya, acting as a magic amplifier.

With the addition of the Orpheus Swan Flute Tree, the music echoed in the laboratory and soon touched the thick potato next to it.

This thick potato has already harvested a batch, and new potatoes are growing. It has been there honestly, and it does not look like a product of the blessing of the Earth Mother Goddess.

After it felt the painful music, it actually began to probe into the music and conveyed a sense of tolerance and expectation.

It was like... expecting to pass on the pain to it.

Kloya felt its consciousness.


He frowned and glanced at it, and tried to send out a magic power, so that it could also "enjoy" the pain caused by the body's rejection reaction.

As a result, the thick potato was actually happy to do it.

Its consciousness was transmitted-


"I will bear the pain."

Along with the consciousness, it extended its magic power, mixed with a trace of golden green magic power, and actively connected to the magic torrent constructed by the Orpheus Swan Recorder Tree.

"The power of the Earth Mother?"

Kloya, who felt this power, was slightly stunned, and then tried to share more pain with it, but it really didn't refuse at all and accepted it all.

It even reflected a strange spiritual fluctuation, like the vast earth, full of heavy and indescribable kindness.

It took the initiative to join the music of the Orpheus Swan Flute Tree.

Under the influence of this spiritual fluctuation, not only was Mir's pain eliminated, but the crack on his back was gradually calming down.

Under such comfort and care, Mir collapsed directly and fell asleep, with a very comfortable expression on his face.

"What's going on?" Kloya was surprised: "The power of the Mother Earth is actually effective for the scars of these prisoners?"

This was indeed something he had not expected.

Could it be that because the veins are in the earth, and then they get this disease in the veins, it will work.

He felt that his guess was very likely, and he could even extend it a little bit - could this also be a curse from the earth?

Just like the curse of the goddess of wealth that he had seen before.

In order to verify his guess, he pondered for a moment and ordered the Wood Yao Qu Teng King: "Take out the third bottle in my cabinet!"

The latter immediately stretched out the vines and took out a bottle filled with golden green divine power.

"Open it!"

As soon as the words fell, a golden portal suddenly formed in the air beside him, and the angel flew out from it with wings flapping.

He came directly to the thick earth potato.

His fingers gently stroked the leaves of the latter, and whispered: "Mother Earth has fallen asleep, and her pain and anxiety have affected the magic of the etheric world and the mineral veins of the present world.

Little plant blessed by her~ Please accept her pain and help her to soothe all the anxiety...

In this way, I will take care of you.

In this way, you are good."

As the angel's aria-like tune, the bottle held by the King of Mu Yao Qu Teng opened silently, and the power of the Mother Earth inside rushed towards the thick earth potato under the control of the angel.

At the same time, the angel looked at Cloya.

"Lucky friend, friend illuminated by the sun... Please give me the pearl."

He stretched out his hand.

"Hmm? Pearl?" Kloya was still thinking about the news that the Earth Mother Goddess was actually asleep. It took him a second to realize that He was referring to the pearl that Robert had given him not long ago.

"Here you go."

He took out the pearl and it immediately floated towards the angel.

After the latter took it, he lowered his head and said to the pearl: "Asleep in the sea, you have gathered countless magic powers..."

The angel ran his fingers over the pearl.

The outer shell of the pearl began to melt instantly, and a small four-leaf clover appeared inside.

The four-leaf clover flew into Croya's hand as soon as it appeared. It had a smooth, crystal-like texture.

"Lucky friend, this belongs to you...please learn this sky magic." The angel also flew over and kissed Croya gently on the forehead.

There was a gentle stream of information flowing into his consciousness.

It was a magic, a magic that could only be activated with the power of the Mother Earth Goddess.

It's called...acceptance.

When Croya finished reading the function of this magic, his expression suddenly became a little complicated, and he asked the angel: "Why do you give me this magic?"

"Do you need me to meet any conditions before you can give me magic?"

The angel looked at Croya. This time he did not pretend to be stupid or remain silent. A dazzling light suddenly appeared in his pupils.

It seems to be in the shape of a mushroom.

With this light, like the finishing touch, he suddenly became extremely agile, exuding a strong aura of compassion and sadness.

He made a voice: "Fortunate people, people illuminated by the sun... You are on the right path, different from the Ark. May this knowledge be able to give you some help."

After saying this, the light in His eyes gradually disappeared.

It returned to that beautiful, but angelic image without any radiance.

He acknowledged that He was the Ark. Then things can be connected in series.

"I see."

Croya murmured to himself: "In the notes, the Ark relies on the power of the sky, and the people living in it will always enjoy beauty and tranquility."

To be honest, he already felt something was wrong when he read this story. The world is constantly moving forward, and if it remains unchanged, it will eventually be eliminated.

Relying on the power of Kong Yao to enjoy forever, the world inside may be a pool of stagnant water, and may even go to extremes and cause some turmoil.

This is probably the truth behind the crash of the Ark.

On the contrary, what Croya is doing is always moving forward - helping the magic plants evolve, helping the monsters evolve, and even helping people and the tortured.

From bad to good.

Compared with Ark's immutability, this should be the right way, the way forward.

What it means is that as long as Cloya continues to do this, it will provide knowledge and help.

"To be recognized like this by Ark, I'm pretty awesome." Croya smiled proudly.

If you think about it carefully, it is true: the magic plants and magic beasts he transformed are already brand new species, and they are indeed changing and evolving.

Presumably Fang Zhou would feel quite complicated when he saw him doing this.

"But why did He call me lucky, illuminated by the sun?"

"Could it be that He saw my rainbow poem?"

"Then what is luck... Well, speaking of it, I am indeed quite lucky so far."

These are the things he can't think of anyway. The amount of information is really too little.

Without thinking much, he first stopped the magic field grapevine, then stood up and walked to the thick potato, and began to imprint the new magic he had just learned on it.

[Successful engraving, thick soil potato (acceptance and operation)]

[During a certain period of time when magic is cast, it can accept all the power coming from the outside world and transform it into the corresponding magic. 】

[This magic requires the divine power of the Mother Earth to be cast. 】

"You cast this magic." Croya gently touched the thick potato and placed the four-leaf clover that appeared in the pearl on its leaves.

The four-leaf clover began to melt the moment it came into contact with the leaves, and the huge power began to be integrated into Hou Tutu's body.

It is not a magic plant, but a magic-containing treasure similar to a magic crystal, with naturally formed magic inside.

It's a magic called "emotional soothing".

This power is greater than the power reserve of the Orpheus Swan Recorder Tree, and it contains a very special gentle power.

Soon, Hou Tu Ya absorbed all these powers.

A new reminder came——

[The current "acceptance and operation" of Hoututu has changed and changed to: the fruit of Hoututu's soul. 】

[It will be able to accept the pain of life on the earth, breed and accommodate it within its own fruit. 】

[After the fruit matures, these painful emotions can be separated. 】

[This magic engraving is an exclusive effect. 】

"The fruit of the soul, I didn't expect that a thick potato like you could be so powerful."

Croya praised it a few words and watched it absorb the painful, potato-like fruit that was growing.

"Potato of the soul? Ha, I really want to see how mature you are."

He laughed dumbly, shook his head and returned to Mir, continuing the "operation".

This time it went quite smoothly. Since Hoututu absorbed all of Mir's pain, the rejection reaction seemed to be much less.

About ten minutes later, the magic crystal grapevine successfully arrived at Mir's cyclone location.

It absorbs the magic power from Mir's scar through its roots and begins to bear fruit, providing Mir with magic power instead of the cyclone.

"Phew." Croya wiped his sweat.

Having come to this step, 90% of the work has been done. The only thing left is whether Mir can successfully mobilize this magic power.

Thanks to No. Q Xiao, Xue Shao Cheng Chun Tian, ​​Tian Wan Zhao, Shu You 201709272335053791, Fei Xiang Shooter, Bing Liang 11, Jin Peng Nian for their monthly tickets and the recommendation tickets from all the big guys. Thank you very much!

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