I'm a mage, what's wrong with loving farming?

Chapter 134 134 Happy Little White Mouse

Chapter 134 134. The cheerful white mouse

"You give it a try."

Croya awakened Mir directly with water.

The latter opened his eyes drowsily and woke up instantly.

"Wake up." Croya said to him: "Just release a magic spell first."

Mir's excited heart and trembling hands.


"I'll do it right away!"

What he chose to unleash was the fire ring technique that he was best at - in the circus, monsters and people would crawl around in the fire ring.

When he tried to mobilize his magic power, what he felt was not the painful tearing sensation from the scar, but an extremely smooth flow of magic power, as if it came naturally.

The grapes growing from the Demonic Field Grapevines gush out and pass through the Demonic Field Grapevines to his fingertips.

"It's really possible! Master Croya, it's really possible!"

The magic quickly took shape.

The crimson flame danced, stretched out, and soon turned into a round ring of flame, more than one meter high.

There is a hot and dazzling light inside the laboratory.

"Sir..." Mir wanted to say something excitedly.

Croya shook his head: "Try to cast a few more magics."

The fire circle technique was something he already knew, so it couldn't explain anything. Only when he could perform magic that he couldn't perform normally would the transformation be successful.

In fact, Croya has always felt strange about the magic of the Mir Society. The fire circle technique actually requires very high control over magic power because it requires continuous magic power output.

The advanced version of this magic, the Fire Wall Technique, is also level four, and it clearly states in it that it requires strong control over magic power in order to learn it.

So he really doesn't understand what kind of logic it is. There are too few samples and there is no way.


Mir struggled for a while, an embarrassed expression flashed across his face, and his fingers flew like butterflies.

There was a colorful halo of light gathering between his fingers. This kind of light was very familiar to Croya. It was clearly rainbow-colored light.

Judging from this casting gesture and magic power fluctuation...

The rainbow-colored halo instantly shattered into countless pieces after taking shape, flying in the air and turning into colorful butterflies, flapping their wings and flying.

Every time the wings flutter, colorful phosphorus powder will be scattered around, forming a series of bizarre pictures. Some are endless seas of clouds and deep underwater abyss, and some are endless flower fields growing on volcanic lava...

The visual effects that illusions can create are indeed much more exaggerated than other magics.

"So what you want to learn is illusion magic."

Croya stretched out his finger and touched one of the butterflies. The butterfly was immediately soaked in magic, and rising flames appeared on its body, transforming into a noble and beautiful phoenix in the flames.

It danced merrily around.

This was created based on the image of the phoenix in his previous life. He had never seen what the phoenix in this world looked like.

Mir scratched his hair and said sheepishly: "When I was at the circus, I wanted to use these illusions to appease my friends, but I never succeeded.

Now I can succeed, thanks to you! "

Croya nodded: "Since you want to learn illusion magic, I have several second-level magics here, so study hard.

Also, you must learn these magics properly so that when you take them out, you can ensure that none of them will die. "

He carefully selected some magics from the spell books brought by the original owner. These first- and second-level magics were just right for Mir.

The third-level and fourth-level magic from the Mage Lords Alliance was still a bit early for him.

Besides, the contract with the Lords Alliance still needs to be abided by, which is different from the association.

Of course, Mir immediately followed Croya's instructions and started to go back to research and study with a pile of parchment given by the former.

Being a mage has always been his dream.

Now that he finally has hope, he will definitely seize every opportunity to study seriously.

Croya watched him leave, looked at the thick potato plant that had grown a black fruit, pondered for a moment and picked it.

He held it in his hand and looked at it carefully.

Since it is a demonic plant, it must have a star spirit body.

What he saw was a...painful face.

Although it is composed of simple black lines, it can be seen that it is Mil's face.

"This kind of astral spirit body has never been seen before."

He reached for a small knife and began to break down the palm-sized potato.

It's not an elemental magic plant. How can it bear pain? And what will happen if you eat this fruit?

The knife made of golden metal gently scratched the skin of the thick potato, and immediately made an incision.

Inside it was... black.

Underneath the intact peel is the rotted pulp, which is filled with a liquid inside the fruit.

It exuded an indescribable stench, and just after smelling it a little bit, Croya felt that his nose was almost no longer his own.


"Does this still count as taking care of your own children?"

Croya added a magic spell on his nose before complaining: "I remember that the Earth's Membrane obviously allows you to give birth to more fruits better.

Will your fruit not cry? "

The thick potato shook its leaves. After being irrigated by these magic powers, its IQ and mental strength have obviously improved a lot.

It can even express its protest:

"No, this is not a fruit."

"If it is not a fruit, what is it, your tumor? And isn't this called the fruit of the soul?" Kloya continued to ask.

Now the thick potato could not answer, but it just said that this was not a fruit.

Kloya did not care much, and took out the black liquid with the magic hand and put it in the magic crystal bottle beside.

He felt that he really needed a kind of... white mouse that could be used for experiments casually, otherwise he would not be able to experiment with such unknown items.

After thinking for a while, he took out the Holy Spring Crystal Card: "Let's buy it from the Holy Spring Chamber of Commerce."

After searching the list of products in the Holy Spring Chamber of Commerce, he found a third-level magic beast, the magic crystal white mouse.

The appearance of this white mouse is crystal clear, and you can clearly see its internal organs and everything it swallows, and it also has a very strong self-purification ability.

No matter what they eat, as long as they are not poisoned to death on the spot or exceed their tolerance, they can slowly excrete it.

This special ability comes from the environment they were born in -

According to the introduction, this kind of magic crystal white rat originally came from a plane that was on the verge of destruction, and they evolved into this appearance in order to adapt to the environment.

And they have also adapted to swallowing all kinds of strange things.

If they are really fed with ordinary food, they are not adapted.

Because of this characteristic, they are the most recommended by the Holy Spring Chamber of Commerce, and they are used as experimental subjects for mages to experiment with various magic potions and unknown substances.

"Then let's do this, one thousand magic crystals and ten..."

He chose to buy this kind of magic crystal white rat. With the words of thanks from the intellectual female voice of the Holy Spring Chamber of Commerce, ten short-tailed white rats of almost the same size immediately appeared in the Holy Spring spout.

Their appearance looks like a sculpture carved from white crystal, and you can clearly see the various organs in the body, and those organs are also crystal clear.

Not only are they not scary, but they also have a kind of weird beauty.


The magic crystal mice immediately ran over after discovering Croa, and swaggered up along the latter's trouser legs.

Each of them was extremely brave, and there was no fear at all.


It was the first time that Croa encountered such a thing.

He did not stop these little white mice, but just used the astral body imprinting technique to check, and found that their astral bodies were actually golden.

This gold was not the kind of sacred gold, but excitement and joy.

It seemed that there was no other emotion in their world at all, and even the consciousness transmitted was-

"Wow, it's a new environment!"

"Ah, the Holy Spring Chamber of Commerce's monster cultivation plane is too boring."

"This human smells so good, he is warm!"

The voices of the magic crystal mice were also full of joy and happiness, crawling around Croa, but it didn't make people feel disgusted, because they were really just pure joy.

For the joy of coming to a new place, for the warm magic joy on Croa's body... extremely simple emotions.

They were just some white mice, but they were cute.

Just like people who love to laugh, most normal people would not have much malice when they saw them.

Even Cloya, who was particularly sensitive to the sound of emotions, could not think of using them for experiments.

Because they were really too happy, so happy that he felt that his mood became happy.

This pure and happy emotional sound made him feel that he had made some progress in the second chapter.

He reached out and grabbed a magic crystal white mouse, which made a cheerful "chi chi" sound, looking left and right, as if asking if there was anything to eat for it.

"...Okay, then you try it."

Cloya took the crystal bottle over, dripped a drop of black liquid, and fed it to the little white mouse.

The latter couldn't wait to eat the black liquid, and the drop of liquid visible to the naked eye slid down its esophagus.

Its body twitched twice, and then made a more excited "chi chi" sound.

It even couldn't wait to get into the bottle and drink it directly.


Why is it happy again?

Kloya looked at its astral body curiously and found a black spot in the golden astral body.

That represents the emotion of pain.

It stands to reason that if ordinary people were given this kind of experience, they would definitely feel uncomfortable for a long time.

But it was different for the Magic Crystal White Rat.

"Wow, so refreshing!"

"Such a comfortable pain!"

"I want more, more!"

This is the sound of consciousness transmitted by its astral body. For it, this kind of pain seems to stimulate pleasure.

The more painful, the happier.

Kloya stared at it and suddenly thought... Is this also a desire for evolution?

Can I engrave a magic for it?

This thing seems to be able to absorb any negative emotion and digest it quickly, unlike the thick potato which can only absorb the pain of the earth.

If I observe too many emotional sounds in the future, I may also need this method to relieve it.

Isn't it a perfect comfort... rat.

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