I'm a mage, what's wrong with loving farming?

Chapter 137 137 Don’t Treat Me Specially

Chapter 137 137. Don't give them special treatment

It took only five minutes from the time the prisoners were brought into the castle to the time they were taken out of the castle.

The sweet taste of honey tea even echoed in their mouths. The warmth had not yet disappeared, and they had to endure the wind and snow outside.


Accompanied by the whistling wind, they were a little uneasy in their hearts. They were doubting what had just happened.

Did they anger the lord?

Was he dissatisfied with them?

Was they... going to be expelled from the island?

Humans are such complicated animals. If Croa had agreed to their surrender and loyalty just now, I'm afraid they would have some doubts.

Now they have been "driven" out, and they are worried about gains and losses.

Especially after the warm environment and the nourishment of honey tea, they entered such an environment again. The strong contrast made them feel even more uneasy.

They walked on the ground that had been swept clean, but they didn't notice these abnormal situations at all, and they were a little dazed for a while.

One of the teenagers who played a clown in the circus thought for a long time and gritted his teeth.

He glanced at the apprentice Jamie who was leading the way in front, approached Ott, and whispered:

"Brother, why don't we run away."

"Anyway, we haven't been caught by that young master yet. As long as we find a place to hide, no one will find us."

His words were actually a little tempting.

Compared to being someone's subordinate, these prisoners with a little strength definitely yearn for freedom more.

When the others heard his words, they immediately looked up, their eyes sparkling.

Waiting for Ott to make a decision.

'How can you be so naive! '

Ott couldn't help but sigh in his heart, looked at him, and patted his shoulder.

The man said in a deep voice: "You think too simply. Without the protection of this wizard, if we dare to show up, we will definitely be caught by the Wizard Association.

Then what will happen, do you know?"

After hearing what he said, the boy's face turned a little pale.

Obviously, this matter is completely unavoidable. If they are really discovered and caught by the Wizard Association, then endless experiments will be waiting for them.

It would be a thousand times more painful than being a subordinate.

Seeing the young man's face suddenly turn pale, Ott comforted him, also to tell the people around him.

"Since we are here, let's take a look first."

"I believe the master of magic should take us in."

"Mir should be here too, can you trouble Yunshe to tell him?"

He looked at the phantom feather cloud snake who had been pretending to be dead.

The latter crawled out of Ouna's clothes helplessly and shook his body in the wind and snow.

"You guys go and live here first, I will ask the lord!"

After saying that, it ran away.

It is true that these are all its friends, but now it is Kloya's pet, and the one it cannot betray the most is its master.

If its actions affect Kloya's plan, there is no hope of finding the tribe in this life.

Besides, it also vaguely knows a little about Kloya's intentions and plans, but it cannot say it clearly. Once it says it clearly, the result may be different.

It is also very uncomfortable.

Just go to your own nest and sleep, hibernate directly!

The prisoners watched it leave in the wind and snow, and they felt a little complicated.

They were all in a circus, and they could vaguely feel that this guy must be hiding something, and he had no bad intentions, but it was inevitable that he felt complicated.

They didn't speak for the rest of the journey, and their steps were very heavy.

After a while, Jamie suddenly said:

"We're here, I'll arrange accommodation for you now."

The mage apprentice pointed to a tall building in the distance.

Everyone looked up and noticed this white building that was almost invisible in the wind and snow.

It stood in the wind and snow, extremely huge, almost like a mountain, but there seemed to be many windows on this mountain.

Under the tall building, there were still many people carrying baskets and pouring the snow in them into the pool in front of the white building, and everyone had a smile on their face.

In the icy and snowy environment, there was a feeling of being in full swing.

The prisoners from the Stardust Circus felt a little uncomfortable when they saw so many people.

Although they saw many people in the circus. But because of their physical condition, they were actually a little panicked when they saw people, fearing that others would look at them as if they were aliens.

However, these busy people just glanced at them a few times, curious, but only a little curious.

Then they moved their eyes away and said to Jamie enthusiastically:

"Lord Jamie!"

"Hello, sir!"


Under Robert's deliberate propaganda, the news that Jamie went from an ordinary orphan to the first apprentice of the Cloya Mage had already spread throughout the Reef Island.

His unattainable status seemed to be broken all of a sudden, letting people know that if they work hard, they also have the opportunity to become a knight apprentice or even a mage apprentice.

It was because of this background that people respected him more and more.

Whatever he ordered, he could basically convey it well.

"Work hard! There will be meat to eat in the evening!"

Jamie smiled and waved his hand.

The so-called meat is of course the big fish caught by the sea dolphins on the seabed. They have formed a group and it is effortless for them to catch big fish.

There is a second-level magic fish called "Giant Bonefish", each of which weighs more than a thousand pounds. After processing, it is enough to give everyone a bowl of steaming fish soup.

And that is the meat of the magic fish. After eating, a weak magic power will enter the body, and there will be no problem in strengthening the body.

That is to say, Cloya can give them meat every three or five days.

When they heard that there was fish soup to drink, everyone licked their lips.


"Then let's work harder!"

"Thank you for the gift of the lord!"

They didn't care to talk anymore, and they worked harder one by one. Whenever there was a little snow piled up, they would sweep it away and pour it into the basket.

Everyone's face was full of hope and joy.

They can eat well and wear warm clothes, and they don't have to worry about any sudden changes in their lives.

Because their lord is a powerful wizard!

This peaceful but fulfilling life makes them full of energy, and they can't wait to join the Hanjiao Town.

The prisoners witnessed all this and were a little touched.

They are members of the Stardust Circus, and they have been to many places, but they have never seen such people and such an environment.


Jamie took them directly into the high-rise building, pressed a few times on a small magic device at the entrance, and seventeen cards immediately fell out of it.

There are only simple numbers on it-from 701 to 717.

"Here, this is your room card, you can go to the seventh floor to find the room number."

"You can rest for a day when you come here today, and then go to the back to collect your own living supplies, and start working tomorrow."

Just saying this very simply, Jamie handed the card to them and left directly.

There was no special treatment for them at all, just the same arrangement as everyone else.

This arrangement made them all a little overwhelmed - we have magic, right? Why don't you assign us other jobs?

But they didn't know what was going on. When they held the room cards, an idea suddenly came to their minds: Is this okay?

Just be an ordinary person, don't be treated specially, and be able to earn money and materials with your own abilities...

"Maybe this is really a brand new life?"

As soon as this thought came up, they clenched the room cards in their hands and followed their companions towards the stairs with expectation.

The pace was unprecedentedly brisk.


All this was in Cloya's plan.

He knew very well that for these people with different bodies, too much special treatment might make them feel uncomfortable.

Just like many people don't actually need extra care and attention, just treat them as ordinary people.

Too many special eyes will make them feel uncomfortable.

All they need to do is let them experience the special environment of Hanjiao Island, and then let Mir go to see them when appropriate.

Slightly reveal that the scars have been solved and that they can control magic to become a mage.

If there is no major change, they can basically be conquered.

He thought, stretched out his hand to grab the magic crystal white mouse beside him, and stared at it.


If he felt correctly just now, the green power released by the olive elf seemed to involve the concept of "peace".

"Peace" wiped out the magic riot in the cracks of their wounds.

Could it be that there was something nearby that caused the changes in their wounds?

Kloya sat and thought for a while, and put the magic crystal white mouse and the olive elf aside.

Then he picked up the small and exquisite anthropomorphic cat statues that had been carved next to him.

These statues were all made of gold, and the patterns and magic cores of the golems were engraved inside.

He even referred to the patterns in the star body of the clock golem.

Now all that's missing is to get a layer of artificial magic tree skin on the outside and perform the final enchantment, and these palm-sized golems can be put into use normally.

This is one of the life-saving items he prepared for his apprentices to go out and explore, and it is filled with magic suppressed by the quiet serenade.

As long as he threw it out, it would be equivalent to him personally casting an explosive fire magic, which was definitely enough to deal with most things.

He really needed to know the situation outside.

Now that the protectors he found for the apprentices had arrived, this matter should be put on the agenda.

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