I'm a mage, what's wrong with loving farming?

Chapter 138 138 Pit Lord, Miner Infected by Fungus

Chapter 138 138. Pit Lord, Miner Infected by Fungus

After confirming that it was done, Croya picked up the bark of the simulated magic tree on the side.

It still has that slippery texture, but it feels like stroking people's skin when you hold it in your hand. It feels really weird to the touch.

The so-called "Fake Demonic Tree" can not only disguise itself as human skin, but can also disguise itself as the skin of many other creatures.

For example...


Croya poured her magic into it while imagining what the blue cat looked like.

The small piece of simulated magic tree bark immediately began to ripple, and finally turned into a piece of skin with tiny blue cat hairs.

At first glance, it looks like it was peeled off a cat, and even feels a little warm to the touch.

"It's really amazing. Can any skin be imagined like this?"

Cloya took it and looked at it, then stuck it on the golden cat sculpture, and it immediately stuck on tightly.

Then came the second and third pieces.

Each time a piece is attached, as long as the two are next to each other, they will immediately merge and become a single piece without any trace of splicing.

Soon a blue cat took shape.

Cloya also left a little bit of white on its belly that looked like a pocket.

So far 90% has been completed.

All that's left is the eyes...

He took out two polished round turquoise gems, put them into the cat golem's eyes one after another, and finally poured the magic power into them.

The golem actually blinked, looking extremely alive.

It jumped up nimbly and rubbed against Croya's wrist. The sound-producing magic pattern built into it even imitated the sound of a cat.


It was a long-drawn-out cry with a bit of cuteness.

Anyone who likes cats will probably not be able to resist hearing this kind of meow.

"Well, that's fine."

Croya looked at the golem in the form of a blue cat that he had created with great satisfaction.

He added a little bit of the "soul solution" purchased from the Holy Spring Chamber of Commerce into the core golem pattern in the cat's body.

This soul solution is one of the most critical items for making a magic tower spirit. The tower spirit needs to be soaked in this solution, and then infused with the knowledge of a magician, in order to become an all-powerful tower spirit capable of handling all matters.

In other words, this is actually a special solution that can make dead objects produce weak intelligence.

When he calculated this solution before, it would cost one thousand magic crystals to purchase ten milliliters.

But when I asked again not long ago, it became that one hundred magic crystals can buy ten milliliters.

After questioning, he learned that this soul solution was actually an item sold by the mages in his Alliance of Mage Lords.

There are very exaggerated discounts for people in the alliance.

So he immediately bought two bottles without hesitation, planning to make a batch of golems for observation first. If the effect was really good, he would start making the tower spirits.

Of course, there are requirements for such favorable prices.

After Croya finished making the twelve blue cat golems, he put them aside and took out the Holy Spring Crystal Card.

Contacted a lord named "The Pit".

He quickly replied and invited to meet directly. Croya did not refuse and chose to meet in the deep blue fantasy world.

Along with the flow of water from the holy spring.

A moment later, still in the endless snow-capped mountains, a very peculiar cabin appeared in front of him, with various prey furs and heads hanging on it.

Each of those heads had a ferocious look, and even the only heads left exuded an extremely terrifying aura, an evil and violent aura.

Croya glanced at them.

Devil, this is definitely the head of a devil.

Although it is a common little devil, this thing is really rare in the world of the main plane. Generally speaking, it only appears in places where there is communication with the lower plane.

Could it be that this "pit" lord is a lord in an area that intersects with the lower plane?

It was an absolute hell territory.

Let alone development, we have to do our best not to be pushed away by the devil.

He took a deep look at the demon heads, stretched out his hand and pushed open the door of the cabin. As the sound of "squeaking" sounded, the situation inside the house came into view.

There were actually two people inside!

One of them is a young man wearing obviously exotic clothes. He is very cool and probably has a skirt armor in a key position.

The other one is a tall man with short black hair and scars on his face. He looks heroic but murderous.

He was drinking water from a silver cup,

"It's Master Hanjiao!" The young man saw Croya and smiled: "The one we contacted, my name is Hui Sha."

"Oh. You are Master Hui Sha. Nice to meet you." Croya also smiled and looked at the other person calmly. It was indeed similar to what he imagined.

Should be the lord of the tropical desert.

At this time, the tall man had also drank all the water in the cup, put it down casually, and said to Croya: "It's our first time meeting, so I'll tell you the truth."

"Mage of the Pit, please speak." Croya nodded.

"Do you have the kind of magic plant that can heal pain? I heard that your territory is close to the mermaid sea. The mermaid tribe is the best at healing spiritual pain."

"Healing the pain, are you talking about the ability to heal the pain of the soul?"

"Yes." The Pit Lord suddenly slapped his head: "You still don't know my territory, right? My territory is near the Yavanna Sacred Mine."

Croya's expression changed a little when he heard the words "Yavanna Holy Mine". That place is one of the largest magic crystal mines in the entire continent, and it is also the main magic crystal supply area of ​​the Kingdom of Norland.

The most important thing is...the victims he is accepting now come from there.

The territory is near the Yavanna Sacred Mine. This... this is such a huge fat gap. A little bit of the magic crystal inside will be enough to make you fat.

"It seems that you know about the Yavana Holy Mine, but you don't know that the current situation of the Holy Mine is not very good."

The Pit Mage sighed: "There were some cultists over there who sacrificed the miners in the mine, and received a response from the Sindakla of the Abyss."

He picked up something nearby and handed it to Croya.

The latter took a closer look and found that it was actually a head covered with mushrooms and various spores. Although his expression was distorted, it could still be seen that he was laughing with joy.

It was as if he was enjoying a feast of boundless bliss.

Full of uncomfortable feelings.

Mage Hui Sha explained from the side: "Abyss Sindakla, that is the territory of an abyss lord. It is filled with all kinds of fungi, from the most basic mushrooms to molds, they all come from her."

Hearing this knowledge that he had never learned before, Croya silently recorded it and planned to go back and write it down.

"So this was eroded by the power of the demon lord summoned by the cultists?"

Croya held back his discomfort and glanced at the mushroom growing on the head again, feeling increasingly uncomfortable.

To be honest, there are three kinds of fungi in his own territory, so he will inevitably pay a little attention to these.

It's a pity that this is not the outside world, and the power of the astral body engraving technique cannot take effect. It is completely unclear what is going on inside these heads. Otherwise, we can study it carefully.

At least you can know the names of these fungi. Once you know the names, it will be easier to deal with them.

Upon hearing his question, the pit lord replied:

"Yes, they just ate the mushrooms growing from the ground at first, and then they became more and more fanatical.

He enthusiastically brought all the surrounding creatures into the mine and let them enjoy the mushroom feast.

But as long as you eat those mushrooms, you will be infected and assimilated by the fungi inside, and become like this.

The Church's Holy Judgment Army and the Mages Association's Aosteel Golem have already entered the mine, but they still cannot prevent their leakage. "

“Someone in my territory was accidentally infected, and saving them requires more than just removing these mushrooms.

And also to awaken them from the painful spiritual dreams provided by these mushrooms.

This level of spiritual magic should only be possible by the mermaid tribe. Only their songs can awaken people from deep hallucinations. "

Having said this, he solemnly promised: "If you, Lord Hanjiao, can help me solve this matter, I am willing to provide you with a soul solution with a purity of A grade."

Croya's heart moved.

A-level soul solution, with this thing, you can start building your own tower spirit.

It's really exciting.

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