I'm a mage, what's wrong with loving farming?

Chapter 140 The ability of the mushroom man

Chapter 140 140. The ability of the mushroom man

"I'm not in the Yavanna Holy Mine..."

The mushroom man repeated this sentence and seemed to have calmed down.

It said to Cloya: "We were originally mushroom people living in the underground city of Modax, but we were captured by the men of the Abyss Lord Zugmoi and transformed into this."

"Our dreams were used by her as a prison to trap our lives. Anyone who eats us will fall into an endless nightmare of pain."

"Well." Cloya recorded it and continued to ask: "Then you said that they are going to attack the main plane through the cracks in the etheric world. Is this news true?"

"Of course it's true!" The mushroom man was a little anxious again: "You are a mage, you should know that if the existence of the lower plane wants to enter the main plane, it needs to follow the principle of equal exchange.

The Lord of the Abyss Zugmoi found a crack in the Ether Realm.

All the humans who died in our dreams will become soul energy for her to build a channel between the planes.

Once she has enough power, she will descend! ”

“She descends to the main plane.”

Hearing this, Kloya couldn't help but wonder: "The knowledge I learned tells me that almost no one in the Ether Realm can find it. If she really has a crack in the Ether Realm, why would she attack the main plane?"

"Wouldn't the endless magic power in the Ether Realm satisfy her?"

Generally speaking, demons want to make trouble in the main plane for the soul, or just for fun.

But if she really has a crack in the Ether Realm and gets some magic power out of it, there will definitely be people rushing to trade.

That's all absolutely pure magic.

Once the purity of magic reaches a certain limit, the price will soar.

Holding the crack in the Ether Realm is equivalent to directly controlling a golden river. Why bother invading the main plane and fighting the church and the Mage Association?

The Mage Association is fine, but if the church can't defeat them, they will really ask for the power of God to come on the spot. It can be said that they beat the young and the old will come.

The mushroom man sighed, and the sigh was very obvious.

"She learned from the prophecy of our God that there is such a rift, and this rift will only appear for a period of time.

That's why she is so eager to invade."

"She wants to spread spores and fungi to the main plane through the power of the etheric world. If she succeeds, the Yavanna Holy Mine will become her territory in the main plane!

That mine... was originally a miracle of the Mother Earth.

She can resist the rejection of the main plane. As long as she can occupy it, she can integrate into the main plane forever."

This is indeed explosive news, which coincides with Kloya's previous speculation.

The Mother Earth is indeed related to the mine.

It seems that the "punishment" of those who were punished is also likely related to the Mother Earth.

But he is getting more and more confused.

"How do you know so much? Are these things a recognized secret?"

A mushroom man, or a randomly captured mushroom man, can know so much. Isn't this world a bit too crazy?

Its knowledge reserve and understanding of secret knowledge are simply outrageous.

If it weren't for the Astral Body Imprinting Technique that could detect that it was not lying, Kloya would have thought that it was deliberately trying to trick him.

The mushroom man replied: "Because she occupied our dreams, we can also peek into some of her thoughts through dreams."

"I see." Kloya nodded, which made sense.

The Abyss Lord invaded the dreams of the mushroom man. As the natives of the dream, it is reasonable for them to peek into some things.

Then he asked more details in detail, including the situation in the Yavanna Holy Mine, their dreams, and how to rescue the infected people.

According to it, this dream is all based on the spiritual consciousness network of the mushroom man, and is spread through mycelium and special channels.

That was a dream of bliss for the mushroom people.

But it was still a dream after all. As long as people felt that it was a dream, they would instinctively resist and want to wake up. After all, the beautiful dreams of the mushroom people were not necessarily beautiful dreams for humans.

"So in the final analysis, it is still a very special spiritual magic. Then... you can try this and see if it works."

Kloya took out the ancient grass fungus that he had asked Mu Yao Qu Teng Wang to take a long time ago, and planned to throw it into the crystal bottle for the mushroom people to experience it.

As a result, just after taking out the ancient grass fungus, the mushroom people's mental fluctuations conveyed an extremely shocked consciousness--

"How did you get this?"

Judging from its reaction, it was obvious that it recognized the ancient grass fungus.

It just so happened that Cloya was also curious about what this thing was, so he continued to ask: "Do you know what it is?"

"Of course I know!"

The mushroom man said: "This is a special species created by a wizard who traveled far in the star sea for our mushroom people. It is said that it is blessed by the Mother Earth.

As long as we live in the environment where it grows, we can enjoy dreams forever, but we will not be addicted to it."

"Then what happened later? How did you lose it?"

"I heard from the elders in the tribe that it was taken to a strange big ship by the King of the Mushrooms at that time, and then disappeared."

Mage, Mother Earth, big ship.

These can basically be connected in series.

No wonder the divine power of the Mother Earth was able to awaken these ancient grass fungi living on the seabed. It turns out that they were originally related to the Mother Earth.

The so-called big ship is probably the Kongyao Ark.

While Croya was thinking, the myconid said again:

"And...if you are willing to hand over this ancient grass fungus to me, I can transfer it into its body and escape from this bondage!"

"When I am freed from bondage, I am willing to help you take care of all the fungi and mushrooms you grow. We myconids have special cultivation methods."

It does sound good, getting the Myconids' allegiance.

But Croya frowned and asked: "What about the original consciousness of the ancient grass fungus? Do you want to swallow it up?"

To be honest, Croya still has a good impression of the consciousness of those ancient grass fungi. These little things that look powerful but are actually pitiful can really arouse people's compassion.

"No, it won't!" The myconid's voice seemed to be a little more respectful, and it said quickly: "It will live with me, and I can take it around. I guarantee it in the name of the god of the myconid, what I said It’s all true!”

This kind of oath made to the gods of one's own race is indeed effective, and it is quite effective.

Croya nodded, but did not act immediately. He extended his consciousness into the astral body of the ancient grass fungus and told it what happened.

In the end, this guy was even more excited than the myconid, so he immediately got up and wanted to rush into the crystal bottle.

Seeing this, Croya could only sigh helplessly.

Then he communicated with the myconid: "It also agreed. How are you going to leave here?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw the fungus inside the bottle trembled violently, began to wither from the inside out, and eventually turned into a puddle of gray, smelly water.

In the smelly water, there is a tiny spore that is almost invisible, floating gently in the bottle.

It sent out a faint consciousness: "Please help me, I have torn the prison apart with my soul."

"..." Croya reached out and used magic power to smash the bottle.

After watching the entire process, he could already confirm that the myconid mushroom was completely dead. Even the astral body was gone. Wasn't it just completely dead?

So there is no need to worry too much.

With a "pop" sound, the green spores inside slowly flew to the ancient grass fungus, and finally integrated into it.

Through the astral body engraving technique, Croya can see that it is indeed not integrated with the consciousness of the ancient grass fungus, but has become an independent existence.

The mycelium belonging to the mycoid seemed to want to grow, but it did not seize the magic power contained in the ancient pasture fungi, but instead tried its best to absorb the magic power emanating from the surroundings.

"Forget it, I'll help you again."

Seeing this, he waved his hand, and the Orpheus Swan Recorder tree on the side immediately surged out a magic power and entered the body of the ancient grass fungus.

This magic power helped it grow rapidly, and soon a brand new, emerald-green mushroom was born. On its cap, it held a small grass and swayed gently.

That is the ancient grass fungus.

They should now have a symbiotic and mutually beneficial relationship.

Needless to say, myconids are indeed quite cute. They look like soft and cute mushrooms that can walk. No wonder they have played supporting roles in various stories.

They are usually friendly mushrooms that help the protagonist overcome difficulties.

"What can you do?" Croya reached out and grabbed the myconid and looked up and down carefully.

He found that the body of this myconid was made of complex mycelium, and it seemed that it was deliberately formed this way.

"Aren't you thinking about how to solve these dreams?"

The myconid actually made a sound.

Its two small hands grabbed the surrounding air a few times, and extremely fine spore dust was sprayed. Then, the air was actually made into a physical object by it.

"I made these using the magic power emitted by ancient grass fungi. As long as the troubled people breathe in this air, they will wake up quickly."

Croya took the ball of air and observed it in his hand.

This is using spore dust to form a shell, wrapping the air inside, and it looks dirty.

He put this thing aside and continued to ask: "Are there any other abilities?"

"I can help you take care of all the fungi."

"I can quickly learn to prepare alchemical potions."

"By the way, I can also help you create a dream. As long as there are my spores, you can communicate with anyone at will."

"Is it okay no matter how far the distance is?" Croya's heart moved slightly.

If he really had this ability, could he build a communication network? In such an era...

Its value is simply inestimable.

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