I'm a mage, what's wrong with loving farming?

Chapter 141 141 Mushroom Network

Chapter 141 141. Mushroom Network

"Of course!"

The mushroom man nodded proudly: "As long as you coexist with my spores, you can share each other's experiences no matter where you are.

This is the way we mushroom people share happiness.

We will not indulge in the past and the future, but only enjoy the present. As long as one mushroom man is happy, we can make the whole tribe happy!"

"Wait." Cloya felt that something was wrong.

Is there no effect on such a powerful ability?

He asked, "You said you want to coexist with your spores? Will there be any harm?"

The mushroom man shook his head in distress: "I will be in a trance."


Then what's the use of this with obvious side effects.

If the person who sneaks into a certain place or the scout is in a trance, then the original effect will not be achieved, let alone more effects.

Cloya was about to complain, but another idea came to his mind-since direct symbiosis will have such harm, what if we use something to transfer it?

But he first had to know the principle and method of the "mushroom network" of the mushroom man, so that he could prescribe the right medicine.

He thought for a while and waved his hand: "White rat come here!"

A magic crystal white rat ran over, curiously looking at the emerald green mushroom man, and also emitted a little golden light to show friendliness.

However, the mushroom man trembled after seeing it.

He immediately hid behind Kroya, and said in a fearful voice: "Master Mage... I, I am afraid of rat people!"

This fear came from its previous living environment. When it was in the dungeon, there were rat people who fed on mushroom people.

Those rat people often came in groups, caught a mushroom man and ran away, and then ate the mushroom man somewhere and feasted on it.

Although the body of the mushroom man is not meat, their taste is better than some meat, thick and delicious.

Those damned ratmen often come to eat their people like this, and not even a spore can escape, causing them to have a shadow on rats.

"Don't worry." Kloya comforted it, pointed at the magic crystal white rat and said, "Give it the spores and try it."

The mushroom man suppressed his fear of the ratmen, walked to the side of the magic crystal white rat, and pressed his hand just behind the white rat's eyes.

If it were a human, it should be the position of the temple.

Its hand extended the hyphae and directly pierced into the temple of the white rat. Through the astral body engraving technique, it can be seen that a green thing directly invaded the brain of the white rat.

After the hyphae pierced in, the mushroom man took the initiative to cut off his hand, and then spurted out a piece of spores, forming a mist.

The voice coming out of it was actually the voice of the white rat——


"Can I speak?"

"Ah, so happy!"

Its voice was still as cheerful as ever, without any uneasiness or defense at all, and it even wanted to rub against the mushroom man, but the latter jumped away immediately.

The magic crystal white rat began to run around like crazy, not caring about anything it bumped its head against, and it was obviously a little mentally abnormal.

"This is the side effect you mentioned." Cloya waved his hand and cast a hypnotic spell, forcing the white rat to fall asleep and then found it in front of him for careful observation.

"This is really magical." Cloya observed carefully and found that these hyphae were deeply embedded in the brain of the magic crystal white rat.

Or it was connected to its nerves.

That's why it can easily and quickly transmit its consciousness and thoughts, but the chaotic magic of the hyphae inevitably entered the nerves.

"If that's the case..."

He thought about how to get rid of this side effect.

The best way is to make a magic tool to filter out chaotic magic, so that only hyphae and nerves can be connected, and chaotic magic will not have any effect.

He can also make such a magic tool to filter magic.

It depends on how effective it is.

"Let's give it a try."

After making this decision, he asked for a section of hyphae from the mushroom man, placed it in the petri dish, and injected magic.

These magic powers catalyzed the chaotic magic contained in it, and soon the petri dish was filled with this magic that confused people's consciousness.

He took out a small crystal and threw it into the petri dish.

At first, these magic powers wanted to drill into the crystal, but as the magic power gradually penetrated, the crystal emitted a very resistant magic power, which directly repelled the chaotic magic of the hyphae outside.

After about ten minutes, when Cloya observed again, no hyphae dared to approach the crystal.

He nodded with satisfaction and picked up the crystal.

This thing is also a very simple thing, called the magic-hating crystal. The effect is actually to resist and disgust the magic power that is in contact with for a long time for the first time.

Generally speaking, it is used by mages to place magic materials to prevent the magic power inside the materials from leaking out.

"Then like this..."

While using his own magic power to feel the characteristics of this magic power, he took up gold and made a small magic device.

It looks like a temple patch.

There are magic patterns carved by him personally, made with anti-magic crystal solution, with the Seven Stars Separation Technique, which can block the corresponding magic power.

At the same time, there is a hole for the mycelium to pass through.

If I think correctly.

"That should be enough." He stretched out his hand to summon another white mouse, placed the magic device on the latter's temple, and then told the mushroom man to continue to use this method.

The mushroom man nodded and extended the mycelium through the magic device. Only the mycelium passed through, and the magic power was strictly blocked outside by the anti-magic crystal.

This time, the magic crystal white mouse behaved very calmly, and it was not as crazy as the last one.

The consciousness transmission was also quite clear, without the slightest blur and confusion.

Seeing this situation, Kloya knew that his attempt should be successful, and he needed to experiment on humans next.

He had already planned the candidates:

Jamie and another knight apprentice named Ryan.

He wanted to test this kind of thing to see if it could work the same on the magic apprentice who trained magic and the knight apprentice who trained the body.

By the way, he also gave Jamie the things he made.

Let them take it back in advance to adapt.


Soon, the mage apprentice Jamie and the knight apprentice Ryan came over respectfully.

The former was fine, as magicians don't need to exercise their bodies, but mainly exercise their meditation abilities.

The latter was sweating profusely, and even had only one piece of clothing under his leather armor. Although it was tidied, it was still a little messy in a hurry.

But his mental state was indeed very good, full of energy, and he looked like someone who was very serious about exercise.

Kloya looked at them.

Jamie often saw him, but Ryan, the knight apprentice, had not seen him a few times, but he heard from Rob that the kid was studying very hard.

Regarding knight matters, Kloya has always delegated power.

Because he himself didn't know much about knights, it was better not to interfere in unprofessional matters.

"Greetings, Master Mage!"

The two knelt down in unison to salute.

"Yes." Kloya nodded casually, picked up the thing he had made, which he named "mushroom stickers", and handed it to the two people.

There were already mycelium buried in it by the mushroom man in advance.

Just get close to the temple, and it will automatically grow and extend into it.

"Stick it here." Croa pointed to his temple, "and tell me how it feels."


The two immediately put the golden sticker on their temples without hesitation.

They felt something piercing their heads, but there was no fear, only expectation.

Because they believed that Croa would not do anything to them.

They were already absolutely loyal to Croa.

"I felt a little tingling... and then I saw a walking mushroom, and it was saying something to me."

Jamie was the first to describe his feelings.

Ryan nodded: "Yes, I have the same feeling."

"Then did you hear each other's voice? Try to say a word in your heart." Croa pointed out.

Ryan said "Brother Jamie" in his heart.

Jamie immediately heard the voice, looked at Ryan in confusion, and replied "Brother Ryan?"

Then the two of them widened their eyes.

This voice actually sounded directly in the mind consciousness, as if their consciousness was connected together.

Both sides were shocked.

"Lord, we can actually hear each other's voices!"

Their voices were filled with disbelief and respect for Kloya.

Compared to their excitement, Kloya was much calmer, he just said "hmm" calmly.

Then he continued: "Then try to think of some pictures."

If there is only sound, there is still a little limitation, but if the picture can be transmitted... it is simply a strategic function.

As long as a spy sneaks in, nothing can be hidden.

After hearing this, the two continued to try.

Ryan thought about the pile of delicious food he saw when he was hungry after training; Jamie thought about the magic points like stars that he thought of when he was meditating.

While they were thinking, Kloya glanced at the spore mist created by the mushrooms next to him-it was the scenery that the two people thought of.

Kloya realized that this thing was a bit powerful.

He then asked the two to make more attempts, such as distance, one inside the castle and the other outside the castle.

In the end, they were able to contact each other smoothly.

He simply expanded the scope gradually, from inside and outside the castle to the island, and finally even let Ryan go to the dock of Hanjiao Island through the space array.

The initial attempt was successful, but later, the picture on Ryan's side suddenly went black.

This made Kroya a little stunned.

What happened, it was disconnected? Was the signal bad, or did something happen to Ryan?

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