I'm a mage, what's wrong with loving farming?

Chapter 144 144 Smart Tower Spirit, Distressed Gray Sand

Chapter 144 144. Smart Tower Spirit, Distressed Gray Sand

Kroya didn't know that the Baron's men were rushing to Hanjiao Island in the snowstorm.

For him, time was passing steadily day by day.

On this day, Kroya was observing the shark soul in the Tower Spirit cultivation pool as usual.

Now the Tower Spirit is his main observation object.

The little shark absorbed the water and soul solution from the River of Hades. Although it was still wrapped with the crystal filaments of the Requiem Crystal, it had gradually begun to leave the center of the vortex.

There was a touch of orange light on the gray-black body.

That was from Kroya's mental power.

The mental power cultivated by the Orange Ode was definitely the most suitable for this little soul that had just been born with consciousness.

It swam carefully in the vortex, as if curious about the surrounding environment, but did not dare to swim around casually.

Kroya could feel that there was a very ignorant consciousness in it, immature, but because of its good foundation, it was much stronger than ordinary people.

According to the description in that method, for this little soul that has just been born with consciousness, some ideas must be instilled in time.

For example...

Kloya picked up a thick book beside him. This book is called "The Art of Magic Manipulation".

It is much more advanced than the book he showed Elena before.

It details the control and sorting methods of various magic powers. It is a must-read for some senior magicians to learn from apprentices.

For Ta Ling, regulating magic power is the foundation of the foundation, and these must be learned.

"The basic magic power is composed of..."

He opened the book and read from the first page.

The words gradually formed a movement with his voice, echoing around.

The shark was still swimming, and when he heard this, he was stunned immediately, looking up at Kloya, with a light flashing in his eyes.

After muttering for a while, Kloya suddenly felt something was wrong, and he looked away.

The shark tower spirit was staring at him, conveying a somewhat immature consciousness——


"I want to control magic!"

"Help me~~~"

After hearing its consciousness, Cloya narrowed his eyes. Could this tower spirit also be considered a kind of magic beast? It seems to have no problems.

If it can be imprinted with magic, then it will be much easier for him, and it can also quickly accept knowledge and grow.

"Try this first."

He began to imprint the first magic on the shark tower spirit——which is also the most basic magic control, but everyone's method and way of manipulating magic are different.

The "magic control" imprinted now is a combination of his understanding of the Seven Stars Imprinting Technique and the Rainbow Poetry, which is his unique magic.

[Imprinting completed, tower spirit (Cloya's magic control)]

[The tower spirit can control all the magic where the soul power extends through the magic channel. ]

[The desire for magic control makes it constantly improve the method of controlling magic, and there is a certain probability of improving this magic. 】

After the imprint was completed, a trace of pure golden sunflower magic suddenly flowed in the magic pipeline connected to the tower spirit cultivation pool.

The magic in the original magic pool almost gathered towards the tower spirit shark in an instant, and finally rotated around the tower spirit in the cultivation pool.

It was like an obedient child, and even formed a golden halo.

It mobilized these magic powers at will, flattened and rounded them, and had a lot of fun.

Kloya: "..."

The effect of this imprint was much better than he imagined. Can it directly control the magic power like this?

"No, it should be the place covered by your soul power." Kloya looked carefully, but found that the shark was composed of not only souls, but also magic power.

That was his magic power.

To be precise, the shark was using the mental power left in its body by Kloya to control the magic power in the magic pool.

You have to know that the magic in the magic pool is produced by the sunflowers with great effort. They originally have the imprint of Croa, and have a natural affinity and obedience to Croa's spiritual power.

So as soon as the shark tower spirit controls them a little, they come over happily.

After thinking clearly why, Croa could only laugh.

"You are quite smart."

To be honest, he still appreciates the shark tower spirit's control. It is to be flexible. If it is very rigid, what is the point of cultivating the tower spirit?

This situation is not bad. When it controls the magic, it is also familiar with Croa's breath, and it will definitely be better controlled in the future.

The shark tower spirit feels his praise and continues to transmit consciousness--

"I don't want to be trapped here."

"I want to leave."

"I want to see the outside."

This request is a little troublesome. The water and soul solution of the River of Hades are mainly used to cultivate its soul so that it can adapt to the environment of the main plane.

If it absorbs all the river water and solution, and then successfully takes the soul-requiting crystal into its body, it can be considered a true tower spirit and can freely shuttle through all the facilities in the Mage Tower.

It's still a little too early now.

But since it wants to, let it see the situation outside.

Kroya glanced at the Wood Yao Qu Teng King: "According to my original design, you connect yourself."

Mu Yaoqu Vine King immediately stretched out a vine and inserted it directly into a crystal socket on the side.

As a being with a monitoring magic eye engraved on it, each of its vines is equivalent to a magic eye that can be extended at any time. Of course, it can also display what the magic eye sees.

When its vines were inserted into the crystal socket, the image transformed by mental power was immediately displayed on the huge crystal screen.

There is a five-meter-wide and two-meter-high crystal screen that is divided into countless independent pictures. Inside, there are pictures of all the areas where the Obsidian Curved Vine King Vine is currently spreading.

There are deep underwater volcanoes, endless air coral bases, fields covered by magic field grape vines, people busy at Jianzi Tower and scenes in Hanjiao Town...

The number of people on Hanjiao Island has already exceeded the thousand-and-five-year mark. I don’t know why Baron Andy is crazy, but he actually sent more than 400 boys and girls.

They are now living in Jianzi Building and adjusting and adapting.

With so many people, Hanjiao Island is certainly very lively. There are people busy in almost every corner of the island.

Shark Talling's eyes straightened instantly.

It no longer cares about playing with its magic power, and just stays on top of the vortex and crystal, staring at the picture quietly without even moving.

I don't know why, but Croya always felt that this scene was full of a sense of immediacy, as if a naughty child suddenly saw TV and could calm down no matter how noisy he was.

Seeing it like this, Croya didn't stop it.

It's a matter of combining work and rest. Even if you can imprint magic, you won't be in a hurry.

It's good to let it rest. The only thing you need to pay attention to is not to let it look at it for too long. Daily exercise and study are still necessary.

"Let me take a look too."

He walked aside and lay directly on the bed.

He tilted his body and glanced at the crystal screen. On the Undersea Ranch, he saw a total of thirty myconids sent by the Pit Lord. They were now jumping happily in the ranch.

For these guys, this environment full of ancient grass fungi is simply paradise!

Perhaps because of being mycage people, the ancient herbaceous fungi still listen to them, and even consciously feed the chickens, ducks and sheep every day much more regularly.

This is much better than just eating Haisai. Those chickens, ducks and sheep are obviously growing faster, almost every day.

"It seems that these myconids really have some talent for farming."

After observing for a while, Croya looked at the equally lush growth of blood grass fungi.

The mushroom people don't know this kind of fungi, and even show a little disgust towards these blood grass fungi, and usually stay away from them.

But so many blood grass fungi couldn't be left alone, so he decided to see if he could find some carnivorous monsters to raise.

"Ask him."

After thinking about it, he planned to take out the Holy Spring Crystal Card and ask Lord Hui Sand - Lord Yanshan was too busy raising dragons to take care of himself, and Lord Pit probably didn't have many magical beasts there.

Only this Gray Sand Lord can ask a little bit.

But before he could ask, he heard the voice of the Holy Spring Chamber of Commerce: "Lord Gray Sand has provided a gift to every lord in the Mage Lord Alliance.

Would you like to receive it now? "

Croya was stunned for a moment, ah, there are still people giving away gifts for no reason?

Did he get rich?

Earlier, the other side.

Gray desert.

Master Huisha was sitting in the mage tower he built with sand walls, worrying about one thing.

He looked at his subordinate. He was a middle-aged man about the same age as Rob, but he was very short. He was chubby and had a smile on his features. He looked very pleasant.

This is a halfling.

"My lord." The halfling saluted respectfully.

"If you have any questions, just tell me, uncle, are those big-mouthed magic flowers and wind-eroded sandworms causing trouble again?" Master Huisha sighed.

"My lord, you have a keen eye." Even when the halfling said these things, his face still looked kind.

"Piranha flowers and wind-eroded sandworms are fighting! They have been fighting for a water source for five days, and no one nearby dares to fetch water."

Upon hearing this, Master Huisha's face turned dark.

You must know that water sources in the desert are inherently scarce. A water source must supply all the people around it. If there is any problem with the water source, people will die in swaths.

He took a deep breath and stood up.

"I'm going to see if I can kill them all, or send some away."

"But who wants that thing?" The halfling uncle couldn't help but said: "The big-mouthed magic flower will eat meat every day. Although it can spit out a little magic power, it is too little.

Wind-eroded sandworms are even more disgusting. If they eat stones, they will turn them into sand and spit them out. They have no use other than expanding the scope of the desert. "

Master Huisha's face suddenly turned darker.

He said helplessly: "Uncle Moore, then I have to think of a way. Let's do this. I'll grab a batch first and put them in the alliance to see if anyone wants them."

"They are of no use to us, maybe they can be useful to others?"

After saying that, he immediately picked up his staff and ran away.

He was afraid of hearing the halfling uncle continue to nag him. This uncle had watched him grow up and was the first to stand up to support him. He was a really nice person, but his mouth was a bit unforgiving.

He quickly arrived at the scene of the accident and saw a group of purple flowers with huge mouths and layers of teeth fighting with yellowish-brown bugs.

The scene was a mess.

He immediately stopped hiding his power, and an extremely complex pattern appeared behind him, with a huge amount of magic flowing in it.

With the help of this magic pattern, he quickly knocked out and subdued thousands of wind-eroded sandworms and big-mouthed magic flowers here.

Then, he packed them and sent them to the mage lords in the alliance.

"I hope someone can think of a way."

He fell asleep after completing this task, exhausted, leaving only the dog-headed figure behind him flashing with a faint purple light.

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