I'm a mage, what's wrong with loving farming?

Chapter 145 Taming the Sandworm, the Final Piece of Music's Puzzle

Chapter 145 145. Taming the sandworms, the final puzzle of the music

"You need to open it carefully... I always feel that it is not a normal thing."

Kloya muttered and chose to accept the gift.

After receiving it, he found that there were more than ten purple-red giant flowers that were as tall as a person, with huge mouths and sharp teeth, and khaki sandworms that were as thick as arms and as long as 30 to 40 centimeters.

The image of the former, although infinitely close to the image of the man-eating plant in the game I saw in my previous life, is much more terrifying than that.

Look at the layers of teeth in its big mouth that look like blood drops, emitting a fishy smell, which makes people feel quite uncomfortable.

In comparison, those khaki bugs running around seem to be much more pleasing to the eye.

"It seems that it really needs artistic processing. If it is really brought to you, it will be really terrifying."

He casually threw out a few magic imprisonments to make these guys calm down, and took a look at the introduction provided by the Gray Sand Lord:

"Ogre flowers like to devour all kinds of meat and can produce blood magic crystals...

Wind erosion sandworms can devour all rocks and favorite minerals and turn them into sand."

After reading the introduction, his eyes lit up.

This sandworm is good.

Almost instantly, he thought of how to use these sandworms.

He is now struggling with the difficulty of mining the magma rocks on the seabed. It will be very troublesome and slow to rely solely on manpower.

If these sandworms can bite open all the rocks and minerals, it will save a lot of effort.

The ability of magic worms is stronger than that of humans, right?

He also plans to continue digging deeper on the seabed to see if he can find more mineral deposits and veins.

As for these ogre flowers...

He thought about it and simply took them with him.

He had never seen what the blood demon crystal was. He would feed it some blood grass fungi when he got to the bottom of the sea and see what changes it would have.


Soon, he arrived at the seabed ranch.

The first place he came to was of course the place where seabed minerals were mined.

He did not show up, but stood aside and watched-

Miners were bare-chested, holding magic pickaxes made of holy white iron and digging at the magma again and again, and there were people beside them using baskets to carry the broken magma and mined ore up.

The gray demon ants lay on the shoulders of the miners, and whenever they walked to the location where there was ore, the gray demon ants would touch them with their antennae.

The cooperation between humans and demon insects was quite tacit.

The mining speed was also quite fast.

And because this was the bottom of the sea and close to the volcanic community, the fire magic power transformed by the magic crystal method inevitably spread in the bubbles of the air coral.

So it can be said to be quite warm.

So they almost all rushed to come here to mine ore. After all, most of those who survived had strength and did not have to suffer from the cold outside. Even if they were a little tired, at least their bodies were comfortable.

When Kloya came here, the golden butterflies and mushroom people had already surrounded him. I don’t know why they were happy, but they just circled around Kloya.

“You are really noisy.” He comforted them one by one helplessly.

Then he looked at the mine and suddenly saw a familiar person inside. That was... the prisoner.

That was the man named Ott who first offered to pledge allegiance to him.

At this time, the prisoner was also naked from the waist up, leaving his wounds that stretched like a rift exposed, his muscles bulging high, and he was working hard.

He was no longer as reserved and cautious as when he first came. He would also loudly tell some small jokes that would make people laugh with other miners. It seemed that he had completely integrated into it.

"Well, you're actually exposing yourself like this, aren't you afraid of being seen?"

Kloya waved to the knight apprentice who was maintaining order next to him in case of an emergency, "How long has he been here?"

The knight apprentice he called over saluted respectfully and replied, "Four or five days."

"What about the others?" He found that he didn't really care about them when he said he didn't care about them.

After all, there was King Mu Yao Qu Teng and so many loyal subordinates. If something happened, they would definitely inform him.

It's a small matter, they will definitely not bother him.

"Several people are milking and combing the sheep over there, and I don't know about the others." The knight apprentice replied.

"Okay, you go and continue to stand guard." Kloya also knew that this guy didn't know much, so he waved his hand and asked him to go back.

"Yes!" The knight apprentice ran back immediately, standing straighter than before, just like a poplar tree.

Kloya walked directly into the mine.

"Master Mage!"

"Master Mage, you are here!"

When people noticed his arrival, they immediately bowed respectfully. In their opinion, the good life they can live now is all given by Croa.

And the most important thing is... they can really see their own harvest.

It is different from the illusory things promised by the church.

Every piece of ore, every labor...

can have visible harvests, and can earn more money and materials for the family. This feeling of gradual accumulation is what they like most.

Everyone has the desire to be needed. In their opinion, building Hanjiao Island better with their own hands will certainly give them a full sense of accomplishment.

"Well done." As usual, Cloya casually cast a holy halo to replenish their energy and physical strength.

Ott was not given any special treatment, just like everyone else.

Then he took out the wind-eroded sandworms and placed them on the magma.

These wind-eroded sandworms come from the gray desert. They like the scorching environment and are even more fond of magma, which contains fire magic.

As soon as they were placed on it, they couldn't wait to drill down.

I saw that their mouths were like drills, spewing some pale white liquid while drilling, and the magma, which was particularly hard because of the magic, was melted.

As they drilled in, they ate the softened magma in big mouthfuls and spit it out.

The magma treated by them will become like fine gray-black sand, accumulating in the hole they dug.

More than a dozen wind-eroded sandworms, in less than ten minutes, drilled the bottom of the mine, which was about 30 meters wide, into a sand pit.

It was all piled up gray-black sand.

There were also minerals such as nephrite that they didn't want to eat and spit out.

The miners were stunned when they saw this scene.

This... they worked hard to mine for a long time, but they were not as good as some magic bugs drilling a few times.

After being surprised, they were worried. If there were these bugs, would they be unemployed? Would Croa no longer need them to continue mining ore?

Croa was of course clear about their psychological changes.

To be honest, the speed at which these wind-eroded sandworms gnawed the magma was indeed a bit beyond his imagination.

But it was still impossible to completely replace manpower with bugs.

Not only could they not replace it, he also had to add a confinement magic to these bugs to ensure that they could dig wherever they were pointed according to human will.

If they were just allowed to dig randomly, they would definitely dig holes in the earth, and there might be a risk of collapse at that time.

This kind of magic worm does not have a very high IQ, and the consciousness transmitted by the star spirit body is a bit vague, so it must be restrained by people.

He thought about it and thought about what magic.

For these sandworms with little IQ, he planned to use coercion to force them to submit, otherwise guiding them would be too slow.

And to engrave the magic to force them, it is estimated that it will be more troublesome to guide them anyway.

Generally speaking, he does not use this method, but the specific situation should be treated specifically, and this method should be used to treat these sandworms.

"You pick up the ore first and leave here."

Immediately, he ordered people to pick up the ore that should be picked up first, and then leave the mine.

What he is going to do next must not be known to these people, otherwise his wise and heroic image will be affected.

After everyone left, he waved his hand.

Three pairs of wizards' hands suddenly stretched out and grabbed all the sandworms, allowing them to struggle and twist inside no matter how they wanted to escape.

The wizard stared at the sandworms, and the magic music from him became low and dangerous - he was conveying a consciousness: if you are unwilling to accept control, then you will all die.

It's that simple.

Facing danger and adapting to the environment is actually a desire for evolution for these insects. When Cloya clearly conveyed this meaning, they had no choice but to accept it in order to survive.


The wind-eroded sandworms conveyed this consciousness in unison.

"That's right."

Cloya began to engrave the magic he had chosen for them with satisfaction.

[Engraving completed, wind-eroded sandworm (magic chain)]

[This magic worm will grow a long magic chain in the head area. When the chain is pulled hard, it will make them feel pain. ]

Along with the prompt that the engraving is completed, a long chain of earth-yellow magic power, about half a meter long, immediately grows from the head of these insects.

It drags behind their bodies and looks particularly strange.

Kloya reached out and grabbed a chain. Just by pulling it gently, the wind-eroded sandworm made a painful sound of "chi chi".

Then it followed Kloya's instructions obediently. As long as he felt that the other party was walking in the wrong way, he would pull it gently and the wind-eroded sandworm would turn around obediently.

It was like an old ox with a nose ring.

"Not bad, this is good."

Kloya nodded with satisfaction, and suddenly felt something, staring at the wind-eroded sandworm thoughtfully - that was the sound of resentment and disgust, which could actually speed up the progress of his second chapter.

"Isn't it more than just positive emotions?"

As he was thinking, he suddenly felt a very special music coming from afar.

The music went from pain to calmness, and there was also a strong reluctance and dependence on the world.

There is no doubt.

That is... the music of death.

"... This is, a very familiar magic fluctuation, who died?"

Kloya frowned, and the second chapter of the Orange Song in his mind was changing at an astonishing speed.

The music of death was also integrated into the second chapter of Croa. The entire second chapter seemed to come to life in an instant and began to beat.

Countless notes flew around.

Lights of various colors flickered in the mine.

The countless magical sounds that Croya absorbed spread outward as they beat, instantly forming a huge, solemn and grand sound that could accommodate all sounds...


Thanks to Lao Yu for the reward.

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