I'm a mage, what's wrong with loving farming?

Chapter 146 146 Symphony Vibration

Chapter 146 146. Symphony Vibration

When Kloya's symphony sounded.

In the lake behind the mountain of Hanjiao Island.

The mushroom surrounded by the fireflies suddenly moved, and the angel on it opened its eyes, with a halo flashing inside.

He glanced in the direction of the sea.

The platinum light in his eyes seemed to ignore the distance of space, reflecting Kloya's figure in his holy eyes.

Muttered to himself: "The Origin Poem... No, only the sun."

He seemed to have known this a long time ago, but now that it has been further verified, his expression is surprisingly a little excited.

You know, even when the treasure is still there, it is not easy to use the world reading technique to find people who practice the Origin Poem.

I didn't expect there is one here.

Although it is just one article, it is definitely quite special.

"Don't let him be discovered."

The angel stretched out his finger and gently stroked in front of him.

Immediately, a white-gold light broke through the hazy veil of the moonlight, and a small iris was taken out from the garden that had not yet been shrouded by the moonlight.

This iris was a holy white-gold color, and the curved petals reflected subtle light, layer upon layer, and each petal was delicately symmetrical.

"May you be free and see the light."

It seemed that taking this flower from the garden consumed too much of His power, so He just threw the flower far away.

Then He fell on the mushroom.

His eyes were still staring at the deeper sea.

"Mermaids... helped me so that I could not affect the depths of the present world, the derivation of infinite space and the formation of causality.

That tree..."

He took two breaths, and then he had to fall into a state of sleep, curled up on the mushroom, and the light emitted by the mushroom became dimmer.


Earlier, in the deep sea farther away.

Mermaid City.

The mermaid king Mihai sat on his throne, looking down at a woman wearing glasses but looking very young.

The magic power from the ocean surrounded his throne.

The warmth of the ocean current and the wind of the cold current gathered beside him. The former was obviously suppressed, leaving only the latter blowing endlessly from the ocean to the northern border of the Kingdom of Nolant.

"I heard from my teacher a long time ago that the mermaids have the treasure left by the consciousness of creation. As long as it is in the sea, it is your world."

The female magician pushed her eyes.

A fierce look flashed in her clear eyes.

The magician robe that looked very elegant but comfortable seemed to have the light of stars flickering gently, making her seem to be wrapped in stars.

Even though she was a little petite and was a height difference from King Mihai, her momentum was not bad at all, and even had the meaning of suppressing her.

You have to know that this is the city of mermaids, located at the bottom of the sea. Even if the lord of the abyss came to such an environment, he would be beaten by King Mihai.

She asked with a smile: "Have you ever thought about the Kingdom of Nolant? How many people will be displaced and how many people will be forced to sleep forever by this sudden blizzard?"

"If the goddess sitting on the top of the cloud sees you praying for the mermaid to be born in this way, what kind of expression will she show?"

This is already very sharp.

The Mermaid King Mihaly's face clearly showed dissatisfaction, but the man in front of him is the only legendary wizard in the Mage Association.

And he is a very special legendary wizard. It is said that he once entered the ether world and obtained a special magic plant.

The magic plant named "Endless Mysterious Blue" can provide her with an endless supply of pure magic power.

So that even he has to be cautious, but he is still blunt in his words.

"It was Eurydice, the apprentice of Master Ilist, who once ordered us to refine the essence of water for our mermaids."

Mikhail smiled with a hint of sarcasm: "The Mage Association has fallen to this point now. Our tribe has finally waited for a mage to come, and even you can't stop the birth of our descendants.

Are you going to say that everything is the fault of Master Ilist, Mage Danterian?"

"..." Danterian showed a helpless expression on her face.

There is no way to refute.

She did know something about this before she came. The Mage Association of the Kingdom of Norlant is really stupid. It took hundreds of years to send one, and it was the result of internal struggle.

After Ilist left, almost all branches of the Mage Association erased the traces of her existence, but even this matter was erased.

If it weren't for the fact that the contract signed by Eurydice was signed under the witness of the Star Bard Association at that time, which had special effects, it is estimated that people would have directly attacked the Mage Association.

It is difficult for the mermaids to give birth to offspring, and hundreds of years have been wasted in vain.

There hasn't been a single mermaid born in hundreds of years...

Not to mention the mermaids, even she felt it was a bit too much.

"King Michael..."

She opened her mouth and was about to say something.

But suddenly, she and the mermaid king looked in a certain direction at the same time, and their expressions changed from surprise to confusion.

Especially the latter, in addition to surprise, there was also a little hidden joy, but it was not seen by Master Danterian at all.

"What a beautiful and magical music, so harmonious, as if it can accommodate everything."

Danterian frowned and said: "Could it be that a bard from the star realm came here unexpectedly? This music disappeared in a flash..."

Those who were able to evade her senses were probably no longer in the northern part of the Norland Kingdom. Those bards from the star realm were running very fast one by one.

As she spoke, she looked at King Mihai and asked, "The ocean is your domain. Do you feel anything?"

The latter shook his head: "All my magic power is maintained on the echoes of thousands of ocean currents, and I have no more strength to determine where it is."

"Is that so?" Danterian frowned.

After this small episode, Danterian was unwilling to stay any longer. She was eager to return to the Mage Association to see if there was really a bard from the astral world coming to this world.

The star canopy array that the Titans helped them build at the beginning should be able to detect these changes.

If there really is, then she should be able to use the other party's channel to enter the star realm, and she won't have to worry about dealing with these idiots and wastes.

The desire for higher and deeper mysteries is her eternal motivation.

"King Mihai, I agree with you using this method to pray for the little mermaid who is about to be born...but after it is over, you need to help the northern part of the Norland Kingdom recover.

Let the little mage from Hanjiao Island assist you. "

Danterian stated her thoughts straightforwardly, with sharp eyes, and if the other party refused, there might be a fight.

Once the negotiations break down, naturally one can only rely on strength to speak for itself.

"Okay." King Mihai agreed immediately.

"I promise you, after the blessing ceremony of Ocean Current is over, I will work with the little mage of Hanjiao Island to help Norante's northern territory recover."

He also wants to send this guy away quickly. After all, he is maintaining the magic power of the ocean. If a fight really breaks out, it will be very troublesome whether he wins or loses.

"I hope you don't forget your promise."

After Danterian finished speaking, her body disappeared like a bubble. From the beginning to the end, everything she came here... was just an illusion.

After solving this matter, Danterian did not stop. She thought about it and sent a letter to Io, the boss of the Mage Lords Alliance.

Then he used magic power to form a long-distance space teleportation circle, and in just a blink of an eye he left the Kingdom of Norant and arrived at the Star Town above the clouds in the sky.

After King Mihai felt her leaving, his eyes stayed in the direction of Hanjiao Island for a few seconds.

Finally, he shook his head and continued to sleep with his eyes closed.

Of course Croya didn't know what happened in a short period of time.

He only knew that after he comprehended the symphony of the second chapter of the Orange Song, a strange white-gold iris flew over and landed on his finger.

There is also the voice of an angel:

"Please wear it and may you always be free."

Along with this sound, the iris turned into a small and exquisite ring, which fit right on the index finger of his left hand.

He glanced down.

‘Holy Light Magic Free Iris. ’

It's a very special name, and at first glance it has the same format as the original "Holy Light Magic Dark Cloud Destroys Four-Leaf Clover".

Maybe it's also something from Ark Garden.

The moment the ring fell on his finger, a strange light flashed around him.

Then he discovered... that all the magic power he had released related to the symphony was hidden and disappeared.

To be precise, it's not that he can't see it, but that he can control who he chooses to see.


He immediately realized how powerful this thing was, being able to control and choose who could see it, this kind of magic was simply unseen and unheard of.

In other words, if you want to use magic in the future, you don't have to worry so much.


"It seems that there is only the magic of symphony. Is this magic really that special?"

He squinted his eyes and carefully observed the magic emanating from the iris ring on his finger, and determined that it was an extremely complex magic pattern.

Because it is worn on his hand, the magic power released by him will be filtered by the magic power emitted by the iris.

The filtered magic power will be in a very peculiar state, as if it does not exist.

But at present, it seems that only the magic power fluctuations belonging to the symphony will be filtered and hidden by it, and this will not happen with other magic powers.

"What a special magic pattern. I'll study it when I get back. If I can learn it..."

Similar to this kind of magic pattern that can hide the fluctuation of magic power, even if you can learn a little bit, it will be a great help.

But not before that.

He glanced into the distance, and the smile on his face slowly faded.

Because he has felt through the symphony who is making the music of death.


"I understand the power of symphony, but I don't know if it can have an effect on his soul."

After muttering something to himself, he walked toward where the crowd gathered.

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