I'm a mage, what's wrong with loving farming?

Chapter 147 147 Powerful Symphony

Chapter 147 147. Powerful Symphony

Semiel, this person is Elena's brother, and he is also the mayor of the Hanjiao Town that he intends to promote.

He is willing to make wishes to the lord for ordinary people, and he works very hard and rushes to the front in everything. This already has a little bit of the prototype of a "hero".

People always need a leader, and he is the leader that Cloya wants to promote.

But the leader is now...


Cloya walked into the crowd and found that there was an octopus that was very well hidden and bypassed the defense of the sea spirit dolphin group at the edge of the air coral.

Its body was covered with blue rings, and there was a very uncomfortable light flashing inside, like a poisonous blue halo.

Its body was as big as a millstone.

Semiel's dagger pierced into its body, but its tentacles stretched out in pain and tightly wrapped around the former's neck.

The body of the man and the octopus were tightly entangled together, unable to separate, and it could almost be said that they died together.


With just a glance, Kloya knew what happened - there were two girls sitting on the ground and crying loudly.

Apparently, they were picking duck eggs just now, and encountered this strange magic poison octopus, and then Semir came to rescue them, and the result became like this.

It is really amazing that a person with a little strength can kill such a huge octopus.

'It's a good death, and it can also allow me to reshape your body for you. ' Kloya said secretly.

"Master Mage!"

After seeing Kloya coming, Elena, who had heard the news, immediately knelt down and begged with the two girls.


"Please save my brother!"

"Please save Brother Semir!"

At first, only the three of them were begging, and gradually other people around them also begged.

Their eyes were full of expectations and requests.

The sound was like a harmonious music, echoing in Cloya's ears.

It was obvious that Semir had done a good job during this period, otherwise there would not be so many people willing to ask Cloya for him.

Cloya glanced at them, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

"Okay, but your brother can only stay in Hanjiao Island and cannot leave."

This made Elena mistakenly think that Cloya was going to use some kind of undead magic, and she kowtowed quickly: "My lord, this is all my request to you, no matter what, it's my problem!"

The two girls next to him also kowtowed and saluted.

"My lord, as long as we can bring Brother Semir back to life, we are willing to bear the blame!"

"We are willing too!"

The people around followed the request.

"Remember what you asked me." Cloya stretched out his fingers, and the virtual moon leaf-shaped magic device on his wrist flashed with his power.

The cheerful music sounded.

It was like a stream and breeze passing through the forest in the morning light, ding-dong, full of vitality and joyful rhythm.

It rose from Cloya, and the notes danced one by one, and came to Semir, gently lifting his body.

Red and orange flames flowed out from the notes, wrapping his body, as if forming two-colored wings around his body.

The music became more and more cheerful.

From a stream to a flowing river.

Then the notes poured into his body one by one, and his body gradually disappeared in the blazing fire, but his shadow became more and more obvious and clear.

The music reached a climax at this moment, like a waterfall that suddenly appeared after the flow was cut off, and an indescribable high note sounded in an instant.

It seemed to shake the soul and echoed around.

The flames also burned fiercely, illuminating the surrounding sea water, just like a red and orange sun rising in the sea water.

The terrifying magic made it almost impossible for people to open their eyes.

When they used their palms to block the overly dazzling light and looked over here, they were surprised to find that...

Semiel emerged from the flames, and his whole body had completely recovered. There was a healthy blush on the skin exposed outside his clothes.

He landed gently on the ground, breathing evenly, and the whole person seemed to be asleep.

The notes slowly disappeared and disappeared into his body.

People looked at this scene as if they were looking at a miracle.


"Master Mage, is this a resurrection?"

"Master Mage!!"

They discussed it in a flurry, and they had lost the ability to think about such things. Their bodies instinctively knelt down to Kloya.

But there was no faith, only worship and surprise.

Kloya looked at Semiel, his palm retracted into his sleeve, and his fingers trembled slightly.

He didn't expect that he really succeeded in one go!

Now Semiel is actually an elemental creature, born in his flames, and reshaped by his magic and the notes of the symphony.

Semir's appearance and internal organs are the same as those of humans. He can eat, even reproduce, and feel tired and hungry.

But he is indeed an elemental life, an elemental creature called "Rock Notes".

This is the power of the symphony, or more precisely, a section of the symphony, the power of "Endless Rock Notes".

The symphony is divided into two sections.

One section is called "The Ultimate Convergence of Thousands of Notes", and the other section is "Endless Rock Notes".

The former is that Croya can absorb any kind of music and add it to his symphony, and each note can be engraved with special magic.

When he displays these magics, it will really be like a grand symphony. Everything will be washed away and defeated in front of his symphony, and eventually become a part of the symphony.

It's the ultimate trump card magic.

Once cast...the music must be accumulated again.

The latter was performed on Samir.

Relying on this power, Croya can leave every unique sound in the power of the symphony in someone's body.

Bind his soul to the rock note, use it as an anchor to anchor the other person's soul forever, and use his magic power as the material to shape the other person's body.

The premise is that Samir and his music will be forever bound to Cloya's symphony and become one of the countless notes in Cloya's symphony.

The music felt by beings who have been elementalized in this way will also be passed on to Croya. The more it is passed on, the more magic he will receive.

‘What a magical power, but it consumes a lot of magic power. ’

Croya rubbed his temples calmly.

To be honest, it took a lot of magic power to maintain Samir's body and soul, so much so that even he felt a little dizzy.

Casting such a note this time consumed almost all the magic power he had accumulated before.

Even the music of the symphony seems to want to be silenced, and the price is quite high.

But there is no denying the specialness and greatness of this ability.

When Croya first learned about this power, he was secretly speechless and frightened by the horror of this power...

The power of this symphony is simply exaggerated. Compared with the previous power, it doesn't look like the poems in "Poetry of Rainbow Colors" at all.

Reshape the body, and still be able to construct an elemental body that is no different from the original body. If he doesn't tell, the other party won't even know.

And it also has the power to make the opponent's soul exist for a long time, which is immortality!

Croya believes that he can definitely cultivate to a higher level. By then, lifespan will not be a problem. Samir shared his light and it will always exist.

This kind of thing reminded him of some religious classics, and he muttered in his heart:

‘Why does it look like God created angels? ’

He shook his head to throw this strange thought out of his mind, and then said to Samir: "You've slept enough, wake up."

As his voice fell, Samir immediately opened his eyes. At this moment, this ordinary young man from the island felt extremely comfortable.

The bones of the body are very light, and the field of vision in front of him is extremely broad.

It's like a layer of fog has been removed, and the world can be seen more clearly.

He looked at Croya, and there was not only respect and admiration in his eyes, but also an indescribable complex emotion, like admiration.

"Lord Croya...thank you."

Just a simple sentence.

There were not many words expressing loyalty and loyalty, but Croya knew very well that this guy would never betray him in this life.

Because this is more stable than master-servant, family, or love, because his life needs the "light" provided by Croya.

"Well, do your best."

Croya waved his hand to signal these people to disperse.

"Yes, Master Mage!"

People gathered around Samir and left very obediently.

After they all left, Croya couldn't bear it anymore and fell directly onto the grass formed by the ancient grass fungus.

He felt unusually tired.

If it hadn't been for the fact that he had just learned it and caused the vibration and resonance of the magic around him, he would never have been able to use it.

"Hey, although I have learned it, I don't know how long it will take to condense the second rock note.

As for the second one...just give it to Rob. "

Croya thought for a moment and then simply gave up thinking.

Because my brain is really a little tired.

He reached out and released the big-mouthed magic flowers, ordered them to eat the body of the blue-ringed octopus, and then lay down with his eyes closed to rest.

The Golden Divine Butterflies and the Myconids gathered around him spontaneously. The former brought him gentle wind, while the latter gathered ancient grass fungi and turned them into pillows to make him sleep more comfortably.

Just like that, he quickly fell asleep.

When I woke up again, I didn't know how much time had passed. Even the Golden Divine Butterfly had plunged into the soil and released phosphorescent dust to create gold mines.

The mushrooms were even more staggered, as if they were drunk, sleeping soundly next to them.

"You guys are quite comfortable." Croya felt that the magic power in his body had recovered a little, and he no longer had the headache he had before.

“You can’t meditate without the sun.”

He sighed softly, and suddenly saw those big-mouthed demon flowers drooping listlessly.

There are countless pieces of faint blue crystals scattered around them, shining with an ominous but somewhat tempting halo.

Something strange is...

He actually felt the music of life inside and saw the astral body inside.

[The Blood Demon Crystal of the Big Mouth Demon Flower].

It is actually a kind of elemental life! ?

Thanks to the boss of Qinglian Xiaozhu for the reward.

Thanks to Yixuepiaoning, Happiness, Henxu, I am the Dragon King, Vomiting Little Bird, Ye Niu Ah, Book Friend 20220607231651983, Xingyu Jiaohui, Murong Xueyan, I would rather die than jump down from here, Xiaogu, Fengyexianliu, Book Friend 20240131172816588, Xingkong Yushang, Lazy Deer Singing, Book Friend 20190706103516862, Book Friend 161116115030045, Bingren 12, Qinglian Xiaozhu, Book Friend 20200206164834940, Book Friend 20220704063503777 for their monthly tickets and recommendation tickets. Thank you very much!

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