I'm a mage, what's wrong with loving farming?

Chapter 148 148 The flower that produces

Chapter 148 148. The flower that produces "magic crystal"

Lord Gray Sand mentioned that the blood demon crystal produced by this big-mouthed demon flower has some hemostatic effect after being ground into powder.

Depending on the meat it devoured, it will also possess some of the devoured mana.

Other than that, it's useless.

Otherwise, he would not be so troubled by the proliferation of big-mouthed demonic flowers, and would like to ask the lords to help him figure out how to digest them.

To him, this thing was useless, and he couldn't even make a magic potion.

He has never mentioned that the blood demon crystals produced by the Big Mouth Demon Flower are alive. I don't know if he didn't mention it on purpose or if he really didn't know.

"Have you not figured out the products in your own territory?"

Croya stretched out his hand and waved.

Immediately, a piece of blood demon crystal was brought to him. After careful observation through the astral body engraving technique, he discovered:

It turns out that these crystals contain extremely tiny little bug-like beings. Their appearance is almost exactly the same as that of the big-mouthed magic flower, but it has been shrunk countless times.

They should be the "seeds" of the Big Mouth Demon Flower.

As soon as they were born, they opened their mouths wide and devoured the blood demon crystals around them to supply themselves with growth.

Their astral bodies are extremely stable, and they are like paintings that have been drawn and just need to be colored.

The process of devouring magic is the process of filling yourself up.

But there are so many of them, they are almost densely packed, and they are still competing for the nutrients inside. The final result is probably that they will all starve to death.

Unless there is an external supply of magic power.

And according to Croya's observation, their structure seems to change according to the properties of the blood demon crystal.

For example, now, because the Big Mouth Demon Flower has swallowed the meat of the blue-ringed octopus, it has turned blue and looks highly poisonous.

"Could it be that its ability to stop bleeding is the result of continuously devouring the same kind of magical beast or magical plant in the desert?"

"Wait, blue-ringed octopus."

You must know that the blue-ringed octopus is highly poisonous, and the blue-ringed octopus in the magical world is even more highly poisonous. The toxin can probably kill you easily...

"Huh? Wait?" Croya looked at those big-mouthed demon flowers with a confused expression: "Why aren't you dead?"

As far as he knew, the toxin of this blue-ringed octopus was also effective on magic plants. The toxins containing magic power would quickly corrode the magic plants and prevent the magic plants from absorbing and operating nutrients.

Not being able to absorb nutrients is equivalent to humans being unable to breathe and will definitely die.

In the end, these big-mouthed demon flowers are still alive and well?

He directly grabbed a big-mouthed magic flower and carefully observed the latter's astral body, and found that there were no signs of damage to this guy's astral body.

Just a little tired.

"Strange, then how did you transform the toxins and meat of the blue-ringed octopus into blood demon crystals?"

Croya became more and more puzzled.

He simply ordered the dolphins to catch a lively blue-ringed octopus and feed it to the big-mouthed magic flower.

He watched unblinkingly during the process.

Finally, I discovered that during the process of swallowing, they secrete some mucus in the digestive sac similar to the stomach pouch.

There are seeds inside the mucus.

The mucus will decompose and wrap the magic power in the meat, form blood demon crystals together with the seeds, and then spit them out.

This mucus can even isolate the magic power of the blue-ringed octopus, ensuring that it will not affect the big-mouthed magic flower itself.

Strong ability to resist evil.

"Isn't this mucus a natural magic solution?"

Croya instantly realized the role of this mucus, which could contain the magic power and poison of the blue-ringed octopus, and could turn it into a stable blood demon crystal and spit it out.

Can other magic powers be made into magic crystals in this way?

Its seeds can actually adapt to the magic power of the blue-ringed octopus, and change their properties as the environment changes. What kind of super adaptability is this?

He squinted his eyes and stared at the Big Mouth Demon Flower, and took out some red six-pointed star flowers from the clock golem that had been in his pocket.

"Here, eat."

He threw the six-pointed star flower in front of the big-mouthed magic flower, and the latter immediately feasted on these flowers that contained magic power.

Then he quickly spit out crimson blood demon crystals, which also contained the seeds of the crimson Little Big Mouth Demon Flower.

"It's really okay, but you're not an elemental creature. How did you switch from an elemental magic plant to a plant with physical existence?"

Croya murmured to himself, injecting power into the blood demon crystals. The small big-mouthed demon flowers inside immediately devoured the power, and then broke through the blood demon crystals one by one and fell to the ground.

But after they fell to the ground, they did not start to grow as Croya imagined. Instead, they gradually withered and eventually died.

This scene made him even more puzzled.

"Does it need flesh and blood?"

After a brief thought, he ordered the dolphins to catch a big fish, threw it to the ground, and then repeated the previous steps.

This time, the seeds of the Big Mouth Demon Flower penetrated deeply into the flesh and blood of the big fish, devouring the flesh crazily, and soon grew new Big Mouth Demon Flowers.

They are still the same as when they were first born. They continue the process of flesh and blood, which is the process of filling themselves up.

After it is filled, it will be completely formed, turning into a magic plant and losing its elemental form.

They are small in size, no more than the size of a palm.

But it has been able to leave the body of the devoured devil fish that was riddled with holes and move around using its own roots to support it.

Croya, who had completely observed this scene, was thoughtful.

They devour flesh and blood from their elemental state and transform into corporeal existence.

It can also change its own magic power based on the magic power absorbed in the previous seed stage - these new skins are no longer the purple-red color of the batch of big-mouthed magic flowers sent by Lord Gray Sand, but have turned into red.

There is obviously a burning smell of magma inside.

"Sure enough." Croya narrowed his eyes.

Just as he thought, these big-mouthed magic flowers really need flesh and blood. After transformation, they fill themselves with flesh and blood and become complete magic flowers.

However, their bodies still retain the tendency of magical power left behind when they devoured magic power before. For example, these new big-mouthed magic flowers should be called "magma big-mouthed magic flowers".

"Then can't you always maintain the elemental form? If you can always maintain the elemental form, you should be able to spit out more pure magic crystals that will not be contaminated by flesh and blood."

He was thinking, if it could really be the same as what he thought.

Then these big-mouthed flowers that swallow up magic power and spit out crystals can become stable magic crystal generators. You must know that making magic power into magic crystals requires very complicated methods.

It was an advanced alchemy technique that only big forces could control, and there was nowhere to buy it.

Although Cloya's improved magic field method can also produce six-pointed star flowers, which is an alternative kind of magic crystal, its structure is not actually very stable.

It will continuously release magic power outward, just like melting ice, it will gradually shrink until it disappears.

In order to preserve them, Croya also had to make a magic circle to prevent the evaporation of magic power and use it as a warehouse to put them in.

Compared with the six-pointed star flower, the blood demon crystals spit out by these big-mouthed magic flowers are quite special. They will not leak their magic power.

Croya guessed that this situation probably stemmed from the fact that the Big Mouth Demon Flower wanted its seeds to grow stably, so the mucus had the ability to block the spread of magic.

Therefore, this method is perfect for making the "Big Mouth Magic Flower Version Magic Crystal".

The only problem is how to keep it pure.

"What kind of magic can work..."


Croya's eyes suddenly lit up, and he remembered a seemingly useless magic called "Element Reconstruction".

Its effect is to allow an existence that was originally in elemental form, but became flesh and blood for some reason, to return to elemental form.

To be honest, it's a pretty useless effect.

Because if a mage wants to elementalize his existence, he needs extreme magic control and a sixth-level magic "Elemental Body".

The problem is that if you control the "elemental body", you can already transform it at any time, and there is no need for "elemental reconstruction".

Therefore, after this kind of magic was researched, it was designed for those who were born to be eroded by elements and whose bodies tended to become elemental.

Other than that, there is no applicable environment.

Generally speaking, this kind of magic is used by profiteers to make up for it, because it is indeed a fourth-level magic, which can also be regarded as an intermediate magic.

But if it is used on the Big Mouth Demon Flower...will it be effective?

The Big Mouth Demon Flower itself is in elemental form. It just absorbed flesh and blood to fill itself up during the growth process and became what it is now.

Is it possible to transform back into elemental form through this magic?

"You can try it."

Croya has already thought about how to "persuade" the big-mouthed magic flower.

For this kind of magic flower, devouring more meat and magic power, producing more seeds, and growing the tribe are their lifelong dreams.

If it were in the material form, the Big Mouth Demon Flower would still need to swallow water and meat to maintain its growth, but in the elemental form, it would not be necessary.

Although elemental magic plants have higher requirements for elemental magic power, they do not have so many requirements for the surrounding environment. They can grow as long as there is enough elemental magic power.

Croya firmly grasped this point and gave it spiritual hints. Now that he has learned symphony, he is more skillful in controlling this kind of spiritual magic.

He described a wonderful prospect for the big-mouthed demon flowers: with his magic power, they only need to produce blood demon crystals all the time to grow their tribe.

But only if... they need to be elementalized.

After the big-mouthed demon flowers "saw" the prospect described by Croya, they immediately realized -


"Restore elementalization!"

"Help us!"

Croya suddenly smiled and immediately chose a lucky person to start engraving.

[Successful engraving, Big Mouth Magic Flower (Element Reconstruction)]

[The current magic plant can transform material form into elemental form. 】

[In elemental form, the Big Mouth Magic Flower Mucus it produces will have pure elemental properties and can integrate all magic powers. 】

[The magic level and intensity cannot exceed the current magic plant level. 】

[In elemental form, the magic plant seeds born from this magic plant can inherit "Elemental Reconstruction\

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