I'm a mage, what's wrong with loving farming?

Chapter 156 156 Cultists and Demons

Chapter 156 156. Cultists and Demons

There were five teams going out.

Each branch has forty knight apprentices and two to three mage apprentices, as well as three or four Stardust Circus torturers, fish-tailed sea ducks, myconids, and black crows who serve as scouts.

Speaking of these black crows, since they came to Croya's Flame Magic Field, they have very comfortably regarded it as their home, and they have quickly become accustomed to people's feeding and care.

It fell almost at an alarming speed, and was not even willing to fly to look for food - this was also due to the blood grass fungus, after all, they were used to eating this kind of magic plant.

Some of them who are willing to get close to people are trained by Elena and Mir, the trainer of the Stardust Circus, to be used as scouts.

As for the other petrels and birds of paradise... they are quite aloof and unwilling to cooperate with others for the time being. Especially the latter, these guys not only eat fish but also hang out in the resin of the flame tree stump every day.

Even... Croya has personally seen the "bird movies" they staged.

The scene was simply unsightly.

However, with the addition of these crows, their journey will indeed be much smoother.

Among them, what Croya paid most attention to was not the group of Baron Kermoyer who planned to trouble the Viscount, but the group led by Ryan, whose first stop was to go to Baron Andy.

The wind and snow outside Hanjiao Island are still very scary.

It can almost be said to be a white disaster. The knight apprentices protected the relatively weaker mage apprentices and the victims in the center, walking one foot deep and one foot shallow.

The snow is now 20 to 30 centimeters deep, making it very difficult to walk. Fortunately, these people are used to hardship and have experienced snow marching training.

So it’s not particularly difficult to walk.


The cold wind is howling, and the warm sea breeze that usually comes from the sea has turned into a deadly cold wind at this time, which can quickly take away the heat of a person's body.

Even a strong person would never be able to withstand such cold wind for a long time.

Fortunately, these apprentices are already prepared——

"Come closer to me!"

A mage apprentice shouted loudly. He pressed a magic weapon on his chest, and a light red circle formed under his feet. It spread from the body to the outside and soon enveloped the entire team.

This kind of magic is a special product composed of Croya using an alchemical creation called the "Halo Medal" in "Light Miracle" and imprinting it with a thermal energy array.

As long as you inject magic into the medal, it will automatically form a halo of warm wind that moves with your body, ensuring that it will not be too affected by the environment.

Of course, this combination can only be produced by Croya, because magic similar to the Paladin's halo and aura series requires divine power.

The magic power injected by the apprentice only stimulated the magic pattern pattern carved by Croya.

"Thank you for your hard work Jack."

Ryan said loudly to the apprentice who released the heat energy halo: "If there are any trophies, you can pick more."

Others have absolutely no problem with this either.

Because this was what they had discussed before they came - Jack's apprentice used all the rewards he received during training to exchange for the "Saint Crystal" that Croya made casually.

In fact, it is a stone that stores sacred magic power.

The purpose is to activate the thermal energy halo for a long time, provide the team with a more comfortable environment, and at least maintain the combat effectiveness to deal with possible crises.

He paid such a price, and the reward was to be able to choose more trophies - Croya said that the reward points will be calculated after the precious magic plant monsters are taken back.

Hanjiao Island is self-sufficient in supplies. Silver coins and copper coins are purchased and exchanged for daily necessities from Rob. However, for extraordinary materials, they can only be exchanged with points.

Croya, who was far away on Hanjiao Island, saw this scene and smiled knowingly.

"This apprentice Ryan has learned well. If you divide the work and cooperate, and promise benefits, people will follow you just because they want money."

“Military morale, kindness and authority, earning money, and prestige can be regarded as a qualified captain.

He seems to be very talented, right? "

Of course it would be boring to watch "TV" alone, so Croya specially asked King Mu Yao to watch it with him.

The latter has experienced a lot, has enough experience, and can also play the role of praise.

But after it heard Croya's question, it was stunned for several seconds before replying: "You are right."

"Huh? Are you paying attention to something?" Croya glanced at Mu Yaoqu Vine King with a little doubt in his eyes.

This guy's voice seemed to be holding back a laugh, which sounded weird.

"There's something going on over there with the Crystal Turtle. Do you want to take a look?"

"Okay, let me take a look."

The latter, with Croya's permission, broadcast the scene in the mine below the castle.

I saw that the mine was already filled with dense statues, all of which were various turtle statues with many different postures and were beautifully carved.

At first glance, I thought I was entering a turtle cemetery.

This kind of lifelike statue that is completely still and still carved is, at best, real, but at worst... it's just like a corpse.

To be honest, there are just too many of them, so much that I feel a little uncomfortable.


Kloya rubbed his eyes to make sure he was not seeing things.

"Why did it do so much? Is it crazy?"

"And, look."

As the screen gradually cut into the mine, a star crystal turtle was seen rushing towards a "beautiful" statue.

It poured its special magic power into the statue.

Don't say that the size is quite exaggerated compared to the length of the star crystal turtle's body, and even the statue dropped stones.

The upgraded surveillance magic eye also transmitted the sound synchronously.

"Clang, clang..."

The scene was mixed with the sound of a pile driver, which made Kloya feel that his eyes and ears were about to break at the same time.

What's more outrageous is that the turtle seemed to be tireless. In just a few minutes, it poured magic power into more than a dozen statues.

And it was still not satisfied, humming a cheerful little song and continuing to look for new targets.


Kloya was silent for a long time after seeing this scene, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help twitching: "Okay, as long as it doesn't do this kind of thing on the ground... I'll accept it."

He waved his hand to signal Mu Yao Qu Teng Wang to quickly cut off this turtle piece. He really couldn't bear to continue watching.

This turtle is really outrageous.


After turning off the surveillance of the Star Crystal Turtle, Kloya continued to check the situation of the knights who went out--

With the help of the thermal energy aura, they walked much more easily.

After walking about two kilometers, some strange things suddenly appeared in front.

In the white world, after leaving the dock of Hanjiao Island, only snow-covered trees and rocks can be seen.

And... statues covered with white snow, like people.

The apprentices stopped.

They looked at the human figures standing silently in the snow, and had some guesses, and their hearts became heavier.

"Go and have a look." Ryan waved his hand.


Immediately, an agile knight apprentice ran over and used the long sword in his hand to fiddle with the snow on the statue.

The snowflakes fell "rustling".

The skin that had been frozen purple and a very sad face were exposed.


Seeing this scene, several knight apprentices immediately thought of some not-so-good things-it seemed that they almost died before coming to Hanjiao Island.

Then, they dispersed in units of two to check all the snow piles around, and found that they were actually full of people.

You know... there are as many as forty or fifty in just this area.

Ryan asked curiously: "Why are there so many people?"

Although he knew that some people would come out in the snow to find food, there was no food near Hanjiao Island. Why are there so many people here?

"Could it be that something happened to Baron Andy?" A mage apprentice thought.

"Anyway, we have to go and see, let's speed up."

After a little hesitation, Ryan decided to speed up.

They had all undergone endurance training for rapid marches, and the thorns and magic in their bodies were able to resist the wind and snow and resist fatigue.

It would take three days for ordinary people to walk, but they only completed it in one day. When the night fell, they had already arrived at the location of Baron Andy's castle.

Just as they expected: there were really no soldiers patrolling or guarding along the way, and they actually approached the castle directly.

This was almost impossible on Hanjiao Island.

You have to know that the lord lives in the castle. If they were allowed to approach directly, they would have the confidence to rush in and kill Baron Andy.

This was a flat area, and the castle built of stone stood silently in the night. From the windows, it seemed that lights and firelight could be seen inside.

It was estimated to be more than 30 meters high.

To be honest, this looked much more majestic than the castle in Cloya.

"Go and have a look." Ryan signaled his companions to release the crows as a reconnaissance unit, but strangely, these crows did not dare to approach the castle anyway.

They made a quick "Gaga!" sound to their master, as if urging them to leave quickly.

The mushroom man who had been obediently staying on Ryan's shoulder as a camera also shrank uneasily.

It warned for the first time: "Inside, the devil!"

Hearing this word, everyone showed a shocked expression. Devil? There is a devil here?

The prisoners looked at each other and remained silent.

Now things have not developed to the point where they need to take action, and they don't believe that there are really any devils here.

The cracks on their bodies are most sensitive to changes in magic power. If there is really a devil, even if it is a small devil, they can definitely feel it.

The team temporarily fell into silence and waiting.

They are all waiting for Captain Ryan to make a decision. No matter what the other party decides, they will follow it.

Finally, Ryan looked at the brightly lit castle and said in a serious tone:

"Let's go and take a look."

"This is too close to our home, Hanjiao Island. If there is really a devil... I think we can notify the lord in time."

This decision was expected, and others had no objections. This place was really too close to Hanjiao Island, and they could not just sit back and ignore the possibility of demons appearing.

After a brief discussion, Ryan led the team with a knight apprentice and a mage apprentice to investigate closely. They carried the magic weapon and pepper bombs given by Croya to save their lives.

If you are really in danger, at least there is some possibility of escaping.

The rest of the people stay here. If they don't come back for too long, the myconids will tell Hanjiao Island that something is wrong here, and they will leave.

After the plan was finalized, the three set off.

Their companions prayed silently behind them.

‘My lord, bless me and hope they can come back. ’

At this time, one of the victims used the invisibility technique to follow. As protectors, they could not watch anything happen to the children who had high hopes for Croya.


Although it is already night, the white snow will reflect light, so the view is relatively clear.

Ryan was sweating nervously.

This was the first time he had done this, and he was actually worried that something would happen, but he had to do it.

The three of them cooperated with each other and came to the bottom of the castle. They spotted an open window and threw a flying claw made of iron and vines.

It was easy to climb into the castle.

As soon as they entered, they smelled a strong smell of blood, and saw that the corridors and walls inside the castle were splattered with blood.

The blood twisted on the wall, like some weird and evil runes.

The mage apprentice just took one look and felt that his mental strength was a bit unbearable. This kind of chaotic thing was simply poison to him.

Croya, who was sitting on Hanjiao Island and eating sunflower seeds, frowned, straightened up, and looked at the scene sent back by the myconid.

"It's really a demon. This seems to be some kind of ritual summoning circle."

"Is this going to be such a big deal this time?"

Although not much is known about demons, this kind of magic pattern full of chaos and disorder generally points to demons.

If it were a devil, the summoned magic patterns would be exquisite and strange, full of indescribable weird beauty and regularity.

He was a little surprised. He had never expected that in a bitter and cold place like the North, there would be cultists who believed in demons.

Generally speaking, most demons are of the fire attribute. They hate cold environments and will basically not appear in cold environments.

Of course, I just hate and don't like to be active in a cold environment.

If the cold can stop the devils, then they would be too shameless.

"Ask the Pit Lord."

Croya really didn't know much about demons, so he had no choice but to ask for help from the outside.

He sent those runes to the pit lord and asked him to tell him what kind of demon they belonged to.

The latter seemed quite leisurely and answered immediately.

"Those are some little devils, probably done by cultists casually, at most one or two levels."

His tone was casual, and he didn't regard these demons as beings that needed to be taken seriously.

Hearing his reply, the corner of Croya's mouth twitched.

Even the little devils of one to two levels, due to the different environments in which they live, are usually much more powerful than humans of the corresponding level.

Such apprentices...

"Oh, are you going to die?" He sighed, suppressing a little annoyance in his heart, but suddenly he was surprised to find out.

Something seems a little wrong.

In the picture, the arrival of the three apprentices obviously disturbed the owner here.

A figure in a black robe slowly walked out of the darkness. His head was covered by a hood. There were dark red spots on the robe that were difficult to ignore, which were obviously blood stains.

He looked directly at the three people under the shadow of the hood - to be precise, he looked at the knight apprentice behind Ryan.

The magic pressure emanating from the body has been infinitely close to the second level. Those chaotic and violent magic fluctuations make the apprentices dare not move at all, as if they are facing a formidable enemy.

"Are you...Jack?"

The black-robed figure made a somewhat hoarse voice, but the owner who could still hear the voice was probably not very old.

Jack's eyes changed immediately.

"You...are you Brother Kit?"

His voice sounded hesitant and disbelieving.

"It's me." The man in black robe reached out and took off his hood, revealing a rather honest and honest face.

He looked like one of countless ordinary people, without any identification.

"Brother Git, why are you..." Apprentice Jack's mind was racing. He knew that at this time he had to get close to this stranger "Git" brother in order to have a chance of survival.


Kit showed a smile: "It seems that you are doing well. The mage from Hanjiao Island did not treat you harshly."

When he said this, there was great relief hidden in his eyes.

Then, he opened his arms and said enthusiastically:

"Little Jack, join us... As long as you are willing to bring God's will to Hanjiao Island, we will all get real happiness."

Hearing what he said, the apprentices who had long been full of Croya's loyalty were naturally dissatisfied, but the instructors had taught them that they must be calm when facing this kind of thing.

So they remained silent and alert.

Jack gritted his teeth, and suddenly pulled out his long sword with a "swoosh". The blade made of holy white iron pointed at Git and asked: "This is obviously a demon!"

"You have become someone I don't recognize. Look at the blood here! How many people have you killed!"

He knew that if he asked in a false way, the other party would definitely be suspicious, and only in this way would it be in line with his previous character.

Seeing him like this, Git smiled instead.

Just like a good-tempered brother who sees his younger brother and sister throwing a tantrum.

"The blood here comes from the nobles and their men... Don't worry, they won't die, their blood will become the best paint.

I will paint and paint the most beautiful scenery."

After saying this intoxicatedly, he sneered:

"It's a demon, but we can't survive anymore... That noble doesn't care about our lives at all, so we can only resist."

"He is more terrifying than a demon."

"Demons can keep us alive, but nobles can't."

After saying this, his face darkened: "Since you don't want to accept God's grace, then leave!"

After saying this, he waved his hand directly, and a cold tentacle grew from under his robe and slapped the three people directly out of the window.

Then he slowly turned and left.

But before leaving, he glanced at the empty corridor, with obvious resistance and undisguised disgust in his eyes.

But he couldn't resist, and his steps were stiff and disappeared in the corridor.

A faint flash of well-hidden magic fluctuations flashed in the empty corridor, and also left through the window.

In the snow outside, the three apprentices who were knocked out were not injured because of the thick snow on the ground.

After they got up, they looked at each other and saw the same meaning in each other's eyes - that Git seemed to have deliberately driven them out like this.

Could it be that he had not been completely controlled by the devil?

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