I'm a mage, what's wrong with loving farming?

Chapter 157 157 Greedy Orange, hidden chapter (5K)

Chapter 157 157. Greedy Orange, Hidden Chapter (5K)

Then a prisoner who jumped down proved this point:

"He really didn't want to kill me."

The female prisoner used to be a clown in the Stardust Circus. She played with the bomb made of pure magic in her hand and said strangely: "This guy looks forced."

"And on him, I felt something similar to the light emitted by the Master Mage... The color seems to be orange."

Although this was just her guess and feeling, she couldn't help trembling when she said this, as if she was blown through by the cold air all of a sudden, and felt like falling into an ice cave.

The three people who heard her say this silently touched their arms, or more precisely, touched the place where the thorns of justice were planted.

Master Kroya had imprinted a touch of eternal golden magic in it, and that magic continuously exuded warm power in the thorns, which was their unchanging goal.

But at this moment, when they looked at the castle, they seemed to feel something, and there was a greedy orange halo lingering.

It seemed to cover the entire castle. Even in the blizzard, it continued to radiate indescribable power, as if tempting people to keep going forward.


"Let's go back!"

Ryan suppressed the throbbing in his heart and hurriedly took his two friends and the prisoner back to the team waiting in the distance.

He felt that if he stayed here any longer, he might not be able to bear the temptation and temptation.


At this time, on the Reef Island.

Kloya stood up suddenly. In his mind, a new poem suddenly appeared in the Orange Song chapter, which he remembered every word clearly.

That was...

"Mammon's boundless greed."

He read out the name of this chapter, and by the way, he also saw the content of this chapter clearly. This is a description of the evil deeds of being gifted with the orange light but unable to satisfy the greed in his heart.

In the end, He became the story of the orange devil under the sunshine.

Kloya was very sure...the power felt by those children came from greed.

Those greedy powers seemed to sense the eternal light in the apprentices' bodies, and wanted to tempt them to be greedy.

The eternal light can ensure that these greedy powers cannot directly touch their bodies, but if they have the desire of greed, the light will quickly dim and disappear.

At that time, these apprentices will definitely become puppets of greed.

At the same time, he also vaguely understood that if he wanted to complete the study of this hidden chapter, he needed to erase greed, so that he could get a lot of power!

And this is the complete Orange Song.

"... The sun gilds desire with seven colors."

"I'm afraid there are seven deadly sins that correspond to seven colors."

He sighed deeply, sat back in his seat, and looked at the screen in silence.

He wanted to know what the apprentices would choose, and then he would give instructions to the mushroom people and tell them something.


Outside Baron Andy's castle.

The apprentices have already had some discussion.

They finally decided to rescue the people in the castle - there might be many of their relatives and friends there, and it was really unbearable to watch them sink.

After they made this decision, the mushroom man trembled and conveyed Kroya's meaning: "The lord said that you don't have to worry about the influence of the power of the devil, they dare not approach you at will.

But you must be careful, the existence possessed by the devil can still kill you by using power."

After saying that, it opened its mouth and a clear harp sound came out.

After hearing this music, the apprentices felt the golden light in the thorns in their bodies move slightly.

It was like dew under the morning sun, hidden.

Including the mage apprentice, they also felt Kroya's blessing.

The eternal light effect still exists, and it has become more powerful and special, completely resisting the weird power outside the body.

"The master has been paying attention to you."

The mushroom man who transmitted these music through himself collapsed, exhausted.

Hearing the words of the mushroom man, the knights looked at each other and suddenly had confidence - Kloya had been watching them!

After learning this, they suddenly burst out with endless courage, and the thorns in their bodies seemed to feel their will.

After a brief movement, they fell silent again.

"Let's go!"

Ryan finally decided: "Lord Kloya is watching us, we can't embarrass Lord Kloya no matter what!"

"Just as I said just now, go and rescue the people inside first. If there is danger, I will take the armor and sword given to me by the Lord to face that Git."

The young knight apprentice directly took out an exquisite bottle, which contained the prayer light fire in the form of air.

This is one of his trump cards. As long as you swallow these prayer light fires, you will gain the power of these flames in a short time, which can reach the second level.

But the price is that the internal organs will be burned by the flames, suffer a certain degree of damage, and will be weak for a period of time.

But as long as you can achieve the goal, it is worth it.

"How can you let the captain go alone?"

"We have stuff too!"

The apprentices saw that their captain was ready to fight, so they took out their stuff without hiding it.

There were gadgets that could emit holy light bullets, modified group scorching peppers, and even scrolls depicting magic patterns.

These were gadgets made by Cloya in his spare time to hone his craft, but gadgets made by a powerful wizard were also life-saving treasures for them.

The prisoners also expressed that although this was still part of the trial, they would also take action if they encountered danger - just kidding, Cloya had already spoken, could they just sit back and watch?

"Okay." Ryan nodded.

After making sure they were all ready, Ryan led them to the castle, and soon found a corner, and used the scroll of earth and stone shaping to make a hole in the thick wall.

This time, they were determined to sneak in first, rescue people, and then fight, so of course they couldn't just climb the window like before.

Fortunately, there were friends who were a little familiar with the castle, so their infiltration work was quite smooth.

After passing through the narrow hole in the wall, they had already arrived at the lower level of the castle, which was the servants' residence.

If it were any other time, there would definitely be a group of people sleeping on the big bunk bed, but now it was empty.

In the dark and damp room, only the lights on the wall that were about to go out flickered, and the tense and uneasy atmosphere made the apprentices more careful.

Only the personal belongings of the servants scattered around the beds told of the former bustle here.

The smell of the servants' residence was of course very exaggerated, and the things were scattered. The apprentices spread out one by one and began to look for anything useful.

Soon, one person found a diary.

The apprentices gathered under the dim light and read the diary.

The owner of the diary should be a young male servant. Although it was a diary, it only recorded some scattered words at most.

And the words were written crookedly.

This is actually quite normal. It is not easy to learn a little bit of writing in this world, and it is even more difficult to write smoothly.

After all, not everyone is like Kroya, who puts literacy first. He cannot accept that the knights and men he has trained with great effort are illiterate.

"People are coming, and they killed the lord."

An apprentice read out the important content in the diary.

"They said... if we believe in the great god Mammon, we can witness the power of God, ascend to heaven, and sleep in the arms of God."

There are only these two sentences in the whole diary.

After reading it, they looked at each other, always feeling that it was the same as not reading it.

But at least they knew a name: Mammon.

"Tell this news to the master wizard, and we will continue to move forward." Ryan patted the mushroom man on his shoulder, and the latter nodded immediately.

Then they continued to move forward.

Walking carefully in the dark corridor, they did not encounter even one person as if they were facing a great enemy, but they quickly found the stairs leading to the underground prison.

What's even more strange is that there are no guards here.

They easily came to the bottom of the stairs and saw the nobles who were imprisoned in the prison.

Baron Andy and several other nobles were hung on the wall by orange flower vines, in an upside-down position, stripped naked, like pigs waiting to be slaughtered.

His scalp had been cut open, and blood was dripping from his head.


The sound of blood dripping was particularly obvious in the silent dungeon. In fact, because several people were dripping blood together, the sound sounded a little harmonious.

The apprentices had never seen a piano. If they had heard the sound of a piano, they would have felt that these sounds were extremely similar to the sound of a piano.

The blood did not drip directly onto the ground, but moistened the dense orange flower vines growing on the ground.

Small orange flowers grew on the surface of the flower vines, emitting a strange pollen, dyeing the surrounding environment orange.

This orange color is a little similar to the orange magic light that Croa casts, which can make people feel peaceful, but if you distinguish them carefully, you can notice the difference between them.

The former is to sprinkle light selflessly, making people feel peaceful; the latter is to lure you to get close and contribute your soul and consciousness to them.


The prisoners suddenly covered their heads and took a few steps back, with horror in their eyes.

Just now, they inhaled a little pollen and felt that their greed could not be suppressed. They wanted to get more, magic, status...

That feeling almost swallowed them up. They quickly retreated to a place where the pollen could not touch them, and they gasped for breath after surviving the disaster.

There is no light given by Croa in their bodies, and their greed is actually very strong. After leaving the Stardust Circus, they greedily desire a better future.

This greed almost made them assimilated by the orange pollen.

Fortunately, they have heard Croa's music.

Although the effect of the music was certainly not as useful as the light that was directly rooted in the apprentices' bodies, it was enough for them to react and take a few steps back.

"Are you all right?" Ryan looked at them with vigilance. In the instructor's course, he emphasized countless times the tragedy of killing each other after being controlled by mental magic.

If these prisoners who were nominally their protectors were really controlled, he would definitely draw his sword without hesitation.

The prisoners shook their heads.

"It's okay."

They smiled bitterly; "We can't get in, you go in and save people."

"Be careful... they may have been alarmed."

The "they" here are of course demons and cultists.

Obviously, the situation is not optimistic, and the apprentices did not exchange too many greetings and rushed directly into the pollen.

The power from Kroya can ensure that they are not affected by the orange pollen, and they soon found more people.


There was no pollen in the prison where these people were, and they did not seem to have been tortured or abused, but were simply locked up here.

"Hey! Jack!"

"It's you, Pete!"

"Edward, you're not dead?"

The people in the prison were excited when they saw the apprentices suddenly appear. They all knew each other and hadn't seen each other for a while.

The apprentices were also surprised and excited.

"Uncle Joseph?"

"Aunt Lal?"

After they confirmed that there was no danger here, they immediately cut open the prison - these wooden railings would definitely not be able to withstand the slashing of swords.

Friends and relatives are naturally very cordial when they meet.

But they did not forget to ask about the situation here.

"What is going on here?"

"Let me tell you."

A white-bearded old man who looked energetic said helplessly: "Git suddenly said one day that he had received a revelation from God, and he brought us here.

The castle guards and nobles could not stop the terrible creatures he summoned.

He took us to occupy the castle, and at first he let us walk freely in the castle, and we could eat anything we wanted.

Some people thought that he was wrong, and might have been bewitched by the devil, and escaped, saying that he was going to Hanjiao Island to ask the master wizard.

After he found out, he was furious and locked us up here directly, not allowing us to leave, but food and water were still sent by those monsters every day.

We have been here for a long time."

The old man briefly recounted what had happened recently in a clear and orderly manner, and finally couldn't help sighing.

"I feel that he is not completely controlled, and he had no choice."

The servants in other baronies also nodded:

"He didn't kill us."

"Are you going to kill him?"

"Is there really no way to make him normal?"

Listening to these people talking in a flurry, Ryan thought for a while and decided to take the people to a safe area first.

But there is still a huge problem in front of them... can they resist the erosion of these pollens?

Don't wait until everyone is taken out and becomes crazy, that would be more trouble than gain.

Just as he hesitated, in the deeper dungeon, in the area covered by orange pollen.

An extremely clear voice sounded.

"Under the glory of the goddess, there can be no greed."

Along with this voice came an extremely dazzling white-gold beam of light, which burst out from the orange pollen, like a sword tearing through the sun.

The pollen was like a loser in front of this beam of light, and could only flee in panic with its tail between its legs, and soon completely retreated, and the surroundings were clear.

The apprentices looked at this scene in a daze, almost thinking that it was Croa who came here in person.

Unfortunately, a blond young man wearing a rather complicated but extremely gorgeous and solemn robe, holding a cup-shaped object in his hand, came out from the depths of the dungeon.

He had a smile on his face and was in the mood to wave: "Hey, brave friend!"

"Who are you?"

In front of the unknown extraordinary, Ryan maintained absolute respect and asked in a humble and unyielding manner: "Are you a priest of the church?"

The blond young man scratched his hair: "Maybe I was before."

Obviously he didn't want to mention this matter, and after answering vaguely, he got straight to the point.

"Are you here to clean up the Mammon Flower too?"

After saying that, he looked at the boys and girls in front of him suspiciously, and said strangely:

"No, although you are slightly better than the knight apprentices of the church, you are still too weak to clean up these things."

Ryan shook his head.

"We are the apprentices of Master Croa of Hanjiao Island."

"Master ordered us to come out for training, and we unexpectedly encountered this situation."

The doubt in the eyes of the blond young man became more and more obvious: "Hanjiao Island... I just came back from outside the kingdom, and I really don't know who he is."

"But none of this matters!"

He waved his hand: "Brave children, since you are here... I will leave!"

"May the light of the goddess shine on you."

After saying that, he turned around and left, and soon disappeared into the depths of the dungeon.

It was like throwing away a huge burden.


The apprentices were silent for a long time when they saw this scene.

Really left? Aren't you from the church? Isn't it your responsibility to clean up the demons?

They really didn't know how to deal with this priest with a particularly erratic temperament.

Finally, Ryan spoke: "We..."

Before he finished speaking, another figure suddenly ran out of the dungeon. It was the priest.

At this moment, he ran outside while waving: "Follow me quickly, the demon has found me, and it won't allow anyone to leave here!"

The apprentices didn't dare to neglect it, because they had heard the sound of snakes crawling from the depths of the dungeon, from far to near.

Those were huge and thick flower vines, they were like ferocious snakes rushing out from the depths and rushing towards here.


They dragged the serfs who hadn't figured out the situation and hurriedly ran towards where they came from, just hoping to leave here quickly.

Thanks to Roland Augustus, Newbie in the House World, Lu Shen, Kong Zheng, Tingyu Wuyou, Insomniac, Zifei Xiaoyugan, wyx, Hongchenke_meng, Book Friend 2017010121265112, Book Friend 20230225195154427, Shangxin Qin Ge, Book Friend 20220304170022601, Book Friend 20200607230130397, and Book Friend 202304D for their monthly tickets and recommendation votes. Thank you!

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