I'm a mage, what's wrong with loving farming?

Chapter 158 158 The truth about salt, the bet is advanced

Chapter 158 158. The truth about salt, the bet is advanced

Croya, who was far away on Hanjiao Island, was not too worried about whether they could escape, because the myconid had seen everything on Ryan's back.

The weird flower vine was just to drive them away. In fact, it moved very slowly. It could even be said that it was deliberately letting them escape.

What he cared about was the cup he saw in the priest's hand.

The cup was made of gold, inlaid with small fragments of white gold, which looked like fragments of skylight.

"Are they fragments of the sky?"

"People from the church actually came to the north."

Croya was thoughtful and glanced at the few people on the screen who had escaped to a safe location and were talking.

"Greed, the infected cultist probably regards the entire castle as his own private property and does not allow people to leave.

In his opinion, the power of the nobles is related to the castle. "

At this moment, his interest there had greatly diminished.

He can figure out the next development.

It was nothing more than killing the cultist after a difficult battle with the help of the priest.

With that strange priest here, he really didn't have to worry about anything happening, he just had to wait.

The myconids can sense the priest's magic... It's close to level four, so it shouldn't be a problem to deal with such infected cultists.

As for why he did this... To be honest, Croya didn't quite understand. According to what the myconid sensed, those flower vines were only level two to level three at most.

He should be vulnerable in front of the priest.

"Is it intentional? I really want to meet him in person. The thing he is holding looks so similar to the Holy Grail of Purification."

"never mind."

Croya thought for a while, shook his head and ordered King Mu Yaoqu Teng: "Cut to the bottom of the sea."

He planned to wait for things to develop before continuing to watch, and there was also the flower vine. He was looking forward to the apprentices bringing it back to him.

"Okay." King Mu Yao Qu Teng immediately obeyed.

After a while, the scene switched to the seabed, to be precise, the bottom of the air coral base, where huge holes had been dug out by wind-eroded sandworms.

This is done by digging from the side of the pit downwards, then expanding and building stairs, which are narrow at the top and wide at the bottom, forming a bottle-like terrain.

At the bottom of the "bottle" is a flat ground with a radius of about one kilometer.

The ground here has been carefully polished, and the surrounding black and red magma rocks have been reinforced and waterproofed with magic materials, and a drying circle has even been arranged.

Magic lamps power this area and illuminate it. There are busy people using white magic mud as building materials to build houses one after another.

This is the undersea factory built under Croya's instructions.

On Hanjiao Island, he does not plan to build any special factories or the like. All of this will be done on the seabed.

One is for concealment, and the other is for convenience.

The former is to deal with people who may come to the island to prevent them from seeing things they shouldn't see; the latter is because there is enough magic power on the seabed, so it will be more convenient to build magic circles and make magic forging furnaces.

Of course, there is also the factor that he does not want to turn Hanjiao Island into a magic industrial island. Magic plants and monsters are cultivated on a large area on the island, and other factories are abandoned on the bottom of the sea, which looks more comfortable.

After observing for a while, Croya saw that the smelting plant and weapons factory had basically been set up, and he nodded with satisfaction.

"It's not bad. How's the tunnel digging going?"

The screen changes again——

We came to an undersea tunnel that was fifteen meters wide and about ten meters high.

People holding the waterproof magic materials he gave are doing the final reinforcement of the tunnel. As long as the reinforcement is completed, the tunnel can be put into use.

This is the passage he plans to prepare for dolphins and marine creatures, allowing them to come directly to the island through this tunnel.

At the exit of the tunnel, he has planned to build a building filled with blue springs in the sea of ​​mist so that fish can swim on land.

After inspecting his territory, Croya suddenly felt something. He lay on the chair and took out the crystal card of the Holy Spring Association.

There was a bright light flashing in different colors on the card - this meant that someone was inviting him to enter the deep blue illusion for an interview.


He pondered for a moment and chose to enter the illusion.

The familiar overwhelming blue spring water covered his entire field of vision. In the illusion of the endless holy spring flowing, there was a tall figure standing not far away.

After seeing Croya come in, he said hello;

"Hey! Long time no see!"

This is a young mage who is about twenty years old. He is wearing the battle mage suit of the Mage Association - a tight-fitting personal robe that does not affect movement, a pair of high boots made of earth dragon skin, and holding a A short staff that looks like a civilized stick.

He looks heroic and has an indescribable aura of strength about him, which is completely different from those mages who wear thick and inconvenient mage robes.

Croya looked at him, raised the corners of his mouth, and said with a smile: "It's been a long time indeed. How have you been lately, Estner?"

His tone has tried his best to imitate the tone of the original owner's conversation with his friends. The slight difference can be regarded as a change caused by the different environment.

Estner chuckled.

"Fortunately, the Mage Association recently organized an operation to clear out the cultists in the Yavanna Holy Mine. I went there with my mentor."

"You seem to be in good health. Are you not in any danger?" Croya asked with concern.

"I was almost killed by the Spore Warriors, so I had time to return to the Mage Association to recuperate." Estner smiled bitterly.

"...It's good to be able to leave that kind of place." Croya frowned and said, "I heard that there is one of the largest magic crystal mines on the continent. Is the association going to ignore it?"

Estner replied: "The situation over there is very complicated, and there is also the danger of the abyss lords invading the main plane. It is estimated that the church will ask the Holy Son to go there."

"By the way, Croya." He suddenly remembered something very important.

He warned in a serious tone: "You have to be careful. Before I came here, I heard from a friend in Qunxing Town that there is a demonic atmosphere in the north.

Now that the northern border is blocked by a snowstorm, and there is also the problem of Yavanna's sacred mine, the kingdom and the association probably don't have time to deal with it.

But it is said that some holy knights who returned from Salt Mountain rushed to the north. If you encounter them, you must be more careful! "

When mentioning these holy knights, Estner's expression almost turned a bit fearful and disgusting.

Croya's heart sank, and he asked quietly curiously: "Huh? The Holy Knight shouldn't be in any danger, right?"

“Aren’t the people in the church always spreading the gospel of God?”

Estner shook his head: "The holy knights who came out of the salt mountains have mastered a powerful ability. Croya, do you know where those salt mountains came from?"

The moment he heard this, Croya remembered the story the baron once told him, about the weapon that could turn people into salt.

He hadn't thought about it that much before, but now he suddenly mentioned...

He pretended not to know: "How did it come about? I remember that it was said to be created by the power of God. At least that's what the church has always said."

"In fact, it can be regarded as caused by the power of God, but those mountains of salt come from sinners executed by the Holy Knight.

It is their bodies that constitute the endless mountains of salt. "

Estner was still frightened: "This time when I went to the Yavanna Sacred Mine, I saw a holy knight from the Salt Mountain. He turned a powerful seventh-level demon into a block of salt with just one shot of a crossbow."

"Ah?" Even though he had already made a guess, he still felt shocked after confirming it.

"Are all the salt mountains the corpses of demons and sinners?"

To be honest, it was a good thing that the salt purchased by the Mage Association was produced by the kingdom itself, otherwise he would really have the urge to vomit.

It's one thing to know, but it's another thing to understand.

"Yes, so you must be careful. Those guys are willing to risk their lives to get rid of the devil. They are a group of fanatical religious lunatics."

After warning again, he looked Croya up and down: "Fourth-level mage, it seems that letting you stay in the capital is a sign of humiliation.

If you want, you can return to the royal capital now.

Neither Stein, who framed you, nor his mentor can prevent a fourth-level mage from returning to the Guild, and it doesn't matter how much revenge you want. "

In fact, Estner was shocked when he received the news from Croya. Even he was only a third-level mage and had just broken through.

As a result, Croya actually triple-jumped from level one to level four. This was really an exaggeration.

For a genius mage of this level, if he wants to take revenge, the top management of the Mage Association will absolutely support him. Weighing the pros and cons is what mages are best at.

Of course, he was the only one who knew about this, and he didn't say it out loud. He wouldn't say it until Croya wanted to announce it.

"Go back?" Croya shook his head disdainfully: "Forget it, I just want to know how strong Stein's mentor is.

I want to have a duel of honor between mages with him. "

Estner had already expected it and spread his hands: "It's very weak. He, a fourth-level mage, could barely get up there, and he still relied on a magic plant.

Speaking of which, the guy who framed you is his illegitimate son.

The Moonlight Spiritual Dew Grass he promised to sign was his mentor's greatest reliance on advancing to the fourth level. "

Hearing this, Croya was slightly startled.

He suddenly found that a fire called anger was rising in his heart. It had been hidden in his heart for a long time, and now it suddenly came out.

That was... the disgust and resentment towards Stein and his mentor, the resentment and anger that once killed the original owner.

It is so strong that it even affects the operation of magic.

If this flame is not dealt with, it may have a serious impact on his path.

But that's exactly what he meant.

He narrowed his eyes: "Isn't that guy a three-year contract? Estner, I want to apply to fulfill the bet in advance and invite him and his mentor to Hanjiao Island.

How about you being my witness? "

Today is a bit busy on Monday, so I need to be less busy. I will continue tomorrow. I also ask readers to bear with me. I would like to thank you!

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