I'm a mage, what's wrong with loving farming?

Chapter 166 166 Ore mining site, apprentice returns

Chapter 166 166. Ore mining site, apprentice returns

When the ground began to shake, Croya had already extended all his mental power and magic power underground.

He was sure that this was a sign that the underground magic veins would spurt out magic power - otherwise, how could it erupt as soon as the octopus crawled out?

So when the ground shook, Croya didn't seem to be moving at all, but the magic power had been sorted out and taken over by the magic power coming from the underground riot.

"There are quite a few."

He sensed it, frowned, took out the Gopher harp, and lightly played the red string.


Slow and gentle music flows out.

When his music plays, even the earth and nature are listeners, and of course they will be affected by the power of the tranquil serenade.

The violent wind and endless snow all around gradually calmed down, turning from howling blizzards to calm falling snowflakes.

The magic power that was about to burst out from the ground also became gentle, and finally flowed out from it like a clear spring. It flowed towards Croya, and soon formed a stream made of magic.

It was only then that Croya felt how huge this magic flow was. It was definitely more than one level. In the process, he also felt that there was something underneath.

‘A very familiar wave. ’

After sorting out the flow of these magic powers, Croya put away the Gopher harp, looked at the ground, and lightly hooked his fingers, and magic power immediately rushed out the things below.

It was a shining blue light.

The moment it appeared, the octopus's eyes went straight.

It stretched its arms and legs, but did not dare to snatch the treasure in front of Croya. It only dared to watch furtively from behind, unable to hide its longing and loss.

But Croya had no intention of paying attention to it.

At this time, Croya stretched out his hand to catch the burst of light, then lowered his head and took a look.

This is... a prismatic blue crystal, with the light representing water shining inside, as if a small piece of the deep sea has been cut off and placed inside.

"Shui Yao Crystal." He took a deep breath, and it was indeed the same as what he had just sensed.

He could not hide his excitement when he looked at the ground - here, there is a vein of crystallized water!

It had been a long time since I had seen an obsidian crystal. The angel sheep had dropped it last time, and there were only a few obsidian fragments, which were not enough to fill the gap between my teeth.

The water essence is good for water-type magic plants and monsters, and can even speed up their breeding, not to mention it can be sold directly for money.

It's absolutely good stuff.

Even in comparison, the magic veins and magic crystal mines seem a bit inconspicuous in front of the water crystal mineral veins.

Therefore, he immediately decided to build a base here. Whether it is magic veins, water crystals or magic crystal mines, they are enough for him to invest enough resources.

He looked around and thought for a while, and decided to build a dam here to directly block the sea water, and then build an ore mining site.

"But let's solve the octopus matter first."

Croya put this matter aside for the time being and glanced at the octopus who was standing aside and watching the water crystals eagerly.

The latter's eyes were full of desire for the water crystals. If Croya hadn't been really powerful, it would have come to snatch it.

'If you think so, then it can be used to seduce you. ’

This guy definitely wants the power of water crystals, so he can conquer it with water crystals. With such a level three monster octopus staying here, many things will be easy to handle.

He quickly separated a drop of water essence through the Qi Yao Separation Technique, held it in his hand and shook it towards the octopus.

The octopus eagerly wanted to pounce, but in the end it held back.

Today, Croya has long been able to separate the essence of water rays without the help of the Seven-ray Divine Law Formation. He even suspected that the formation was a super enhanced version of Qiyao Separation Technique.

It makes sense if you think about it carefully. After all, Archmage Eurydice was originally the apprentice of the legendary mage Eliste. It is normal to create a second creation based on the Seven-Year Separation Technique.

Of course, the power of the Seven-Yao Divine Law Array has a separation effect on all Yao crystals. If it is processed in large quantities, it is definitely more convenient to use a magic array.

"Do you want it?"

He directly tempted and put forward his own conditions: "I will provide you with this essence, but you need to obey my orders honestly.

If you don't want to..."

He didn't say anything else, he just activated his magic power, and three colors of light intertwined behind him, even forming a halo.

Emitting extremely powerful magic waves.

This is naked coercion and inducement. If you are unwilling to accept my kindness, then you will have no choice but to die.

The octopus immediately understood what Croya meant. A third-level monster like it already has an IQ no lower than that of a human, not to mention that the octopus has nine brains.

Equivalent to nine times the desire to live.

It immediately obediently expressed its surrender, and even took the initiative to stretch out its arms and legs, deftly taking out the magic crystals scattered around in the soil, and piled them in front of Croya.

This is used to prove that one is obedient and capable.

"That's right." Croya nodded with satisfaction and tossed the drop of obsidian essence to the octopus, who immediately took it and swallowed it.

Compared to its body size, this water essence is really inconspicuous, but after swallowing it, its eight arms and legs shook and trembled together, just like dancing after drinking.

Finally, it collapsed softly on the ground with a "pop", and it took a long time to recover.

After taming the octopus, the efficiency of collecting ore was much faster. During this period, Cloya also made a preliminary exploration of the situation under the soil.

According to the exploration, there should be a lot of mineral deposits below. It would take a lot of energy for him to mine it with magic power alone.

So he still had to mine it slowly and make use of the magic veins by the way.

After chatting with the big octopus in detail for a while, he left here with a thoughtful expression and a pile of magic crystals and water crystals that were washed out. As for the sea water... it had long been blocked by the wall he created with earth and stone shaping.

There was no sea water in this U-shaped bay.

After leaving here, Cloya did not stay for long and returned directly to the castle with his harvest.

However, before leaving, he left enough building materials and told the apprentices to complete the construction of the mining field with the servants here.

In his opinion, as his apprentice, he should not only be able to fight, but also be able to manage the territory, at least be able to handle these things skillfully.

This time he tasted the sweetness and decided to send apprentices to visit the nobles around one by one, at least to return the area around Hanjiao Island to his territory first.

As for the outside, let Baron Kemoye tell it. Anyway, it's just a transfer from the left hand to the right hand, and it's still his.


After he left completely, the apprentice Lina and her friends gathered all the servants around.

She looked at the people who were wearing ragged clothes and a little timid below, and said loudly: "The lord has something for you to do. You must listen to me carefully. If you can complete it, there will be no problem with eating and wearing warm clothes!"

As a former servant, Lina certainly knew what "she" wanted. It's nothing more than eating and wearing warm clothes and living a stable life.

Although it sounds simple, only Cloya, their powerful wizard lord, can do it.

As she spoke. Apprentices have already brought buckets of food. They call it food, but it is actually boiled thick potatoes, which is the simplest food.

With the help of the Sons of Harvest, the yield of this kind of thick potatoes has soared, and it is still produced continuously even in snowy days.

For people on Hanjiao Island, these are already daily food, and there is nothing to be surprised about.

But it is different for these servants.

After smelling the steaming smell, the servants were simply stunned. You know, when the mountains are closed by heavy snow, the people at the bottom of the society will always suffer.

Their lives cannot withstand the slightest turbulence, let alone this level of natural disaster.

Everyone has been hungry for a few days, and now they smell the aroma of food, but only reason and fear of Lina hold back from fighting for food.

They looked at Lina standing on the high platform as if they were looking at a savior - and the latter did not continue to make any long speeches, but directly said: "Eat! Don't fight over it!"

The servants were a little confused and timid at first, but after seeing that the apprentices had scattered away, they immediately pounced on it and began to wolf down the hot soup and thick potatoes.

But they also remembered Lina's words and did not snatch them.

For a while, the whole castle was full of the sound of drinking soup and chewing.

Lina waited patiently until they finished eating and drinking, clapped her hands, and the servants immediately looked up at her with hope and expectation in their eyes.

Just one meal made these servants obey her.

"Listen to me..."

She picked up a pile of white mud on the side, demonstrated twice how to build a house, and then motioned the servants to try.

The result was unexpectedly smooth. Under the temptation and encouragement of food and her promises, the servants learned quickly.

In just ten minutes, these three hundred people learned how to use white mud to build a building.

Then, they left the castle and went to the seaside to start building. With three intertwined veins as the center, they worked day and night and soon built a huge building.

It was the same height as the more than ten-meter-high dam that Kloya had built to block the sea water. It looked like a castle, but there were no windows.

The interior was divided into three layers. The bottom layer was a crystal pipeline for mining two kinds of ores and transferring magic veins and magic power; the second layer was an indoor field, where some magic plants were planted; the top layer was a teleportation space array, which regularly teleported the ore to the castle on Hanjiao Island.

The only entrance and exit of the castle was on the dam built by Kloya. Everyone had to walk across a bridge and pass over the deep sea water to enter and exit.

The sea water was bottomless, and there seemed to be some terrifying monsters lurking below.

That was the last barrier. The octopus would prevent people from sneaking in from the entrance and would also prevent people from taking out things that they shouldn’t take.

If someone really did this, it would also be unceremoniously open to eat meat.

The endless supply of water crystal magic crystals from White Owl Island was transported to Kloya's castle. The quantity was really large, and hundreds of pieces had been mined just now.

This made Kloya deeply realize that even if he could open up in the sea, he could not let go of the resources on land.

A larger territory means more possibilities and more resources, which are very beneficial to him.

In particular, after he had a detailed discussion with the big octopus, he learned that the reason for the appearance of these mineral veins is likely related to the mermaids.

The big octopus has lived in the ocean for a long time and is very sensitive to the magic of mermaids, even more sensitive than the sea dolphins blessed by mermaids.

At first, it was the magic of the mermaids that lured it to the shore, and it discovered the ore - that was the product of the conflict between two kinds of magic.

That is, the mermaid magic from the ocean and the magic from the land.

He was very suspicious of the cause of these winds and snows, and now that he knew it was related to mermaids, he suddenly felt gloomy in his heart.

You know, this is the snow covering the entire northern border!

Even if he stayed in his own territory, he could think of how many people were affected by the snowstorm and finally died of hunger and cold.

He had collected so many musical sounds, so he would definitely be affected, and naturally he could sense the emotions in it. It was inevitable that he felt sorry for his own kind and thought that the mermaids were really too much.

Originally, he thought that he was helpful to the mermaids, and maybe they would not care about his development in the sea, but now he was a little confused.

He decided to temporarily stop the development of the ocean, at least to wait until the mermaids appeared and see their attitude before making plans.

Since the sea cannot be expanded for the time being, the land must be taken into consideration. He has already instructed the teams outside to control any minerals and materials and bring them to Hanjiao Island.

Bring whatever you have, anyway, the heavy snow environment is the best cover.

"I'm just waiting for their harvest."

After thinking about these things, he glanced at the clock hanging on the wall and muttered to himself:

"Speaking of which, it's time to come."

As soon as he finished speaking, King Mu Yao Qu Teng reminded: "Master, there is a castle waiting at the dock of Hanjiao Island. Apprentice Ryan wants to see you."

"Oh." Kloya nodded slightly and lay back, "Let him in, I also want to know what else happened."

Although there were mushroom people monitoring the whole process, he was not there in person after all, so some things still need to be seen before they are said.

"Okay." King Mu Yao Qu Teng agreed.

After a while, Ryan walked in from outside and saluted to Kloya as soon as he came in: "My lord! I'm back!"

"Yeah." Kloya glanced at him and found that the momentum of this guy was getting more and more fierce, and he had reached the power of a first-level knight.

It's normal, after all, he really worked hard this time.

But the thorn of justice in his body... seems a bit strange.

Croa raised his eyebrows and said, "Come closer."

Ryan immediately took a few steps forward, and finally stopped at Croa's signal, with less than half a meter left from the latter.

At this time, Croa casually cast magic power, and a bright golden light wrapped with a wisp of strange magic power fell in front of Croa.

That was orange power, full of greed and desire.

'Mammon's boundless greed. '

When he got this wisp of magic power, the hidden chapter of the Orange Song in his heart moved slightly, and after absorbing this power, it quickly subsided.

'I guess there will be more of this power. '

He had some guesses, put it aside for the time being, and said to Ryan in surprise: "You can actually absorb this kind of power, do you feel anything wrong?"

Ryan shook his head: "No, it's no different from usual."

"Is that so." Croa stared at the thorn of justice in his body and felt that this thing was really a bit outrageous.

Although he had learned from the baron that this kind of thorn could absorb power and transform it into his own power, he did not expect that even the power of this emotional demon could be transformed.

If this speculation is followed, can higher-level power, such as divine power, also be transformed?

He was very curious, so he tried it directly - he took the divine power of the Earth Mother Goddess in the bottle, wrapped it with his own golden magic power and handed it to Ryan.

"Try to absorb these powers." He said.

"Yes." Ryan did it immediately.

The young knight apprentice began to absorb the golden green magic power in the golden magic power according to the breathing method, and he actually absorbed a little bit.

Although it was only a tiny wisp, it was indeed absorbed. The magic power was transformed in his justice thorns and turned into a very terrifying power.

If it weren't for Cloya's quick eyes and hands to help him suppress these powers directly, he would probably explode directly.

This shows how exaggerated the quality of these divine powers is.

Kloya thought in his heart: ‘It can really be absorbed... But it seems that my power has suppressed it. Can this magic power representing eternity even suppress the turbulence of divine power easily? ’

Just now he saw clearly that these divine powers were about to riot when they entered the Thorns of Justice, but his golden magic power suppressed them.

It is obvious that the golden eternal magic power is more powerful than divine power.

‘In other words, let them absorb these divine powers in the future. The quality of divine power is so exaggerated that no other magic power is needed at all. ’ His heart moved.

This is of course a good thing. It can consume those divine powers that are useless to him, and it can also solve the magic consumption of the knight apprentice.

After solving this doubt, he asked if anything happened on the way back.

Of course, nothing happened.

With such a large mobile castle as a means of transportation, there was no trouble at all, and even that Git was very nice to them.

The food in the castle was also distributed to the servants by Git, and there was nothing wrong with his treatment of people.

In the end, Ryan even asked Cloya to plead with Git.

"Sir, although Git was tempted by the devil, I think he seems to be fine now. Will you kill him?"

"Let's see."

Cloya did not give a clear answer, but stood up, "Let's go, let's go see that Git and the priest."

He soon arrived at the dock of Hanjiao Island and saw the castle supported by flower vines. The moment he saw the castle, the light in his eyes turned into a deep orange.

With him as the center, some small orange flowers grew under his feet, stretching endlessly.

The music sounded unconsciously.

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