I'm a mage, what's wrong with loving farming?

Chapter 167 167 Controlling the devil's magic, the paradise of gluttony

Chapter 167 167. Controlling the Demonic Power, the Land of Gluttony

Kroya stared at the castle and felt the orange power in his body beating. This special power of the Orange Song began to boil the moment he saw the castle.

They even began to spread from around Kroya, and rose-like flowers bloomed on the ground, gradually spreading and expanding.

Finally, the entire castle was wrapped in it.

In fact, Kroya knew that these magic powers were extending and expanding. He also knew that he could control them. As long as he thought about it, the boiling magic power would return to calm.

But he did not restrain himself, or he was actively indulging these magic powers. He wanted to see what kind of effect these magic powers could create.

As a result, before the orange flowers grew on the castle, a hurried figure ran out.

He waved anxiously while running: "No! Sir! Don't let them come over!"

This figure was naturally Git. After feeling the magic power in those orange flowers, this guy was simply cold all over.

Those flowers...want to swallow him as food!

The devil formed by the concept of greed is greedy for everything. As a result, after being swallowed by humans, he will be swallowed by flowers again.

I don’t know what kind of expression its fellows in the abyss will make when they see it like this.

“Don’t get close.” Kloya stretched out his hand and tapped lightly.

Immediately, three colors of light formed a magic prison to lock Git inside. This is the simplest magic confinement, but the magic is special, and the intensity is naturally special.

Poor Git was locked in, and the magic ropes were tangled around his body without any hesitation, directly tying him up.

During this process, he did not resist, but his body did not leave the castle at all, and he always stood at the entrance of the castle.

Kloya looked at him carefully. This guy is no longer human. The astral body imprinting technique clearly shows that his name is——

[Mammon’s Greedy Flower. 】

Under his body that looked like a human, there were actually countless intertwined flower vines, densely packed, supporting the skin on the surface.

After just a moment of watching, Kloya felt an extreme disgust for no reason, echoing in his heart.

He saw those flower vines as if he had seen something unacceptable. This was an emotion he had never had before. Even when facing the most disgusting monsters, he did not feel such disgust.

This was a very strange emotion.

He first felt a sense of closeness, and then suddenly felt disgusted, so much so that he was particularly nauseous and almost vomited.

The disgust from him made the orange flowers continue to grow wildly, and soon they grew on the walls of the castle, emitting a warm orange halo in the wind and snow.

The priest in solemn and elegant robes had already jumped down from the castle window and came to Kloya's side very familiarly.

He smiled and said, "Friend, don't be angry and disgusted."

The voice from the priest was solemn and solemn, like a choir singing a hymn, and there was also a very special power in it that could soothe the spirit.

If it were someone else, he might be able to be appeased, but who did he want to appease?

That was Croa! Croa with the orange ode and the quiet serenade!

When Croa didn't want to be quiet, no one could appease him, so he waved his hand unceremoniously.

"Please be quiet."

The three-color light formed a prison again, and the priest was locked in. This time the priest was dumbfounded - he used the magic of the "God" from the salt mountain, but it didn't work?

He didn't dare to act rashly, and could only watch Croa take the cage of Git into the castle and close the castle door.

Naturally, no one could see what happened in the castle.

"What a powerful wizard... huh?"

The priest suddenly felt that the salt stake he carried in his pocket seemed to be beating, and it was so hot that it seemed to fly out.

"Are there any creations of God around here?"

His eyes lit up all of a sudden, full of enthusiasm and excitement.

Inside the castle.

Kloya put Git aside and began to use his power to wash away the power in this guy's body. He wanted to completely eliminate his disgust.

The orange light was like a high-pressure water gun, washing Git from the outside to the inside without hesitation, but the latter did not feel any pain, but instead felt that the impurities were washed away.

Under the flushing of these powers, the flower vines in his body gradually washed away all the traces of the previous demons, leaving only the purest translucent orange flower vines.

That was pure "greed".

Only then did Kloya nod with satisfaction.

"This is how it's clean."

After dealing with the "dirt", he began to absorb the greedy power inside without hesitation.

The flowers transformed by his magic power are the medium that can absorb the greedy power.

The orange pollen poured out from the flower vines and rushed towards him, and under the guidance and surrounding of the music, it formed a low and dangerous melody.

While guiding the power, he also injected his golden eternal magic back into the body of the flower vine as an anchor point.

He could detonate it at any time if he wanted.

Every time a force gathers in his body, the hidden chapter of Orange Song will light up a little, when he has absorbed all the greed in the castle.

The chapter that was barely readable was finally completely complete, and a lot of new content appeared.

Kloya immediately read the chapter from beginning to end.

As a result, he found that the new content in this chapter did not blindly belittle Mammon, but felt that He was promoted to a demon under the desire of greed, which was a very hard move.

With the blessing of desire, he got the power he wanted.

The sun spreads light to all things, and does not care whether they take different paths. Greed can create kings and demons.

Because everything comes from the light of the sun, even demons.

So the power of this chapter is to transform the power of greed into the "magic power" of the demon, and can arouse the greed in people's hearts, the greed for something.

In other words, in addition to the original magic power, the sacred magic power from the mushrooms, Kloya can now manipulate the demon magic.

"... I thought it would absorb these magic powers and then eliminate greed, but I didn't expect it to use greed."

Kloya really didn't expect it to be like this.

But it has to be said that this is in line with the style of the sun. There is no clear dislike or preference, only the light is spread to all things equally.

Even demons have the right to enjoy the sun's light.

It seems that the sun, which narrowly regards all evil as enemies, always feels that it has a clear bias.

He looked at the special magic power from the demon gathered at his fingertips, and the greedy emotional power contained in it, and immediately realized that this thing might be very useful.

You must know that although some magicians can practice demon magic, they all use their own magic power to simulate, and the real demon magic is full of disorder and chaos.

For a wizard who wants to restrain his own magic, it is almost impossible to truly control it.

Because there is a difference in essence-how can an orderly wizard learn the chaotic demon magic?

The demon's magic, unless it is invaded by the demon, or after some crazy transformation-but that is almost equivalent to becoming a demon.

So it is impossible for humans to control demonic magic.

Of course, this is what the book says.

Now it is not necessarily the case, because a human who can control demonic magic has appeared.

Not only can Kloya control these magics, he can even cast some demonic magic, such as...

"Portal to the Lower Planes."

After controlling the magic of these demons, he seemed to have learned the magic of a portal to the Lower Planes directly.

This is the magic included in "Mammon's Boundless Greed".

Out of curiosity, Kloya tried to cast it.

He stretched out his palm, and the orange halo rose on the ground, forming an extremely complex magic array composed of demonic words.

What Kloya didn't know was... The space barrier of the main plane was actually very stable, and there was also a starry sky array arranged by the Titans at the invitation of Master Ilist and Pope Saint Martin.

Even a powerful abyss lord like Lady Fungus can only lure people and then open up a stable space channel through the special environment of the Yavanna Holy Mine.

The pit lord returned to the lower plane to fight and then obtained various resources.

In other words, it is very difficult to maintain a space channel to the lower plane - otherwise those demons would have come to the main plane and opened a portal to pull people in.

But he opened it up in this way, which was quite easy.

He was using the power of the "sun" to open it up, which would not arouse the vigilance of the main plane barrier, nor would it be monitored by the starry sky array.

This is the sun, the sun that shines on the earth. It is normal to appear anywhere, just like turning on the administrator mode.

"Ding ding ding..."

The orange halo jumped, making a crisp sound of chiseling stones, and soon outlined a portal made of magic bones. Behind the light curtain, there was a scorched earth like fire, dead and chaotic.

Just a little bit of breath leaked from the light curtain, and he could already feel the chaotic and violent breath inside.

There is no doubt that it is the abyss.

However, the number of layers should not be very deep. Although the magic inside is violent, it does not have the power to destroy everything. It is said that the magic wind of the abyss in the legend can blow everything into the most primitive dust.

Kloya: "..."

He just tried it casually, but he didn't expect it to be successful?

Jit, who was sucked dry on the side, widened his eyes. The flower vines in his body were ready to move. He felt the breath behind the portal. That was the abyss!

As long as he could enter it, it would be like returning home!


However, as soon as its desire arose, Kloya felt it and glanced at it directly.

There was a warning and threat in his eyes.

A demon who was used as a magic supply tool by him dared to dream of returning to the lower plane?

Under the intimidation of this look, the flower vines immediately curled up and dared not move.

It felt bitter!

As Mammon's creation, the embodiment of desire, there is really no possibility of fighting back when facing Croa, who can devour and transform desires at will. Croa is simply its natural enemy and nemesis!

After suppressing the flower vines, Croya finally had the energy to observe the scorched earth behind the light curtain - there was no life anywhere as far as the eye could see.

But it just doesn't look like it.

He saw some grass growing tenaciously in the scorched earth. The grass was dark red all over, and the leaves were incomplete, as if they had been eaten by something.


Facing the unknown magic plant, Croya was of course very curious. After thinking about it, he summoned a fire slime and pointed over there.

The latter immediately jumped into the door and quickly brought back a small crimson grass. When it was brought back, Croya discovered something was wrong.

This thing feels like meat, and even exudes a fishy smell unique to meat. It is completely different from the vegetarian protein of the blood grass fungus that disguises itself as meat. This... is meat.

Even because it has been in a hot environment for a long time, it also exudes the aroma of barbecue. This aroma is so obvious and attractive that it makes people move their index fingers just by smelling it.

The omnipotent star spirit body engraving technique immediately gave the answer——

[Gluttonous Meat and Grass].

Its astral body is very simple and doesn't look like there's anything special about it, but there's a very special magic wrapped around it.

Similar to the magic power of greed but not exactly the same, it also conveys a sense of consciousness——

"eat me!"

"I'm delicious!"

"Ahhh! Eat me!"

This consciousness is so strong that it can even be said to be deafening.

Anyway, Croya felt his temples twitching as he listened, and for the first time he blocked out the consciousness coming from the magic plant - it was really disturbing to hear.

Although he knew the name of this thing, Croya still picked it up, shook it towards Kit, and said curiously:

"There seems to be a strange magic here, do you know what it is?"

After observing for a while, the latter got the information through the flower vines of the Flower of Mammon in his body, and said with some surprise: "Master Mage, this seems to be the creation of the gluttonous demon.

It was a magic plant created by Him to satisfy his endless appetite. "

This answer is quite expected.

But his expression seemed interesting.

Croya nodded slightly and continued to ask: "Your expression, is this something rare?"

"..." After a brief silence, Kit said with some uncertainty: "The flower vines in my body told me that after Gluttony died, its abyss was closed.

Even legendary mages and gods cannot peek into which layer of the bottomless abyss this layer of abyss is located. "

To be honest, although he had seen Croya's power, he still found it unbelievable that the other party could actually find the lost abyss.

The reason why he is willing to believe in the devil is because the devil can bring him power, and with power, he can deal with everything.

As a result, a mage stronger than the devil came.

He felt that he really lacked knowledge. Are all mages in the world like this, or is this one the most special?

Just when everyone and the devil were wondering.

The white-gold holy light suddenly descended.

The flapping angel flew out of the portal and landed next to Croya, staring at the portal of the lower plane portal.

He sighed softly: "The paradise, this is the paradise of gluttony."

"Devil, please be quiet!"

He glanced at Git, who was already imprisoned by the three-color light. Countless ring-shaped apertures appeared out of thin air, locking him inside, and the entire demon fell into a state of stasis.

Obviously demons have no magical power over angels.

Croya even thought that this guy would kill this demon casually.

In so many myths, legends and poems, angels and demons are mortal enemies.

"Are you awake?" Croya raised an eyebrow: "I thought you were still sleeping before, but are you awake now?"

"I was awakened by the creation of salt, and felt the breath of the abyss again." There was a rare expression of surprise on His face: "Lucky friend, you have actually found the paradise of gluttony."

"Wait, what kind of creation of salt can actually wake you up?" Croya interrupted him.

This time the angel answered happily:

"That is the creation of the former goddess Keleha. She is the goddess of life. The splicing of severed limbs you have learned is her magic.

He once threw a salt stake that could destroy everything against a civilization, turning the plane into a world of salt.

That is His most proud work, an alchemy of absolute transformation of matter and life. "

"Is she the goddess of life in Miracle of Light?" Croya continued to ask: "You said salt, does it have anything to do with the salt mountain of the church?"

The angel did not answer: "My friend, it is too early for you."

"Okay, I just saw a priest outside. I know he is from the Salt Mountain. What power do you think the salt creation has?"

Since He said this, Croak did not press him and raised the issue of the salt creation that He mentioned.

"This is exactly what I want to tell you." The angel showed a strange smile: "The gluttonous demon once had contact with Keleha, which angered the goddess.

The angry goddess threw her salt pile into the kingdom of Beelzebub, the gluttonous demon, so that all his food was stained with thick salt.

Even Beelzebub couldn't eat the food affected by the salt and threw it away angrily, so... the power of the salt stake can remove Beelzebub's power.

If you want to occupy this paradise, the salt stake is indispensable.

It is said that there are all kinds of food in Beelzebub's paradise, all of which appear in the form of magic plants or monsters. "

This is no longer a hint, but a clear indication.

Kloya looked at the flashing portal, and then looked at the meat steak grass next to it, and his heart was naturally eager to move.

He is really very interested in such magical magic plants and monsters.

Of course, we have to see if it works first.

That priest... he has to pay it or not.

Thanks to the reward from the big boss of Worrell City and your monthly tickets and recommendation tickets. It's just a little bit away from one thousand. I beg for the monthly ticket QAQ!

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