I'm a mage, what's wrong with loving farming?

Chapter 168 168 Salt pile barbecue, flowing with honey and milk

Chapter 168 168. Barbecue on the Salt Pile, flowing with honey and milk...

In order to make the priest obediently hand over the imitation of the Salt Pile, the angel also told Croya a name——


He said this: "The world that was once destroyed by salt was called this name. Lucky friend, just tell him, and he will definitely be willing to cooperate with you."

"You have many secrets." Croya stared at the angel.

Although the latter looked calm on the surface when facing his gaze, he was actually a little nervous inside.

Even for a mage who practices "Poetry of the Original Origin", if he is not careful, his mood fluctuations will definitely be seen.

Fortunately, Croya did not continue to dig deeper into this issue, but raised another question——

"Is this snowstorm related to the mermaid tribe?"

"I recently bought a new magical plant called Glazed Ice Soul Lotus. Are there really other worlds outside this world?"

The angel relaxed a little and replied: "Yes, this snowstorm is related to the mermaid tribe. This is an ancient ritual.

Legend has it that when the wind and snow melt, the warmth behind the entire sea will converge towards the kingdom of mermaids. At that time, the moon god will shine his light and bless the new mermaids. "

Croya: "..."

"So this huge snowstorm is just for the birth of the little mermaid? Are the mermaids so crazy?"

He really couldn't imagine that such a huge scene, the wind and snow covering the entire northern territory of Norant Kingdom and large areas of the sea, was actually for a birth ceremony.

Wouldn’t the Mages Association and the Church care?

The angel sighed softly, with pity in his words: "Lucky friend, I should tell you... the mermaid tribe once had a very glorious past.

Even if they are now trapped in this sea area because of the decline of their descendants, it is far from being easily stopped by the Mage Association and the Church in this world.

You don't need to feel guilty, even if you don't provide them with water essence, they will find another way... and it may be more troublesome then. "

Actually, I don't really feel guilty. God knows they would do such a thing.

Croya nodded slightly, signaling the angel to continue speaking.

"As for the other worlds you mentioned... of course there are, and there are many, many. Even a mage who can travel in the star realm will have difficulty finding the end of the world in his lifetime."

"There will also be some forces in the boundless world, and the Holy Spring Chamber of Commerce where you purchased the items is one of them."

"Their power spreads across countless worlds, and the power of the Holy Spring has also left traces in countless worlds in this way, and has also intersected with various races.

However, this does not include the mermaid tribe. They had some conflicts with the Holy Spring Chamber of Commerce, so the rule of the Holy Spring Chamber of Commerce was not to trade with the mermaid tribe. "

After what the angel said, Croya finally confirmed what he had suspected for a long time - the Holy Spring Chamber of Commerce was indeed a big force outside the plane, and mermaids could not buy water essence from them.

As early as the beginning, he had doubted why the mermaids did not buy the water essence from the Holy Spring Chamber of Commerce. Logically speaking, the forces of the mermaid clan should not know about the Holy Spring Chamber of Commerce.

If the Shengquan Chamber of Commerce can collect the items with clearly marked prices, they should also be able to sell them with clearly marked prices.

It turns out there was a conflict between the two.

But to be able to get into trouble with businessmen like the Holy Spring Chamber of Commerce... what have the mermaid tribe done?

Businessmen pursue profit, and they can ignore most things when they make money. It is hard to imagine that a chamber of commerce that spreads across many planes can have no contact with one race.

The angel saw the doubts and thoughts on Croak's face. In order to prevent Croak from asking more questions, he said:

"Lucky friend, I will tell you how to use the Salt Pile and part of the information about the Paradise of Gluttony... After that, I will continue to fall into a deep sleep. Please use Gopher wood to help me sort out my magic power every seven days.

I will wake up when the storm subsides and open the Ark Garden for you again. "

He gently approached Croya and left a warm kiss on the latter's forehead.

Then when he was about to fly back, Croya suddenly asked a question, asking him to stop.

"Are you male or female?"

To be honest, this problem has troubled him for a long time. Although the book says that angels have no concept of gender, maybe this guy is special?

A rather obvious doubt flashed across the returning angel's face, and he replied very strangely: "My friend, you can choose whether I am a male or a female."

"If you want, I can use the power of the ring to create any form you need."

"No matter what body shape you have, you can ask for it, and it doesn't matter if it's not human. The structure of the body will definitely be the same as the real one.

You're welcome. In the old Ark, this was a service that even the gods liked. "


Now it was Croya's turn to be unable to answer.

You, aren't you an angel? How can you say something like this so fresh and refined?

He could only watch the angel leave, shaking his head and laughing.

But he didn't see the fleeting smile on the angel's face after turning around.

That's right, beings like mushrooms and angels probably don't have the concept of "gender" at all, but he's overthinking it.

Now, let's trick the priest into coming.

He covered Kit's cage with a cloth and invited the priest through the myconids.

The priest had actually been waiting for Cloya to call him. After hearing Cloya inviting him to enter the castle, he immediately ran in impatiently.

This time he jumped out as usual.

When he saw Croya, he directly asked: "Master Croya, in your territory... are there any special church creations?"

His tone was so excited that he didn't pay attention to the portal that was exuding a chaotic atmosphere not far away.

The mage looked at him and said casually: "Northampria."


The priest's pupils suddenly shook.

How do you know this name? Although he wanted to ask, he held back.

He took several deep breaths before he managed to calm down, and put his fingers on his chest and his heart: "Dear mage, I am Kevin Ragak of the Knights of Salt.

Salute to you, the legend who knows the past. "

"I will provide you with whatever you need. If necessary, I will contact my colleagues in the Knights."

"Give me the pile of salt, I will use it." Croya didn't say much, because he really didn't have much to say, and he really didn't know anything more.

If you say a few more words, the secret will be revealed.


Father Kevin took out a small wooden box about ten centimeters long from his pocket and handed it to Croya respectfully.

There is a very special coat of arms on the wooden box.

What seemed to be a hand holding a strange Holy Grail, with slender fingers, clearly a female hand.

‘Seal it. ’ Croya followed the method taught by the angels and gathered a little sacred magic power on his fingertips, turning it into a liquid form and slowly dripping on the coat of arms.

The heraldic chalice was immediately filled with water.

Immediately afterwards, the wooden box opened silently.

Lying quietly inside was a white object about three centimeters long, very rough, like a wooden wedge, with very rough granular salt on the surface.

It looks like some crude alchemical creation.

This is the Pile of Salt.

Although it looks inconspicuous, if it penetrates into any object, it can quickly salt it. Unless it is high-level divine magic and legendary magic, there is no room for reversal.

And this is just the power of imitations.

It was described in the knowledge that the angel gave him... If the Salt Pile is genuine, not even the gods can resist it in the slightest.

It is the greatest masterpiece of the goddess of life, the ultimate alchemical creation that can transform all life and matter into the concept of "salt".

To be honest, this thing is definitely a trump card in your hand, but it's a pity that what Croya wants to do is a little strange.

I saw him stretch out his finger and tap lightly on the salt pile.

The sacred power poured into the inside of the salt pile like a thread, and was quickly salted, turning into white salt crystals that fluttered down.

This is a method that the angel taught him, to absorb some of the power of the Salt Pile without losing the alchemical formula of the Salt Pile.

This method requires a high level of magic control, and it also needs the sacred magic power given by him. The only one who can gather these two points is probably Croya.

Croya collected these salt crystals and held them in his hands to observe carefully - the crystals salted by the divine power had a pure taste.

Immediately afterwards, he picked up the salt and lightly sprinkled it on the pork chop grass beside him, just like spreading salt on a barbecue. The salt immediately blended into the pork chop grass after contacting it.

Their power quickly dissipated the magic of the gluttonous demon inside the pork chop grass.

Without the magic power of gluttony, this strange pork chop grass was actually edible, but Croya did not try it himself to prevent problems.

He took chili powder and other spices, sprinkled some directly on the steak, and then grilled it with a flame.


The pork chops started to become oily.

The grease dripped into the flames below, and a more powerful flame burst out, with red tongues of flame licking the pork chops and grass.

Soon, the pork chops began to emit an indescribable aroma. The aroma was really very tempting, more tempting than any barbecue Croya had ever smelled.

"Here, try it."

After baking, Croya handed it to Father Kevin.

The latter licked his lips after a brief hesitation: "Thank you, great mage!"

He was indeed a little hungry.

Although there was something to eat in Greedy Castle these days, it was just enough to fill me up. Now that I smell this aroma, I really can’t help it.

He took it and took a bite, and the fresh juice splashed into his mouth. The meat was extremely tender, with just the right amount of chili powder as seasoning and the subtle divine power inside.

After one bite, he was intoxicated by the satisfying feeling of eating meat.

It’s so delicious that you can’t stop eating.

After just a few bites, he had eaten all but one root of the pork chop grass. When he wanted to bite it, the remaining roots ran away nimbly.

It ran to Croya's side and hid in Croya's shadow.

"Does it taste good?" Croya glanced at the rhizome and smiled slightly: "Using the sacred salt as a seasoning, do you feel any changes in your body?"

"Has it changed?" Father Kevin felt it carefully and found that the power seemed to have penetrated into his body, and his strength and flesh had become "clean".

That's right, it's clean.

He actually knew about the power of the Salt Pile.

Salt can wash away all sins and filth, but no one has ever dared to experiment with salt on themselves - there is an essential difference between the salt sold by the church and the salt from the Salt Pile.

Being able to use the power of the Salt Pile like this...

Father Kevin suddenly became more respectful to Croya.

"Next, I need you to help me with some things." Croya pointed to the door to the side unceremoniously.

"I can maintain it for about ten minutes. Please help me go in and find something. It can be anything. Just bring it back."

He needs to know what other special species are inside.

Only after you figure out what's in it can you think about enclosure, breeding and planting.

After Croya said this, it was only then that Kevin noticed the door to the lower plane standing beside him, and the look in his eyes became more and more excited.

It's a devil! Devil's breath!

You must know that the promotion of the Knights depends on the number of demons killed. He has been suffering from not having enough demons to kill, and now he actually sees a portal to the lower plane!

"Okay, I'll go right away."

The priest took out an exquisite crossbow engraved with sacred magic patterns from the space magic weapon he carried with him, and also took out a scepter inlaid with a thick sacred scripture.

With these two things in hand, he couldn't wait to walk into the portal and walked on the ground that seemed to be burned by flames.

However, despite being so prepared, he didn't feel any demonic aura at all. Instead, he smelled some strange barbecue smell and a sweet cake-like smell.

"Is this the lower plane?"

The priest became more and more strange. He felt that these things were wrong for a reason, so he became more careful.

He walked forward step by step, almost cautiously.

Soon, he heard the sound of the river water.

"There is water. Could it be Leviathan's territory?" He continued to walk forward, but when the river appeared in front of him, he was stunned.

I saw milky white milk and golden honey flowing in this river. The river was turbulent and flowed very fast.

It flowed out from nowhere, and then flowed deep into the depths. The edge was completely invisible, and it stretched across the earth.

Because of its fast flow rate, the milk and honey were mixed together, exuding an extremely sweet taste that even he couldn't help but lick his lips.

"The river flowing with honey and milk...is this the Promised Land?"

The education Kevin received made him more and more confused at this moment. If the Promised Land was really the Promised Land, how could it be in the lower plane?

When he hesitated, several bouncing creatures approached the river and licked the flowing water on the river bank.


The wool on their bodies is extremely fluffy and soft, showing a burnt yellow color. The whole sheep looks like buttered bread.


The priest didn't know what to say at all.

In fact, with his ability, he couldn't see the magic power of the gluttonous demons in these monsters. After all, the gluttonous demon once wanted to spread his "creations" to the main plane, and people must not be able to see that there was demonic magic in them.

But if it is eaten directly without processing, it will be directly corroded by the devil's magic power and become a slave of gluttony. From body to soul, it will belong to greed.

He silently put down the holy crossbow in his hand, put away the code hammer, and took out a net.

Then, like a hunter hunting, he slowly approached the sheep who were drinking honey and milk with almost no steps.

As the distance gets closer.

He threw the net suddenly——


The net instantly trapped several sheep, and they screamed loudly in fear, but the net was completely closed the moment it was trapped, leaving them with no possibility of escaping.

When the other sheep saw their companions being caught in the net, they ran away without saying a word. They ran so fast that they escaped from Father Kevin's sight in almost a few seconds.

Only the three sheep trapped in the net were left, bleating pitifully.

"Only three." The priest was slightly disappointed.

He was about to step forward and catch the sheep when he suddenly heard a "crash" and a huge shadow jumped out of the river and jumped directly to the ground.

The huge weight made the ground shake.

What appeared this time was... a dragon. To be precise, it should be a dinosaur, and it was very similar to the Tyrannosaurus Rex that Croya had seen in his previous life.

It was about ten meters tall, with honey and milk flowing all over its body. The surface of its strong body was covered with oil. Under the surrounding light, it looked...crisp skin and tender meat. In short, it was full of appetite.


The Tyrannosaurus rex roared wildly at the priest, and then rushed over, trying to swallow the little human in one bite.

The priest silently took out the holy crossbow and code hammer that he had just put away, and first fired a crossbow arrow - the golden crossbow arrow exploded directly when it touched the Tyrannosaurus Rex.


The flesh and blood of the Tyrannosaurus Rex was immediately exploded by the processed sacred explosive crossbow, and it howled in pain instantly.

But that's not all.

The priest saw the right moment, jumped up, and hit the Tyrannosaurus Rex on the head with the hammer that looked extremely heavy.


Rather than the imagined scene of bloody and splattered brains, the Tyrannosaurus Rex fell down with a wail, and after falling down, its body suddenly split open.

As if it had disintegrated, strips of roasted golden meat appeared on the ground in an instant.

A Tyrannosaurus Rex, which was much smaller than before, jumped out of the meat and tried to escape in a hurry, but was covered by another net before it could run.

"Is this a reward?" The priest looked at the roasted golden meat, swallowed his saliva, and selected some to put into his space magic weapon.

Then he began to absorb the honey and milk in the river and put them into several water bags. During this period, he accidentally found some very strange jellyfish-like things in it.

Anyway, he caught him whenever he saw him, and when he left, he also uprooted a small gray-black tree next to him and took it away.

In the end, he calculated that the time was almost up, and hurriedly left here with a lot of harvest.

But after he left, a huge tree shadow flashed in a deeper place, as if it was watching him.

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