I'm a mage, what's wrong with loving farming?

Chapter 169 169 Wine in the Tree, Reconstruction Plan for Hanjiao Island

Chapter 169 169. Wine in the Tree, Reconstruction Plan of Hanjiao Island

"Is this what you brought back?"

Kloya blinked, looking at Father Kevin who was pulling the sheep and the Tyrannosaurus Rex, holding a net with jellyfish and rubbing the tree, and suddenly felt a little funny.

Father Kevin's complex, solemn and elegant vestments were so dazzling that even Cloya couldn't help holding these things.

It was like the feeling of a priest who only mixed in the upper class suddenly going to the vegetable market to buy vegetables, and he was not very skilled in buying vegetables.

Father Kevin ignored the smile in Cloya's eyes.

"Yes." He nodded with a serious expression: "That area is a special place I have never seen before. I can't understand what it is."

"It is obviously full of chaos and violent demonic power, but there are also such magical beasts and... rivers flowing with honey and milk."

He thought all the way, and even recalled the scriptures he read, but he couldn't find any similarities with this place.

If it weren't for the fact that the demonic power could not be faked, he would even have to suspect whether it was a sub-plane cultivated by some legendary wizard or saints.

Faced with his doubts, Kroya didn't mean to explain. If he didn't know, then he didn't know, so that he could keep it mysterious.

He took a look at those things, which was a little satisfying - maintaining the portal was quite consuming for him, and it was estimated that it could only be opened once every half a month.

And he had to continue to absorb a little more of the demonic magic of the Mammon flower vine to successfully cast the spell.

Bringing back so many things was enough for him to study and cultivate for a while.

In order to get these things quickly, he didn't even talk to the priest to understand the purpose of his coming here.

Now that the problem has finally been solved, he also intends to satisfy his curiosity——

"Why did you come to the North?"

"Is there anything here that drives you here?"

The priest was slightly stunned. He didn't expect Kloya to change the subject so much. He thought for a while before answering:

"Because of the greedy demon."

"The Knights General felt the power of the greedy demon in the North, and specially sent five of us here.

Kill the demon and bring the salt back."

His expression changed from serious to sad with compassion: "The more disasters there are, the more cultists and demons there are.

The general and we don't know why the kingdom, the wizard association, and the church itself are unwilling to send people to rescue.

When the disaster is over, the North... I don't know how many people will be left alive, and I don't know how chaotic it will become."

At the end, he couldn't help closing his eyes and pressing his fingers on his heart, as if praying to God.

Kloya listened quietly without any expression.

To be honest, even if he faced such a large-scale natural disaster, he could only protect an area at most, and more places would be absolutely beyond his ability.

If he really had enough strength and capital, he wouldn't mind doing good deeds, which would allow him to get more territory and different music.

But he didn't have enough strength.

Then he could only protect those he could protect.

But greed... That would be a good thing for him, as he was worried that the magic power provided by Git was not enough.

If there were more Mammon flower vines, would it allow him to maintain the portal to the lower plane?

There must be more strange beasts and plants in the paradise of the gluttonous demons. If he could get them all, it would definitely be a great help to him.

'With this priest following, safety is guaranteed, and the apprentices can experience more training, get flower vines, and improve their favorability...'

When Kroya thought about it, he suddenly felt that he could help, and it was a sure win.

So, he pretended to ponder for a long time, and said: "I can let my apprentices help you get rid of the demons. If there are people who are affected by the disaster, I am willing to accept them, and I can even provide you with enough food and supplies."

"But all the Mammon vines must be given to me."

He made his conditions.

The priest agreed without thinking too much.

"I promise you."

"Thank you, you are a truly compassionate wizard, may the light of the goddess protect you."

For Father Kevin, between Mammon vines and saving people, he would definitely choose the latter - the glory of the goddess is not in the sky, but on the ground.

He believed that his other four companions would make the same choice.

"You're welcome. Please go back first, I will have someone arrange accommodation for you. By the way, help me call the apprentices in."


The priest left.

After a while, the apprentices came in.

They were full of expectations in their eyes - Cloya has never been stingy with rewards, and I don't know what rewards he will give them this time.

Croa looked at them and first said to Ryan, the captain of the team: "You did a good job. I will tailor a set of magic equipment for you.

And, I will award you a house and 100 gold coins in public after the apprentices come back."

The tailor-made he mentioned is naturally a complete set of magic equipment such as armor, weapons, and boots that are most suitable for Ryan.

And it will be upgraded and improved according to Ryan's strength improvement. This is a very good reward. For a knight, having a suitable set of equipment is more important than anything else.

Compared to this set of magic equipment, the rewards of houses and gold coins are considered free gifts - of course, they are a symbol of glory and can definitely be envied by everyone.

Ryan was so excited that he immediately knelt down and saluted with a solemn tone: "Thank you, Master Mage! I will definitely do more things for you!"

"Yes." Croya nodded slightly to signal him to stand up, and then said to the others: "Each of you can get a magic weapon I made. You can choose whatever you want in the warehouse."

"Thank you, Master Mage!"

Although they are far inferior to Ryan, they are not jealous. Ryan really worked hard this time and deserves such a reward.

"You guys go and have a rest. We will set off with the priest in two days and bring back more mammon flower vines for me. I will also be rewarded."

After saying this, he waved his hand and asked the apprentices to leave.

After they all left, Croya finally had the mood to take a look at the magical beasts and magical plants caught by the priest.

The astral body engraving technique immediately gave the name——

Butter Sheep, Milkjellyfish, Bonus T-Rex and... Gray Smoke Tree.

The first few are still understandable - according to the priest's description, the Tyrannosaurus rex seems to drop barbecue after defeating it.

So what is this gray smoke tree?

He first observed the tree's astral body. The tree's branches were very strange. The outer layer was no different from a tree, but the inner layer had strange independent strands.

There is still some liquid flowing inside.

"Huh? Does this have anything to do with cigarettes?"

Croya felt more and more strange, so he simply stretched out his hand and broke off one of its branches with a "click". As a result, some semi-gaseous and semi-liquid gray substance instantly flowed out of it.

It exuded an indescribable aromatic smell, which was not pungent at all. Just smelling it made Croya feel a little dizzy, as if she was drunk.

"This is wine." He shook his head to throw the drunkenness out of his mind, and said in surprise: "The wine that can make me feel dizzy, this degree and the magic power in it..."

Of course he is interested in things like wine.

In this world, this is considered a luxury. If you can stably control a brewing workshop, you can make a lot of money even if it produces the lowest level magic ale.

So he has been letting his men try to use barley to brew beer and distilled liquor. Unfortunately, the brews are all low-grade drinks. People like to drink them, but he is a little disdainful of them.

What he wants is the kind of magical wine, but the formula and method of brewing it are top secret. Even if it is sold by Shengquan Chamber of Commerce, it requires a member of level two or above.

Because this is a technology that can really make you rich, it is of course very difficult to buy technology.

Unexpectedly, after searching for a long time, I unexpectedly found a tree in the abyss that could produce alcohol specially cultivated by Gluttony. It must be unusual, right?

With anticipation, he picked up the salt on the side and sprinkled it on the small tree to ensure that the salt had eliminated all the magic of the gluttonous demon, and then tasted it a little.

"Well, this smell..." His eyes lit up.

Although he was not a good wine taster before, he had tasted some good wines and drank a lot since he came here because of his status as a lord.

Compared to the liquors in his previous life, the taste of the wine here was really very different. Unless it was brewed with magic materials, there was no comparison.

But there are so many drinks that don’t taste as good as this drink.

The wine, which had been salted to remove the demon's magic power, was clear and had a faint white halo.

After entering the mouth, there is sweetness at first, and the little salt in it brings out the sweetness of the wine, just like after practicing asceticism in the desert for a long time and suddenly drinking spring water.

After the sweetness, there is a mellow feeling unique to wine and a slight spiciness. The heat brought by this spiciness flows into the stomach, and the whole body is warm.

After the heat hit my head, I felt a little bit tipsy. It was really intoxicating. The three different flavors were mixed together, not abrupt, but very harmonious.

"Good wine!" he praised.

I immediately decided that I must cultivate this gray smoke tree.

According to what the angel said, if he could not occupy the abyss as a planting base for cultivating magic plants, he would need to use the devil's magic power to change a piece of land.

I don't know if the demonic power purified by his magic power can have any special effect on these magic plants and monsters.

Put down the gray smoke tree for now.

He picked up the yellow jellyfish with a milky white oil-like substance inside, thought about it, picked up the salt on the side and sprinkled it.

As the salt was sprinkled down, the gluttonous magic in the jellyfish's body was immediately dissipated, and then Croya bit it directly.

The shell of the jellyfish, which tastes like bread and milk skin, is bitten open, and the cold milky white substance inside immediately pours out. It tastes cold and sweet, almost like ice cream.

It had been a long time since he had eaten something like ice cream. This familiar and cold feeling made him feel quite comfortable, and he ate the jellyfish to the core in just a few mouthfuls.

"Milk ice cream, tsk..."

He glanced at the core in his hand - based on his observations just now, this core should be the body of the jellyfish. As long as there is this core, it can continue to grow.

Then, he tasted the butter sheep and Tyrannosaurus rex meat. The former had the smell of freshly baked bread spread with butter, while the latter tasted like a very chewy barbecue.

The taste is quite good.

Especially that sheep, according to Cloya's observation, it can be found that the butter bread is actually its wool, which means that the wool can be kept.

It's a walking bread kiln.

After tasting them all, he opened the priest's bottle containing the honey and milk. Kit, who had just opened it and had been shut up, suddenly said:

"My lord, have you received the water of the river of milk and honey?"

"Well, yes, do you know anything?" Croya then remembered that this guy had been closed, casually opened the magic cloth, and asked.

"You can use this kind of thing to make a contract with the demons in the lower plane!" Kit said: "The flower vines in my body tell me that the gluttonous milk and honey water has an indescribable allure for a special group of demons. "

"They are the tribe of fallen angels."

"They desire these waters of milk and honey so much that they are willing to accept a pact to help you serve."

Croya thought for a moment: "Then do you know the contract magic that contacts the fallen angels?"

He was a little interested, but he didn't say he was going to realize it immediately. The only thing he was curious about was that if he changed the fallen angel, would the real angel give him another reward?

"...I don't know yet, but if you wait for me for a while, I should be able to learn it." Kit replied after a moment of silence.

"Then let's wait until you learn how to do it. During this period, you will stay here honestly and are not allowed to go out."

At this time Croya stood up and walked outside, and the three-color magic prison was shattered as he left.

But dense orange flowers have also grown, and these flowers will prevent Kit and Mammon's flower vines from leaving here.

With the double insurance of these flower vines and eternal magic power, it is absolutely impossible for this guy to leave here unless he is crazy.

Since this guy likes this castle, he should stay in it honestly until he can be absolutely trusted.

I still have things to do.

He told the guards at the Hanjiao Island Pier to leave the castle alone, and then returned to his territory.

After returning to the familiar laboratory, he called Rob over and told the latter: "The Hanjiao Island transformation plan I mentioned before can begin.

I will distribute the supplies gradually. "

Rob's eyes lit up.

"Okay, follow your will!"

The housekeeper quickly left Croya's castle and passed on Croya's orders one by one.

Following the mage's order, everyone on Hanjiao Island started to move - they would carry out a major transformation of Hanjiao Island according to the drawings and materials that Croya had prepared.

People took the tools they took out from the warehouse and first completely transplanted and cut down the plants on the island.

Hanjiao Island is a tropical island. The vegetation on the island is of course very lush, even to an exaggerated level, not to mention that the magic power on the island has increased after Croya arrived.

The increase in magic power concentration is simply heaven for the plants.

They have grown crazily, so much so that except for a few main roads, the rest of Hanjiao Island now looks like unexplored barren mountains.

Croya had originally planned to carry out a comprehensive transformation of Hanjiao Island, and might need to receive more people in the future. Now the time is just right and the resources are sufficient, so he might as well start the transformation while the sun is still there.

Under the leadership of the Sons of Harvest, people transplanted some large and twisted trees to the back mountains, while grass and shrubs were cut down and dug out as needed.

Of course, there is also enough green vegetation to prevent the island from looking like a desert island.

They started from the entrance pier of Hanjiao Island and gradually spread to the entire island like ants moving.

The people handling the vegetation here are busy, and the people behind them holding the sandworms are also busy.

They are the "road construction team", each holding a wind-eroded sandworm and carrying a container of white slime on his back.

Wind-eroded sandworms will smooth out any abrupt rocks and uneven ground.

And they are responsible for laying some white soft mud specially used for paving on the treated road.

This soft mud will solidify the sand and turn it into a smooth and clean road.

Thanks to their unremitting efforts, a straight road from the pier of Hanjiao Island to the interior of the island is gradually taking shape.

The white ooze gradually solidified under the sunlight.

The road became spotless, and with the straight trees and various flowers and plants transplanted on both sides of the road, it felt like walking in the kingdom of elves.

Although Cloya has never learned anything about urban planning, he can at least make things neat and straight.

Anyway, there is no need to build any commercial area on Hanjiao Island.

During the road construction, someone followed the command of King Mu Yaoqu Teng and walked towards the bifurcated road, opening up small roads leading to various areas from the main road - residential areas and planting areas.

The residential area is naturally centered on Hanjiao Town, with brand new bungalows built around it as residences.

This will be where the official residents of Hanjiao Island live. Croa has promised them that as long as Hanjiao Island develops well, they can gradually eliminate their status as farm servants and become free people.

This promise is really exciting.

The difference between farm servants and free people is too big. Farm servants are equivalent to private slaves and servants of the lord, and their lives do not belong to themselves.

Free people can leave and enter the lord's territory at will and choose where to settle down.

Today, Croa no longer needs to use the status of farm servants to restrain these people, and they can no longer leave Hanjiao Island.

Who else in the world can give them room for advancement and such favorable conditions and environment?

People are not stupid. Who would leave with such a good place?

Hanjiao Town is the signal of the transformation from farm servants to free people.

The planting area starts from the magic field in the back mountain and spreads across all the vacant areas of the island.

With the endless supply of magic crystals and magic veins, the magic field vines are no longer the small vines that covered only one acre of land.

It is expanding towards the entire island according to Kloya's instructions. As long as it covers the area, it is a magic field.

Kloya's ultimate goal is to build the entire Hanjiao Island into a paradise for magic plants and magic beasts, with both types and quantities.

Only more magic beasts and magic plants can allow him to exert the power of his golden fingers.

He felt that if he worked hard, he could replicate the complex and magical "natural formation" that the elves used to create the Fountain of Life.

While people were busy transforming Hanjiao Island, Kloya was also busy... He wanted to create a "demon magic field" and prepare a surprise for the upcoming Stein and his mentor.

Wow! One thousand votes! Thank you for your support, I'm grateful, I'll definitely add more next month when I find time!

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