I'm a mage, what's wrong with loving farming?

Chapter 171 171 Underground construction, the concept of the magic potion production line

Chapter 171 171. Underground construction, the concept of the magic potion production line

In the midst of the white snow.

Two carriages are coming from the distant capital.

The horses pulling the carriages are full of mechanical rhythm and steel hardness, and they are still moving steadily even in the wind and snow.

That is a golem horse, which is more clumsy than a monster, but it is one of the best vehicles when facing harsh environments and weather.

The two carriages are engraved with the unique emblems of the Mage Association and... Archmage Celeste, which is a moon hidden under the sun.

As the Archmage of the Mage Association of the Kingdom of Nolant, Celeste is only below the seventh-level Archmage, so her orders are of course absolute.

So Stein and his mentor Zel were directly packed and locked up, and they could never escape before arriving at the Reef Island.

Of course, this emblem only symbolizes Celeste's will, which can stop people, but cannot stop external magic and bombing.

The carriage was moving forward steadily.


In the white sky, a black dot appeared, burning with flames and emitting a mellow fragrance, coming from the distant horizon.

It was flying quickly, but it seemed to sense something, rushed straight down, and then hit the carriage hard and exploded.


The remaining magic and pea seeds inside burst out, and the resin covered the entire carriage. The poor carriage was caught in the sudden magic explosion.

It even almost triggered a series of explosions in the internal space array.

The terrifying magic swept, and the two people in the carriage fainted instantly. After encountering this situation, the golem horse could only stop.

Its intelligence was obviously not enough to deal with this kind of thing.

Because the incident happened suddenly, even Estner did not expect such a thing to appear in such a place.

He quickly jumped off another carriage, and after carefully observing the stopped carriage, his expression became more and more strange.

"Is this pea? And resin?"

Estner glanced at the sky, then at the vast expanse of white snow around him. He really didn't know where it came from.

Could it be that when the magic plant sprayed seeds, it just happened to feel that there was enough magic here?

Are these two people so unlucky?


"Is it Croa?"

It's no wonder that he was suspicious. There was only one magician like Croa in the entire North Territory, and as far as he knew, his friend should have cultivated a lot of special magic plants.

He glanced at the direction of Hanjiao Island and silently calculated. According to their speed, it would take about four days to arrive.

If two days and a distance of thousands of kilometers can be hit so accurately, it seems that his friend really cultivated an incredible magic plant.

He didn't care about the two people who fainted, and directly started the golem horses, ordering them to follow his carriage and continue to move forward.

They were already outside the capital, and with Celeste's prohibition, these two people could not escape anyway.



On the other side.

As time passed.

Croa was also busy.

He was transplanting flame stumps, peas and hot wind thorns, and arranged a circle of magic plant defense at the boundary between the inner and outer islands of Hanjiao Island.

He also released the Estella bamboo knight, who had learned the thorn sword technique and grafted the justice thorn, into this forest.

This bamboo not only learned the thorn sword technique, but Croa also spent a lot of money to feed it the gold produced by the Golden God Butterfly.

After strengthening, the bamboo branches and leaves representing the sword and shield have shown signs of gold.

The sharpness and firmness of the sword and shield have been greatly improved.

It can be said that it can easily kill a third or fourth level mage and knight-after all, this thing was made by Titan, and it was the angel who intended to expand Croa's combat power, so the strength is certainly not bad.

During his continuous transformation and transplantation of magic plants.

The transformation of the island was also completed one after another.

At this time, Hanjiao Island is no longer the poor and messy island it used to be. The whole island has been renovated by the hard work of the islanders.

Starting from the newly built and neat Hanjiao Wharf, the road is flat and wide. On both sides are various plants that are trimmed just right, and at every corner there are vines of the Mu Yao Qu Teng Wang as a guide and monitor.

If you look down from a high altitude, every road is straight and regular to the point of being almost obsessive-compulsive.

In addition to the wide roads, the vegetation in other places is very lush, and humans can hardly walk in the forest.

Without human traces, it is naturally the world of magic plants and monsters.

Various flowers and plants thrive on the roots of the vines, colorful and beautiful.

You can also see some animals such as deer and rabbits running and playing inside - this is all thanks to the apprentices who have returned one after another.

Facts have proved that when humans want to capture monsters in groups, unless they are particularly advanced monsters, they cannot escape the fate of being captured.

Not to mention that they also have the Ice Rabbit and the Crow as spies, so it is easy for them to capture those monsters that are starving due to the wind and snow.

Anyway, according to Cloya, they captured all the magic beasts and magic plants they could see on the road, including but not limited to wolves, bears, rabbits, deer...

Anyway, whatever they saw, they brought back.

Just like a dog bringing things home.

Cloya was happy but also a little entangled.

In order to arrange for these magic beasts to settle down on the island, Cloya really spent a lot of energy.

First of all, he had to consider the areas of carnivorous magic beasts and herbivorous magic beasts, and also consider whether these carnivorous magic beasts would hurt people on the island because of their violent temperament.

The result was that he was overthinking.

Before he started to divide the area.

The olive elf took the magic crystal white mice and ran around the island every day, followed by the phantom feather cloud snake, owl and groups of thirsty sea fluorescent algae.

Occasionally, the sunflower elf and the little lotus elf joined in.

They spontaneously maintained order on the island and formed a "security team".

Whenever a monster wants to attack humans, it will be beaten up by the olive elves who descended from the sky with a group of companions.

Monsters are not fools. After being beaten like this a few times, they will run away with their tails between their legs when they see people. They not only dare not provoke, but also fear that they will be beaten up if they accidentally run into them.

The olive branch from which the olive was born represents "peace".

It is also full of this power in its body. What it hates most is disputes and chaos, so it is extremely enthusiastic about maintaining order and peace on the island.

It took action on its own without Kloya's instructions.

As the island became more and more peaceful, its body was also growing rapidly, as if it was absorbing this power as its own nutrients.

Of course, Kloya didn't know whether beating the other party to calm them down... could be considered a way of peace.

Anyway, it worked, so he didn't care too much.

It is also worth mentioning here that the thirsty sea fluorescent algae.

After salvaging in the sea area over the triple mineral vein, the number of thirsty sea fluorescent algae can be said to be overwhelming. They are now all hanging out with the group of thirsty sea fluorescent algae that Kloya first engraved.

As one of the most adaptable algae, they even quickly learned to absorb the alien magic in the air without any instruction, and successfully jumped from marine creatures to amphibious creatures.

Every day they wander around the island.

After Kloya was done with his work, he saw these algae and felt that it would be a waste of their abilities if he didn't engrave some spells on them.

So he bought a batch of "image crystals" and engraved and installed them in the astral bodies of these algae, and threw some of the algae into the sea to let them swim around.

Then he regularly retrieved the image crystals in their bodies from the roots of the Wood Yao Qu Teng King that extended to the bottom of the sea.

Then let the shark tower spirit handle it.

It is a patrol surveillance system that densely covers the sea area around Hanjiao Island.

No matter what happens on the seabed, Kloya can detect it and be prepared to deal with it.

After dealing with these chores, Kloya can finally take a break.

So he came to the newly built "oceanarium" with great interest, intending to take a look around and then go underground to see his "magic potion production line".


The so-called oceanarium is actually a building filled with foggy blue springs, 30 meters high and 3 kilometers wide.

It has a rectangular shape, and the whole body is made of a low-level cheap magic material "blue crystal magic stone".

This blue crystal magic stone is a product of areas with abundant water elements. For the Holy Spring Chamber of Commerce, this thing is sold in tons, and you can even cut it for you if you spend money.

Because it is extremely cheap, and Cloya intends to build a huge building to satisfy his curiosity.

So in the end, it was built like this, like a huge building cut off a piece of blue sea water and placed on land.

At least in such a medieval environment, such a building is indeed very large.

In order to build this building, Cloya personally supervised the construction and asked the wizard apprentices to act as civil workers to carry out reinforcement and stabilization work.

The result is... it took only three days from the beginning of preparation to the completion of the construction - this shows how terrifying the productivity of magic is.

If magicians were allowed to act as infrastructure workers, the whole world would probably develop to another level.

Of course, these magicians were trained by Cloya and had never seen the admiration of magicians outside, so they were willing to obey like this.

If you asked other magicians to be construction workers, they would be giving you face if they didn't blow themselves up on the spot.


Standing in the azure oceanarium, Cloya saw the fish swimming happily.

Not only are there common fish in the ocean, such as golden scale fish, golden beard dragon fish, and rainbow fish, but there are even common fish such as carp and sturgeon catfish in freshwater.

There are also decorations that simulate the ocean around - coral-shaped lamps, beaches paved with white fine sand, swaying seaweed, and shells of various colors can be seen everywhere.

Except for the lamps, all these things were picked up by the children on the island at the beach or on the seabed with the sea dolphins, and laid out here spontaneously.

Kroya was also happy to see this.

Long-term contact with Warcraft and staying in an environment full of magic, whether considering becoming a mage apprentice, a tamer or even a druid in the future, is feasible.

Hanjiao Island is his base, and he has enough time and patience to manage it well, which will bring him benefits and gains in the future.

He strolled in the aquarium, looking relaxed and comfortable.

From time to time, there were fish swimming towards him, but he rejected them all. This is not anime. There is so much smelly mucus on the fish, if he sticks to it, he will definitely feel uncomfortable.

After turning around for a while, he thought it was beautiful here, but it was strange, why don’t these fish have any wishes and desires?

To this day, he has not transformed even a single fish, at most he has transformed a sea clam. Don’t these fish have a desire for evolution?

He felt very strange, and took the initiative to communicate with many fish, but he didn’t find that they had any desire to accept transformation and evolution.

It seems that their biggest desire is to be able to stay in such an environment and swim freely. Apart from that, there is nothing else they desire.


How should I put it? This is probably a kind of desire.

Kloya could only shake his head and leave.

He quickly walked around the aquarium, playing with the fishtail sea ducks and sea dolphins for a while, and then walked towards the bottom of the aquarium.

Since the ocean has to be temporarily shelved, he must consider the development of his own Hanjiao Island, and the underground of Hanjiao Island is another focus of his development.

Most of the income from the magic crystal mine and the water crystal ore was used by him to develop the underground of Hanjiao Island.

First, he plans to build some magic laboratories underground in Hanjiao Island to allow apprentices and magic beasts to refine magic potions and magic creations.

This requires an absolutely stable environment.

It is obviously not possible on the seabed, as the magic power is too chaotic. It is okay to build some basic factories, but the ones that really need fine processing still have to be done on the island.


He plans to install some magic creations under the island to see if Hanjiao Island can be separated from the continental shelf and become an island that can be controlled and moved at will.

Hanjiao Island is now fixed in one position, which is okay in the early stage, but if it gets to the end, there may be some danger.

Although it is still early for him now, he must prepare for a rainy day, at least leaving enough space for the upgrade and transformation of Hanjiao Island.

From an island that can move on the sea to an island that can fly in the sky in the future, food must be eaten bite by bite, and the island must of course be built step by step.

Similar items and plans for island transformation are actually sold in the Holy Spring Chamber of Commerce, and the permission that Kloya can get now is the primary plan.

That is, install some magic propulsion devices to ensure that the island can float on the sea, and then use the propulsion devices as power to move forward.

This requires the magic pipelines to be spread throughout the entire island, and Kloya is indeed very curious about whether there is anything in the depths of this island.

In his initial suspicion, he once suspected that Hanjiao Island was the crashed ark, so there were so many scattered items around.

But after thinking about it, he felt that it was unlikely.

Because the great wizard Eurydice had stayed here for a long time, if it was really the ark, he would definitely find it.


He came to the underground.

No one came here to dig and construct.

In the future, this place will not only be a laboratory and a potion workshop, but also a place to install island thrusters. He absolutely did not want to let people come to construct.

The excavation work was done by earth-stealing rats and wind-erosion sandworms-Cloa bought hundreds of earth-stealing rats and let the first two rats take training.

Earth-stealing rats are natural civil engineers. They know how to dig holes without causing cave collapse, even if the cave is expanded dozens of times.

So when Croa came here, what he saw was the earth-stealing rats riding on wind-erosion sandworms, holding magic chains, and instructing the sandworms to dig and expand the cave.

They divided the work and cooperated, digging and expanding at the same time, and soon dug out a tunnel about five meters high that was enough for two carriages to be parallel.

Stairs and steps were also completed under the erosion of the land and rocks by the wind-erosion sandworms.

There is an entrance and exit underground in the aquarium, and there is also an entrance and exit on the castle side.

The passages and rooms are connected in all directions and will be spread all over the island.

Croa watched their progress for a while, and when he was sure that they were well built and he didn't need to worry about it, he stood up and walked towards the built laboratory.

His steps were a little brisk and expectant.

In that laboratory, there was the magic bottle grass he had engraved.

There was only one magic bottle grass growing in the laboratory built by magic crystal, which was the original magic bottle grass.

When Croa came in, it was stretching out its magic tentacles, putting the materials on the table into its bottle one by one, and then blending and stirring them.

Let the original solution of the potion be fully blended in the bottle.

A bottle of sea ganoderma potion was soon born in its magic bottle.

It used its tentacles to carefully tilt its magic bottle, pour the blue potion into the crystal bottle, and finally cap and seal it with magic.

After it was completely completed, it emitted a sense of joy and happiness.

It was obviously very satisfied with this job and enjoyed it.

"Sure enough, it's just as I thought."

He nodded with satisfaction. The Seven Stars Separation Seal that he had cast for it had now been fully utilized by it.

It had become a means for it to separate and fuse the materials for the potion.

"Now you need to give birth to a spirit, so that you can control other magic-fixing vines... My sea ganoderma potion production line is complete."

Kloya took out the unused Fountain of Life and walked over, opened the bottle and poured a drop of it on the magic-fixing vine.

This drop of spring water full of vitality was quickly absorbed by it, and the spirituality of the Fountain of Life would gradually transform its magic until it gave birth to spirituality.

After it gave birth to spirituality, he would move all the remaining magic-fixing vines here and build a sea ganoderma potion production line.

This is the first one, and it will not be the only one.

Next, he also plans to teach Kabamon how to forge iron and bees how to brew potions. This is a hobby and instinct for them, and they must be more dedicated than people.

Just as Cloya was waiting for it to give birth to spirituality, the voice of the Woody Teng King was somewhat excited.

"Master! I feel my kind, they are at the dock of Hanjiao Island! They are back with Semir!"


Cloya's eyes lit up.

This is just in time, he was worried that the Woody Teng King was not growing fast enough, it would be great if there were more.

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