I'm a mage, what's wrong with loving farming?

Chapter 172 172 Mu Yao Surveillance Network, Undead Demon Plant

Chapter 172 172. Wood Day Surveillance Network, Undead Demon Plants

Semiel returned with the first batch of harvest and gifts from Baron Kemoye.

Although Kloya didn't care much about their affairs, he knew that the apprentices had obviously done a good job and helped Baron Kemoye gain a lot of benefits.

In this extraordinary world where great power belongs to individuals. The number of mages and knights under one's command is basically the only criterion for measuring whether one's strength is strong.

It's unfortunate.

Although Viscount Bernal is a viscount, the extraordinary reserves under his command are not even as capable as Kloya's apprentices.

His training method for those knights is more about feeding and providing them with good food and drink - this is also the current situation of most lords.

Extraordinary people are born superior to others, and even when they are training and exercising, they will not be too serious and self-disciplined.

Many knights will choose to find a small noble to join after advancing to the first level, and then gain power and status.

Under the corrosion of these two, it is doubtful how much strength can be left, not to mention that most extraordinary people will still want to expand.

The consumption of energy... but it will really drain the body.

In this regard, Kloya, who has absolute power, is much stronger than him. As long as Kloya wants, the apprentices of mages and knights under him can only be honest and obedient.

No matter how difficult the training program is, they must stick to it.

In the long run, both the quality and willpower are much stronger than the extraordinary people on the Viscount's side.

Especially... there is also a Semir who is a cheat.

During the duel, he even killed a second-level knight with great power. You know, he is only a first-level knight at this time.

When Baron Kemoye saw this scene, his eyes almost popped out. He never expected that a seemingly ordinary person would be so powerful.

After seeing Kloya's strength, Baron Kemoye no longer hesitated to join Kloya.

If his subordinates are so strong, how strong should Croa be?

He directly arranged for Semir to bring back the initial harvest. This included the magic plants and monsters in his territory, as well as some things obtained from the ruins.

The reason why he was so eager was to prove himself, because Semir was so exaggerated that he was a little worried that this guy would replace him.

Since Master Croa could support him, he could certainly support his subordinates. In comparison, Semir was definitely easier to control than him.

For this reason, he asked Semir to bring back a lot of things.

Several apprentices who were counting at the dock couldn't help but be amazed.

Although he had been counting the items brought back by his companions these days, Semir brought back a lot -

A group of about fifty level one magic beasts Cortes pigs, a group of forty level one magic beasts cold hoof horses, candy rabbits, as well as wooden vines, level one magic plant shallow rice, and a confined undead magic plant.

It took four or five large carts to pull it. This was because Semir and his friends were very capable, otherwise it would be difficult to bring it back intact in the snow.

The list of things he brought back was quickly handed to Cloya.

After a quick look, Cloya ordered to raise what should be raised and plant what should be planted. These things were all first-level, so they were not so important to him.

But it was also a supplement to his food reserves - pigs and rice. The former was an important source of meat, and the latter was a very important staple food.

Although there was a lot of food on Hanjiao Island at present, a little more would make his life better, which was of course a good thing.

However, what he cared about most was the Mu Yao Qu Teng and the undead demon plant.

He immediately met Semir.

"Is the matter going well over there?"

Cloya's mouth corners slightly raised: "What stage has it reached now?"

Semir knelt on one knee. After he saluted respectfully, he looked at his mysterious and powerful mage lord. I don't know why, but he suddenly felt very close to him.

Today's Cloya can be said to be in the best golden period of his life. He has a slender and well-proportioned figure, fair skin, and a straight nose. Although his appearance is not the most handsome, he can definitely crush most people.

The magic power flows in his light gray hair, and the gray seems to have turned into a holy and pure white. His eyes are as blue and clear as the shallow sea water, but they are also bottomless.

The owl stands on his left shoulder, and on his right shoulder are the sunflower elves, olive elves, and lotus elves squeezed together, plus the thirsty sea fluorescent algae surging like a tide behind him.

He is surrounded by so many extraordinary creatures like stars and the moon, and he does not seem chaotic at all. Instead, he emits light like the sun, moistening everything silently and everywhere.

Semir felt that in his eyes, Kloya was glowing, from his skin to every strand of hair.

He was a little absent-minded for a while.

His body instinctively absorbed the light emitted from Kloya to replenish his consumption during this period.

"... cough cough."

He didn't come back to his senses until Kloya coughed lightly.

"Damn you, my subordinate!"

Semiel lowered his head even lower. He had no idea why he suddenly became distracted, and he was staring at the lord's face.

Kroya knew why.

This guy is a brand new life created by his rock notes. Although he can survive without his magic, if he feels his magic, he will still be addicted unconsciously.

It's like the notes want to return to his symphony.

He really has no way to deal with this. This is a resonance between magic powers. I don't know how people who practiced this kind of meditation method did it before.

"Go on." Kloya nodded slightly to signal him to continue.

Semir hurriedly recounted what happened outside in detail, clearly and even summarized it.

"... Baron Kemoye should be able to solve the Viscount's matter within a week."

"Okay, you go and rest first, and I will reward you together when your companions come back."

"I'll take my leave."

He saluted again and left.

Kloya thought for a while, and finally shook his head. He felt that Baron Kemoye's methods were too superficial.

Even though Semir wasn't injured or anything, the baron insisted on getting him back. Although he called it the transportation of spoils, he could easily guess what he was thinking.

"Forget it."

He didn't think much about it.

This piece of land was still too small. To be honest, he didn't think much of it. There would always be a bigger stage in the future.

The bigger your heart is, the wider the world will be. If Baron Kemoye doesn't realize this truth, he will sooner or later not be able to keep up with him.

He reached out and took the Wood Star Twig and the Undead Demon Plant.

These Wood Star Twigs certainly don't have the intelligence of the Wood Star Twig King, nor the ability to speak casually. They are just curled up emerald green vines.

The number is quite impressive, more than a hundred plants, but it seems that there are only roots and a small part of the connection, otherwise more than a hundred plants can flood the laboratory.

"Did the baron catch all the Wood Star Twigs in the ruins?" Kloya asked the Wood Star Twig King.

"It should be. They don't have the power given by Lord Ilister, so they can't give birth to spirituality like me."

The Wood Star Twig King stretched out his vines and carefully touched these small vines, just like touching his younger brothers and sisters.

As a magical beast with high intelligence, it actually misses these brothers and sisters who are younger than it.

"Then are you willing to share your spirituality with them?"

"I have an idea..."

Kloya took out the mycelium from the mushroom people, "I have carefully studied their network connections and can share their consciousness and spirit with other mushroom people."

"In other words...if you can accept symbiosis with it, and then after my imprint, you should be able to pass your spirituality to these ordinary Wood Star Twigs."

"I want to sow these Wood Star Twigs in various locations in the North, so that you can become my eyes and help me see everything around me clearly."

He had this idea a long time ago. Only the Wood Star Twig King can withstand such a complex network.

Of course, if this is done, the King of Wood Yao Qu Teng will have to split his complete spiritual power into pieces, and turn it into seeds of spiritual power and bury it in the rest of the Wood Yao Qu Teng.

The pain of splitting spiritual power is a hundred times more painful than tearing the flesh.

Originally, he thought that the King of Wood Yao Qu Teng would consider it for a few minutes, but it didn't hesitate at all: "Of course I am willing!"

"Master, my only wish is to see more of this world. This is my first wish for you, and it is also my eternal wish."

"Please start."


Kloya first added a broken limb splicing to it, and then put the hyphae directly into its wound.

The King of Wood Yao Qu Teng is actually a demon beast. There is no obvious rejection reaction between flesh and hyphae. In addition, with the help of Kloya, the hyphae quickly entered the deep body of the King of Wood Yao Qu Teng.

Then, Kloya engraved the second magic for it.

This is a fifth-level magic called schizophrenia - it means literally that it can temporarily split the spiritual power and host it on another object.

If these spiritual powers are not taken back in time, they will be permanently lost.

What Cloya wants to do now is to wait for it to host its spiritual power on these mycelium, tear the mycelium apart, and bury it in other Muyao Quteng.

If his guess is correct, the Muyao Quteng King can extend his consciousness to other Muyao Quteng in this way.

In this way, the monitoring network of the Muyao Quteng King originally needed to be wired, but now it is directly connected to the wireless network, and can be connected through the spiritual power network.

[Engraving completed, Muyao Quteng King (schizophrenia)]

[This magic plant can tear its own spiritual power apart. If it is not absorbed within 24 natural hours after the tearing, it will lose contact permanently. ]

"It's up to you."

After engraving this magic, Cloya took out the Gopher wood harp and began to play.

The soft and gentle music slowly flowed from his slender fingertips, and he chanted the chapter of the orange ode.

The orange halo surrounded the Muyao Quteng King, stabilizing its spiritual power and preventing it from collapsing.

It allows it to split its soul more smoothly.

But even with the help of Cloya's music, King Mu Yao Qu Teng was in great pain.

It is tearing apart its own spiritual power, which is equivalent to tearing itself into countless pieces.

Then force it into those hyphae.

To do this, you have to experience the pain of tearing yourself apart and endure the discomfort of your soul entering the mycelium.

After a moment of silence, Croya chose to share part of this pain.

This decision stems from his feelings for Mu Yaoqu Vine King and his desire to give this feeling a try.

Maybe it can be used in the future.


He groaned, forcing himself to adapt to the pain of tearing himself into countless pieces.

The whole process didn't last long.

It only takes about five minutes.

Obviously Mu Yao Qu Teng King also knows that if it lasts for a long time, his mental power will become more numb and easier to collapse.

Finally, when it was completed, the spiritual power that was originally burning like a torch had become dying, with at most only one percent of its original strength left.

It really forcibly split the complete mental power into a hundred and thirty parts, which was exactly the same number as the obsidian vines.


Even Croya had to admire him.

This is equivalent to cutting yourself into one hundred and thirty parts.

And every part of the consciousness still exists, and I can feel the pain of being torn apart. This adds up...

The pain was only part of it, and it was too much for Croya to bear.

"Then please... I want to rest."

After Mu Yaoqu Vine King said this reluctantly and weakly at the end, the vines hung down softly.

The Mu Yao surveillance network throughout the territory temporarily came to a standstill as it slept.

"Get some rest."

Croya fiddled with the strings one last time, injected a spiritual force into it, and then poured a drop of water from the fountain of life into it, and then started his work.

He grafted the mycelium into the obsidian vines one by one, then carved the monitoring magic eyes, and finally used his mental power and magic power to warm them.

While he was making it, he was observing the map of the northern territory developed by the apprentices, thinking about where to plant it.

In fact, reaching this step is already completed.

All that remains is to wait until they grow up and then transplant them to every corner of the outside world to play their role.

"We'll have to deal with this next."

After finishing his work, he put the obsidian vines aside, took a sip of milk tea and looked at the undead demon plant.

Its appearance is really a bit scary and scary.

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