I'm a mage, what's wrong with loving farming?

Chapter 173 173 is not just about shrinking

Chapter 173 173. Not just shrinking...

The appearance of these magic plants is very special.

It is a full 1.8 meters tall.

At first glance, it looks like a standing skeleton, and it is a very complete human skeleton with a wide skeleton. It should be a male skeleton, emitting a cold white glow and filled with a strong smell of death.

"Why does this skeleton look so fresh..." Kloya felt a little uncomfortable.

But there is a small emerald gem on the top of it, and the gem contains a breath of life that is completely opposite to the breath of the undead.

It seems like dewdrops rolling on the green leaves.

"Emerald Skeleton Tree."

"This name doesn't seem to be anything special, emerald fruit, skeleton tree."

Kloya was a little confused. He picked up the letter from the baron next to him, which described in detail the scene when this skeleton tree was discovered.

In short, one of the baron's guards bravely stepped forward, but was immediately sucked by the skeleton tree without leaving any bones.

The skeleton of the tree that Kloya saw now was actually the skeleton of the guard - his skeleton was absorbed by the tree.


After reading the letter, Kloya finally understood.

It turned out that this skeleton was really fresh. It absorbed the vitality and skeleton of people and finally produced fruits full of vitality. To be honest, this is really in line with the magic of the dead.

Many undead magics have the ability to absorb vitality.

Fresh vitality is a very good nutrient for the undead. It can maintain their physical and mental bodies from collapse. Most undead have to absorb vitality.

"Then what's the use of you?"

"I absorbed the vitality of a living person..."

He reached out and picked up the emerald-like fruit, which was at most the size of an apple core. It was not hard in his hand, but soft and bouncy like slime.

But he felt something was wrong with a slight pinch.

Because there were hard bulges in this soft fruit, it felt like a randomly growing branch, very strange.

Kloya was slightly stunned. In order to prevent himself from relying too much on the golden finger, he originally planned to sense it.

But now he couldn't care less. He used the Astral Body Imprinting Technique to carefully check it, and was surprised to find that... the astral body of this thing was actually in the shape of a person.

No, it was a person!

This person was tall and had a slightly rough appearance. At first glance, he was a typical soldier with more muscles than brains.

The soldier was covered with emerald green translucent silk threads, tied in the fruit, and his eyes were tightly closed.

If it was just like this, Kloya should have suspected whether this was the soldier's soul that was reproduced by this emerald skeleton tree.

But the fact is... this soldier with his eyes closed was alive, or he was considered "human" in the judgment of the Astral Body Imprinting Technique.

Because the Astral Body Imprinting Technique did not see through his body structure.

This has never happened in the long time since Kloya got the Astral Body Imprinting Technique. The Astral Body Imprinting Technique can see through the astral body structure of all magic plants and monsters, but it can't work on humans.

"What level of magic plant is this? It can actually trap the human soul inside... and also create a body."

His interest immediately rose.

The undead magic plant involves a special death magic, which he has never touched before. The power of the ghost owl is no longer a simple undead magic.

"Let me try..."

Kloya tried to extract the magic inside, but the result disappointed him greatly. The magic of the "Rainbow Poetry", which has always been powerful, produced a very obvious repulsion when facing the undead magic.

The light belonging to the sun can never shine into the magic of these undead.

This is his first failure.

But it did not make him lose heart. Instead, his interest became stronger. He had expected this situation a long time ago.

Even if the sunlight is peaceful, it is a kind of "positive energy". When facing the "negative energy" of the undead, there will definitely be some trouble.

"Since my magic power is not good, what about this?" Kloya stretched out his hand to summon the power in the Orpheus Swan Recorder Tree.

That is the special magic power from the etheric world.

With the help of this magic power, he quickly drew out the power wrapped in the fruit.

But... the moment the power came into contact with the outside air.


The magic power wrapped around it was quickly evaporated, and as the magic power evaporated, the fruit quickly filled up like it was inflated.

It is absorbing the magic power of the etheric world!

"Magic power..."

The emerald fruit conveyed a desire for consciousness.

"Then I will give you magic power."

Kloya stretched out his hand to attract more magic power and poured all the magic power into it.

As the magic power of the etheric world was continuously injected into it, the fruit changed from the size of an apple core to the size of a football.

Finally, it burst open in a burst of light, and a small figure appeared from the fruit.

He looked at Kloya in bewilderment, his little face full of bewilderment.

"Little man?"

Kloya was a little surprised for a moment.

He stared at the little man, who was at most five centimeters tall, and scanned him carefully with his mental power. He found that the guy's body structure was exactly the same as a real person.

How is this possible?

Creating a human?

Of course, he believed that some wizards could create little people through various unimaginable means, but the magic plant in front of him could do it...

If someone else told him, he would never believe it, but the facts were now in front of him.

A living, complete, and vigorous little man was in front of him, looking at him with horror.


The little man made a sharp cry.

I don't know if the original sound was like this, or if his sound would change with his body after he shrank.

Anyway, the sound was really unpleasant.

Kroya frowned: "Silence!"

The little man was like a chicken with its neck pinched. Although he was still very scared, he shut up obediently.

Without the ugly scream, Cloya was sure that this guy should be smart enough, at least he could understand what he said.

"Can you speak?" he tried to ask.

"My Lord, I... I know you."

The little man knelt down timidly and saluted: "I am the baron's subordinate, and I have met you once."

Cloya's expression did not change, but he was more and more shocked. This guy could actually speak, and he still had previous memories?

As of now, except for the size of his body, he is almost no different from ordinary humans.

This emerald skeleton tree... is it really a magical plant that turns people into little people?

In order to solve the doubts in his heart, he conducted many tests and inquiries on the little man.

It took two hours, and finally he could be sure that this guy's body was shrunk, and the rest was exactly the same as ordinary people.

The only regret is that he has no memory of how he became like this.

'This tree is really magical... I have to ask the Holy Spring Chamber of Commerce. '

Faced with something that he could not understand anyway, Cloya could only choose to seek help from outside.

But before that, he took some white mud with great interest and made a small house for the little man to live in.

He also made a crystal cover outside so that the outside could see inside, but the inside could not see outside.

He wanted to observe whether the little man would change over time, and how long he could live?

In this way, after properly placing the little man, he took out the Holy Spring Crystal Card and asked about the news of the Emerald Skeleton Tree.

As a result, as soon as this question was sent, the Holy Spring Chamber of Commerce immediately replied: "Dear Star Spirit, the master codenamed Puppet wants to communicate with you, would you like to answer the call?"


Puppet, isn't that the dwarf who wanted to buy the simulated magic tree in the first place? He also knows the news of the Emerald Skeleton Tree?

"Answer it."

"Please wait..."

The intellectual female voice of the Holy Spring Chamber of Commerce turned into a rough male voice, which was the dwarf last time.

"Oh, friend!"

The other party's voice was full of enthusiasm: "Have you got any news about the Emerald Skeleton Tree? May the Earth Mother protect your journey."

"I got some news, but I'm still working hard. Does the puppet master have anything to tell me?" Kloya was unusually calm.

The puppet replied: "Star Spirit friend, if you can really find the skeleton emerald tree, I hope to buy a branch from you.

We all know that it can shrink and reorganize living beings inside its fruit. I really have too many things that need the help of smart and capable villains.

As for the price, I am willing to give you a bottle of Mother Earth Spring, or a vein core, which is a treasure inherited by our Titan friends."

It's really tempting.

He knew that the so-called Mother Earth Spring was a miracle given to the dwarves by the Earth Mother Goddess. As long as the spring water is poured on the land, a fertile land blessed by the Mother Goddess will be formed.

No matter what kind of crops are planted in it-except for the undead magic plants, a hundred times the harvest can be obtained.

It is said that in the core ancestral land of the dwarves there is a huge field irrigated by the Mother Earth Spring, which produces a variety of food continuously.

This is also the main reason why the dwarves can become the most famous food supplier in the continent of Semlia.

With the divine miracles given by God, you can really do whatever you want.

However, since he also took out the core of the vein... can it be proved that the core of the vein is more precious than the Mother Earth Spring, and by inference, the Emerald Skeleton Tree is also more precious than the simulated magic tree?

When I wanted to buy the simulated magic tree last time, I didn't offer this price.

He thought about it and didn't give him a reply for the time being. Instead, he bought a simple description of the Emerald Skeleton Tree and spent 100 magic crystals.

After a careful inspection, he was thoughtful.

This... turned out to be the magic plant created by Master Ilister and a great wizard of the Orpheus family when he was traveling in the elves.

It is said that some power outside this world was used. Anyway, it can reorganize life through the power of the tree and create a small body for the soul.

Here, the Holy Spring Chamber of Commerce emphasized that although the created body looks no different from the original body, it is actually a kind of magic plant fruit.

After being born from the fruit, until the end of life, it needs to absorb the power of the Emerald Skeleton Tree to survive.

But to form such a body, the magic power consumed is astronomical, and it must be transformed by the unique magic power of the Orpheus family.

After the departure of Master Ilister, this magic plant completely disappeared. At the end of the explanation, the Holy Spring Chamber of Commerce is willing to purchase a living body at a very high price.

The price is...

"One hundred third-level magic crystals."

Kloya took a deep breath and suppressed the urge to sell the tree directly.

That's one million first-level magic crystals!

Although this is indeed a huge sum of money, Kloya knows that since such a high price can be offered, it means that this tree has such value.

Based on the information currently known, this thing can replace a body for a person, but what if it is a terminal illness? What if it is an incurable injury?

Even if it becomes smaller, but can survive, it is absolutely acceptable, not to mention that there are more things that can be done after becoming smaller.

To extend this a little further, this thing can stably transfer the soul to another body. If this method and skill can be learned, it is no worse than one million magic crystals.

When it comes to the soul, the price of everything will become extremely expensive.

Finally, can the body created in this way reproduce? If it can, it is equivalent to creating a new race out of thin air!

However, there are some doubts here: the magic plant fruit, if the life it creates belongs to the magic plant fruit, then Kloya should be able to see the star body.

But in fact, he can't see it at all.

At least the star body imprinting technique treats it as a "human".

After a brainstorming session, he replied to the puppet and temporarily agreed to exchange it if he could find it.

He planned to wait until he studied this magic plant carefully before trading it. After all, he didn't know whether a branch could grow by cuttings or something like that.


After putting away the Holy Spring Crystal Card, Cloya tried to charge the tree with magic power - the magic power of the Orpheus Swan Recorder Tree was continuously injected into the Emerald Skeleton Tree.

In this process, Cloya discovered that this tree could actually transform pure magic power into undead magic power, and this magic power conversion ability came from the entire Emerald Skeleton Tree.

Its astral body is extremely delicate and complex. Rather than being a magic plant, it is better to say that it is a collection of magic patterns one after another, with branches and bones as carriers.

Its extremely regular arrangement of magic patterns makes Cloya, who has a little obsessive-compulsive disorder, particularly satisfied, but he has no way to study it.

Because it is too complicated.

With his current magic power and mental power as a fourth-level wizard, if he wants to analyze it, it feels like there are so many things to do.

Given that the difficulty is too high, he can only give up temporarily and turn to studying the conversion of other species.

Thanks to the endless magic power obtained from the tortured in the Orpheus Swan Recorder Tree, he tried the fish-tailed sea duck, sea dolphin, mountain goat, ice rabbit...

The result was a bunch of shrunken monsters.

From the level, size to the abundance of magic power, the magic power consumed in making the body is also different - the ice rabbit consumes the most, and the mountain goat consumes the least.

They were raised by Cloya in the potted plants he carefully made, and observed and tried whether magic such as the astral body imprinting technique could work.

The answer is absolutely yes.

They can even mate and reproduce normally.

This really shocked Cloya, just when he was in doubt.

The long-sleeping Wood Yao Qu Teng King stretched out his vines and woke up.

The first thing it said after waking up was...

"Master, two carriages from the capital have entered the dock area of ​​Hanjiao Island."

"The capital?"

Kloya then looked at the time. It turned out that he didn't pay attention to time at all because of his research. Five days have passed!

His guests and enemies have arrived.

"You came just in time. I'm just in need of a mage to try..."

Looking at the standing emerald skeleton tree, Kloya smiled with some expectation.

Thanks to everyone's monthly votes and recommendation votes, I have almost recovered. I will restore the previous number of updates in the next two days!

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