I'm a mage, what's wrong with loving farming?

Chapter 174 174 Only a Level 4 Mage

Chapter 174 174. Just a Level 4 Mage

As a Level 4 Mage, Zel had never been to the barren northern border of the kingdom, let alone traveled such a long distance in such cold weather.

Of course, he had never been hit directly by the peas that fell from the sky...

After finally getting out of the carriage, his expression was as ugly as it could be, and he glanced coldly at Estner next to him.

Estner naturally noticed this cold gaze, but he had no reaction at all, instead, he smiled.

He actually hoped that this guy would do something to him.

Zel was hurt by Estner's smile and retracted his gaze.

He was even more angry in his heart.

If it weren't for this guy's meddling, how could he be forced to come to the northern border? How could he suffer such hardships?

At this time, his hatred for Estner even exceeded that of Cloya.

But he himself was a huge beneficiary of the identity of a mage, and he knew that it was easy for a high-level mage to suppress a low-level mage.

He didn't even dare to resist Celeste's order.

So the only hope left was... to kill Croa.

As long as Croa could be killed, he would apologize after he died, even if it meant using up all his life savings.

People in the association should also persuade Celeste.

After all, the person was dead, and it was obviously not a good idea to deal with a fourth-level wizard. Celeste should not kill him.

'As long as the little wizard could be killed..."

Zel quickly stabilized his mentality and tidied up his wrinkled wizard robe. The magic pattern on it still emitted a light golden halo in the ice and snow.

Seven golden rings of different sizes were embroidered on the star-moon whale skin with arcane as silk thread, as if they were the sun shining brightly above the starry sky.

There is no hatred without reason in the world.

Sometimes a person needs to die, of course, to prevent certain things from being exposed.


"Lord Estner. "

The one who came out to greet the group was Knight Semir.

He bowed respectfully to Estner and invited him, "My master is already waiting for you on the island. Please follow me."

The knight completely ignored the two mages beside him. The confidence given by Croa made him fearless even when facing powerful mages.


Estner took a deep look at the tall knight. As a combat mage, he actually felt a hint of threat from this guy.

This was his intuition, which had saved him from danger countless times.

Even though he believed that his level and strength were higher than Semir, he did not underestimate the knight, but just nodded slightly.

"Then you lead the way."

As he said this, he also called out to the two people behind him.

"Master Stein, Master Zel, come together. "

Estner's tone was very casual. He didn't show any respect to a wizard stronger than himself. He just maintained a little respect.

Zel had regained his composure by now. After winking at his apprentice, he followed.

It was a little unexpected that there were no ships when they arrived at the beach. The young knight walked straight to the beach.

At the moment when he was about to step into the sea.

There was a vague and dreamy sound echoing in the sea.

The originally calm sea was instantly divided into two halves by this force, forming an underwater passage large enough for two carriages to pass side by side.

"Uh. "

Not only Estner was surprised, even Zel, a fourth-level wizard, and Stein, who had seen the world, were surprised.

They could see that it was the sea dolphins that were maintaining the sea water, but the problem was that the power that maintained the sea water...wasn't it too strange?

The power that was integrated with the ocean and could suppress the ocean...

Zel and Stein had a haze in their hearts.

The three of them walked down the steps built on the seashore without speaking. When they arrived at the bottom of the sea, the surrounding situation shocked them even more.

Because...in front of them was a long, straight underwater road, with huge bubbles supporting the sea water, and magic lamps and coral trees on both sides of the road for decoration.

The bright light from the lamps shone on the spotless white road, coupled with the decorated coral trees on both sides and the slightly dim environment on the bottom of the sea, it was simply brilliant.

It was like coming to the mermaid kingdom under the sea.

"It's so beautiful. "Estner sighed.

He instinctively felt that these bubbles might be supported by something, but the magic power of the seabed was too chaotic, and it was impossible to clearly find out what it was.

"This is the road built by the lord."

Semier's tone was full of pride. He took out a sun badge surrounded by seven colors of light and distributed it to the three people.

"Please take this badge, otherwise you can't step into this road."


Stein took the badge and snorted coldly, threw the badge on the ground, and laughed: "He is a little wizard, and he still said that he can't step into it?"

"Does he really think of himself as a noble wizard?"

He walked directly towards the bubble, a layer of fire element shield burned on his body, with excitement in his eyes-he wanted to see what the bubble looked like when it was punctured!

Estner wanted to stop it, but he was relieved when he saw that the knight Semir didn't show any expression on his face.

If Kroya hadn't been prepared, the knight wouldn't have been so sure, and there might even be a look of anticipation in his eyes.

Things happened just as he expected - Stein wanted to hit the bubble hard after approaching it, but the result was...


The bubble resisted the uninvited guest unceremoniously, and bounced Stein away with a stronger elastic force. Stein, who was wrapped in a flame element shield, was bounced far away like a fireball.

If it weren't for the expressionless Zel who caught his shameful illegitimate son and disciple with magic, he would have been bounced into the sea water and "played" with the sea dolphin.

As for the bubbles? They were still staying there.

The toughness of the bubbles produced by the air coral is actually beyond imagination, as they can carry such a huge amount of seawater and adapt to the complex and chaotic magic environment on the seabed.

"Just put it on." Estner laughed sarcastically, put on the badge first, and walked straight into the passage formed by bubbles.

Although Stein was reluctant, he also put on the badge under the pressure of his father and mentor.

The three of them successfully passed through the more than ten kilometers long air coral passage under the leadership of Knight Samir, and after walking up a staircase, they officially arrived at the Reef Island.

In this process, Zel had prepared all his trump cards and planned to attack the moment he saw Kloya.

But what he didn't know was that Kloya thought the same way.

Just as the three of them had just stepped onto the territory of the Reef Island, they looked at the flat land and neatly trimmed trees around them with a little surprise--


A red beam of light appeared from the sky. It was extremely fast. It was still on the horizon in the last second, and it had already reached Zel's head in the next second.

It didn't seem to have any violent magic power, and the red light was not threatening at all. But this doesn't mean that it has no power, but that the fluctuations of magic power have been suppressed.

The sunflower elf engraved with "Red Song" can of course flexibly use the power of the quiet serenade.

There is no violent magic power, no obvious sound and light effects, and this beam was not discovered by Zel until it approached him.

The latter was slightly startled, and did not care when this thing appeared. Without thinking, he cast a magic shield and cast a flying spell for himself, intending to dodge directly.

But suddenly some intertwined thorns appeared under his feet, ignoring the magic shield on his body, and directly nailed him to the spot.

Of course, fire is the best to deal with magic plants. Zel is a fourth-level magician after all, and he must have enough experience.

As he took out his staff, the energy-gathering crystal on the top of the staff made of star iron flickered, gathering the surrounding magic power.

He planned to thicken his magic shield while waving his hand to spread flames to burn all the hot wind thorns to death.

But a strange scene happened.

The magic power around him did not obey his command at all, just like a child in a tantrum, it was extremely chaotic.

The flames that were barely released did not even hurt the skin of the thorns, and were directly absorbed by the thorns - it was a mutated magic plant catalyzed by the red dragon's magic.

Such a small amount of flame was like feeding him.

Zel's eyes were startled, and then he looked around. The magic power flickered in his eyes, and he could see that there seemed to be countless extremely obscure magic flows rotating around.

A subtle and huge symphony was formed.

It was these magical movements that suppressed the elemental magic power that was overflowing between heaven and earth, making him unable to mobilize magic power.

"How is it possible!"

The fourth-level wizard shouted out the classic villain quote.

What level of wizard is this who can mobilize the magic power of nature? Could it be that Celeste came in person?

Time obviously did not allow him to think more.

Because of a moment of daze, the rays that had been accumulated by the sunflower directly penetrated his magic shield and pierced his body.

When these terrifying magic powers penetrated his body, even his internal organs were directly vaporized.


Before he could even scream out in pain, a row of flame stump peas suddenly emerged from the woods next to him.

They turned their guns and aimed at Zel, firing a volley.

"Bang, bang, bang!"

The sound of peas being fired continuously rang out.

Countless flame resin peas shot towards him, instantly drowning him, and when the sticky resin exploded, it stuck him like a mosquito.

Then, several more red rays penetrated his head, and the robe engraved with the sun emblem that he had high hopes for did not work at all.

Even... it was still suppressing his magic power.


Such an attack would make even a level 5 mage, let alone a level 4 mage, think about whether he could withstand it.

What's more, he underestimated the enemy.

Level 4 mage Zel fell softly into the flames of the resin pile and closed his eyes forever.

The head and body were pierced by the red rays, only the robes shone brightly in the flames.

Until his death, he did not see his enemy.

Estner and Stein were both shocked - the former was lamenting that it had only been so long before Croya could kill a fourth-level mage so easily; the latter was frightened, his legs were trembling, and he almost died Collapsed to the ground.

Stein's first reaction was to run away.

An illegitimate son who is gifted in magic and is good at flattering people, of course he has many treasures in his hands. For example, he has taken out a magical creation that looks like wings.

He poured his magic power into it, and the wings immediately wrapped around his body, flapping to take him away from Hanjiao Island.

At this time, he was facing the cold wind at high altitude, and he was even thinking about his dead father's treasure in his heart. As long as I can get those treasures, it doesn't matter if I escape abroad and become a wild mage.

But how could Croya let him go?

I saw a bamboo that looked like a warrior suddenly sprang out from the shadows of the woods on the side.

Its roots jumped directly into the sky with a single effort, jumping to a height of more than thirty meters. A long sword made of white thorns extended from the bamboo leaves and branches, and it was a jumping chop towards Stein.

It's just a very simple jumping chop action.

Just the moment they touched the wings, the bamboo leaves and branches instantly extended, blocking the magic nodes.

This bamboo made by Titan has a very keen sense of magic nodes, and it can easily cut off the magic supply to the wings.

The wings lost their magic power and instantly shrank back to their original size. They were just wrapped by its bamboo leaves, and the shield on its other branch pointed at the panicked Stein.

The force was just right, knocking him unconscious.

Immediately afterwards, the bamboo carried Stein and fell to the ground very steadily, without even shaking the snow on the ground. It was extremely light.

After giving a knightly salute to Estner, he carried Stein calmly like a sack and left.

Estner: "..."

There was not only surprise on his face, but also a trace of admiration - precisely because of his extensive experience, he knew how exquisite control was required to cut off the magic nodes in an instant without damaging the magic weapon itself.

In the end, a bamboo did it so easily?

This friend he hadn't seen for a while seemed to be much more powerful than he imagined.

"Long time no see."

While he was still hesitating, Croya's figure appeared in a burst of light, looking at "his" friend and sizing up the former.

Estner's appearance is not much different from what he remembers, except that he is much sharper and full of aggression.

"You're out." Estner came over naturally and gave Croya a hug.

To be honest, Croya wasn't used to this kind of hugging etiquette. His body was stiff for a moment, but he recovered immediately.

Because he felt Estner's joy, which was very pure, the joy of seeing a friend.

In fact, after being here for so long, there are really not many people who can be friends with Chloe, and only Rob is the only one.

People are always a little lonely, even a solitary magician.

"Your body's magic power is a bit weak." Croya hugged Estner back and patted the latter's back, "Let's go, I have prepared food and am waiting for your arrival."

"I haven't eaten food at the seaside. Is it any different from the food in the royal capital?" Estner became interested.

"Of course, come with me."

Croya took Estner and left here, completely ignoring Zell's body wrapped in flame resin. However, after they left, Rob personally took people to collect the body.

It was temporarily placed in a coffin made of ice, and Croya would deal with it after he was done.

Inside the castle.

The current castle is now Croya's private residence, and has been transformed by him, full of mystery and beauty belonging to the mage.

The exquisite and gorgeous magic lamps are placed on transparent crystals, as if they are floating in mid-air, like a river of lights, and the light they emit illuminates the entire restaurant.

The carpet is made of green grass, and there are also some colorful indoor decorative flowers growing there.

There are also photos "taken" by Mu Yao Qu Teng Wang in his free time hanging on the wall. Some are of huge waves, some of fish leaping, and some of rising sea fog.

And on the long table, there are all kinds of delicacies - crabs, lobsters, squid, shark's fin, scallops...

Food and gifts from the sea filled the entire table.

This is the benefit of being a lord.

You can do whatever you like on your own territory. The output of the entire territory belongs to the lord himself. What the Mage Association only cares about is whether it can deploy its forces in various places.

Estner looked left and right, and his eyes were a little warm.

"Kloya, your life here is really good. Otherwise, why don't I also apply to go out to be a lord?"

Of course, he said this casually. Although he liked farming very much, if he was really asked to farm, he really couldn't bear it.

Besides, his mentor would never allow it.

Croya shook his head and began to complain: "When I first came here, the islands were almost deserted. I spent a lot of time researching and cultivating them, and even sold all the family heirlooms.

Fortunately, my efforts were not in vain, and I successfully established a territory using magic plants and magic beasts. "

"...Is it so hard?" Estner immediately waved his hand: "Then I'd better forget it."

"Right, this thing."

He said and took out something from the space magic weapon.

It was a piece of parchment with the mark of the Mages Association on it, which was the contract left behind by "Croya" and Stein when they made the bet.

"Now that one of them is dead and the other has been captured by you, I declare as the notary of the Mage Association... that you have won the bet."

In a very casual tone, Estner took out a seal and lightly pressed it on the mark of the Mages Association on the contract.

The contract immediately burst into flames.

A ball of light flew out from inside and slowly landed in front of Croya.

Croya raised his eyebrows and looked at the ball of light.

As the light gradually dimmed, a very beautiful magic plant appeared inside the light ball.

It looks like a banyan tree, about half a meter high. The crown of the tree is shining with dots of spiritual light. The hanging aerial roots are made of clear moonlight, surrounding the tree roots to form a "well water".

There are strands of water gathering in the small well.

There is no doubt that this is the bet that Stein made when he made a bet with the original owner, the legendary elf magic plant Moonlight Spirit Dew Grass.

But... the appearance of this thing looks more like a Moonlight Spirit Dew Tree, right?

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