I'm a mage, what's wrong with loving farming?

Chapter 178 178 My own little plane

Chapter 178 178. My own small plane

Although it is a material unique to the small plane, Cloya still wants to make sure what it is used for.

For example, can it really only replace soil to plant magic plants, and has no other effect?

He tried to use his magic power to perceive it.

As a result, the soft blue-green crystal mud that looked like jelly turned red the moment he injected his magic power.

The red color gradually expanded, like ink gradually smudged, seemingly slow but actually fast.

The magic power originally stored in it, which belonged to the water element and the wood element, was driven out, and finally the whole palm-sized crystal mud turned red like a flame.

"What a smooth magic conduction property."

"This..." Cloya was silent for a moment, and tried more kinds of magic-sunflower magic, ice and snow magic, pure magic of the ether world...

As a result, this seemingly inconspicuous mud can accommodate them all.

"Such a special magic property, it can hold so much magic, does the Holy Spring Chamber of Commerce look down on this material?"

He was a little bit unbelievable.

You know, the reason why magic crystal is so popular is that it can hold magic and let magic flow inside, and it has extremely strong magic conduction and magic containment properties.

In addition, the price is really cheap, and any magician can afford it.

But now this kind of crystal mud in his hand, whether it is the ability to hold magic or conduct magic, is much better than the magic crystal plate.

The price... This is a full world of 10,000 hectares, and it should be able to be continuously generated.

When the Holy Spring Chamber of Commerce obtained this plane, didn't it sell it as a special mineral?

Or did it really look down on it?

He even had the idea of ​​using these things as materials to build buildings. This soft mud-like thing is much easier to handle than that crystal plate.

The most important thing is that you don't have to spend money to buy it.

As a lord, it is a healthy cycle of development for the materials under his command to be self-sufficient. It is actually very unhealthy to develop only by buying things from outside.

He understood this deeply, so he asked his apprentices to take back everything they could get from the outside like bandits.

As long as the products in his territory can be enriched, he can transform them through his ability and exchange the transformed things for more things.

This is a normal snowball.

Now the appearance of this thing has made up for part of his gap in infrastructure.

So the question now is... can these sludges be shaped by magic.

After being soaked in a special solution, the conventional magic crystal plate can be melted into sludge similar to the material in hand.

In addition, its ability to contain magic and conduct magic is very strong, which makes it a best-seller.

But, that thing is almost sold in bundles with the magic crystal plate. When you buy the magic crystal plate, you will be given enough, and it is never sold separately.

The first time you want to use it, it is enough.

But if you want to make a second change to the crystal plate that has been shaped, you can only continue to buy the crystal plate and let them give you potions.

This is a very clever sales method. This thing is not expensive to begin with. It doesn't matter if you buy some and stock up. It will be useful sooner or later.

Even Kroya didn't think it was particularly important to take out one or two more magic crystals to buy the magic crystal plate, but if you do a little calculation...

Even if you buy one more, they will make one more dollar. According to the radiation range of the Holy Spring Chamber of Commerce, this alone can probably make a lot more magic crystals.

"Now that I think about it, the Holy Spring Chamber of Commerce is really scary."

He sighed softly and began to experiment with magic power.

The result was very successful. The magic used to shape this "crystal mud"-like material worked easily. This piece of red mud was made into a blooming fiery red lotus by him.

The petals and lotus pods are emitting bright light. His carving skills are obviously good.

For a magician, with the help of mental power, if he really carves a statue or something, he can reproduce every detail.

"Not bad." Kloya threw the lotus into an endless grassland and continued to explore here.

He had already thought of how to use these things. When the things here were done, he would start digging these soft muds and then let the apprentices build Hanjiao Island.

Instead of the original plan of laying pipelines with magic crystals, this material was used instead.

However, the most urgent thing was to find something.

Previously, the Holy Spring Chamber of Commerce said that there was a third-level magic plant and a third-level magic spring here. Why haven't they found it yet?

A plane of 10,000 hectares can't still have two or three magic plants, right?

This plane is too stingy.


He used magic power to walk slowly on the grass.

His mental power was fully expanded, carefully sensing the environment here, and searching for the magic plants and magic springs mentioned by the Holy Spring Chamber of Commerce.

This secluded environment with no people was very much to his taste, a world that belonged to him alone.

He could build it however he wanted.

He had already decided to find a place to expand the elf mansion and then build a small yard.

He would treat this world as a place to hide away.

Given this mentality, he was not in a hurry to look for it, but was more of a walk and a ride - the refreshing wind mixed with the fragrance of water vapor and grass and trees was really comfortable.

After walking for about half an hour, he finally discovered something - there were some flowing springs in the grass under his feet without him noticing.

These springs were lake blue, flowing silently, and going away between the grass and the crystal mud.

Because he used magic to support himself, he was flying off the ground, and he didn't pay much attention, so he didn't find these strange springs at all.

Now that he had found it, he simply traced the source of the water flow and soon found the source of these lake blue liquids - a huge lake covering an area of ​​about several hundred hectares.

It is located in the embrace of emerald green grass, as deep as an extremely beautiful sapphire, and the lake water is blue and dim, and it is completely unclear how deep it is.

Even seeing the deepest position is a bit creepy, for fear that something will appear in it.

It gave Cloya a feeling of looking directly into the abyss of the ocean. This deep blue and the absence of any aquatic plants and animals really made him feel uncomfortable.

"What kind of magic spring is this?" He flew into the sky with the wing magic device that Stein had seized and carefully observed the lake for a while.

In the end, there was nothing to be found.

In addition to the abundant water element, this thing has no external characteristics at all, and there is no way to count the use of this thing through characteristics.

There was no magic plant either. It seems that the third-level magic plant mentioned by the Holy Spring Chamber of Commerce did not stay with the third-level magic spring.

So after thinking about it, Cloya simply chose the simplest and fastest way - magic manipulation.

He stretched out his palm and pointed it at the lake.

The robe on his body was like a starlight, and three different colors of sun halos emitted three colors of magic, which gathered and injected into his palm.

At the same time, the virtual moon leaf-shaped magic device on his wrist was also emitting bright silver moonlight.

Finally, as he played the gopher wood harp.

This time he used all his strength and all means to increase magic.

"Ding Dong~"

A series of crisp music sounded here, flowing out from Cloya's slender fingers, rushing towards the lake, letting the lake join its own melody.

Just like the sound of a stream flowing in the forest, this power was actually learned yesterday, and it was suspected that the original owner's grandfather left behind the name "Gently Flowing Spring Melody".

When he was studying yesterday, he felt that this power was something he could learn easily, and now it was true.

He exerted this power without any effort.

It was like he had practiced countless times and had become proficient.

The lake water was driven by this power, forming streams of water, flowing back from the lake to the sky.

Cloya was planning to drain the lake water, and by the way, use his own power to completely perceive their properties in the process.

However, when he just used magic to control these springs, he found something wrong. Those waters... they were fixed in mid-air!

After the water flow was carried into the air by the magic power, it stood upright in the air like a water flow statue made of crystal.

Even if Cloya removed the magic power, they still stood on the lake.

Cloya immediately had a bold idea in his mind.

He still played the gopher harp, controlling a stream of water to spread under his body, forming a thin water brick.

Then he stepped on it directly, and his wings temporarily withdrew their power and stopped flapping.

As a result, he actually stood steadily on this water brick floating in the air, and even jumped a few times, and the brick did not fall down.


Cloya certainly knew that there were materials in the world that could naturally float in the air to build floating cities, and there were even natural floating islands.

But this thing... could also float in the air?

He didn't understand the reason at all.

Why can this water float up and stay fixed after it comes out? If it comes into contact with the air, then won't the water flowing out also come into contact with the air?

After studying it carefully for a while, he found that it might be related to his own magic power, or the external magic environment - when he controls these water flows, he naturally has to wrap the water flow with magic power.

Even if he removes the magic power, these magic powers still remain on the surface of the water flow.

It is these magic powers that prevent the water flow from coming into contact with the external magic environment. Once he completely removes these magic powers, the water flow will fall into the lake.

So that means...

He immediately took some lake water through the dimension gate and returned to his laboratory to try again.

The result was exactly as he thought. After coming into contact with the magic environment different from the small plane, these springs really floated in the air.

But they didn't float for too long.

The lake blue color in the lake blue liquid gradually faded, and after becoming clear and colorless, the lake water fell directly to the ground.

Obviously, the lake blue magic is the basis for it to stay fixed in the air, but the lake blue magic will evaporate quickly after coming into contact with the external magic environment.

So it cannot be maintained for a long time.

But think about it from another perspective: if Cloya can continuously replenish it with this lake blue magic, wouldn't it be able to keep it suspended in the air forever?

Floating city...

Cloya shook his head hurriedly.

The legendary floating city is not just a city suspended in the sky, but also the result of a wizard's life's hard work. It is extremely powerful in both combat and scientific research.

It can even carry wizards to various planes and the outer astral world for adventure.

Now he hasn't even built the wizard tower completely, and he's thinking about the floating city...

He suppressed this idea, but did not give up the idea of ​​building a city with this lake water - he wanted to build a manor on the lake.

A manor that only he can enter and enjoy.

A small space and plane that belongs to one's own person, isn't that the standard configuration of a high-level wizard? Moreover, if he wants to do something in the future, it will be very secretive in such a small plane.

For example, the "Sea Moon Tempering Magic Array" he plans to make with Moonlight Spirit Dew Grass and Sea Ganoderma.

The castle was too small. After all, the seabed was the territory of mermaids. Only here was it really safe.

He couldn't wait to try it, so he did it as he said - he continued to control the water in the lake, but this time he didn't use magic to completely cut off their contact with the outside world.

Countless streams of water flowing back from the lake flowed into the sky, gathered at an altitude of more than 100 meters, and finally gradually formed a lake blue floating platform.

It was about three hectares in radius.

In the process of building this floating platform, he gradually wrapped the lake water with magic, but left a passage - the music magic he cast on the lake just took effect.

With the help of this magic, the special lake blue magic in the lake will continuously converge towards the floating island above.

It's like a magic charging line.

As long as the lake blue magic in the lake continues to be produced, the island can always float in the sky.


It took him three hours to build the island.

After the construction was completed, he flew to the island and overlooked the lake below from a height of 100 meters.

It must be said that this feeling of looking far from a height is really good. No wonder some people in their previous lives liked to live higher and look down.

After admiring it for a while, he retracted his gaze. There would be plenty of time to see it later, so there was no need to rush.

"The next is the manor."

He took out the exquisite tree house from his pocket and threw it into the distance-

The tree house gradually expanded in the air, and when it landed on the water brick ground, it had become a giant tree house covering an area of ​​5 or 6 acres.

The model became a huge building, and the contrast was of course quite different. After making sure it would not fall, Cloya went in to check it out.

The limited furniture and decoration inside were also quite luxurious.

It was not the kind of magnificent luxury, but the one that belonged to the elves. Even the patterns of the carpets and lamps were carefully polished to be luxurious.


"Why do I always feel a little empty?"

He stood in the huge and bright hall, with a soft elf blanket under his feet and lamps like marigolds hanging on the wall.

It stands to reason that such a place should have murals, sculptures and other decorations, but except for carpets and a limited number of tables, chairs and benches, the rest of the place is empty.

It gave him a strange feeling that this was like a rough house.

This feeling became more and more obvious as he walked through the entire tree house.

Other places were even worse than the hall he had just entered.

Some places were even empty, without even a table, chair or bench.

It was a gorgeous empty shell.

After discovering this, he was a little disappointed, but not too disappointed. It was good to be empty like this, so that he could decorate it according to his favorite style.

After walking around, he came to the laboratory. This laboratory was relatively complete, almost the same as what he saw when he analyzed the magic pattern just now.

Regular instruments, gorgeous and complicated magic patterns, and the luster of magic everywhere.

Such a secret laboratory that belonged to him alone was in line with the mage's dark thoughts.

I just don't know if I can let the Wood Yao Teng and the Shark Tower Spirit extend in. Without their help, it would be a bit inconvenient to do things by myself.

"Wait, what if I activate the dimensional door here?"

This is already the interior of the micro-plane.

If I activate the dimensional door here, will it directly connect to the outside world?

He immediately stood up and began to look for it, and soon found the magic pattern on the wall.

He took out the Holy Spring Crystal Card and injected his magic power into it. Fortunately, his magic power was strong enough to activate the dimensional door by himself.

As the marigold magic pattern bloomed, the dimensional door slowly took shape. The scene displayed inside the portal was his laboratory in the castle of Hanjiao Island!

"Is it really possible?"

He immediately walked out through the portal and found that the dimensional door remained the same, but the exit on the other side of the door became the laboratory of the elf mansion.

This is very good, very convenient. Without him using the Holy Spring Crystal Card to open the dimensional door, no one can enter that small plane.

What he had to do next was to let the Wood Moon King extend to that world, and then wait for the Tower Spirit to fully mature before letting it enter that world.

Of course, he didn't have to work hard for this, just give an order to the Wood Moon King.

"I'll go in right away."

After hearing his order, the Wood Moon King immediately crawled towards the space portal and quickly got in.

Kloya was now going to prepare the materials for building the "Sea Moon Tempering Magic Array".

To build that thing, not only moonlight is needed, but also the ocean environment.

Originally, he was going to do it in the sea, but now there is a better place. Although it takes a little effort to prepare, it is worth it.

Thanks to Insomniac, former book-chasing maniac, Book Friend 20210322211050582, Book Friend 20170817090458121, Tianbianyunxurisheng, wurara, and Book Friend 20210604070342395 for their monthly tickets, thank you!

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