I'm a mage, what's wrong with loving farming?

Chapter 179 179 Sea Moon Potion, Cattail Civet

Chapter 179 179. Sea Moon Magic Potion, Cattail Civet

The cultivation of sea ganoderma must be carried out in the environment of the ocean. The environment of the ocean and this small plane is of course completely different.

Even if this small plane is an environment with particularly abundant water attribute magic, it will not work.

In other words, if Cloya wants to build a magic circle here, he must artificially create an environment close to the ocean.

At the same time, he also needs to transplant the ancient grass fungus.

The environment created by the ancient grass fungus seems to be a bit helpful to the sea ganoderma. At least the sobering properties of the refined sea ganoderma magic potion are given by the ancient grass fungus.

In order to create such an environment, he came to the bottom of the sea, where the sea ganoderma was planted.

Standing on the bottom of the sea.


After clearing his throat, he gathered the magic power in his throat.


He stood in the sea water and sang the mermaid song directly.

As the soft and dreamy mermaid song sounded, the magic power of the ocean gathered around him, and finally gathered into a small ball, a small ball full of ocean magic.

While maintaining the mermaid song, Kroya injected this magic power into the crystal mud material taken from the small plane.

After such treatment, they became pieces of crystal bricks filled with ocean magic.

Just use these crystal bricks to build a nursery, and then plant in it, it should be fine.

The advantage of doing this is that it can ensure that the ocean magic power he gathered will not overflow, and the magic power can be circulated in the nursery.

The disadvantage is... he has to use the mermaid song to simulate the changes in ocean magic. The ocean cannot remain unchanged and must change with time.

After completing the magic gathering and making crystal bricks, he returned to the small plane, marked out an acre of land on the sky island, and began to build.

The blue crystal bricks obeyed his magic control, and soon built a blue palace, 20 meters high and one acre wide.

During this period, he did not forget to carve magic patterns inside the crystal bricks. Simulating the flow and change of ocean magic, each crystal brick can be transformed from a single individual into a whole, and magic can also flow and change inside.

"I hope it works."

He entered the nursery and felt it a little bit. He could feel the unique magic of the ocean blowing and the feeling of the ebb and flow of the tide.

This is the closest environment to the ocean that Kroya can make.

When chatting with Estner the day before yesterday, the latter also mentioned that there are people who grow sea ganoderma, which is to artificially simulate an environment similar to the ocean.

After all, not everyone can own a territory by the sea.

It can be seen that this method is at least feasible in theory. Now it has been built, and it depends on practice.

After completing the construction of the nursery, he drew the complex patterns of flowers, branches and vines on the magic crystal plate.

Then put the reefs needed for sea ganoderma on the nodes of the magic circle.

These are the magic patterns of the magic circle required for the sea moon tempering magic circle.

Finally, plant those ancient grass fungi outside the magic circle - this is why he has to divide an acre of land as a nursery.

If you just make the "Sea Moon Tempering Magic Circle", you don't need such a large space, because he only has one Moonlight Spirit Dew Grass in his hand.

If you strictly follow the magic map given by Orpheus Oak to reduce it in proportion, it is estimated that more than 100 meters in radius will be enough.

But to plant ancient grass fungi, you need a larger place so that the power generated by the ancient grass fungi can cover the sea ganoderma.

Orpheus Oak said that only the magic plant that gave birth to elves can mobilize the magic power of its own body and form and operate the magic circle according to the magic pattern.

It probably thinks that Cloya can't get so many sea ganoderma elves in a short time.

But what it doesn't know is... Although Cloya can't make the magic plant give birth to elves, he can engrave the magic plant!

Just engrave the magic pattern in the body of the sea ganoderma and the moonlight spirit dew grass, so that they can become part of the magic circle, right?

This is very close to his previous idea of ​​using magic plants to form a production line.

He had communicated with the sea ganoderma before. He didn't know whether these sea ganoderma were completely marinated by the special substances in the ancient grass fungus. They were very calm.

Facing Cloya's engraving request, he did not refuse at all, and it was relatively easy for him to engrave.

As for the moonlight spirit dew grass.

Its consciousness was very strange, and it seemed to be a little afraid of Cloya, almost trembling.

"I... I will obey your orders."

"As long as you don't shine magic on me."

"Woo woo (﹏)."

The last sentence even had a crying expression it conveyed, as if Cloya was an unforgivable villain.


Cloya was completely confused.

Although he thought he was not a good person, his image in the hearts of magic plants and monsters was quite good.

Why would a magic plant that he just got be so afraid of him?

After thinking for a while, he suddenly realized something and tried to use his magic power to shine on the Moonlight Spirit Dew Grass, which immediately became even more trembling.

The water droplets formed by the moonlight dripped like tears, as if it was directly scared and cried.

Only then did he realize that it was his magic power that caused it.

There is a slight conflict between the magic power of the sun and the magic power of the moonlight, and the moonlight of the Moonlight Dew Grass seems to be different from the moonlight of the mermaid tribe.

It is particularly afraid of its own magic power.

After being speechless, Croya could only communicate with it properly, and the work on the magic plant was finally done.

The only remaining difficulty was engraving. He had to break up the original complete magic array pattern and accurately engrave it on each sea lingzhi.

So he needs to do it all at once.

After making all preparations, he extended his mental power to all the sea lingzhi and activated the star spirit body engraving technique.

The star spirit bodies of the fifty-six Sea Lingzhi and Moonlight Lingzhi appeared in his mental power at the same time. He arranged these star spirit bodies according to the positions of the magic array map.

Then engrave simultaneously.

If someone could see this scene, they would find that there seems to be an invisible big hand drawing in the Hailingzhi star body. All Hailingzhi are engraved with different but related magic patterns.

Like...a marigold linked by vines.

They began to flash with the same color of light. As Croya gradually completed the engraving, their flashing frequencies gradually approached, and finally were completely consistent.

The Moonlight Spiritual Dew in the small well of the Moonlight Spiritual Dew Grass really spreads around like moonlight, covering all the Sea Ganoderma lucidum.

[Engraving completed, Sea Ganoderma Group·Moonlight Spiritual Dew Grass (Sea Moon Tempering Magic Array)]

[When the sea lingzhi and moonlight dew grass engraved with the "Sea Moon Tempering Magic Array" are completely gathered together and form a magic array, this magic will be automatically triggered and formed. 】


Croya breathed a sigh of relief.

He looked at the magic plants that gathered moonlight and clouds, and watched as their magic flowed into the air, forming a small cloud.

This cloud is at most the size of a palm.

"Is it mycelium?"

Not long ago, when he looked at the map, it seemed that moonlight made up these clouds, but now after observing with his own eyes, he found that it was not moonlight.

Or it’s not just moonlight——

The hyphae on the surface of Ganoderma lucidum slowly detached under the wash of the moonlight and gathered towards the sky, forming blue clouds.

It trembled, and after being filled with moonlight, it reluctantly dropped a two-color sapphire the size of a pinky fingernail, which was caught by Croya.

"Is this the Haiyue potion you produced?"

Croya swallowed the blue gem directly with great interest. The entrance was extremely cool, and it felt like eating mint candy.

But as they gradually surged towards the magic power in his body, Croya felt something was wrong.

They are actually changing their magical properties! Trying to dye the magic with a layer of softness and coolness belonging to the moonlight.

How can this be done!


He quickly controlled his magic power and repeled the strange moonlight power before the two forces conflicted.

The soft moonlight instantly dissipated into the air.

After confirming that all these powers were rejected by him, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Very strange.

His own power can contain almost all magic power, even the magic power of demons, but he cannot control the power of moonlight in any way.

At best it's control.

He even destroyed the Virtual Moon Tree because of his own magic power.

In the past, he thought that moonlight was the reflection of sunlight, and he should be able to absorb it, but now it seems that not only can he not be able to absorb it, but there is also a serious rejection reaction on both sides.

He could only give up, reach out and place the moonlight magic potion he collected in this nursery, and then left with another piece of the newly produced sea moon magic potion.

After he found the magic plant here, he planned to talk to Estner, let him try the new Sea Moon potion, and then improve the magic field on his island.

It took him a lot of effort to find the third-level magic plants here. He almost traveled all over the small plane, and finally found groups of magic plants in a green grassland.

The appearance of these magic plants is...well, very special.

It looks like a round blue cat about the size of a basketball. Its long tail is swaying like a cattail, three times longer than its body.



"Meow meow meow~"

They were playing and playing in the water, and their tails would shoot streams of blue water from time to time, making their partners wet.

Obviously having a lot of fun.

“Cattail civet.”

Croya, who already knew their names through the Celestial Spirit Body Engraving Technique, was slightly startled.

Because he actually discovered the existence of small star spirit bodies inside the star spirit bodies of these magic plants that were almost identical in shape and appearance to cats.

Those curled up in their bellies...are the little cattail civets about to be born.

At this moment, Croya thought that he had seen it wrong. Is this thing really not a World of Warcraft?

After being briefly surprised, he quickly figured it out.

Just like those fruits that are pregnant with seeds, they are actually similar to how monsters give birth to offspring, but he felt very weird when he suddenly saw the "pregnant" magic plant.

Level three magic plants, do they have any special abilities?

Kloya thought about it and went to catch the Star Crystal Turtle. He had not yet learned the art of communication with all things, so he could only rely on the Crystal Turtle as a bridge of communication.

The Crystal Turtle was now familiar with Kloya. It was originally carving wives and breeding in its own cave.

But it was suddenly pulled out by Kloya.

He couldn't help but complain: "Master, I am breeding with my 1,932nd wife, and you pulled me out!

I heard that when humans are suddenly interrupted when doing that kind of thing, they will leave psychological shadows. Aren't you afraid that I will also have psychological shadows and can't bring you more Crystal Turtles!"

Its tone and expression can be described as heartbroken.

Kloya couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth twice. How long has it been since he made nearly two thousand wives?

"Even if you rely on the effect of the sea demon turtle shell candy, you can't do this. Be careful not to completely ruin your body."

Who knew that the Crystal Turtle patted his chest proudly.

"We Star Crystal Turtles have to look for wives all our lives. I dare say that no Star Crystal Turtles have more wives than me!"

"Don't worry, I know my body best. There is absolutely no problem. We Warcraft are different from you humans."

It was quite disdainful when it said the last sentence.


I think you are really floating.

Kloya resisted the urge to eat turtle meat, sank his face, and pointed at the cattail civets playing beside him.

"If you can't find out all their abilities for me today.

Haha, I will imprison you in the laboratory. Don't think about having a wife. Just make potions for me honestly."

As soon as he finished speaking, the crystal turtle rushed over like an arrow, scaring the playful cattail civets.

The hairs on the magic plants that looked almost the same as cats exploded, and they all aimed their tails at the crystal turtles, spraying out dark blue water spikes directly.


Overwhelming, extremely fast, like a bullet, it rushed towards the crystal turtle.

Fortunately, the crystal turtle is a high-level magic beast. It retracted its body into its shell, and the water thorns directly pierced its shell, turning into pools of blue liquid and scattering.

After several rounds of volleys, it came out of its shell, and a "meow meow meow" sound came out of its mouth.

Then, those cattail civets whose hair had exploded, like Tyrannosaurus Rex, actually calmed down.

They curiously surrounded the turtle and "meowed meow meow".

The two sides were obviously chatting very enthusiastically, and the "meow meow meow" sound made Cloya feel a little painful.

After a while, the crystal turtle walked towards Cloya, followed by a group of floating blue cat grass.

They all looked at Cloya curiously with their sapphire-like eyes, but they were not vigilant.

"What did you say to them?" Kloya was very curious: "Is the communication technique of all things so powerful?"

He has tried many times in the bottle of the sacred tree, but for some reason, he has never been able to learn this magic.

If he can learn this magic, combined with his orange song, it should not be a problem to communicate with any magic plant or monster.

"I just told them about your great achievements, Master."

The Star Crystal Turtle concealed the guilty conscience in his eyes: "You have raised so many magic beasts and magic plants, you must provide them with a better living environment, right?

They are about to give birth to offspring now, so they urgently need a suitable environment."

Kloya narrowed his eyes.

I always feel that what this guy said is not right.

After staring at the crystal turtle for a few times, he saw the latter trembling, and then he looked away.

"Then tell me what they are used for."

As we saw just now, they will fire some poisonous water spikes, but if that's all, it's too inconsistent with the level of the third-level magic plant.

But it's a pity.

The crystal turtle shook his head: "They only have the ability to spray water and water spikes with toxicity."

"Hmm." Kloya was a little disappointed.

Thinking about it carefully, there seems to be nothing wrong. There are only these cattail civets in this world. They don't need to fight or worry about survival. Isn't it because they haven't evolved the ability to attack?

Environmental problems.

Then, these things are only for viewing value...

"Master! Master!"

The Star Crystal Turtle obviously saw what Kloya was thinking, and hurriedly said: "Don't think that I blocked their toxins, but they are actually very powerful!"

"How powerful?" Kloya came back to his senses and asked.

"According to my speculation, it should be able to easily poison a level 4 or 5 monster."


Kloya finally got interested.

He immediately asked the cattail civets to produce some toxins for him, and they did it honestly under the translation of the crystal turtle.

Afterwards, Kloya took several monsters to do experiments, and the results were really powerful.

After consuming these toxins, the monsters died on the spot, and even their bodies were assimilated into dark blue puddles.

In order to try it out, Kloya ran to the sea and caught a level 4 magic fish, but even it couldn't resist the power of these toxins.

But it seems to be completely useless for plants. Even if the plants are soaked in these dark blue toxins, they have no reaction.

After these experiments, he was immediately excited.

This powerful toxin can do so many things. Whether it is assassination or making some weapons, poison is indispensable.

Especially the toxin that has never been discovered, its effect is so fierce that it is estimated that it can't even be saved.

The only pity is that it can't be tried with higher-level mages or monsters.

I don't know how high the upper limit of this thing is.

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