I'm a mage, what's wrong with loving farming?

Chapter 180 180 Barley Magic Plant, Fundamental Change

Chapter 180 180. Barley Magic Plant, Fundamental Change

Because these cattail civets are really useful, Cloya generously built a cat house for them with crystals.

He also put some magic crystals that can replenish magic power and liquid magic produced by magic veins in it.

This is enough for magic plants. They require far less than magic beasts, and this level is very suitable for them.

After seeing this cat house, the cattail civets couldn't wait to float in, each occupying their favorite position, and huddled together peacefully.

From time to time, they "meowed" a few times, with unconcealable joy and excitement in their voices.

It looked like a bunch of blue cat balls.

Obviously they were planning to wait here to give birth.

To be honest, Cloya really wanted to see how these magic plants gave birth, but there was still something to do.

He could only order the King of Mu Yao Qu Teng to come here and act as a camera. Then he would just wait for the broadcast and watch them give birth to little cattail civets.

He still had to meet Estner.

He was a guest from afar after all. Although he had some excuses to do, he couldn't just leave him there.

Besides, he had to prepare to transform the magic field, and he really needed to communicate with Estner.

Farming was not done behind closed doors. Other lords would not be willing to communicate with him about these most basic and fundamental knowledge.

He urgently needed to supplement the basic knowledge of magic plant cultivation in this world - those in the original owner's mind had basically been studied by him.

As for the application of these toxins, he planned to give them to Robert - the dead soldiers he trained would definitely use this stuff.

When the wind and snow stopped, he would release all the dead soldiers.


Outside world.

Hanjiao Island.

The place where Poseidon barley was planted.

At this time, the Poseidon barley planting area has occupied a full 100 acres of land. It has also been renovated twice. Even in the windy and snowy environment, the barley still stands upright.

Elena, the son of the harvest, is taking the other sons of the harvest to bless and ripen the barley routinely.

I don’t know if it is because of their regular ripening and blessing, the barley is growing taller and taller. It was originally half a person tall, but now it is more than one person tall.

The full ears of wheat are heavy and are about to fall down.

To be honest, the 100-acre wheat field still looks very shocking, and the violent wind and snow can’t make them fall down.

This feeling of harvest is irresistible to anyone who likes farming.

"These Poseidon barleys are growing well."

Estner personally entered the field, carefully checked it, and even picked a ear and twisted it to take a look.

There are extremely full grains inside.

He tasted it and it tasted very good.

During this process, Robert kept looking at him with a smile and didn't say much. After all, Croa had already given the order that all the magic plants on the island except for a few special ones could be shown to him.

Elena and several other sons of the harvest looked at him, accelerated the speed of blessing the wheat seedlings, and left quickly.

To be honest, they now don't trust anyone except Croa.

Of course, Estner didn't care about them.

He had seen many sons of the harvest, and he didn't feel anything about these people, because as a somewhat traditional magician, he didn't trust these guys blessed by the gods.

After tasting the wheat ears, he nodded:

"I didn't expect Croa to think of this way."

Then, he looked at the sea water that was always flowing around him, and the Wood Yao Qu Teng King that served as a pipeline, and his eyes stayed on the latter for a few more seconds.

He had noticed this strange vine a long time ago.

As a third-level battle mage, his mental power was very sharp and he could perceive the subtle changes in the surrounding environment.

These jade-like vines are almost everywhere on the island. He doesn't think they are just growing luxuriantly. They should have other functions.

If you think about it, they are nothing more than surveillance, spying, and protection.

He felt that he had to remind Cloya that these things were too conspicuous. If they were not hidden, they would be easily discovered.


He lowered his head and glanced at the wheat field, with a hint of helplessness in his eyes.

'It's good, but it's too clean. I have to talk to Cloya about it...'

As he was thinking, he suddenly heard a familiar voice——

"What are you thinking about? How about my wheat field?"

Cloya fell from the sky and landed just outside the wheat field.

"Oh, you're here just in time."

Estner waved at Croa: "Look here, can you change it?"

He pointed to the mud covered by seawater at the bottom of the wheat field and said seriously: "Initially, Poseidon barley actually didn't like seawater. Later, it was pushed into the sea step by step, and finally took root on the seashore.

So they like the sand washed by the ocean the most.

But my friend, you have all the mud on land here, although it is also very broken, it is probably not as good as the sand in the sea."

Croa suddenly realized.

"Oh, right, I forgot."

At that time, I was busy thinking of ways to plant them on the island, and I didn't consider the environment at all.

In addition, the son of the harvest has always been taken care of, and the barley is growing really well, so I don't care about this little detail.

And to be honest, he has been growing this barley as rice...

"Fortunately, you reminded me." Croya immediately ordered Rob: "Let people get some sand from the seaside. When this batch of barley matures, replace the soil underneath them."

"Okay." Rob bowed slightly and prepared to leave.

"Don't worry, don't worry, there's more." Estner stopped Rob from leaving, "There are many kinds of tiny algae and sea creatures in the ocean. I see... there seems to be nothing here?"

As a master of magic plant planting theory, Estner has read many books, not to mention that he gave Poseidon Barley to Croya.

Of course he knows what the best environment is like for the growth of these magic plants.

After hearing what he said, Croya said strangely:

"Microorganisms, you mean algae, right?"


Croya thought for a moment and then asked: "What is the function of these algae? Can they help purify the water, or will they become nutrients for Poseidon Barley?"

In his previous life, there were indeed some crabs and small fish stocked in rice fields in his hometown, a method that combined planting and breeding.

But that was to allow the crabs and fish to eat weeds and some pests, but he didn't need it here at all. With the care of the Harvest Sons, there were no pests in the entire wheat field.

As for weeds... there are none.

Not to mention how weeds grow in this saline-alkali environment after being submerged by sea water.

The farm servants all regard this field as their lifeline and carefully tend it. If there is any seaweed or other things mixed in, it will be picked out immediately.

There are no pests or weeds, so why put algae?


Estner was silent for a while and said speechlessly: "My friend, have you forgotten the magic environment?"

He pointed to this huge wheat field: "The ocean environment itself is changeable, especially the algae that contain magic. They will emit their own magic and change the surrounding environment.

Poseidon Barley has a very strong adaptability, but it is this adaptability that makes him have to stay in an environment with changing magic.

Although you have arranged a very comfortable and comfortable environment for them by planting them in this way, my friend, can you guarantee that they will always have such a comfortable environment?

Once they lose their ability to adapt to harsh environments, there will be no way to transplant them to other places for planting. "

The friend's words immediately gave Croa Adam a blow, and he was stunned.

Yes, although I can ensure that the current environment is taken care of by the Harvest Sons, and there are farm servants patrolling it all the time.

But what about the future?

It is impossible for me to always arrange for the Sons of Harvest to take care of these most basic crops. As my power grows stronger and my fields become wider, there will always be times when I cannot take care of them.

The most important thing is that this is a kind of degradation for Poseidon Barley, from being able to adapt to the complex and changeable ocean magic environment to being able to only stay in a stable environment.

This is what he cannot accept the most. Croya has been working hard to evolve magic plants and monsters, but he has made Poseidon Barley degenerate...

He sighed deeply and thought quickly. He had a bold idea, which he had always had.

Finally, he glanced at the thriving Poseidon Barley and asked, "Poseidon Barley is not considered a magic plant. Can it evolve into a magic plant?"


Estner was stunned by this question.

Although Poseidon barley is the most widely spread crop in Semrio continent, they have never been a magic plant.

Because magic plants mean that these barley cannot be planted just by the seaside. The geographical location and magic environment need to be considered.

It was originally a basic crop, but if it turned into a magic plant, it would be very inconvenient, so no one has ever conducted this kind of research.

Magic power itself is difficult to control. After all, not everyone has the environment and resources like Croya.

He opened his mouth to persuade Croya, but the latter seemed to know what he was going to say, shook his head and said: "Friend, listen to me first."

"Poseidon Barley's extremely strong adaptability to magic means that it has the potential to become a magic plant.

If we can study it, we can make Poseidon barley grow differently in different magic environments.

For example, a barren sea area with no magic power is ordinary Poseidon Barley, and a rich sea area full of magic power is Poseidon Barley full of magic power.

Just imagine, if we could consume magic-rich barley flour for a long time, would it be helpful to us? "

After Croya finished speaking, he waited for Estner's answer - in fact, he still hadn't said a word.

If ordinary people take this kind of barley containing magic power for a long time, can they let themselves be nourished by magic power? Will there be more opportunities to advance to become magicians or warrior knights in the future?

If this level can really be reached, then those at the bottom of society will be promoted, causing fundamental changes.

The battle mage thought carefully and said excitedly: "Actually, what we magicians eat are basically Poseidon barley, Poseidon wheat and ordinary wheat.

I heard that there are special kinds of wheat among the elves. For example, they sell a kind of wheat called Dawn Wheat, which costs a high price of one magic crystal per kilogram.

That kind of wheat contains the magic power from the sun. It has some benefits for the body after being swallowed. Although the effect is worse than your sunflower seeds, the quantity is large. "

The more he talked, the more excited he became.

"Friends! If we can develop a wheat that also has magic power, then even the legendary mage in the Mage City will probably reward us."

Hearing this, Croya was confused.

"Wait a minute, don't we have magic plants for this kind of wheat? Are they only available to the elves?"

It has been nearly a year since he came here. He has seen many magic plants. He always thought that a basic crop like wheat should have a magic plant version.

It’s just that my level is a bit low so I can’t reach it.

In the end, I didn’t expect that Estner meant it. Was it because he didn’t?

"Of course not." Estner was even stranger than he showed: "The more basic crops are, the more difficult it is for them to mutate, let alone be able to spread."

"As I told you just now, if wheat requires a magical environment, will the planting volume and production decrease significantly?

And what kind of changes will happen to the wheat under different magic environments? These are very troublesome things. "

After hearing Estner's explanation, Croya understood immediately.

Wheat, the most basic crop, cannot have a magic plant version because of its large planting volume and wide planting range.

I'm afraid it's not just about ability, but also considerations about reality.

After all, magic plants are still a minority. Is there any other lord who would generously distribute magic plants to the people under his command like Croya?

"I understand, but does this Poseidon Barley have the potential to turn into a magic plant?"

He still cares about this matter. If so, it would be easy to handle.


Estner thought hard and shook his head in distress: "This Poseidon Barley was researched by a magic plant master a thousand years ago.

For so long, I have never heard that it can turn into a magic plant. It is said that it is because of its ability to adapt to magic that it makes it insensitive to magic. "

"Is it because of the ability to adapt to magic?"

Croya narrowed his eyes in thought, but there was nothing he could do for the moment.

Because his biggest golden finger star spirit body engraving technique is only effective on magic plants.

If it were just an ordinary plant with no astral body at all, this spell would not work.

If these Poseidon Barley were magic plants, even if they were only the lowest first-level magic plants, he would have already found a way to transform them.

Unfortunately there is no if.

After thinking about it, he asked:

"Wait, what about the rest of the power?"

"For example, divine power, or the power of Qiyao Ore?"

Estner suddenly showed a speechless expression, as if he didn't know what to say.

"My friend, do you know how precious divine power and Qiyao Ore are? We won't talk about the former. Even the association doesn't control much of Qiyao Ore."

“But I’ve heard that if there is extremely pure magic power to catalyze the wheat seed, it might be possible to turn it into a magic plant.

But who would do this? A single plant of magic wheat is useless. "

He finally shook his head helplessly, suppressing the excitement in his heart.

But the speaker has no intention and the listener has the intention.

Croya keenly captured the key message of "pure magic power of extremely high purity", so is the magic power of the etheric realm considered extremely pure?

If the magic power of the etheric realm didn't count, he probably couldn't think of any magic power that counted.

And since Estner has not denied the divine power and the power of the Qiyao Mine, he now has an entire Shuiyao Mine!

Is it possible to try it?

He planned to give it a try after a while. As long as one of them could turn into a magic plant and open a small gap, he would have a solution.

But now there is something else.

He pretended to ignore the topic and took out an object that was half sea blue and half moon blue from his pocket. It looked like a gem.

"This is my new potion. It is an improved version of the Sea Lingzhi potion. You can give it a try."

Croya handed it to Estner.

The latter took it over strangely and observed it: "There is the magic power of Moonlight Spirit Dew Grass in it. Did you mix it with that magic power?"

"That's really smart, let's try it." Croya kept smiling.

"...Your expression is very strange." Although Esterna felt that Croya's expression was strange, he still picked up the Sea Moon potion and put it into his mouth.

Although this thing looks and feels hard and solid, it melts in your mouth when you eat it, flowing down your throat and into your stomach like a mint-flavored clear stream.

Estner perceived with his eyes closed.

About three minutes later, he opened his eyes, his eyes were clear, and then he opened his palms.

There is a small magic ball in the palm of his hand. The surface of the ball is surrounded by some special blue magic power, like the color of the moon.

"I've long heard that these Moonlight Spirit Dew Grasses can help people control some magic power about the moon. I didn't expect it to really work."

After shaking his palm, he took back the magic ball and described his feelings in detail——

"It's much better than the magic potion of Hailingzhi alone. My mind became very clear, which lasted for three minutes, and I also controlled the magic power of the moon."

"As for the most important effect of the sea ganoderma potion... I have taken too much of this potion, and it still has some effect."

His expression became a little surprised and doubtful.

He is now a third-level wizard. Although he has just broken through, it stands to reason that he has long exceeded the range where the sea ganoderma potion can work. If it can work for him...

Does that mean that this new potion is several times more effective than the sea ganoderma potion?

You know, the special potion that Kloya made has already caused a rush to buy among wizards. If this potion can affect the fourth level...

He simply can't believe what will happen.

Thanks to Milan Kexin, Bailian Chenggang, Yangwang Tiankong Kanyunjuanyunshu, Aka Niu, Qingluoyou for the monthly tickets and the recommendation tickets of all the big guys, I am very grateful.

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