I'm a mage, what's wrong with loving farming?

Chapter 184 184 Ether Wolf, the tortured are healed

Chapter 184 184. Ether Wolf, the prisoners recovered

"Ether Moss?!"

Kloya had a good memory and immediately remembered that the area seemed to be the location of the magic circle that he used ether moss to build to induce magic.

But the number of ether mosses that appeared now...

"Muyao, what happened over there?" He did not rush to go, but planned to check the surveillance first.

"The magic over there is very chaotic, um..." Muyao Quteng Wang's voice suddenly stopped.

"What's wrong? What happened?" Kloya felt something was wrong and asked repeatedly.

After a long time, the surface of Muyao Quteng Wang emerged with a series of separated screens, which showed the scenes of the prisoners.

I saw that the scars on the backs of the prisoners, which had originally calmed down, were now gushing endless magic like a fountain.

The clear blue exploded like fireworks, and with them as the center, even lines of magic veins were formed, and the magic flowed around like a stream.

Their twitching bodies tended to crystallize under the impact of these terrifying magic flows, and they were obviously about to turn into human-shaped magic crystals.

The angel took a look at the picture and closed his eyes.

He was obviously not going to answer anything.

Kloya didn't plan to ask him, and he got up and walked towards the prisoners' residence.

Fortunately, Kloya ordered the prisoners to stay together as soon as the change happened. He was worried about what would happen at the time, and it really happened.

When he came here quickly with an expressionless face, the prisoners had already fallen to the ground and were motionless, only the wounds on their backs were emitting magic power.

The flesh and blood near the wounds had already crystallized.

The magic field vines were trying hard to absorb these magic powers, sharing most of the pressure, otherwise they would have turned into magic crystal people long ago.

The magic power and the vines of the magic field vines were mixed together in the room. These vines were stimulated by so much magic power and had grown very huge.

Each vine was like the tentacles of a sea monster, thick and strong, and still growing.

If it is not dealt with, the house will burst!

"Alas, too much magic power is also a kind of trouble."

He was very calm, and waved his hand directly, and the symphony light bands around him entangled towards the prisoners.

At the same time, he opened the window, so that the magic field vines that were already anxious to circle around could go out quickly, and by the way, he used his magic power to regulate the violent ether magic power.

It's not that the magic field vines can't absorb these magic powers, but they can't absorb so much at once, which is equivalent to holding up.

So just let them absorb slowly, that's it.

The three-color light band suppressed the surging magic power and sent it to the bottles of the Orpheus Swan Recorder Tree and the Void Moon God Tree in the laboratory.

The Orpheus Swan Recorder Tree received so much magic power, and the melodious flute sound represented its joyful mood at this time. The magic power flowed in the flute mouth and flute hole, helping it to grow rapidly.

The Void Moon God Tree in the bottle beside was silently absorbing the magic power. The area of ​​the sea continued to expand, and the tower spirits and the silver dragon in the sea also received a lot of magic nourishment.

The silver dragon flew away from the sea with its wings, slapped the sea surface with its tail, making a crisp sound, and at the same time it made a childish cry of "Awoo Awoo".

The sound of slapping the water surface and its wooing mixed together, echoing in the sea of ​​the Void Moon God Tree, the sound became louder and louder, and finally spread to the entire castle, suppressing the mermaid's singing.

After the mermaid's singing could not cover the castle, the surrounding moonlight also dissipated.

It's a pity that Cloya didn't pay attention to these.


With the help of these two big magic absorbers, it can barely keep up with the speed of magic flowing in the wounds of the prisoners.

But just absorbing it is definitely not enough. This time I happened to be there and stopped it in time. What if he didn't have the energy?

This kind of unstable factor must be solved.

"Let me look for it."

So, he was using his music to penetrate into Mir's wound, carefully sensing the situation inside.

The golden notes remained motionless under the blue magic power that was like a fountain, enveloping Cloya's consciousness and heading deeper into the wound that was like boiling water.

Twice before, he felt that the space crack inside was alive, but the other party was unwilling to communicate with him, and ran away every time after enjoying the comfort of the music.

This time it was so violent, he didn't believe he couldn't find it.

After a moment, he showed a joyful expression: "Found it."

Things went unexpectedly smoothly. His power only dived for less than a few seconds, and he accurately found the space crack that was shaking and erupting magic.

Because it was so conspicuous, he didn't even need to look for it, it appeared in Cloya's perception-

The surface of the light white space crack, which was at most the length of a finger, was entangled by a silver moonlight, as if forcing it to spit out magic, and no matter how it struggled, it couldn't escape.

But the more it couldn't escape, the angrier it got, and its magic power became stronger and stronger, as if it was trying to use magic to force the silver moonlight away.

How should I put it, it looked like a dog that was very dissatisfied after being tied up, trying to break free from the chain.

The corner of Kloya's eye twitched, and he used magic to soothe: "Calm down."

The golden ring on the robe entered the scar, slowly expanded, and wrapped the spatial rift inside.

The soft music soothed it, and it quickly calmed down. Although it was still spitting out strength, it was obviously spraying much less.

After appeasing it, Croya wants to deal with Moonlight.

"Could it be that the changes here are actually the magic power of the ethereal world guided by the so-called virtual god?"

"Isn't there only pure magic power in the etheric realm? Isn't there also water veins and magic veins with attribute tendencies?"

He didn't understand it, but it didn't stop him from suppressing the moonlight - such a little moonlight was still on his home court, and he would be damned if he couldn't suppress it.

The warm and eternal golden sunlight belonging to the sun shines on the crack, and there is a touch of gold in the blue. These golden lights immediately conflict with the silver moonlight.

The result naturally ended with the complete suppression of the golden light.

The golden light didn't even move, it just exuded warmth and warmth. The cold moonlight took the initiative to retreat under its illumination, but before it could escape, it was swallowed by the rift in space.


The space crack exuded a proud consciousness, and this time he did not resist Croya's light, and just stayed lazily in the light emanating from the ring.

The pale white halo on its surface gradually faded, revealing its true form - a pale white... dog.

No, it should be a wolf.

But, it's like a little wolf drawn with simple lines.

It has the bravery of a wolf and the softness of a dog. Every line that makes up it exudes a dazzling white light and is shining.

It's like it came out of some painting.

Croya's astral body engraving technique took effect immediately, and he could see through the body structure of this soft little guy - countless lines formed a simple body.

Elemental creatures can just grow as long as they like. No one can see what's going on inside anyway.

"Ether Wolf."


His voice attracted the attention of the little wolf that was balled up into a ball. The latter raised his head and glanced at Croya, stretched out his body lazily, and exerted force on all four paws at the same time.

Then... continued to sleep.

"...You are really comfortable."

Croya shook his head helplessly. He tentatively took out the golden ring from the scar. It was okay at first, but when he was about to leave the scar, the little wolf woke up immediately.

It made a low "Woo" sound, and the lines all over its body stood up, as if its hair had exploded.

"Can't you leave here?" Croya didn't continue after seeing this, but he still had to deal with the wounds on other victims...

He could only take out the golden ring. As if his bones had been taken away from him, the little wolf squatted pitifully at the wound and looked at Croya.

"You can't come out, what should I do?"


The little wolf tilted his head, then opened his mouth suddenly, spraying out more clear blue magic power, and rushed out with the magic power himself.


It used magic power to wash away the elves on Croya's shoulders very domineeringly, and then squatted on it, constantly spitting out magic power to maintain itself.

The lotus and sunflower elves dared not say anything in anger, but stared at the Ether Demon Wolf with their eyes. The latter didn't care at all and continued to enjoy the light radiating from Croya's body and the starry mist emitted by the robe.

On the contrary, it was the Olive Elf. It blinked and slowly approached the Ether Demon Wolf, and finally successfully contacted the other party.


The Ether Demonic Wolf made a curious sound.

It sniffed the olive elf with its nose, and a dazzling light suddenly flashed in its eyes, and then... it actually held the olive elf on its back.

The green halo of the olive elf gradually penetrated into the body of the Ether Demonic Wolf, and the little wolf purred comfortably and continued to sleep.


"Can this still happen?"

This was something that Croya didn't expect.

It was able to leave and became friends with the olive elf.

"No, no."

If this thing is the source of the magic power in the victims' bodies, then if it comes out like this, doesn't it mean that the wounds of the victims will be healed?

He quickly took a look, and the result was exactly what he thought. The magic power in Mir's wound was no longer surging, and there was silence.

"You are really the culprit of their wounds." He couldn't help but said to the little wolf on his shoulder.

The latter remained motionless, enjoying the light emitted by the olive elf, looking very comfortable.


The angel who had been pretending to be a statue said: "The earth and the sky are the gateways to the etheric realm. The Mother Goddess of the Earth has raised some special canine monsters."

"Perhaps they will also feel pain because of the torn earth?"

Croya: "..."

You might as well explain it more clearly. You are really an angel of riddles. If you can tell it, you must tell it half and hide it half.

At that time, he had already suspected that the wounds on the victims might be caused by the Yavanna sacred mine being mined. Now it seems... is the wolf actually feeling uncomfortable?

This is really bizarre.

In other words, there is this kind of etheric demon wolf in the bodies of so many victims? It's been so long and no one has noticed.

He shook his head and continued to use this method on other people one by one. In the end...he really got a group of 18 etheric wolves.

They didn't even need Kloya to say anything, they all ran directly into the verdant light emitted by the olive elves and huddled together.

Kloya's eyes twitched constantly.

Are there really so many?

After taking out all these etheric wolves, it's time to find a way to place them.

Kloya noticed that they should only exist in the magic power of the etheric world, so he wondered if he could use the magic imprint of the astral body imprinting technique to solve it.

Generally speaking, this situation is due to inadaptability.

He really wants to have a magic that can make magic beasts or magic plants adapt to the external environment, but if there really is such a magic...I don't know how suitable it is for cultivating magic plants and magic beasts.

So, he can only think of other ways.

Since these little wolves need to stay in the magic power of the etheric world, then...he remembered the "bubble technique" of the air coral.

Is it feasible to let them create a bubble and stay in it?

After thinking of this method, he tried to communicate with the Ether Wolf and conveyed his idea in the form of a picture.

To deal with such a highly intelligent monster, it is still necessary to let them choose a method.

As a result, the Ether Wolf shook their heads and refused.

"Then... what about this?" Kloya took out the second method, which was the real transformation given by the angel.

This transformation can make the body become almost real. It is said that the angel used an advanced version of this method to receive guests on the Ark.

No matter what race, gender or appearance, it can be transformed.

Kloya thinks that this method can also be regarded as a way of adaptation. Anyway, these Ether Wolfs have so much magic power that they can't use it up.

This time, the Ether Wolfs accepted it immediately.

Then it was a long engraving process——

[Engraving successful, Ether Wolf (Real Transformation)]

[After the current monster casts this magic, it will have the ability to exist for a long time in the magic environment of the main plane. ]

[Note: This magic consumes a lot of magic power. 】

It was a very simple prompt. When the prompt just appeared, the little wolves started to transform directly - their bodies stretched in the magic power and turned into giant wolves that were half a person tall and more than one meter long.

They stood proudly, their white ears with raised hair trembled slightly, their hair flashed like the white sun, their bodies were strong, and their muscles were smooth and powerful.

Their tails were long and fluffy, standing high, and they seemed to be in a good mood.

In general, the transformed ether wolf looked extremely heroic, as if it had evolved from infancy to adulthood in an instant.


- It's a pity that their calls were still cute.

After the transformation, the first wolf carried the olive elf and his companions and jumped out of the window like the wind.

The wind blew their long hair, and they disappeared from Cloya's sight in an instant.

"So do they have any reference? How can they become so beautiful?"

To be honest, Cloya was really a little eager to do something when he looked at them. Dogs' ears are the easiest to rub, soft and warm.

My only regret now is that I don't have a cat or a dog. Now that I see such a heroic wolf, I really want to keep one.


The angel didn't know how to answer. His database was too damaged. He only knew some more important things, and he really didn't know these things.

"Forget it, there shouldn't be any problem with the olive elves watching them."

Cloya didn't care much, but started to feel embarrassed-in front of him, the magic field vines in the bodies of these lying people had already pierced out of their flesh and blood.

The scene was really a bit exaggerated, just like these people were sucked dry by the vines.

There was nothing he could do about it. After all, if they didn't come out, their bodies would burst. In comparison, a little injury was nothing.

What he was entangled with was not the injury, but now that the ether magic wolf had left, the magic power in these people's bodies would be used up sooner or later.

At that time, these people were not even prisoners, but ordinary people.

So he had to find a way to continue to provide them with stable magic power so that they could continue to serve him as mages.

"Without the magic power from the Ether Wolf, there are still the Magic Field Grapevines. If it works..."

Kroya thought about it and suddenly had a bold idea.

He wanted to make a second improvement to the Magic Field Grapevines, and completely make the Magic Field Grapevines a part of these people's bodies. If the magic power was insufficient, it could be restored by absorbing magic crystals or magic springs.

If his method could succeed, not only the prisoners could become mages, but ordinary people could also become mages.

After thinking of this method, he immediately began to try it - first, he trimmed all the extra vines of the Magic Field Grapevines to one side, and then threw them outside for people to move away.

Only the original Magic Field Grapevines in their bodies were left.

Then, he began to engrave on the leaves of the Magic Field Grapevines, and what he engraved was the magic pocket that stored magic power.

After the imprint was completed, he ordered the Magic Field Grapevine to absorb all the remaining areas in their bodies that were eroded by the etheric magic, and then remove the eroded flesh and blood.

Finally, he asked the angel to perform a divine spell to restore flesh and blood.

After a busy period, he saw that the Magic Field Grapevine had curled up in the magic cyclone position of these people, and signaled to the angel.

"God said that mutilated limbs are not good."

"God said that they should be restored to their original state."

With the bright platinum light, more than a dozen of them slowly woke up. They were still climbing up carefully, fearing that they would touch the wound.

As a result, Mir was the first to see the wound on his back that was recovering. The extremely terrifying dark blue scar had slowly recovered.

Instead, it was replaced by a smooth back that was a little too white.

He was stunned.

The prisoners looked at each other's bodies and were all stunned.

"Woo woo."

After a moment, several women covered their faces and whimpered, shaking violently.

Although several men were able to remain calm at first, tears began to flow.

For a moment, the room was filled with crying, not suppressed crying, but crying of release and relief.

Kloya watched quietly, spread his palm, and a note appeared in his palm.

Thanks to book friends 33021209249753, Xing Menghao, Xiao Mode, Bu Yao Qiqi, Doufukuaihaochi for their monthly tickets and recommendation tickets. Thank you~

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