I'm a mage, what's wrong with loving farming?

Chapter 185 185 Gem Rose, Golem Factory

Chapter 185 185. Gem Rose, Golem Factory


Isn’t this the legendary Great Prophecy? You used the Great Prophecy to restore their bodies?

He glanced at the hidden angel and conveyed this meaning with his eyes.

The latter pretended to be a statue as always. When faced with these questions that He didn’t want to answer, this guy was really good at playing dumb.

Kloya didn’t pay much attention.

He lowered his head and glanced at the notes in his hand, and put the notes into the symphony.

Then waited for the prisoners to calm down.

These people didn’t cry for a long time. After all, they had experienced a lot of things. After a brief surprise, they quickly calmed down.

After they stopped crying, they looked at Kloya one by one as if they were looking at God.

They didn’t speak, but just knelt on one knee in front of Kloya—putting their hands on their chests.

Everyone’s eyes were very hot, and there was almost fanatical loyalty.

Under such a scorching gaze, Kloya's expression did not change at all, and he said: "Although I helped you eradicate the scars, your magic power is not endless.

Recover and adapt to the current power, I'm waiting for you to help me deal with things."

After that, he got up and left.

It's not that he didn't want to say anything more, but the look was really too hot, even he couldn't stand it - he even vaguely smelled the smell of faith.

Don't provoke, don't provoke, you should calm down, how can a mage have faith?


He returned to his laboratory.

Glancing at the bottle containing the Void Moon God Tree, part of the branches inside lit up again.

But this time it didn't seem to give anything, but the sea became brighter and brighter, and the blur and fantasy of the moon had long gone.

It is estimated that when it really lights up, it can be called the Sea of ​​Light.

The magic power in the Orpheus Swan Recorder Tree is at least three times more than before. It not only replenishes the consumption of the Emerald Skeleton Tree that Cloya used some time ago, but also increases a lot of reserves.

"I wonder if the etheric magic wolves can keep spewing magic power like this. If they can keep spewing like this... then what kind of magic vein do I need?"

He sat down leisurely, picked up his cup and took a sip of the milk tea in it.

I don't know what happened during this period, but he has also become a little obsessed with this sweet taste. Does eating candy really have obvious emotional feedback?

But before taking a few sips, good news came one after another-

"Sea iron ore was found in the Air Coral Ranch!"

"A fire magic vein was found in the Flame Magic Field on the island!"

"A magic crystal mine was found in the volcanic community, which contains etheric magic moss and secondary magic crystals."

Cloya listened to the news with a very calm expression and told the tower shark to record it on the map next to it.

The tower shark was engraved with many kinds of magic by him, and now it is gradually maturing. All kinds of facilities in the laboratory are opening to it.

It is estimated that in the near future, King Mu Yao Qu Teng will have to retire to the second line for retirement.

The points representing the areas where the minerals are located gradually light up on the map. In the end, more than 20 new mineral deposits were found in the areas where Hanjiao Island and Qi Coral Base are located.

As for other gem corals, suddenly erupting minerals, and rapidly increasing magic fish... Cloya no longer cares about them, but just asks the Shark Tower Spirit to record them.

As the number of light spots continues to increase, he is not happy, but his uneasiness is getting deeper and deeper, and his frown has never stretched.

He looked at the map, with flickering light spots reflected in his eyes, and finally sighed deeply.

"Do you think these minerals are really normal? Will this kind of God-given thing have any effect on me?"

Perhaps happiness came too suddenly and too much, Cloya always felt a little uneasy in his heart, and needed the angel to give him an accurate answer.

The angel shook his head helplessly.

"Lucky friend, this sea is extremely vast. The closer to the virtual god, the more resources there will be."

"The mermaids won't care about these resources. Besides, have you forgotten that you can also refine the essence of water?"

"Without the essence of water you refine, they won't have such an opportunity to summon the blessing of the moon and the sea god. You have made a wish to the god, and they will definitely not make things difficult for you."

He didn't think there was anything wrong with Cloya's caution.

It's better to be cautious than to have everything you see. Many people are tempted by this kind of greed.

"That's right. The ocean is so big, and I'm just a little bit bigger... What do you think this sea will expand into in the end?"

"I don't know, but my friend, you will probably be very busy."

"Huh? Why?"

"The mermaids will definitely not just want a little bit of water essence."

"That's right."

With the angel's answer, Cloya was a little relieved. The other party probably still needs him, so what's a few mineral deposits?

He immediately thought about how to use these mineral deposits.

Most of what has been discovered now are various magic crystals and metal mines. These metals... He plans to make golems.

The most needed materials for making a golem are various metals and gems - the former are the body of the golem, and the latter can be used to draw the magic core and magic pattern circuits.

Golems and puppets are one of the most powerful assistants of mages. It is said that some self-disciplined golems can still exist after thousands or even tens of thousands of years.

With puppets, whether it is farming or expansion, a lot of human resources can be saved. After all, there are some places that ordinary people really can't go.

The most important thing is that golems and puppets seem to be classified as magic beasts by the Astral Body Imprinting Technique, and they can be magically imprinted.

"Several common golems..."

He put the production diagrams of several golems he bought in front of him, namely: power type, attack type, defense type and functional type.

They are all the most basic types of golems.

The power type is very powerful, and the main material used is the basic material such as magic iron, and then combined with some fixed power magic patterns.

It is generally used as a coolie in the mage tower to carry heavy objects.

The attack type and the defense type are both humanoid, and their appearance is close to the armor often placed in the homes of nobles. The tall and cold body holds a sword and a shield.

Although this type of golem can only perform simple actions such as chopping, since its body is made of hard material such as magic steel, it still has an advantage over ordinary people and low-level warrior knights.

As for the functional type, there is only one type in the book "Basic Golemology - How to Make Golems for New Alchemists (1)" sold to Cloya by the Holy Spring Chamber of Commerce...

This type of golem has basic wisdom and can irrigate the magic field on time.

Cloya decided to start building them one by one, starting with the simplest power golem.

Of course, if he wants to build them, he must not just build one or two. What he wants is a golem factory that can mass-produce golems.

This is a bit difficult. He needs to find a way to build a complete production line from material processing to golem parts and assembly.

He had no experience in this kind of thing before, so he could only start from the beginning one by one. Everything is difficult at the beginning.

So he began to review the atlas and write and draw on the side, intending to come up with a chart.

While he was reviewing the atlas again, the angel had already drawn a circle on the ground with his fingers.

A platinum halo flickered in the circle.

A very strange tree, about half a person's height, appeared inside. Its leaves were shiny, as if carved from gems of various colors.

It shone brightly under the light of the laboratory.


Kloya was immediately attracted by it and asked curiously: "Gem Rose... What is this?"

He habitually used the Astral Body Imprinting Technique to check it, and found that the tree had extremely complex magic patterns inside. Although it looks like a tree, it is actually similar to the Void Moon God Tree, both of which are sophisticated magic guides.

"It was also made by Titan."

"Try to put the gemstone at its root."

The angel did not clearly state its function, so Kloya picked up the gemstones beside him and picked a few and placed them at the roots of the gemstone rose.

The moment the aquamarine stones touched the roots of the gemstone rose, they immediately lost their luster and turned into grayish-white dust.

On the other hand, the gem rose had a raspberry-like gem growing on its branches at a speed visible to the naked eye. It was at most the size of a thumb, and the color was exactly the same as aquamarine.

In theory, this seemed to be a process of purifying gems, but after the gem raspberry grew out, Cloya widened her eyes in surprise.

Because... there was actually some consciousness coming out of the gem raspberry, although it was very weak, it also showed that it had life and spirituality.

Cloya immediately picked up a few more shining Best diamonds and placed them at the roots of the tree, staring at it without blinking.

Just like before, the diamonds were absorbed by the roots of the gem rose and gradually turned into dust.

Its power went up along the magic pattern in the tree, and finally stopped on the branches, slowly growing a diamond raspberry.

In this process, Cloya found that the consciousness and spirituality in the tree actually rushed towards the diamond raspberry, which was equivalent to using its own spirituality as nutrients to create the spirituality of the diamond raspberry.

This is really unprecedented.

As far as he knows, it is very difficult for a general magic plant to give birth to a high-level spirituality close to that of humans.

Even the elves who are best at planting magic plants dare not say that they can raise a magic plant that gives birth to spirituality 100%.

As a result, this thing can actually give its spirituality to its offspring, so won’t it become stupid? What power is used to accomplish this?

"It is a magic plant completed by Titan and the Goddess of Life, which can pass its spirituality to the fruit that is born."

"My friend, these fruits can be installed and made as the core of the golem. The spiritual core will create a very magical golem."

After explaining Kloya's doubts, He flew straight to the side, "I want to continue to rest, please be careful."

As soon as the voice fell, He went into the portal and disappeared.

Kloya looked at the direction where He left, then moved his eyes away and began to study this strange gem rose.


After a brief study, he understood the use of this thing. The only thing he was a little confused about was how this endless spiritual power was born.

This is something he still doesn't understand. Perhaps it has something to do with the complicated magic patterns in its body, but what kind of magic patterns are they, and what combination can produce them...

It can only be said that after all, it is made by Titan, so it is normal that he can't think of a way.

He can only give up the research temporarily and plan to engrave magic in the gem raspberry that grows.

This thing has the most basic and somewhat immature spirituality, like a pure white paper, and it can be obedient with a little communication.

Even without the assistance of mental magic.

The first thing he engraved was the core magic pattern of the power golem, which is the same as the central chip of the robot.

However, in such a magical world, there is no trouble in materials science, not to mention that the raspberries grown by the gem rose are natural carriers.

When he engraved the canned knowledge and the core magic pattern representing the chip, the prompt appeared--

[Engraving completed, diamond raspberry (canned knowledge·holy spring type mass production power golem fool-C)]

[This magic plant fruit can serve as the core magic pattern of the power golem. 】

【This magic plant fruit has basic spirituality, which will have a certain impact on the golem. 】

"Success, Mu Yao, give this blueprint to the apprentices, and then let them build it on the seabed."

After giving a blueprint to Mu Yao Qu Teng Wang, Kroya got up and went to the bottom of the lake, and found the growing Kabamon.

After this period of reproduction and growth, the Kabamon, who have delicious food every day and are not threatened by natural enemies, have already bred a bunch of small Kabamon.

The bottom of the lake can no longer accommodate more than two hundred Kabamon.

These Kabamon are the second existence to be engraved after he got the golden finger, and Kroya actually has a lot of feelings for them.

The magic engraved on them is: magic training, magic bag, and elemental steel teeth.

In the past, Kroya did not have so much demand for purified ore, at most it was to make some armor and weapons, but now it is necessary to make golems, which requires a large amount of purified magic materials.

So it is time to use the Kabamon.

In the production of golems, in addition to engraving the magic patterns of each part, the most important thing is the fusion of magic.

Because what Kroya intends to do is not to teach every apprentice to make a complete golem, but to let them learn a single magic pattern in the form of an assembly line.

If they have the desire and interest to continue to study golems, then I will teach them more things. If not, then they will be free labor.

Doing so will involve a very serious problem, that is, their magic properties will have subtle differences for various reasons. If they are combined, it may cause the magic flow of the golem to be not smooth.

After all, this is different from those handicraft parts, involving magic.

In this case, a powerful source of magic is needed to absorb and assimilate these different magics, and the best source is the material of the golem itself.

Extending it further is the magic of refining materials.

"You have to absorb these powers, store these powers in your stomach, and then learn these knowledge..."

He brought some liquid etheric magic to Kabamon, and then selected fifty of them and engraved them with canned knowledge.

This time, the canned knowledge is about refining sea magic iron. Sea magic iron is the most common type of magic iron produced on the seabed, and it naturally has some water-attribute magic.

So when refining, you need to pay attention to avoid these water-attribute magic, which requires a little skill.

It's not that he doesn't want to engrave more precious refining skills for the Kabamon, but... these guys are really too Buddhist.

Even this engraving, they can only learn it with difficulty. If it is more complicated, it is estimated that the IQ of the Kabamon cannot understand it.

Fortunately, the engraving was successfully completed. He fed the fifty Kabamons with enough ether magic, and then took them to the seabed.


When he arrived at the seabed, the apprentices were already busy according to the drawings he had just given - this seabed was originally the factory area prepared by Kloya, and the materials were of course prepared long ago.

Otherwise, it might be a bit troublesome if the Holy Spring Chamber of Commerce suddenly couldn't be contacted.

He watched the apprentices work together to build the factory with white mud, and estimated it in his mind.

Using extraordinary people like mages and knights as labor, it is estimated that it will take only three or four hours to complete the construction.

It is quite fast.

He thought about it and let the Kabamon go to play by themselves.

Anyway, it will take some time to complete the construction. He plans to see what news the Lord of the Pit and the Lord of Gray Sand have sent.

After taking out the Holy Spring Crystal Card, he chose to answer the call. A voice came from it, which was the voice of the Lord of Gray Sand.

The other party did not seem to be too nervous or hurried. The voice was still very calm, and even had a little smile, as if chatting with an old friend.

The Lord of Gray Sand told Cloya that he was working hard to transform the Gray Desert into an oasis with a stable water supply, which might attract the attention of the church and the Mage Association.

Cloya felt very strange when he heard this.

Although he had some exchanges with the Lord of Gray Sand, and he was even recommended to join the alliance by him and the Lord of Flame Mountain, it seems that there was no deeper communication, right?

Normally Lord Graysand shouldn't have spoken in such a familiar tone as he would to an old friend.

"How strange..."

He muttered and chose to continue listening.

The more he listened, the stranger and more confused his expression became.

This Grey Sand Lord... He asked Cloya to buy a batch of food, a huge amount of food.

The amount should be enough to supply the more than 100,000 people in his territory to maintain their daily needs before his plan is completed.

As for the price of the transaction, it is the ownership of a part of the transformed Grey Desert.

In this message, he declared that he intended to break away from the jurisdiction of the Mage Association and the Kingdom of Norant and make the Grey Desert independent. He sincerely invited Cloya to join him.

Cloya's expression was getting weirder and weirder. After listening to this message, his eyebrows were all frowned together, and he didn't know what to say.

What level of mage are you? Do you really dare to do such a thing?

The premise of wanting to establish a neutral country is to have absolutely powerful support, otherwise why would you remain neutral.

"It's really crazy." He shook his head and chose to open the message of the Pit Lord.

As a result, the message from the Pit Lord was even more important-

"I helped Huisha steal the magic of Leviathan. The magic power of Leviathan contains death, which is enough to stimulate the power of Cerberus in Huisha."

"He will become a level 10 God-favored One."

"But you must be careful, don't agree to any of his requests, he may not be the original Huisha anymore!"

After listening to the message from the Pit Lord, Cloya didn't know what to say or do for a while.

Is it that the time flow rate on his own Reef Island is wrong, and hundreds of years have actually passed outside? Otherwise, why can you make such a big move?

Cloya felt that he was trapped here, otherwise it would be really troublesome to be involved in such a thing.

He put away the Holy Spring Crystal Card, pretending that he didn't hear it, and decided to deal with his own affairs first.

Thanks to asrsdfa1, Wujundudu, RumiaOvO, Mengzhaizhai, Sizhu2, Fanxinfansheng, Shuyou20210301105370178176, and Shule20 for their monthly tickets and recommendation votes.

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