I'm a mage, what's wrong with loving farming?

Chapter 186 186 Magical Alloy, Cheerful Golem

Chapter 186 186. Magic alloy, cheerful golem

The apprentices were completely unaware of Croya's dilemma.

They were busy shaping the balls of white ooze, and gradually began to build a white factory building from scratch.

I don’t know if it’s because they came from poor families, so they more or less went to their apartments to repair roofs, mend walls and so on.

Anyway, it is very skillful to do.

These white slimes are basically the same as large plasticine.

The apprentices only need to lay it flat on the ground, then build it up step by step, and then use magic to shape it, and it will become stable and strong.

Among the apprentices, the one who works hardest is undoubtedly... Jamie.

"This way!"

Apprentice, no, Jamie, who is already a first-level mage, climbed to the top. While building, he shouted for his friends to bring more materials.

The drawings given by Croya were as clear as 3D models in his mind, every pillar, every beam...

It's really like building blocks, he can always place each piece of material in the most suitable place.

With him working so hard, the factory was naturally built very quickly.

He watched this tall building gradually take shape under the hands of himself and his partners, and he felt an indescribable sense of accomplishment.

This fulfilling joy made him work harder.

Baskets of white ooze were carried by him to a higher level. Magic power gathered at his fingertips, and strands of blue halo wrapped around the white ooze.

Floors, walls, ceilings...

He was quickly immersed in it, his movements becoming more and more agile, and he didn't even know that his body was messed up by the white ooze.

He looked like a worker who had been dusting off dust all day on a construction site. He completely lacked the noble and reserved demeanor of a mage.

The other apprentices did not stop what they were doing, but they relaxed a little and started chatting:

"Brother Jamie is really working hard."

"Brother Jamie has the best house among us."

"Didn't the Master Mage say that he planned to let him design an undersea town?"

Although Jamie was the first apprentice that Croya recognized, to be honest, his talent in magic... can only be described as average.

All apprentices know this, but no one will laugh at him in this regard, because magic does not have only one way to climb up.

Croya has told them more than once that if they have interests and hobbies in potions, magic circles or other magic, they must tell him early.

Although the strength of a territory also depends on combat effectiveness, it does not only depend on combat effectiveness. He does not want his apprentices to become violent spellcasters who only know how to fight.

Time passed by minute by minute.

An oval-shaped factory was finally completed.

Jamie led the apprentices and reported back to Croya excitedly: "We are done, sir!"


Croya came back to consciousness from the seaweed sofa formed by the fluorescent algae of the Sea of ​​Thirst, and shook his head to drive away the sleepiness.

He stood up, glanced at the oval building not far away that was twenty meters high and covered an area of ​​about one acre, and nodded with satisfaction.

"Well done."

"Everyone will be rewarded with ten gold coins and three magic crystal flowers."

"Jamie, I will give you an extra book about architecture, so you can study hard."

"Thank you, sir!"

The apprentices saluted in unison.

"Get up and follow me."

After giving the reward, he ordered the Kaba beasts to be taken and walked into the newly built building.

The style here is actually a very simple factory style. For now, it is just a prototype of the shell. The real golem factory still needs a lot of processing and transformation.

He walked straight down the stairs to the underground level, which was the area where he planned to refine the ore for the Kaba beasts.

There is a huge pool here.

It is about five hundred meters wide and three meters deep.

There are already piles of Sea Demon iron ore mined during this period. Those ores with a somewhat bluish appearance are piled up in the pool and look quite beautiful.

"You all get down." Croya said to the Kababs, and fifty Kababs jumped directly into the pool like dumplings.

They walked towards the Sea Demon Iron Ore, sniffing left and right, and then began to slowly chew the ore.

"Crunch, crunch~"

It stands to reason that the sea magic iron is actually very hard, but in front of these battle-hardened kaba beasts, it doesn't look much harder than blue candy.

The blue teeth filled with ethereal magic chewed the ore repeatedly, sending the ore into the stomach and injecting the magic into it.

Now they naturally do not need to use excretion to expel the ore, and their ability to ruminate can effectively replace excretion.

Moreover, they can chew and regurgitate the ore many times, and they can also temper the ore many times. By the time they spit it out, the originally very hard sea magic iron has turned into a liquid state.

They spit the liquid sea magic iron into a pipe nearby, and the liquid sea magic iron quickly sank.

Upon seeing this, Croya took out the magic crystal filled with the magic power of the etheric realm and gave it to several apprentices.

"You guys go and put these magic crystals into the magic pattern array. You should have memorized the magic patterns, right?"

"Sir, we have memorized it."

After several apprentices answered, they walked to the magic pattern array at the end of the pipe and started to activate the magic array with the magic crystal in their hands.

Strands of blue light flowed out from the ether magic crystal, gradually gathered into a substance similar to water flow, and gushed out from the magic pattern array, filling the entire pipe.

They also soaked all the liquid sea magic iron refined by the Kaba beasts in it, and the latter "gurgled" with visible bubbles.

After the bubbles were driven out by magic power, the color of the liquid sea magic iron became purer, from the azure blue of the sea to a little clear, like the color of the sky.

"It's almost the same as I thought." Kloya has been observing the changes in the liquid sea magic iron, and instructed the apprentices to slow down or increase the injection and impact intensity of magic power.

This array is actually the magic array version of ore refining magic

The liquid magic power emitted from the magic pattern conversion is a secondary filtration of the ore refined by the Kaba beasts, and eliminates the alien magic power by the way.

This was Cloya's first time to operate on the spot, and he was not very clear about the control of magic output, so he needed to sense and consider it all the time.

Once he found the most suitable magic output intensity and recorded it, he could hand it over to the apprentices to operate.

The clear blue water flow carried the liquid ore from the big pit where the Kaba beasts were through the pipe to the small pool above.

Cloya came to the front of the small pool, picked up a piece and observed it, and raised his eyebrows slightly.

This... seems to be no longer called sea magic iron.

The special magic belonging to the etheric world has completely permeated this liquid ore. In addition to retaining some basic characteristics of sea magic iron, it can be said that it is already another material.

The most important thing is: these magic powers of the etheric world are still active, which means... it can also be mixed with other metals.


He thought for a moment, took out all the ores that he had found that could be used to make golems, and told the apprentices: "Try to see how to combine these ores to make them the strongest and most conductive.

Don't worry about the materials, any materials can be used. If you can make the right metal, I will reward you."

Since the magic of the etheric world can blur the original magic of the ore, let's use it as a base to mix multiple ores and create an alloy.

Alloys have many benefits. Mixing multiple metal elements together will be stronger than a single metal in terms of strength and magic conductivity, and may even produce some wonderful reactions.

The price of some precious alloys is sky-high, and he certainly wants to have his own special alloy.


Several apprentices who have studied alchemy immediately began to study.

They fed the remaining metals to Kabamon, and when these liquid metals appeared, they began to mix them with the basic sea magic iron.

During the mixing process, they were immersed in the etheric magic pool to ensure that these metals would not produce rejection reactions under the suppression of etheric magic.

This is the simplest and most luxurious way to make alloys.

It can be said that it is entirely based on the incredible characteristics of etheric magic.

That is the magic of the etheric world. Who can be as extravagant as Cloya to give it to apprentices without limit?

There is no shortage of resources nowadays. What he cares about is that he can use resources to create visible benefits.

He is looking forward to what kind of works the apprentices can make.

Some things are born from a flash of inspiration, such as the proportion of mixing, techniques, and a little bit of luck.


Soon, alloys of various colors were sent to Cloya.

These alloys are colorful because the apprentices not only tried various minerals, but also added different magic materials.

The most outrageous one... even cut his wrist and dripped blood into the liquid metal.


Cloya checked them one by one, testing hardness, magic conductivity, and corrosion resistance.

After testing them one by one, his eyes became brighter and brighter.

Sure enough, this material made with the magic of the etheric world has different magical features. Although most of them are useless waste, as long as there is a small part of the finished product that can be used, he will be very satisfied.

For example, this alloy made of sea magic iron and ultra steel mixed with star crystal iron has a cold and hard steel texture, and there are some starlight flashes on the surface.

Although it does not have the characteristics of star crystal iron, its magic conductivity is terrible, and even Cloya's magic power is difficult to flow in it, but it is strong enough, which is also a good feature.

It will not deform even when hit with a heavy hammer.

At that time, it can be used to make armor and weapons for knight apprentices, and even because of this extremely poor magic conductivity, it can be used as a material to isolate magic.

There is also a metal made of aquamarine fragments, Canglang crocodile blood, sea magic iron and sea grain silver, which has an abnormally good magic conductivity.

After Cloya tried to input magic, the magic was like a slide that was greased, and it slid over in a flash, and there was no loss in the process.

It is a very good material.

Others have various colors, good stretchability, and even very fragrant smells...

Croya ordered all the apprentices who made them to hand in the formulas and name them according to Hanjiao Alloy No. 1, No. 2, and No. 3.

As for the alloy he finally chose to make the golem, it exceeded all the apprentices' expectations.

He took the inconspicuous gray alloy from a short apprentice, who was only fifteen or sixteen years old at most, and announced:

"I named it Hanjiao Golem Alloy."

"In the future, we will mainly use this alloy to make golems."

Everyone was puzzled, and the apprentice named Matt was even more confused. He had no idea that he would be chosen.

Because this alloy is the most inconspicuous among all alloys. Its magic conductivity, strength, and ductility are completely inferior to other alloys.

It can be said to be unremarkable in comparison.

But some people immediately thought of the reason for Croya's choice.

Croya glanced around and said to Jamie: "Looking at you, you seem to have thought of why I chose this alloy. Please tell me."

Jamie nodded and said openly: "I guess it's because this alloy has the most comprehensive properties, and other alloys are too extreme."

"That's right." Croya praised: "For this reason, you must remember that the golem we are making now is the most basic golem.

This kind of golem does not require any special characteristics, but it must be stable and simple. In the world of magic, simplicity means stability. "

He glanced around the apprentices again: "Of course, that doesn't mean that the alloy you made is useless. It can also be useful if used to make other things.

Now that they are already extreme, think about how to make them even more extreme. "

The apprentices were not fools either. They all understood what Croya meant and nodded thoughtfully.

After educating the apprentices, he ordered everyone to start making the Hanjiao Golem alloy. After making enough for one golem, he took the apprentices upstairs.

At this time, on the first floor, the thieves had already moved long workbenches, six in total.

The apprentices stood in front of the workbench one by one. In front of each of them was a piece of Hanjiao Golem alloy and a blueprint.

On top of that are the individual parts drawings.

Croya carefully divided the golem's limbs, body, and head into six parts. After they produced these individual parts, they assembled them again.

"Let's start making it. If anyone feels it's a bit difficult, just say it yourself and quit."

Cloya gave the order, and the apprentices started making parts enthusiastically. During the process, he inspected and pointed out what the apprentices were doing wrong.

Five hours later, the first batch of parts was completed.

Note that these fifty apprentices worked together, and only six usable parts were finally made. This success rate is actually very low.

There is nothing they can do about it. After all, they have not systematically studied the magic pattern production course, and they just memorized it by rote.

Croya could turn them into workers skilled in making golem parts in just five hours, but he couldn't let them learn the knowledge contained in the golem's magic patterns.

This was a task that took him a lot of time to complete.

He took these parts to the second floor and found a few apprentices who were interested in the golem to observe how he assembled them.

In order to let them see clearly how he made it, he deliberately slowed down the movements, the magic pattern links between parts, and the drawing of the core magic pattern circuit...

The apprentices all cherished this opportunity to watch Cloya make the golem, and everyone was very careful and serious.

The body of the golem was slowly spliced ​​together by him. Although the golem sold by the Holy Spring Chamber of Commerce was in human form, it was only in human form.

Looks more like moving armor.

It seems that they also know that things that are not human are more terrifying the more they look like humans. It would be fine if it was real to a certain extent, but the problem is that being too real would greatly increase the cost of the golem.

"Do you all understand?"

Croya disassembled and assembled it three times before completely assembling it.

"Sir, the magic pattern here..."

"Its limbs..."

"What are you inlaying?"

Several apprentices asked the accumulated questions one by one, and Croya gave them answers and guidance one by one.

After they all had no problems, Croya placed the core diamond raspberry into the core of the golem's heart.

Then the infusion entered the magic.

It immediately stretched its limbs and stood up, jumped off the spliced ​​platform very nimbly, and then ran happily inside the empty second floor.

There is absolutely no sluggish and stiff feeling from the newly created golem.

Several apprentices looked at each other with wide eyes.

The corner of Croya's mouth couldn't help but twitch. Although he had expected that there might be some changes after installing the Raspberry, he didn't expect it to be so excited.

But it is understandable. It must be very happy when it suddenly transforms from a raspberry into a running and jumping demon.

So Croya just let it have fun there, and after a while he waved his hand: "Come here!"

The golem immediately ran over. Even though it had no eyes, it was possible to feel its feelings similar to admiration for Croya.

"Try moving these materials."

Croya pointed to the ore piled aside, and the golem immediately began to carry it, carrying a basket easily.

Then the second basket, the third basket, the fourth basket...

Each basket of these ores weighs a standard one hundred kilograms. It was not until the tenth basket that it was carried that it finally became a little unsustainable.

This means that its limit is a weight of one thousand kilograms, which is one ton.

It's pretty good, after all, it's the basic version of the Power Golem.

The next step is to continue producing more golems.

Take advantage of this time to develop well.

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