I'm a mage, what's wrong with loving farming?

Chapter 188 188 Pets and Swords, Undersea Tracks

Chapter 188 188. Pets and swords, underwater track

The so-called "living weapon" is actually a kind of golem made by grinding the fruit of the gem raspberry into dust and mixing it with magic alloy.

Although the fruit of the gem raspberry looks like a "fruit", it is more like a strange substance. Even after being ground into dust, it can maintain its own activity.

In this regard, it has obvious similarities with the praying light firefly. Both can have their own spirituality and consciousness after changing their forms.

After Kloya accidentally noticed this, he suddenly felt that it was a bit stupid to use its fruit as the core.

The best way to use this thing is to grind it into dust, use its dust as magic material, and draw and arrange magic patterns inside the golem.

In this way, the whole golem will be filled with the spirituality of the raspberry. Maybe it is not just the core, but the golem itself can have wisdom.

He thinks this should be the real application method of this gem raspberry. After all, it is a magic plant in the Ark Garden. It is impossible that it has only a little effect, right?

But after trying, Cloya found that if he wanted to use the gem raspberry fruit as the material to draw all the magic patterns inside the whole golem, the consumption of gems would be an astronomical number.

It is estimated that several tons of gems are needed to make the magic pattern of a golem, and this number will double depending on the complexity of the golem.

This is not considering the success rate of production. If the loss is calculated...

When the shark tower spirit showed that number in front of Cloya, he decisively gave up making a large golem.

After a brief consideration, he gave up and chose another way-a small golem.

Since the large one can't be made, why can't I make a small one? It just so happens that he has made some progress in this regard-

Clock golem.

The wisdom of the clock golem given by the Holy Spring Chamber of Commerce is almost that of humans, and its internal structure and construction are extremely complex.

He has been conducting research on the clock golem. The Holy Spring Chamber of Commerce actually has very strict confidentiality measures for its own golems.

If you want to disassemble the clock golem, what awaits Cloya is probably that the golem will explode.

The unstable magic in this thing is much more terrifying than any nuclear bomb or atomic bomb.

But all these defensive means are defenseless in front of Cloya who can directly see the star spirit body.

If he can study this thoroughly, at least in the production of golems, his road will be much smoother.

After all, you can't deny that the things of the Holy Spring Chamber of Commerce are really good.

After having the golem drawings that also belong to the Holy Spring Chamber of Commerce, he compared the two.

Then he spent some time to finally research a little clue, which is the most basic and the most critical... intelligent magic pattern array and deformation array.

It can make the golem have a certain amount of wisdom and change its own form into different appearances.

The former is also the root of the star spirit body engraving technique to identify it as a "magic beast".

However, although Cloya studied and tried to draw these magic patterns, the results were a bit unsatisfactory-this kind of magic pattern is extremely complex, and it is difficult to deal with even on a small golem.

Fortunately, he had gem raspberries as materials and the internal magic patterns of the clock golem that he had secretly learned. After a period of research, he finally achieved some results.

That is, the appearance looks like a weapon, but the core is actually a special creation of a golem.

Even... they can transform--


Amidst an extremely unpleasant sound, a bow stretched out next to it, and the bow body was reorganized and deformed, and finally turned into a huge white tiger that was as tall as a person.

It had no hair on its body, only a hard and cold cold light, and its tail was gently swinging.

The white tiger's pale white tiger eyes stared at Semir, who looked at him fearlessly.

A moment later, the white tiger gently whipped the gem raspberry tree with its tail, and a gem fell from the tree immediately.

This gem was translucent in color, with striped textures on the surface, like pearls, and a golden glow like mist flowing inside, and the overall look was warm and delicate.

"Ah? Isn't this the gem that Master Cloa nurtured?"

Semier was shocked and said, "Really, can you really give it to me?"

He was a little at a loss for a moment.


The white tiger made a cat-like cry, and then pushed the gem towards Semier with its claws.

It then changed back to its original white longbow form, ran to the side with other swords, axes, and continued to play and frolic.

Only then did Semier carefully pick up the gem, feeling the warm breath inside, and held the gem tightly.

He said to the Mu Yao Qu Teng King beside him, "Please, Master Mu Yao!"

The Mu Yao Qu Teng moved, and its vines were like extremely flexible tentacles, unfolding the steel while holding the gem to draw on it.

"You all watch carefully!" Semier said to the people next to him, and he also focused on the movements of the Mu Yao Qu Teng King.

It was like an extremely sophisticated machine, and soon expanded the originally small piece of steel into a structure similar to a skeleton.

It looked like a wolf's skeleton.

The dust from the friction of the golden gem fell on the wolf's skeleton, reluctantly leaving some marks on it.

After repeated drawings, with the wolf's skull as the center, complex magic patterns slowly took shape, and finally densely covered the entire skeleton.

During this period, Samuel was also helping. His strength was not enough to complete such a living weapon alone, and he could only leave his own magic mark on key locations.

That is to say, he was resurrected by Croya's Rock Note. Otherwise, it would be almost impossible to succeed.

Arthur and the others were also recording every magic pattern extremely nervously and carefully - they all seemed to have good drawing talents, and they reluctantly drew the basic structure of the magic pattern in their notebooks.

This method can only let them know the magic pattern, but not understand its meaning, but this is enough.

Croya originally planned to give it a try. He didn't put much energy into it himself, so he left it to Samir, who was interested in this aspect.

It would be best if there are results, but if there are no results... that doesn't matter.

Time passed slowly.

About half an hour later, an exquisite golden wolf statue about half a meter high was shaped by the carvings of Mu Yaoqu Vine King.

Its eyes are made of the last golden opal stone, shining like two small suns hidden in the metal eye sockets.

There seems to be some emotional aura and fluctuations in it.

"Okay, the next step is for you to activate its core." Mu Yaoqu Vine King slowly retreated: "After activation, take these people out of here!"

After the explanation, it lurked into the shadows and continued to pretend to be a decoration.

After saluting King Mu Yaoqu Vine, Samir excitedly pressed his palm on the head of the golden wolf, injecting his own magic power into the golden wolf's body.

The golden opal gem on the head of the golden wolf immediately emitted bright light, transmitting magic power to every part of the wolf's body along the surrounding magic lines.

Then... it blinked and started walking, going from clumsy to skillful in just a few seconds.

It circled around Samuel gently, rubbing its head against the latter. The halo on its body changed slightly, and finally turned into a golden long sword that looked extremely elegant.

The position of the sword grid is in the shape of the sun, and the gem on the wolf's head is now embedded in it.

The sword spit out from the gem has no entity, but a golden light that is so intense that it is almost as solid. There are tassels hanging on the hilt, like the gently wagging tail of a wolf.

Light saber, this is completely a lightsaber formed by magic light!


Samuel couldn't believe it. Did he really succeed in the first try?

He originally thought it would take a lot of hard work to succeed, but unexpectedly it took him five days to succeed.

He held the golden sword and tried to swing it.


The sword blade cut through the air, and actually made a sound similar to music, which was extremely clear.

"This is……"

Samir tried a sword skill with a long sword, and the sound made by the blade was really crisp and clear, like the sound of a musical instrument.

And with the intensity of his movements, the music will change, some are crisp, some are deep, and some are like passionate drum beats, like heavy rain.

After hearing these sounds, he and several people around him felt that their emotions had also changed, as if they were changing with the sounds contained in these sounds.

All this was observed by Croya who was watching here.

The mage showed a strange expression: "Is this because he has my rock note in his body? Why was it created with spiritual magic attached?"

He didn't understand a little bit, but he didn't pay much attention.

If it were just one person, it would be possible. After all, the golden opal was transformed by injecting his magic power.

He doesn't care so much about individual special creations, because he has seen too many miracles.

What he cares about is whether it can be reproduced and whether more such living weapons can be born.

So he directly said to Samir: "You should study this carefully. If you can mass-produce it, I will reward you."

King Mu Yao Qu Teng immediately conveyed his will.

Samuel and others quickly knelt down and saluted - Arthur and others were even more excited. It turned out that the mage had been paying attention to this place!

They decided to work hard to make it and never let the Master down.

After looking at the situation on Samuel's side, Croya focused his attention on the small model in front of him again.

"Just the final test..."

He muttered something to himself.

The appearance of this model looks like the front and carriage of a train. The whole body is made of No. 2 alloy, and the magic power flows inside, beating like blood.

However, the whole body looks a little like a pea pod - each compartment is filled with beans.

He placed the locomotive and carriage on the track he had made, and then injected magic into it.

The locomotive immediately started running with the carriage at an extremely fast speed, and jumped out of the track in an instant - the surveillance on the side showed that it circled the castle in just five minutes before returning.

This speed is very fast.

After it came back, Cloya looked at its magic pattern. The flow of magic power did not change at all, and it was still stable and smooth.

He nodded with satisfaction: "This is considered a success."

This is a train he made with the magic pattern of peas that converts magic power into kinetic energy. He plans to lay it on the seabed around.

Although the space array is also good, that thing requires special space magic stones, and the space transmission array of the Wood Yao Qu Teng King is not suitable for human transmission.

And he also has to consider other areas. He can't use space arrays all the time, right? That is absolutely unrealistic in the early stage.

So he can only think of ways to get other means of transportation.

Cars, bicycles, electric cars... He thought about them all, but the ground in this world is really a bit exaggerated.

So after thinking about it, he thought of the train-as long as he laid the track himself and arranged for the monsters to maintain it, it would definitely be a useful transportation line.

After deciding, he immediately started to make it.

After a brief trial and experiment, he successfully combined the magic pattern of the impact pea with the intelligent array of the golem, and made this pea train that can move by itself.

"I hope they can do it well... Let's try to make a section of track about ten kilometers first, and then continue if it is feasible."

He thought about it, picked up the paper and pen beside him to draw the magic pattern structure, and then asked Mu Yao Qu Teng Wang to pass it to the golem factory, and ordered:

"Let them make it according to this, and the excavation of the underwater tunnel must continue."


Cloya's order was immediately conveyed to the golem factory.

The apprentices are now able to skillfully copy the magic pattern drawn by Cloya. Although this time it is a little big, they still quickly completed the materials needed for a train.

In the workshop, after three days of hard work, the apprentices assembled a brand new, blue train by hand.

It is about 22 meters long, each carriage is five meters long, there are four carriages in total, and the height is three meters.

Of course, it was empty inside, and there were no seats or anything like that installed. It could be said that except for the complex magic patterns inside the front of the train, this was just a large model.

The apprentices turned left and right around the finished train.

They had never seen this kind of creation before, and as they gradually assembled it according to the drawings, their surprise became more and more obvious.

What is this large golem for?

Just as they were wondering, Jamie walked out of the teleportation array and saw the train with a glittering look in his eyes.

But before he could go up to see it, he was surrounded by the apprentices, who asked one by one:

"Brother Jamie, what is this for?"

"Is this a golem?"

"Is the Master Mage going to fight somewhere?"

With their knowledge, they thought this thing was some large war golem, such as a catapult or something.

Jamie's head hurt because of the noise, and he waved his hand quickly: "Quiet!"

People suddenly quieted down, but stared at Jamie with sparkling eyes, full of doubts.

"Since you are curious, come with me to install it."

He has been busy digging tunnels under the sea and laying tracks. The laying of tracks gave him a splitting headache.

It looks simple, but after Croa really gave the order, he had to install it according to Croa's order, and troubles came one after another.

Fortunately, Croa gave him a lot of support, whether it was magic beasts, magic plants, knights or mages, he was allowed to mobilize them, and it was in this way that he finally completed it with the train.


"Then let's go now!"

The apprentices immediately jumped for joy, summoned the power golem, and carried the train directly into the teleportation array.

This large magic array with a radius of 30 meters was installed by Croa before the Holy Spring Chamber of Commerce went on strike, so that it could be used to transport large equipment in the future.

In the glittering light of the magic array, they came to the station named the starting station by Croa, located below the Air Coral Base.

Afterwards, the train was properly installed by them.

After the installation was completed, all the people who participated in the production of the train got on the train, and they were very excited to stay in front of the glass windows and look at the scenery outside.

Jamie came to the cab himself and injected all the prepared magic power into it.

"Please, move it!"

He gently patted the core of the train, where the magic pattern was located, the core of everything, and the intelligence of the train.

A red light flashed at the core.

Then... the car started moving.

It ran along the track at a very fast speed, reaching a speed of 3,000 meters per minute. The scenery outside the window did not change at all, and there was no bumpy feeling.

But just three minutes later, the car stopped automatically.

"Are we there?"

"So fast?"

The apprentices were surprised and immediately left the carriage and came outside. They saw the sign of Station No. 2, which was ten kilometers away from Station No. 1.

"Not bad."

Jamie didn't know when he came outside, with a faint expression-this was deliberately imitating the look of Cloya.

But there was obvious joy in his eyes.


Before he could even pretend to make a comment, he was lifted up by the apprentices, who were no older than 20 years old, venting and cheering.


"We assembled it successfully!"

"Lord Croa just gave us a blueprint!"

Poor Jamie was tossed around like a ball, but his face was full of smiles.

Croa, who was far away in the castle laboratory, noticed all this and smiled a little.

"Give each of them three days off, and give them a magic meal."

After giving this order, he looked at another construction site, which was located deep in the island.

Countless magic runes were flashing, forming one magic power furnace after another.

They represent... the power that can move the island.

Thank you for your monthly tickets, I didn't expect to take so many days off... I'm really grateful! I'll try to write more!

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