I'm a mage, what's wrong with loving farming?

Chapter 189 189 Travel Island, Fly to the Sky

Chapter 189 189. Travel to the island and fly to the sky~

Island Wandering C-3 Magic Energy Propeller - This is the device that Croya bought at a great cost to move the island.

There are nineteen of them in total, divided into a mother device and eighteen sub-devices, which have been installed at eighteen nodes of the island under Croya's instructions.

As long as all the soil and rock formations at the bottom of the island are smoothed, it will emit a special magical mist.

This magical mist can wrap the island under the sea surface, ensuring that the island will not sink and can move in any direction.

According to the description of the Holy Spring Chamber of Commerce, although this thing can move the island, it consumes an astronomical amount of magic power.

That is to say, the current environment is suitable, and Croya has indeed accumulated a lot of magic power, so he wants to give it a try, not to mention where to move at once, at least to see if it works.

Just like when you buy a new appliance at home, you always want to turn it on and use it. It's the same reason.

If he really has the idea of ​​​​moving the island, the space magic array, transportation routes, and the arrival location of the island must be planned in detail.

What he is currently planning is a sea area a hundred kilometers away.

"Let me see……"

Croya signaled to the shark tower spirit, who immediately displayed the island's information on the screen nearby.

The shape of Hanjiao Island is like an awl, with only a small part connected to the continental shelf on the seabed. It has now been completely eroded by wind-eroded sandworms.

The location on the screen that represents the link between the island and the continental shelf has turned into a flashing red dotted line.

Now all that is left is for him to give an order to completely disconnect from the continental shelf and turn it into a "floating island".

After staring at the screen for a while, Croya first ordered King Mu Yao Qu Teng: "Let everyone stay in the safe area I have designated and don't move around at will."

"As commanded."

King Mu Yaoqu Teng immediately conveyed his order.

The people at the Harmony Coral Base on the island have already been prepared. After all, Croya has trained more than once.

So within five minutes of his order being conveyed, everyone hid in a safe area and stopped some work.

After they all hid, Croya nodded to the shark tower spirit: "Let's begin."


The shark tower spirit immediately conveyed Croya's order to the bottom of the sea and to the gophers who were performing corrosion work at the bottom of the island.

The thieves chirped excitedly, driving the wind-eroded sandworms toward the deepest part of the island. Those poor sandworms eroded the surrounding rock formations as they went downwards.

In just a few minutes, a huge area was completely eroded into sand by them, and the connection between the island and the continental shelf was completely disconnected.


The island shook violently, and the bottom of the sea suddenly became turbid.

Made a huge noise.

It was as if something terrifying was awakening from the depths of the earth.

The island has a tendency to sink.

Fortunately, Croya used good materials when building buildings, and he had early warning. Although the residents of the island were still panicked, they did not run around.

At the same time, the voice of the shark tower spirit sounded——

"Master, a total of 121 spring water veins on the island have all dried up, and the magic veins are also drying up."

"There are also some changes in the magic plants on the island."

Along with its sound came pictures one after another, including those of Poseidon Barley, those of magic plants and fields, and those of springs and streams that dried up to the point of dryness.

Among them, the one that seems to have the greatest impact is the spring, but it is actually the magic plant.

According to occult science, even islands in the sea, as long as they are connected to the earth, will share the earth's magic and special magic magnetic field.

Most magic plants and monsters are accustomed to living on the earth.

This is the same as for people. Even if you are on a huge ship, you don't have the down-to-earth feeling of stepping on the ground.

Once there is no nourishment from the power of the earth, not to mention it will dry up quickly, at least the growth rate and state will be affected.

Croya had been mentally prepared for this and had made some preparations.

He just silently ordered the Ether Demon Wolf and the Orpheus Swan Recorder Tree to transmit magic power to every corner of the island through underground pipes.

Then he continued to order the gophers to get to work.

If anyone is on the sea floor right now, they will find that at the bottom of the island, the rock formations are turning into sand layer by layer, like an onion with its outer skin peeled off.

The rock formations that originally belonged to the island quickly fell to the bottom of the sea, and the size of the island in the sea also shrank, finally shrinking to one-tenth of its original size.

Soon, the originally uneven rock formations at the bottom of the island became smooth, and some crystal blue light gradually seeped out from the surface.

They were also very commanding on the moonlit seafloor, gradually covering the bottom of the island. At this time, the island had turned into a large, semicircular shape.

Then, the crystal blue light extended out into pipes like chimneys.

A blue magical light surged from inside the tube.

Surrounded by these blue halos, the island stopped sinking and just floated in the sea.

Then it actually started swimming, like a giant turtle swimming - the eighteen tubes were its feet.

It gradually left the area where the Reef Island was originally located, facing the bright moonlight, split the sea water, and "swam" towards the depths of the sea.


When he moved.

Star Town.

The legendary wizard Danterian, who had already accepted the baptism of the astral world and was about to leave the Semrio continent, glanced at the map.

She was a little surprised.

"Is the Reef Island moving towards the depths of the ocean?"

As a legendary wizard, her eyesight is of course extremely sharp, and the reason for saying this is just to ask the Titan puppet next to her.

The Titan Puppet would not ignore such things. After observing for a while, he nodded and said in a serious tone, "Yes."

"Hanjiao Island has left the original area and is moving at a speed of 30 kilometers per hour."

"There is a Silver Moon Forest on its way."

After hearing this, Danterian smiled slightly: "Lucky little guy, if he happens to fall on the Silver Moon Forest, will the mermaids go crazy?"

"No." The Titan Puppet replied: "It is a treasure belonging to the ocean and nature, not exclusive to the mermaids."

After saying that, he reminded again: "You should leave."

Being urged again, Danterian showed an impatient expression on her face and glanced at the Titan Puppet.

The murderous intent in her eyes was difficult to conceal-she was being played like this, but she was a legendary wizard!

But the light from the stars has been projected.

It passed through the kingdom of the gods, through the crystal wall of the plane, appeared from the curtain of stars, and enveloped the legendary wizard.

The moment it appeared and enveloped her, Danterian had actually left this world.

She could see the distant stars and the giant observatories, wizard towers and planes built among them.

They revolved around a star that radiated endless brilliance, like a string of magnificent jewels made by the creator god with the colors of the world.

Or... a ring.

That was an extremely glorious civilization. Compared with it, everything in this world was like a thatched house built by primitive people with mud.


Standing on a wizard tower wrapped in green vines, a figure with pointed ears was watching her.


She sighed softly.

"What on earth is in this world."

Her body gradually dissipated in the starlight, leaving only the immortal soul of the legendary wizard rising in the starlight, and the starlight from the distant world lifted her up.

Except for the Atlantis Sea shrouded by moonlight, all areas of the world could see a starlight leaving this world above the high clouds.

Under the curtain of stars, only the voice of the legendary wizard remained:


"When I come back, I will definitely dismantle and study you. Even your master can't stop me!"

The Titan puppet remained silent.

The starlight around him gradually dimmed, and his figure disappeared into the darkness.

At the same time, in the Mermaid City.

Mikhail, the king of mermaids, was originally staring at the mermaids giving birth in the moonlight with loving eyes, but suddenly felt something.

He looked outside, his eyes penetrated the sea surrounded by moonlight, and saw the reef island that was moving forward.


A strange look appeared on his angular face.

"Silver Moon Forest."

After a brief contemplation, he still didn't care.

Since Cloya happened to find it, it was his gain. Facing a lucky guy, even he was unwilling to go against fate.

Their ancestors had gone against fate before, and the result was that they had the ultimate magic device, the Void God, which could change the creation matrix, but they could only live in a corner.

The price was too heavy, and even he didn't dare to challenge fate again.


"The propeller is in normal condition."

"The current estimated speed is 30 kilometers per hour."

"The magic energy reserve is sufficient."

The voice of the shark tower spirit has been reminding the status of the propeller, and the screen in front of Cloya also shows the situation of the azure light surrounding the entire island.

The King of Wood Yao Qu Teng also transmitted all the pictures of the island from all directions, and there were dolphins swimming in the distance to scout the situation.

Cloya sat quietly on his sofa and breathed a sigh of relief: "It's okay."

He was worried about whether there would be problems with the installation of the propeller, but now it seems that he thought too much.

The quality of the magic creations produced by the Holy Spring Chamber of Commerce is still guaranteed.

After staring at the screen for a while, he said:

"Let's make the first test voyage a hundred kilometers. We will stop at the predetermined location we have scouted before and plant air corals on the seabed."

"Tell the workshop to continue to rush to make carriages, and let Jamie dig a new seabed track from the No. 1 air coral base to the island."

"Check the connection of the space magic circle to see if it is still operating normally."

As his orders were passed down one by one, the apprentices on the island immediately started to get busy.

At a time when Kroya liked to be a hands-off boss more and more, they had learned to check the magic circle, transplant magic plants, build the magic circle, and even cultivate the fields.

Soon, they were ready.

The results of the inspections were also sent back one after another - the space magic arrays were still in full operation, and everything was normal except for those overseas who could not be contacted in the first place.

At the same time, the sea dolphins and fish-tailed sea ducks serving as escorts in the distance of the island also began to take their younger brothers to clean up the environment on the seabed.

Now that the magic power of the entire sea area has increased dramatically, some powerful magic fish will appear even in the offshore area. If it were left to people to clean them up, they would probably be exhausted.

Fighting the devil fish in the sea...that is, only an out-of-standard mage like Croya can do it.

By the time the island reached the predetermined area, the dolphins had completely cleared the bottom of the sea and brought a message to Croya——

"The moonlight forest under the sea?"

After hearing the news, Croya decided to go and see for herself.

Anyway, the mermaid's virtual god has promised himself that as long as everything he occupies belongs to him, he doesn't believe that the majestic god will go back on his word.

He quickly entered the sea through the channel at the bottom of the island. After observing his island, he quickly came to the moonlight forest that the dolphins called.

It was indeed a beautiful scene.

Trees half as tall as a man, which seem to be made of transparent moonlight, grow on the seabed. They ripple with soft moonlight in the water waves, as if the moonlight is condensed directly to the seabed.

The ground is covered with silver frost.

Some slender fish with translucent fins swam leisurely in the moonlight forest. Their slender bodies looked a bit like dragons from a distance.

Croya rode the dolphin and slowly approached the forest. As soon as he got close, he felt a very strong consciousness——

"Ah, the sky."


"The bottom of the sea is so boring."

The source of consciousness is the small trees on the seabed that are at most half a person's height, but it is not the complicated consciousness composed of many trees, but comes from a complete consciousness.

This also means that this forest made of silver moonlight... is most likely a forest of single trees.

And judging from the magic power echoing around, the magic power of this forest is definitely at level five, and the apparent power level is one level higher than his.

After realizing this, he immediately stopped the dolphin and tried to communicate with the forest using the art of communicating with all things that he was not very proficient in.

The essence of this communication technique of all things is actually the communication of spirit and soul. It does not mean automatically translating your language into something the other party can understand.

Stand in front of the woods, keeping a safe distance.

It's better to be polite first and then fight. If the other party is unwilling to have a good conversation, then just hit it yourself until it is willing to talk.


He tried to say hello.

Immediately there was a magnificent light flashing in the woods made of silver moonlight, and then a majestic elk was formed under the moonlight.

Its body is entirely made of light. It is strong and tall. It walks in the moonlight, and the horns formed by the moonlight above its head are like a crown.

The overall look is full of power, but also has a cold and broken temperament due to the presence of moonlight. Overall, it is a very beautiful deer.

Croya still likes beautiful things, so she has a good impression of it.

"Son of man."

The elk looked at Croya and asked curiously: "Can you understand my voice?"

The sound it made was still the roar of a deer, but in Croya's ears, it was directly transformed into a magnetic and cold male voice.

To be honest, the sound quite matches its appearance.

"Yes." Croya nodded: "I feel that you have a desire for the sky, and I can help you."

Facing an intelligent creature that can communicate, Croya chose to be straightforward. Many creatures with this kind of spiritual makeup do not like to beat around the bush.

The convoluted language of humans is a burden to them.

Of course, while waiting for its answer, Croya also observed its race - the Silver Moon Elk.

Its body is surrounded by countless silk threads. The source of the silk threads is this cold and clear moonlight forest, which not only forms its body but also restricts it from leaving here.

"You can see my desire..."

The elk came closer to Croya again, staring at Croya with a pair of innocent deer eyes that were incompatible with its appearance, seeming to be observing him.

Croya generously allowed it to observe him.

After a moment, the elk withdrew his gaze, nodded and said, "Clearness and beauty...are the light of the sun that I pursue."

"Is there any way you can get me out of here?"

"As long as I can leave the bottom of the sea and fly into the sky, I am willing to sign a contract with you and help you for a hundred years."


A smile appeared on the mage's face.

a hundred years? As long as you sign a contract with me, do you still want to run away after a hundred years?

He nodded slightly: "Of course."

With that, he stepped directly into the Silver Moon Forest and said to the elk, "Then I'll start."

"Okay." Elk was very curious about how this human mage could help him. In the inherited memory, humans can always create some miracles.

And Croya also started his own engraving.

What he chose this time was actually one of the innate skills of the Phantom Cloud Snake, which was the ability to condense clouds and mist into entities.

After the clouds and mist are condensed and formed, you can directly ride on the clouds and mist to fly into the sky.

This ability sounds good, but it is really troublesome to implement, probably because it is a talent skill.

It requires extremely sophisticated magic control ability and a huge supply of magic. It can be said that most of the magic plants and magic beasts on the island of Kloya cannot do it.

So Kloya plans to give this deer a try.

Thanks to the cooperation of the Silver Moon Elk, his movements were very fast, and the imprinting was completed in about ten minutes.

[Imprinting successful, Silver Moon Elk·Silver Moon Crystal Tree (Phantom Feather Cloud Snake·Condensed Clouds and Mists)]

[This magic plant can gather clouds and mists through its unique magic power to lift itself away from the ocean and the earth. ]

[This imprinting magic consumes a lot of magic power. ]

[The magic form will change. ]

A few seconds after the prompt appeared, Kloya felt something was wrong around him and looked around.

"Huh? Uh..." He raised his eyebrows.

The ground and trees around him suddenly spread out some silver mist like moonlight, lifting all the trees, fish and Kloya.

Slowly flew towards the sky.

The silver light was like clouds, and soon left the sea and flew into the sky.

All the way up.


He looked at the bright moon above his head, and then looked at the changing scenery around him, and suddenly felt a little pressure.

Wait, you don't want to go directly to see that virtual god, do you?

Thank you for the monthly tickets and recommendation tickets, there are still a lot, hehe thank you~

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