I'm a mage, what's wrong with loving farming?

Chapter 194 194 The silver moon fades away, and the outside world changes

Chapter 194 194. The silver moon fades away, and the outside world changes

The end of the direction pointed by the spiritual wisdom grass is actually the mermaid mother who lost her only child.

She is sitting on a rock by the sea, quietly looking at the scenery in the distance, without tears or anything on her face.

But this expression that can't even show sadness is the most painful, and it is completely suppressed in the heart.

Kloya looked at it for a while and could clearly feel her sadness. The emotional movement was already gray in her.

Different races, but the sadness is the same.

"Go, go, the boss gave you the power of the virtual god!"

The spiritual wisdom grass, which looked like a dogtail grass, shook again and threw a strange, claw-like engraved emblem to Kloya.

Then it shook its body, immediately shrank back, and disappeared.

Only the emblem was left in Kloya's hand, flashing with light and dark, like the changes and flow of the moon phases.

Kloya looked at it, and a strange look flashed in his eyes.

I made a wish to the virtual god? Are you kidding me?

"This is..."

"A miracle!"

The mermaids around immediately gathered around - their tails had not yet turned into legs, so they were jumping around, which was really funny.

They looked at the dog-paw-like emblem in Cloya's hand with surprise, but they didn't say anything tacitly.

Among them, the little prince of the mermaid clan said thoughtfully: "This seems to be... the mark of the guardian beast of Lord Xushen."

As a royal family of mermaids, he was born with almost complete mermaid clan heritage knowledge to consult.

For ordinary mermaids, it takes a lot of effort to learn successfully, but for him, it's just a matter of studying his heritage knowledge thoroughly.

After all, bloodline is indeed one of the most unreasonable things.

The little prince tried to tiptoe his tail and looked at the mark in Cloya's hand curiously, and he was even more surprised: "Brother, how did you get it?"

Cloya smiled slightly: "Maybe it likes me?"

The little prince actually nodded seriously.

"Lord Xushen seems to really like you."

"After all, I helped him a lot."

After that, he walked to the side of the female mermaid and said, "Your God will fulfill your wish."

To be honest, he didn't intend to be a "confidant brother" and had no interest in the mermaids. The mermaids were indeed pleasing to the eyes, but... it was just a look.

He couldn't understand what people who had some thoughts about the mermaids were thinking, even though the mermaids were really beautiful.

Both men and women were handsome men and beautiful women.

But he just couldn't understand it, and of course he wouldn't have any desire.


"Can you really give it to me?"

The mermaid mother looked surprised and unbelievable.

She looked at the dog paw-shaped emblem in Cloya's hand, as if she had seen a treasure from the whole world, and her eyes were shining.

"Well." Croa casually handed her the dog paw emblem: "This way I can also be satisfied, it is a perfect ending."

"I refined your water crystal, and I also hope to see a perfect ending."

After saying this, he suddenly felt that the eyes behind him became extremely hot-the eyes from the female mermaids.

He immediately felt that he might have said something wrong, but he remained calm and watched the mermaid mother thank him profusely.

Watching her make a wish to the emblem.

The light moonlight immediately projected down from the sky, directly penetrating the ocean, and waves and waves surrounded it.

A little mermaid gradually emerged in the moonlight.

In the end, she was hugged by her mother who was so excited that she trembled.

The mother and daughter cried together.

Croa, who watched the whole scene of the mother-daughter reunion, raised the corner of his mouth slightly.

A soft and majestic female voice came from his side.

"Don't make a wish to God easily."

The voice was both obvious and not obvious. It brushed past Kloya's ears and disappeared in the moonlight.


Kloya turned his head suddenly and saw the blond mermaid looking at him, smiling: "I want to give my son to you for care. He is the representative of our mermaids.

This land has been affected by us and is wailing.

We must restore it, but we don't know how to restore it.

So I can only ask you, my son Treden will help you."

Her expression was almost the same as the Mermaid King, as if she didn't say it just now.

The Mermaid King's princess said that the gods cannot be trusted... Well, this is really a bit scary.

Kloya temporarily suppressed his doubts, carefully thought about what she said, and said in a dilemma:



"But the northern border of the Kingdom of Nolant is not the sphere of influence of the Mage Association. If I, a mage, rashly intervene..."

His meaning is already very clear.

After all, the mermaids are foreign races, so how can they interfere in human affairs? If this were to spread, someone might say that he was colluding with foreign races.

"Don't worry." She smiled mysteriously: "Now the army and magicians of the Kingdom of Nolant should have rushed to the Yavana Holy Mine.

Besides, whether the Kingdom of Nolant can survive is also a question.

They have no time to manage the affairs of the kingdom, you can place your forces in the northern border of the Kingdom of Norant.

This is the agreement between the legendary wizard Danterian and us. "

This paragraph really made Kroya stunned-can it survive?

Although he did not have any sense of belonging to this so-called kingdom, a stable environment was still very necessary for him.

If there was a large-scale war, it would be quite miserable for the poor farmers.

The mermaid queen saw Kroya's astonishment.

She took the initiative to explain: "Some problems have appeared at the Yavanna Holy Mine, which needs to be solved by the people of the Kingdom of Norant.

Now it depends on whether they can solve it.

If they can't solve it, everyone will have to fill it in. This is a responsibility, just like our mermaids have to purify the sea. "

Kroya nodded.

"I understand. "

He decided to quickly understand the situation outside after he went out, and at the same time quickly support Viscount Kemoye to take the position, and make him the earl of the northern territory as soon as possible.

Although his territory is in the ocean, it also needs to be built outside, at least to form a buffer line of defense to prevent possible events.


After asking for some details, Kloya took the little mermaid prince Treden away from the fetal sea.

What made him speechless was that although this guy said he was going to stay with him, he actually brought two guards.

The two guards were both tall mermaids. Like most mermaids, they didn't like to wear clothes. They had streamlined and strong muscles, but they held a staff made of coral and pearls in their hands.

Although the staff looked more like a giant hammer.

It was even more exaggerated than the "Codex Holy Hammer" used exclusively by combat priests that he saw in the book "Miracle of Light".

In addition, the princess privately gave Kloya was given a space clam shell, which was filled with 100 Oro pink pearls produced by level 5 magic clams.

This peculiar pearl is a pure water element treasure.

As long as it is placed in a certain area, it can continuously gush out magic and sea water suitable for the survival of the mermaids. It is a treasure specially cultivated by the mermaid royal family.

In simple terms... it is to build a house for the mermaid prince.

Kloya thought it was normal for the mother to worry about the child, and she did not intend to embezzle it. It would be nice to go back and make a fish tank for him to live in.

As a result, when he was about to leave the fetal sea, King Mihayi also sent something, which was a blue anemone.

Through Kloya's observation, the water element magic in this thing is simply abundant to an exaggerated degree, and its vitality is extremely vigorous, which seems to be no less than that of the Orpheus oak.

The mermaid who listened to the mermaid king Mihayi to send this anemone said: "This is the Oro anemone, which is used as a bed and food for His Royal Highness the Prince. ”

“You only need to irrigate them with the magic of water elements, and they will split by themselves. The split anemones can be eaten directly or used as beds for sleeping. ”

“Of course, it is also the main material necessary for making a potion. This is the recipe of the potion. Please accept it.”

The mermaid, wearing a deep blue robe that should be made of seaweed, handed a piece of parchment to Cloya, and then bowed.

Cloya: “…”

You two, one gave a house and the other gave a bed and food, right?

You are so afraid that I can’t take good care of them.

Also, why don’t you give them together? Are you afraid that each other will know? Mermaids are just hypocritical.

He could only accept these anemones. He was also interested in this special thing.

After seeing him accept it, the mermaid saluted again:

“After this period of time, the king will arrange for someone to discuss more matters of purchasing water essence with you.”

“Goodbye. "

After saying that, he turned around and swam into the sea and disappeared.

Kroya, who thought he should be fine, turned around, but before he could take a step.

A small spiritual grass emerged from the ground like a mushroom, and it jumped directly onto Kroya's shoulder.

It touched Kroya's face with its dog-tail-like body.

It said: "The boss said that I can follow you. There are still many places in the sea outside that need to be purified."

"...Okay, then you follow me."

The spiritual grass nodded happily, and then jumped onto the hair of the little mermaid Treden.

The latter looked confused.

Then he whispered to it-the content of the chat was some topics such as when the moonlight is the brightest and when the moonlight is the most comfortable.

Kroya listened while the two of them walked into the vortex channel.

Finally returned to his own Hanjiao Island.

The little mermaid Treden is still very curious about the outside world.

After obtaining Kroya's consent, he took out the He took out a jellyfish-shaped magic device from the shell and rode on it.

The jellyfish carried him slowly and flew into the sky.

Kroya watched him and the Spiritual Grass leave, told the Woody King and several elves to keep an eye on him, and then entered his castle.

He lay down directly on the comfortable sofa bed.

Put everything else aside, sleep is the most important thing!

While he was sleeping.

Great changes also took place in the outside world.

First, the cover covering the entire sea finally disappeared, and the wind from the sea completely blew over the entire northern land.

The moonlight and the big blue trees also disappeared, like a dream.

The people stationed at the Hanjiao Island Pier felt it and immediately sent people to rush over through the undersea tunnel and reported what happened during this period to Rob and Shark Taling.

Twenty-one days is neither too much nor too little.

Without the news and support from Yuhanjiao Island, they were actually quite uneasy.

Fortunately, Father Kevin and his colleagues stayed at the dock temporarily, firstly to guard the Flower of Mammon that had not been sent to Croya, and secondly, to wait for the next order from the Knights.

With five holy knights staying here, even if there is a little danger, it can be easily resolved.

But they couldn't stay much longer.

When the wind from the sea blew over, orders from the Salt Mountain Knights also came over.

The Knights ordered them to immediately go to the Yavanna Sacred Mine and assist the armies from the two countries under the Holy See Codex to establish a base.

The situation at the Yavanna Sacred Mine is dire.

It is almost impossible to directly remove those cultists and Madam Fungi's minions with thunderous means, and the only way to do this is to open a battle line there.

So they urgently need to see Croya.

They thought that since Croya could deal with the Mammon vine, he might also be able to deal with Mrs. Fungus's infection. If Croya really had a way, that would definitely be a good thing.

So after the barrier in the sea disappeared, they wanted to rush to see Croya as soon as possible.

But before they entered the sea, a huge water element appeared on the beach and said seriously:

"The Sea of ​​Atlantis is the sea area of ​​the mermaid tribe. No extraordinary being can enter without permission!"

Its body is filled with recurring moonlight, like the convergence of silver moonlight and azure sea water, with bottomless magic brewing within its body.

The leader of several knights, a powerful fourth-level knight, his face suddenly changed when he saw this water element.

This is the guardian of the moon sea of ​​the mermaid tribe.

Its source of power is the boundless sea and the moon. As long as these two still exist, it cannot be destroyed. At the same time, it can also cast many kinds of water magic and divine magic.

Even level 10 cardinals and archmages will be beaten up by it when they come here.

It can be said that no one can beat it within the scope of the sea, except for the eleventh-level grand magister who carries some powerful magic weapons, or the knight commander, sword master, and higher-level legends.

Father Kevin couldn't help but ask: "We want to see Croya!"

"If Lord Croya invites you to enter the sea, you can enter." The guardian of the Moon Sea is still blocking the front.

But its name for Croya made several people look at each other.

Master Croa?

What happened during this period, and why did Croa become an adult?

Can the Guardian of the Moonsea be called this...

Did he marry the princess of the mermaid tribe?

The other side.

The royal capital.

Estner finished handling today's affairs, took a sip of the sweet and mellow morning dew milk tea, and leaned back on the large and comfortable chair.

"I don't know when it will recover...this milk tea is selling like crazy."

He smashed and smashed his mouth, but he still had more to say.

Croya's milk tea shop opened after the situation in the royal capital stabilized, and it immediately attracted the attention of mages as soon as it opened.

They really can't resist sweets.

And speaking of it, Estner also has some credit for it——

Since all the mages in the royal capital have left, the entire operation of the royal capital has fallen on them, the little mages.

To be honest, although the Mage Association is more of a detached existence and hardly takes care of things, it is still more or less troublesome in the royal capital.

The departure of the senior mages left them with no choice but to assign positions according to their status.

As a result, as a sixth-level disciple of Archmage Celesti, Esterna naturally became the temporary president of the association—a seventh-level mage has no apprentices.

As the interim president, the milk tea shop he was authorized to take care of has naturally become the focus of the mages.

No one dared to cause trouble, and sales were very good.

By the way,

Although all those seniors have left, the ones who control the power now are some young mages, and the speed of handling affairs has become faster.

After a short period of hard work, he quickly adapted to the current work rhythm and even handled it in a decent manner.

He looked at the scenery outside the window - the bright sunshine was shining on the continuous towers and castles of the Mage Tower. This simple and heavy Mage Association seemed to be plated with a layer of gold in the sunshine and became energetic.

"I don't know when... hmm?"

Estner suddenly felt something and quickly took out his Holy Spring Crystal Card.

A gentle and intellectual female voice sounded:

"Now the blockade on Master Hanjiao has been lifted. You can communicate with him. We apologize for any inconvenience caused."

"back to normal."

He thought for a while and sent a message to Croya, planning to meet and communicate directly when the latter was fine.

After all, no matter how much you send a message, nothing is as quick as meeting in person.

After finishing this matter, he was just about to close his eyes and take a rest when something suddenly came out of the owl-shaped mailbox in front of him.

It was a letter from the Imperial Palace Heraldry Institute.

"Hey, there's so much work to do."

Estner sighed helplessly, picked up the letter resignedly, opened it and read it, his face became very strange.

"Requisitioning food..."

He sighed deeply again, not knowing what to say at all. At this time, grain was requisitioned across the country, and a title was given in exchange.

Could it be that the situation outside has become like this?

They actually had to rely on requisitioning food to get through the difficulties.

The most important thing is that this order was personally issued by the prince who was currently staying in the capital on behalf of the king. Such a bizarre order could actually pass through the Heraldry Institute, and even asked the Mages Association for help.

That means... the matter has become very serious, so serious that the nobles in the royal capital have abandoned their prejudices and interests to resolve it quickly.

After all, if you really want to talk about it...the big nobles definitely have more land and food reserves than the mages.

The fact that this matter was not resolved internally but spread out is a signal in itself.

Estner thought for a while and passed the order to the association, waiting for the mages to discuss a result to see if it would help.

At the same time, he also looked forward to Croya waking up.

It's hard to talk to anyone about this matter, only Croya can have a pleasant chat.

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