I'm a mage, what's wrong with loving farming?

Chapter 195 195 Warcraft Magic Plant Battle Pet Shop, a bunch of information

Chapter 195 195. Warcraft Magic Plant Battle Pet Shop, a bunch of information

Kloya had no idea about the situation outside, he slept very comfortably.

He slept for three days and three nights - as a fourth-level mage, he can survive without food for a short period of time.

Even his daily metabolism can be stopped.

Therefore, he will not get up to eat because of hunger, nor will he have to go to the toilet because of holding it. He slept very comfortably.

The reason for sleeping so long is not only because he feels very stressed in the fetal sea, but also because he can finally feel at ease now.

The mermaids promised him safety in the sea and the right to expand the territory, which is like unloading a big stone.

As a person, once he relaxes his spirit, he will want to sleep.

Even if there is something urgent for him to solve, he has to sleep well first, nothing is more important than sleeping.


"It's so comfortable to sleep."

He stretched his body happily, got out of the quilt of the thirsty sea fluorescent algae, and jumped out of bed barefoot.

He was only wearing a comfortable and close-fitting pajamas, and all the magic tools and decorations had been taken off and placed beside him.

The environment inside the Orpheus Oak can be said to be warm in winter and cool in summer. Even if he did not actively use magic to adjust the temperature, it was warm and smooth like the best jade when he stepped on it.


He hummed a little tune happily and began to wash up.

During the washing process, the Shark Tower Spirit told him one by one what happened in the outside world.

The unimportant ones were that Baron Kemoye occupied several more territories, let those lords pass by his command, collected some magic plants and magic beasts, and mined ore and transported them over...

Kroya just listened to these things and said that all of them would be left to Robert to handle.

This matter was no longer of much concern to him now. He only needed to express his attitude, set a big goal, and leave the rest to his subordinates.

There were also some more important things:

For example, the Mammon flower vines had filled up the castle, the restored Gluttony Paradise portal needed people to explore, and the Salt Mountain Holy Knights were blocked by the water element outside the sea and wanted to see him.

Kloya looked in the mirror and listened silently.

At the same time, after washing up carefully, he lay on the sofa bed boredly, stroking the soft thirsty sea fluorescent algae with his fingers.

He then said: "Let them come, and bring the flower vines with them."

The more things there are, the calmer he is now.

Being anxious will not solve any problems, and he already has enough confidence, so he really doesn't need to care about so many things.

Just take it slowly.

"Okay." The shark tower spirit immediately passed on Kloya's order.

Then it placed a table of three dishes, one soup, steamed buns and salted duck eggs on the table through the space transmission channel of the Wood Yao Qu Teng King, and said:

"Master, this is the food prepared in the kitchen."

The Shark Tower Spirit has now completely replaced the original work of the Wood Yao Qu Teng King - the latter now helps Cloya monitor the situation outside and act as a channel for material transfer every day.

This makes it even happier. As long as it can see the vast world, it is very happy.

What's more... even Warcraft will feel troubled and tired about work.

In this regard, Warcraft is not as good as the man-made tower spirit, which is completely tireless.

"You did a good job today."

Cloya took a look, praised, and started to eat his breakfast - although it is actually noon now, since he wants, he can eat breakfast at any time.

The three dishes are steamed dragon fish, spicy fish fillet and vinegar jellyfish shreds.

He felt something was wrong after tasting it. He touched the plate of steamed dragon fish with chopsticks and asked curiously:

"Did Treden bring these ingredients back?"

He was still clear about his usual living standard. Although it was considered luxurious compared to most mages of the same level, it was not the case that any random dish would be a level 5 magic fish.

The raw material of this dragon fish was clearly the level 5 magic fish, the Abyss Gold Dragon Fish, a special fish that can only be found in the deep sea trench.

If his sea dolphins can already hunt level 5 magic beasts, it would be too exaggerated.


"These were caught by Treden and the sea dolphin tribe on the seabed, specially for you."

"Where is he now?"


The shark tower spirit has already turned on the TV - there is a huge house built on the coast.

It is made of extremely pure water crystal stones, and it is densely inlaid with many Oro pink pearls, and surrounded by a circle of gem corals.

Several octopuses floated around the house, controlling the seawater to cover the house while maintaining the activity and freshness of the seawater.

From a distance, the house shone brightly under the sun.

It was truly a jewel, dazzling enough to make people unable to take their eyes away.

It was like a crystal palace under the sea, and the buildings next to it were just thatched houses compared to it.

"Tsk, is this the prince of the clan... But did I give him those materials before going to bed?"

Kroya scratched his hair and continued to stare at the octopuses in confusion.

"This thing..."

He recognized those octopuses. They were the water demon octopuses specially cultivated by the mermaids, the smartest of all octopuses.

They are naturally capable of performing a variety of water magic. They are small pets and assistants only available to the mermaid royal family. One such octopus costs tens of thousands of magic crystals on the black market.

It is still marketable but priceless.

The mermaid prince Treden was riding on a huge crystal seahorse on the sea, accompanied by several elves who were also riding seahorses.

Even the Silver Moon Elk was galloping on a seahorse.

Under the sea water is a fish tide formed by kelp dolphins and many fish, and there seem to be some killer whales and small whales swimming with them.

"This way, this way!"


"Jump up!"

The voice of the little mermaid prince Treden is conveyed very clearly in the picture, and it can be said that the scene is very happy.

Croya: "..."

Staring at the Silver Moon Elk "sitting" on the seahorse in a strange posture, he looked away for several times before looking away.

"Kaiba is really hard."

"Why can a deer still perform such a difficult action of holding its legs between a seahorse and not falling off? Is this a World of Warcraft?"

He silently broke open the bun and put the oily salted duck eggs in it, then took a firm bite, filling his mouth with the salty taste.

After eating several bites in a row, the food soothed his stomach and completely calmed him down.

"Looks like he's adjusting well."

"Just let him stay here. I don't even need to build a house. It's really worry-free."

It's a good thing for him that Treden can adapt to this place. After all, he is the prince of the mermaid tribe. If he encounters anything, he can definitely help him.

Croya chewed his breakfast carefully, and Shark Tarling put away the dishes and brought him a cup of hot milk tea.

After he had completely finished his breakfast time, the Shark Tower Spirit prompted: "Master, five holy knights have arrived."

"They are waiting for you inside the Lotus Guesthouse now."

"Yes." Croya stood up and entered the space magic circle, and before leaving, he handed over a lot of his harvest to the shark tower spirit.

At least organize it into categories.

In fact, he should have given it before going to bed, but he was too sleepy at that time, so he forgot.

Fortunately, it's not too late.

He soon saw several knights waiting for him and said hello casually:

"Long time no see, guys."

After saying that, he naturally sat on the upper seat and asked directly: "What do you guys want?"

These people are quite familiar.

Among them, their squad leader, the fourth-level knight Feierni, even had a sparring match with Croya, but was easily subdued by Croya.

The sacred magic they learned was basically what they had seen in "Miracle of Light", and there was also some knowledge passed on by angels to Croya.

It was simply defeated by Chloe.

Fighting them wasn't even a challenge to subdue the sea beasts.

The strong are respected everywhere, especially in the extraordinary world where such great power is attributed to oneself, so they admire Croa very much.

"I haven't seen you for twenty-one days."

Feirni said: "We have received an order from the Holy See Codex State to immediately go to the Yavanna Sacred Mine to set up an outpost."

"So...we'd like to invite you along."

He was obviously a little embarrassed when he said this. His religious beliefs were not particularly fanatical and he would not force people to do anything.


Croya immediately shook his head and refused: "I will not leave casually.

But why do you want me to go? I'm just an ordinary mage, so going over there won't be of much help. "


Ordinary mage?

Several holy knights had expressions of indescribable expression on their faces. If mages were as ordinary as you, the world would have been dominated by mages long ago.

Fernie explained:

"It has been infected by Mrs. Fungi's minions and has almost become a maze of death. I would like to invite you to take a look at those fungi and see if there is a way to solve it.

In my opinion, your research on magic plants and magic beasts has surpassed that of the Church of the Earth Mother and the elves’ druids. "

In order to prevent Croya from directly rejecting him again, Fairy immediately stated the conditions he had negotiated with the Knights:

"If you are willing to go, the Holy See is willing to issue you a Star of Saint Bethlehem badge."

Croya looked a little confused.

What is this thing?

Father Kevin on the side saw Croya's doubts and quickly explained: "That is the second-class badge issued to outsiders. Having that badge can obtain the title of viscount in the Codex Country.

Although he is only an honorary viscount. "

To be honest, the titles of the Holy See Code Country are universal across the continent. To be honest, the Viscount is even more powerful than the Duke of Norland Kingdom.


The greater the temptation given, the more troublesome it is.

Besides, leaving his warm and comfortable home to go to the remote sacred mine of Yavanna was definitely not in line with his character.

So he refused directly: "No."

Without waiting for the knights to persuade him, he gave his own method: "I will arrange for my men to go with you. I need you to allocate a piece of land for me in the base developed by the knights.

I will let my subordinates open a Warcraft and War Pet shop and a shop selling magic potions inside.

You should know about my magic potion. How do you think it works? Can you use it on the front line? "

Of course they know.

The potions made by Cloya are of excellent raw materials and special production techniques, so the efficacy of each one is excellent.

They even surpass the potions they brought back from the Salt Mountain Knights. Although the current level of the potions is still a bit low, it is better to be low now.

The people who are most seriously injured in the war are always the lower class. Whether they are on the battlefield or not, the lower class is always the most miserable.

If Cloya really made those high-level or even top-level level 4 and 5 potions, the soldiers, mages and paladins stationed on the front line could not afford them at all.

So a lower level is just right.

Because even if the Code Country takes the lead, there are mages and armies of several countries. It is impossible to really take care of everyone.

In contrast, they didn't care much about the Warcraft, Magic Plants and Battle Pets that Cloya mentioned.

Can you accept taming after buying it?

Nowadays, all Warcraft and Magic Plants need long-term taming to achieve true mind-to-mind communication. If you buy them, can you use them as cannon fodder?

So they didn't care much.

Fierni simply responded to Cloya's request: "Okay, I will personally apply for a safe area for you to open a store."


Then Cloya discussed some details with them, and then called Ott and Mir, and told them on the spot to pack up and prepare to go to the Yavana Holy Mine with the knights.

"You take a few people with you, and I will send you the materials needed for the follow-up through the channels of the Holy Spring Chamber of Commerce when you arrive."

"Remember, if there are people who can be saved, save them and send them back to me."

This sentence of his is actually a clear hint - referring to those prisoners infected by the Yavana Holy Mine, these people will become his best subordinates.

Of course, the Holy Knights really didn't know Cloya's hint.

They thought Cloya was signaling his men to save those who could be saved.

Several holy knights expressed their gratitude to Cloya -

"Your kindness and goodness will be blessed by God."

"Your road will always be wide and smooth."

They did not hesitate to praise him, and Cloya felt his face was a little hot after hearing it - this sincere praise really made him a little embarrassed.

In order to avoid being exposed, he waved his hand to signal the knights to rest first and leave together later.

After the knights left, he explained a few words to Mir and Ott, and then returned to his laboratory.

He began to think carefully about the Warcraft Magic Plant War Pet Shop.

To be honest, this Warcraft Magic Plant War Pet Shop was not a temporary idea, but an idea had been in his mind for a long time, but he had never taken action.

The reason was that he found that although he was working hard and seriously to cultivate various kinds of magic beasts and magic plants, the effect of their mutation was far less than that of magic beasts and magic plants in the outside world.

Even because of the overly stable environment, those magic beasts and magic plants had no desire, which was the prerequisite for the Star Spirit Body Imprinting Technique to take effect.

So he thought about whether he could cultivate some friendly and loyal magic plants and beasts and sell them to let them follow their masters on adventures and experience.

If he provided some free medical and material assistance regularly, he could attract those people to send the magic beasts and magic plants back for examination and establish contact with the Magic Beast Magic Plant Battle Pet Shop.

The changing environment outside would definitely make the magic beasts and magic plants want to mutate. He would make some modifications and record the magic patterns of these magic beasts and magic plants.

In this way, various mutated magic beasts and magic plants should be in constant supply, and he would have more ideas and inspiration.

At most, he could imitate a certain anime he had seen before, hold competitions and assessments for the magic beasts and magic plants, and recruit the best among them with generous treatment.

Isn't this how power develops?

Now that he has enough materials and resources, what he wants to pursue is a larger space and world. It is definitely not okay to stay in a corner.

Anyone who has anything to do with the Magic Beast Magic Plant Battle Pet Shop will be his source of information and intelligence.

The more he thought about it, the more he felt that his method was feasible, but he still needed to seriously consider the basics of selling those kinds of magic beasts and magic plants.

The most important thing is to make them close to humans. They don’t need to be tamed directly, but they must be close to humans.

After thinking for a while, he wanted to pick up a pen and paper to start recording, but suddenly he saw the Holy Spring Crystal Card on the side was shining.

It seemed to have been shining for a long time.

But he buried it in a pile of rings and bracelets, and those things were emitting bright magic light, covering it up.

So he didn’t notice it at all.

"No wonder I felt something was missing after getting up. It turned out that there were no missed calls."

Kloya reached out and picked up the Holy Spring Crystal Card, and several messages immediately appeared on it-Lord of Flame Mountain, Lord of Gray Sand, Lord of the Pit, Lord of Sun Bay... and Estner.

A lot of missed messages were waiting for him to deal with.

His eyes suddenly went dark, and he inexplicably remembered the horrible past of a bunch of unread messages and missed calls after waking up in his previous life.

After hesitating for a while, he decided to see what the lords outside had sent him.

"Let's see what they sent me first, and then talk to Estner."

He began to read the information one by one.

The more he read, the more solemn his expression became.

First, it was from the Lord of the Pit. He told me that the situation at the Yavana Holy Mine was getting worse and worse. He hoped to buy some mycelium and offered a very high price - Soul Crystal.

That thing is a special crystal that can enhance the spirituality of soul creatures. Only some demon craftsmen in the lower plane can make it.

Obviously, this guy should have guessed that I was raising a tower spirit again. After all, when I bought the solution, it was through the channel of the Mage Lord Alliance, and there was a transaction record.

Next was the Lord of Flame Mountain and the Lord of Sun Bay. The news these two people said was basically the same. Let Kloya consider the possible invitation from the Lord of Gray Sand.

Finally, it was the Lord of Gray Sand.

He once again hoped that Kloya could provide him with enough food and promised to give Kloya a piece of absolutely safe territory for him to govern himself.

The signature was an hour ago.

"So you want food? Yangwan and Yanshan also want me to consider it. Has this guy convinced other lords?"

"He's quite capable."

"It seems I really have to consider it."

After reading these messages, Kroya did not answer for the time being, but planned to meet with Estner to discuss it.

After all, he really didn't know what was going on outside.

It is absolutely stupid to make a choice without enough information.

Thanks to Xianxian Ayu for the reward.

Thanks to all the big guys for the monthly tickets and recommendation tickets. Today's update is over~I'm going to enter the mainland plot.

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