Chapter 196 196. What happened next

The meeting with Estner was still in the Deep Blue Illusion.

Although the two had not seen each other for only a month, they always felt that each other's spirit and temperament had changed a lot.

Kloya looked at Estner and inexplicably felt that this guy had a smell of looking like a decent person, but in fact he was very tired and even had to sleep for a long time during rest time.

Even the slim-fitting robe of the battle mage on his body was changed into a more comfortable and somewhat unkempt comfortable robe, and even had the refreshing smell of peppermint essential oil.

He was bare-faced and distracted.

And Estner felt that the warm light on Kloya became more vibrant, just like the grass he saw when he was a child in the palace garden of the royal capital.

That emerald green, warm grass that stretched to the end of the sky and was illuminated by the sun.

So the two were silent for a while, and finally Kloya joked: "What happened to you during this period?"

As he said, he made a gesture of invitation.

There were soft and comfortable chairs and tables on the side, enough for the two to sit down and chat.

Temporary president Estner sat down with Cloya and sighed helplessly: "The senior mages of the kingdom have all left, and I can only temporarily take the position of president of the Mage Association.

You don't know how many trivial things there are!"

When he was in the capital, he had to keep calm and calm. In fact, this is not difficult for a combat mage.

Combat mages are different from warriors and knights.

The former needs to keep their mental power stable at all times, so that they can calmly analyze the situation and release magic steadily.

As for the latter, they can get angry, and anger may also increase their strength.

However, being able to be calm and being able to stay calm all the time are still different.

Estner really complained a lot.

While complaining, he also revealed a lot of information to Cloya - including the current personnel changes and personnel arrangements of the Mage Association, the reaction of the Kingdom's Royal Court...

After he finished complaining, Cloya had a general understanding of the current situation.

Of course, Estner also mentioned that the nobles of the Heraldry Academy and the prince who currently supervises the country want to ask the Mage Association to buy food.

When he heard the news, Kloya was very confused.

Why do they all want to buy food?

Lord Gray Sand bought it, but even the nobles and princes of the capital need the help of the Mage Association to buy food, and they even exchange it for titles.

The landlord has no surplus food?


Doubts troubled him, so he asked directly: "Why do they need food? Don't they have any food in reserve?"

Estner nodded and said helplessly: "The most important thing for an army to go on an expedition is logistical supply. You also know that the kingdom was founded not long ago.

In addition, the geographical location of the Kingdom of Nolant is actually not suitable for growing food. As far as I know, the food in the granary is basically empty.

Because of the pit lord, the two subordinate countries of the Holy See also need us to provide food and supplies. In addition, there are mages and knights, and the speed of consuming food is also very fast.

If there is no more food to be transported, it is estimated that the prince will have to find a way to borrow food from other countries."

Of course, he has a much stronger sense of belonging to the Kingdom of Nolant than Cloya, so he is still very resistant to this kind of humble request for help from the outside.

After listening to his explanation, Cloya was thoughtful.

Now the entire northern border is covered by warm ocean currents and monsoons. In fact, it is really fertile land and very suitable for farming.

If it is well operated, it is a huge grain production base. Especially since there is still magic in this world, maybe one harvest a month won't be a problem.

Thinking of this, he asked: "Regarding the North... How do the Kingdom and the Mage Association plan to deal with it?"

To be honest, he has basically regarded the North as his future development goal. If the Kingdom is really unwilling.

That would be quite troublesome.

Estner replied: "What can I do? No one is willing to come. Who knows if the mermaids will suddenly go crazy again.

Besides, the Kingdom's army and the mages of the Mage Association have left now, and no one can come to deal with things here.

I guess even if there is a rebellion, the Kingdom can't respond immediately."

Kroya nodded and said calmly: "I am now a fourth-level mage. If I want to occupy the entire North as my territory, do you think it is difficult?"

In fact, he still said this understated it.

The fifth-level mages are waving to him. Maybe it won't be long before he is a fifth-level mage.

You know, there is only one seventh-level mage in the entire Norant Kingdom, and Estner's master is only sixth-level.

It's not that he is arrogant. With so many cheats in hand, his true strength is really hard to measure.

With strength, he should also consider the following things.

"...Serious?" Estner began to think about the possibility of this matter.

After a few minutes, he replied: "You definitely can't occupy this land in legal terms, unless you enter the Heraldry Academy and become a royal wizard.

But if you want to occupy it in fact, I remember you once mentioned a viscount named Kemoye, just let him do it."

This answer is basically the same as Croya's idea.

The Mage Association is at best a force within the kingdom. How could the kingdom allow the mages of the Mage Association to truly occupy such a vast land in the North?

Especially since this land is now recovering and becoming fertile, anyone who is not a real fool can see the value of coming here.

But, there is always a way.

If a powerful noble conquered all the Northern Territory by himself, the royal family would definitely give him a title such as the Grand Duke of the Northern Territory.

As for what the truth is, no one cares.

Sometimes you just need a fig leaf.

"I understand."

Croya understood that with Estner's clear instructions, he could sometimes let go and do it, at least he didn't have to worry about any problems.

Let's settle the matter while they are all outside. When they come back, will they still dare to go into the sea to cause trouble for themselves?

"By the way, your milk tea shop..." Estner showed a slightly subtle expression: "Now the sales in the royal capital are almost crazy, and the materials are completely insufficient."

"As expected, I will deliver supplies to them through the channels of the Holy Spring Chamber of Commerce soon."

The people he sent this time were all very smart. It would be very disappointing if they couldn't run the store well without his own instructions.

Afterwards, the two talked about things for a while.

Croya planned to buy grain seedlings and seeds from Estna-Poseidon wheat, common wheat, rice, corn, cabbage, onions and carrots.

The seeds of these crops are quite difficult to obtain, but other types of livestock such as pigs, cows, sheep, and chickens are relatively easy to find.


Of course Estner agreed one by one. It would be easy for him to get these seeds now, not to mention that Croya also promised to sell them to him first after planting them.

With Croya's level of farming, he could already predict how much food and meat he could get.

At the end of the chat, Croya also proposed to buy subsequent magic books.

If possible, he would like to buy fifth-level and sixth-level magic books, as well as matching encyclopedias of various alchemy and magic formations.

His request made Estner deep in thought.

The latter shook his head helplessly: "The fifth-level magic is okay, but the sixth-level magic is impossible, and neither are alchemy or magic formations.

Magic above level 6 is considered advanced magic and requires the seal of the president and the permission of a great magician.

If you want level 5 magic, I can sell you some, but each incantation of level 5 magic and the matching spell models and gestures require a thousand magic crystals. "

This price sounds very high at first glance.

Because the spell collection that Croya purchased from the Mage Lords Alliance was only a thousand magic crystals, and it was a whole book.

But now one piece actually costs a thousand magic crystals.

But actually speaking, the price is really not very high.

Because the more advanced the magic, the higher the price, which is generally recognized.

The fifth-level magic already involves some magic such as prophecy, space jump, advanced summoning and strategic magic chain lightning, city-building and other magics.

These are not just simple magic, but also corresponding knowledge, so the price is of course very high.


‘The Mage Association doesn’t look very reliable. You can’t buy level 5 and level 6 magic at will.

It seems that this place is still too small. ’

Croya thought about it and immediately asked: "How many level five magics are there in total?"

Estner: "..."

"I can decide to sell you ten of them."

"They are space jump, spiritual dream, dream manipulation, spiritual walking, four-element advanced summoning, chain lightning, earth pulse, advanced version of meal making, city building, and prophecy."

He skillfully announced a long list of magic names. It was obvious that he had memorized them thoroughly and was quite proficient in the business.

"Then I bought them all."

For today's Croya, ten thousand magic crystals can be easily obtained, including mineral deposits, sea areas, and bits and pieces of income...

The territory no longer needs him for blood transfusions and can feed him back.

"Okay, just give me the magic crystal after I take out the spell."

Since Croya has money, Esterna is willing to open a convenient back door for Croya - even if those mages come back in the future, they won't be able to say anything to him.

He was just exercising his powers as acting president.

that's all,

After the meeting with Estner, Croya chatted with Lord Yanshan and Lord Yangwan successively and got some news from them.

After summarizing the news, Croya discovered:

The Lord of Gray Sand did give them some benefits and even invited them to station people in Gray Sand City.

It wasn't just the two of them, almost all the other mage lords were also persuaded to join the city that Hui Sha planned to build.

There were more than twenty lords, and he actually convinced them all. This shows that this guy is really confident in himself.

The confirmation of these news also made Croya determined.

It seems that he can also participate in these things, since there are so many people together.

Then the next thing will be very simple.

The first is to pay attention to the Warcraft and War Pet Shop at the Yavanna Sacred Mine, and the second is to help the northern territory recover and grow food at the same time.

The next step is to reach a deal with the Gray Sand Lord and the Wangdu Mage Association to supply food.

As for the situation on the Pit Lord's side, he has not replied to himself yet, and he doesn't know if he is still near the Yavanna Sacred Mine.

So it can only be put on hold for now.

He deeply realizes that food is very important. People must eat it and it is absolutely impossible not to eat it.

With enough food in hand, whatever he wants to do will be easier.

But more importantly -

Mana supply and magic weapon manufacturing, if he could truly get involved in these two fields, he would really be able to become the big boss behind the scenes.

But that’s the real story.

Even for him, it is very difficult to get involved in these two fields casually.

After solving the external problems, he will start to worry about his main task, which is to open a store.

"The choice of Warcraft and Demonic Plant pets..."

Croya carefully looked at his current list of magical beasts and magical plants, and there were hundreds of them.

But after excluding some high-level magic beasts and magic plants, we must also consider their obedience and friendliness to humans and their rigid requirements for having a certain IQ...

In this case, there aren't really many options to choose from.

Moreover, he did not plan to give many magical beasts and magical plants as choices at the beginning, and would always gradually increase the types.

The first one is also to lay the foundation and your own status, so you need to choose carefully.

So after careful consideration, he chose a total of six types - three each of magic beasts and magic plants.

The monsters are: earth rat, flame-tailed dog and blue dove.

The magic plants are: Soothing lily of the valley, shock pea and holy white lavender.

Some of these magic plants and monsters are old friends, while others have been acquired for a short time, but they are very suitable for people to take and cultivate.

Take the Flame Tail Dog for example.

This guy is a level two monster. He looks like a tall and powerful dog. His tail is burning with flames and he can throw fireballs to attack enemies.

It's a very good battle pet.

This kind of magic beast was captured by Baron Kemoye. It is the family inheritance of a baron named Haiya. After their training and cultivation over the generations, it is extremely friendly to humans and has strong obedience.

If the population was not too small and breeding was difficult, they would have been requisitioned as war beasts by the kingdom.

Of course, this is not a troublesome thing for Croya.

He has carefully observed the astral bodies of these monsters and determined that the reason for their extremely low reproductive efficiency is the insufficient supply of nutrients for the offspring by the mother body.

Their astral bodies are extremely inefficient in supplying nutrients to their offspring, which seems to be a congenital genetic defect.

It is estimated that even a true master of Warcraft would not find it easy to solve this flaw, but for Croya, it was just a matter of building a magic channel.

After solving this defect, they can basically give birth to seven or eight children in one litter, and the number of the population is almost visible to the naked eye.

Therefore, letting them become Warcraft pets is the most appropriate choice.

I will also periodically add some passive abilities to them, such as a keen sense of smell and fast running.

Slowly improve, you must let your future guests have the pleasure of upgrading and developing.

The other kind of Warcraft, the Azure Pigeon, is actually a pure auxiliary Warcraft. They fly extremely fast and can also cast some small healing magic such as restoration and purification.

Croya also transformed them. There are a lot of healing and auxiliary sacred magics in "Light Miracle" and angels.

Priests and companions who can heal magic are hard to find, so what if you directly sell a monster that can release this kind of magic and is loyal to people?

As for house rats, they are very humane and will help people with trivial tasks such as housework.

Due to the world's problems, many knights' housekeeping skills are actually quite poor. They can't even organize their own clothes and cook a meal.

Every official knight must have at least three or four servant knights. The knights actually mean more servants, mainly to take care of their daily life.

After all, extraordinary people... always have some privileges.

Even the major kingdoms and the Holy See will take the initiative to require the knights to immerse themselves in learning, and send special personnel to handle all their daily life - of course these special personnel are trained by them.

It is said that many knights have developed super-friendly relationships with their knights and retinues.

Thinking about it, it seems like it is the case when you meet someone who helps you handle everything in your daily life, and who also needs your protection...

In short, his carefully cultivated and logistically proficient gophers will definitely get a lot of good reviews.

As for the magic plants, they are mediocre.

After all, most magic plants cannot be carried around, and it is really difficult to take advantage of them on the battlefield, so even Croya can only focus more on life.

It can be said that Impact Pea is an experimental product. If people's evaluation of Impact Pea is good, then they will consider continuing to invest and sell in large quantities.

If not, then we can only focus on the war.

The soothing lily of the valley nourishes the spirit and can help people fall asleep; the white lavender is the magic plant he created after imprinting the magic of "pure white healing".

"Let's start with these six, three magic plants and three magic beasts."

Kloya finally made a decision, and then while conducting the final test, he waited for Mil and Ott to set off with the Holy Knights.


A few days later, they boarded the flying magic ship sent by the Holy See and went directly to the vicinity of the Yavana Holy Mine.

During this period, Kloya had been watching through the mushroom people.

When they finally arrived at their destination, the environment in that area stunned Kloya.

He didn't expect it to be such an environment.

First of all, the geographical location of the Yavana Holy Mine is actually an underground city located underground in the Yavana Plain.

According to what Kloya had learned before, this underground city had long been built by mages from various countries and people from the Holy See to be close to the modern city in his memory.

It can be said that the entire city was built for the Yavana Holy Mine.

But what appeared in front of him now was a completely different scene-

Something that looked like fungi had covered the ground walls and the rock dome, wrapping them all in a layer of dark brown fluff and mucus.

It was like a fungal mat formed by fungi, and they were still wriggling, extending to the end of the sight.

There were many strange larvae wandering in the fungal mat, carrying everything that could be carried to the mine cave of the giant mine covered by the fungal mat in the distance.

They were so dense that people with trypophobia would die on the spot.

It can be said that this place has completely become a world of fungi and spores. Even Cloya, who saw this scene through the vision of the mushroom man, felt uncomfortable all over.

Thanks to the big guys for the monthly tickets and recommendation tickets, a little less today... Tomorrow I will officially enter the new plot, and I will consider the outline again.

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