Chapter 198 198. The First Business

In the sky, there was a fat-looking mouse with earthy yellow hair, flying a craft that should be an airship.

Its hair fluttered in the wind, and it looked very elegant. Even its chubby body didn't seem to be very bloated, and it had a kind of chic feeling.


"It's a thieving rat."

The two elves exchanged glances.

In the understanding of the elves, rats should live underground, but they actually saw a rat flying in the sky...

And it was flying in the sky with a flying magic device.

Even the two of them couldn't help but be surprised.

"What a magical little creature."

Elf Ellie asked anxiously: "Can I take it home?"

"By the way, can I buy its airship?"

Nina blinked.

She remembered what Kloya taught them: For some rich people, price is not an obstacle. The only obstacle is whether this kind of thing is rampant.

This is why rare and precious items are so expensive.

She was deeply touched by this. When she was in the circus, the nobles were all like this. They would even spend a lot of money for a deformed magic beast - of course, gold coins.

Magic crystals are not something that a country lord can throw away casually.

So she showed a little embarrassment: "My two guests, this earth-stealing rat is the only rat in our store that can drive a living weapon."

"The only one?"

"Living weapon?"

Aili and Mayne noticed different points respectively. The two looked at each other, and there was an eager look in their eyes.

But before they could say anything, Nina suddenly looked to the side and smiled slightly: "Welcome, Master Celeste."

The name Celeste is not unfamiliar to them.

Although the human race's great wizard still cannot affect their elves, level 6 is not low in this world where the upper limit is level 12.

What's more, this wizard is still famous. It is said that he has some connections with the Holy Spring Chamber of Commerce. When he is strong enough, he can leave the continent and travel in the star world at any time.

They turned their heads and looked in the direction where Nina was looking. As expected, they saw the archmage lady wearing a water blue robe and holding a staff in her hand.

The archmage still had magical fluctuations that had not dissipated, violent like a downpour, and it was obvious that she had just experienced a fierce battle.

"Hello, Ms. Celeste."


After the two elves greeted the archmage, the latter looked at Nina and asked with interest: "Do you recognize me?"

Nina nodded respectfully: "The lord specifically told us."

"Oh? He recognizes me?"

Celeste was even more surprised.

As a high-level wizard, her appearance and looks are actually not well-known on the continent, and there are no cameras or anything like that in this world.

Even high-level mages will deliberately hide their appearance, because there are too many evil mages and enemies - some who are good at making golems will even use the appearance and figure of the enemy to make golems, and then do some things that are not convenient to talk about every day.

This is especially common among female mages. Celeste has encountered such disgusting enemies before, so she cares about this aspect.

"The Lord asked us to remember your emblem." Nina explained.

Celeste suddenly realized and looked down at the "Moon Under the Light" emblem on her chest.

It should be that her apprentice was remembered by Croa when he went to the Reef Island.

To be honest, she felt quite happy.

Maybe she didn't care much about ordinary people, but Croa, whether it was his grandfather or himself, was enough for Celeste to look up to him.

So she felt that she should also help the younger generation solve some small troubles, and said to the elf next to her: "This is the shop of one of my juniors."

Just this one sentence was enough.

The two elves curled their lips helplessly. They didn't want to do anything. They knew that those who opened a shop in the frontline base of the Church had some skills.

In fact, part of the reputation of the human race was earned by the Church's terrifying expeditionary force.

Any normal person would not go against the Church like this. Those crazy people were really shouting to God when they couldn't beat them. The key is that they really shouted it down!

Seeing this, Nina hurriedly invited: "Please follow me, let's talk in a quiet place."

Then she took a few people to the quiet room with extremely elegant decoration, which made the two elves feel a little familiar. There was incense burning in it to calm the spirit, and the decoration of the surrounding walls was mainly connected by the patterns of flowers, vines and branches, forming a large and elegant and exquisite decoration.

These elegant decorations also hide the warm white light that can make people enter the state of meditation faster.

Elf Elly of the Orpheus family was even more certain that the owner of the shop here must be related to her family, and looking at the patterns... it seemed that they were designed by the long-lost Great Wisdom Palace Councillor Beoril.

In the family's inheritance, Elly had seen the plant magic circle designed by the Great Wisdom Palace Councillor and the plane environment transformation project he presided over.

Even now, the books he left behind have been studied and practiced over and over again by the family, and have really created many miracles.

It is said that... his inheritance comes from the Elf Elemental King, who is the God-favored One who presided over the construction of the Fountain of Life Natural Array.

She observed this place silently, and decided to ask Nina quietly when no one was around. If it is really a member and inheritance of the Orpheus family, it would be great!

Of course, now we still have to relax.

The elf lady is holding a milk tea cup made of pure white sea spirit coconut shells, puffing her cheeks with a happy expression and sipping milk tea, chewing the "pearls" made of thick potato and coconut fruit made of real coconut meat from time to time.

It is obvious that she is enjoying it, just like a big hamster.

On the side, Celeste also drank a sip of this milk tea and said in surprise: "The ratio of this taste and the magic inside is much better than the capital."

She had drunk the milk tea sent by her own apprentice through the Holy Spring Chamber of Commerce. Even though she was underground surrounded by cultists and the surrounding space was blocked, she still drank the fragrant and delicious milk tea.

As a fourth-level member of the Holy Spring Chamber of Commerce, she certainly had such treatment. If she was really in danger, she could even use the passage of the Chamber of Commerce to escape directly.

But the milk tea at that time was really not as good as here.

‘I will stay here for at least a few years. It would be a good idea to buy some lily of the valley here. The environment here is also good…’

She had very high requirements for food. She rolled her eyes and said without waiting for Nina to answer, “How do you rent the lily of the valley here? I will rent one.

And the mouse I saw just now…”

Before she finished speaking, the elf Ellie couldn’t help interrupting, “Lady Celeste, you can’t be with us young people… uh.”

She couldn’t continue speaking halfway and fell silent.

Because according to the rules of the Orpheus family and the concentration of blood, she was already three hundred years old when she was allowed to leave the ancestral land and enter the main plane for training.

Although she was only a teenager in the elves’ concept of time, in the eyes of humans, she was old enough to be Celeste’s great-grandmother.

See, Celeste looked at her with a smile.

The latter’s face immediately turned red.

Fortunately, there was a companion next to him. Maine said, "Lady Celeste, please give this one to us. The price we offer is absolutely right."

"Okay then."

After hearing Celeste say this, Nina, who had been observing the situation, said quickly, "Its price is 3,000 first-level magic crystals, with its favorite soil and the living weapon as a gift.

It can drive the living spaceship, help with housework, and know how to cook more than a hundred kinds of food, including elf dishes...

But it must come back to our store for inspection and maintenance every once in a while, and we have to sign a regular contract. The contract provided by the Order Temple, if it dies, it must pay a hundred times the amount. "

After a pause, she continued: "The monthly rental fee for the Anshen Lily is 300 magic crystals. We will provide you with a quiet room like this and milk tea and some small cakes made by ourselves for free every day.

The quiet room will also provide a variety of decorations for you to choose from, absolutely built according to your requirements.

The Anshen Lily cannot be taken away, but you can buy more decorations for it from us. If you are willing to show it, it will be engraved with your emblem and fly in the sky. "

This is really unheard of.

You must know that once a battle pet is sold, it belongs to the private property of the buyer. Whether it is killed or thrown away, it is their freedom.

As a result, you actually ask to protect its life safety?

To be honest, it is very unreasonable and strange, but sometimes unreasonable things can make people think and imagine more-why do they dare to do this?

Do they really have the confidence in the magic beasts they sell?

If it were someone else here, they might raise objections, but it happened that there were two elves here.

The elves originally regarded the monsters as partners and comrades, and some even regarded them as relatives and lovers.

So they did not raise any objections, but just said that they wanted to see the performance of the earth-stealing rat and what the living weapon looked like.

As for the Anshen Lily, it could only be pitifully overshadowed by the earth-stealing rat.

Of course, Nina immediately called the earth-stealing rat and the living weapon.

When the earth-stealing rat came over, it was already wearing a strange but very regular suit - this was a suit specially made for it by Cloya.

It bowed to the two elves and the great wizard and began its performance.

It manipulated the soft and clean magic mud, like a human hand, and began to cook and prepare dishes quickly.

Whether it was the fire for cooking or the airflow that guided all the smoke away, it was created by the small magic guide on its body.

Its movements were extremely crisp and skillful, and the speed of cooking was also very fast, just like a master who had been immersed in this for many years.

It only took half an hour to serve three dishes and a soup to the astonished eyes of the three guests.

However, I don’t know if it was intentional or not, but there were obvious red peppers in these dishes, which looked really appetizing, but also had a strong taste.

After a brief hesitation, the three guests still tasted the dishes made by the earth-thief rat - cooking is quite rare in the bottom of this world.

Although the high-level officials also had some, because there was not enough base for research and development, the dishes they made were barely edible, and generally there were more stews and boiled dishes.

This was because there were not enough containers that could be heated quickly, and iron ore was still too rare for civilians.

After discovering this, Kloya directly added various tableware to the daily necessities and let the residents of Hanjiao Island study it themselves.

Such a variety of stir-fried dishes is quite rare.

They tasted fish-flavored pork shreds, cumin lamb, spicy fried chicken skin, and the only pine nut corn sweet soup one after another, and suddenly felt that the dishes they had eaten before were wasted.

Especially the two elves.

They used to eat some light and small foods. When had they eaten such heavy oil and spicy food?

Considering that one was a bard and magician, and the other was an elf magic warrior, there was no need to worry about the poor stomach and mouth problems, but to enjoy these delicacies happily.

It can be said that these flavors hit their hearts at once.

Celeste also narrowed her eyes slightly.

She really can't cook, and even her daily meals are all from a big pot. She can't bring more than a dozen cooks, so she has been having a very bad time eating recently.

After swallowing a piece of mutton in her mouth, she took a handkerchief and wiped her mouth elegantly, saying: "I bought this rat, and the contract can be signed now."

After that, she took out a crystal card engraved with the emblem of the Holy Spring Chamber of Commerce. Whoever gets this thing can withdraw 3,000 magic crystals from the Holy Spring Chamber of Commerce.

The two elves were still eating very elegantly and slowly, and they were dumbfounded when they heard this.

"Hey, Ms. Celeste, we came first!"

Ellie said angrily: "Can't you be humble to the younger generation? I'm only level three!"

Celeste glanced at her, as if she felt that it was a bit too much for her to snatch it like this.

Fortunately, Nina spoke in time: "We still have other earth-stealing rats here, but it is the only one that can operate living weapons."

At this time, they finally remembered the aircraft placed aside and looked over there. As a result, the aircraft had turned into a silver puppy that was snoring.

Living weapon, does it mean that this is a magic beast?

But the mental power of the three people is not bad. They did not feel any breath of life on the puppy at all. Instead, there was a magic vein circulating like a golem.

In other words, this is a golem, a golem that can transform!

If it was a convenience in life just now, then now it is the curiosity of the magician and researcher.

The three stood up together and touched the silver puppy, as if they were sensing its magic structure, of course, it was only the external magic structure.

However, Cloya designed it himself, and used the magic pattern of the Holy Spring Chamber of Commerce and his eternal magic as the lock of the magic circuit. Even the legendary magician may not be able to crack it.

Not to mention them.

Even the external magic structure could not be checked, and there was no gain.

The puppy seemed to be a little irritated by the touch, and turned into a silver sword, and let out a low roar, as if threatening the three not to come forward.

Seeing this, the earthworm quickly jumped to the side of his companion, stroked it with his little hand, and made a "chi chi" sound for a while, and then he calmed it down.

"What a magical thing!"

"It actually has emotions?"

"How strong is this weapon?"

The three people made different exclamations.

Nina continued to maintain a business smile and demonstrated its ability to the three people in detail - common steel and wood were easily cut, even with the addition of magic protection.

In terms of sharpness alone, it has even exceeded the standard weapons issued by the Church. The most important thing is that it has intelligence, can be used as a pet, and can even fly!

They finally know why this thing is so expensive.

Among them, Celeste felt particularly disappointed. If she had known earlier, she would have taken it directly regardless of her status. She is really interested in this magical creation!

In the end, it was Ellie and Maine who took down the earth-stealing rat and the silver puppy together, and then bought a series of small things such as rat nests made of seabed mud and identity badges under Nina's sales promotion.

Even the food was taken from here.

Although these small things were exquisitely made and the materials used were all top-grade, the cost was only a few dozen magic crystals at most, but they were sold for two hundred magic crystals.

What was even more outrageous was that Ellie and Maine kept asking if there were better materials. They even planned to customize them with natural jade collected from the Emerald Forest.

What made Nina feel even more outrageous was that Kroya had anticipated these things and told them early that they could accept custom materials.

When the two elves left with satisfaction, they had spent a full five thousand magic crystals here.

Three thousand of them were used to buy earth-stealing rats and living weapons, and the other two thousand were scattered pet supplies and natural jade processing fees.

You know, the total value of the raw materials of these things will never exceed one thousand magic crystals, and it has increased fivefold.

Not to mention Nina, even Kloya who has been observing this place was a little shocked. This thing is really profitable.

But whether the elves are just rich enough to spend like this or whether they can always maintain this level depends on the subsequent development.

Nina watched the two elves leave and was about to go back to the house when she suddenly saw a large group of people walking towards here.

And judging from their attire, they were dressed in silver armor and very neatly dressed as paladins. A rough count showed that there were more than 20 people!

Thank you all for your monthly tickets and recommendation tickets. I am busy these two days and I am sorry that the update time is unstable...

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