I'm a mage, what's wrong with loving farming?

Chapter 202 202 Unmarkable Magical Beast, Holy Mine Riot

Chapter 202 202. Unimprintable Magical Beasts, Holy Mine Riot

The subsequent attempts made Kloya look worse and worse.

He didn't expect that the creations of the mother nest would be like this.

They were indeed as Kloya thought, and they could show their desire for knowledge and magic according to his ideas.

But... they couldn't be imprinted.

"This, your body structure." Kloya frowned.

He didn't know what to say.

Generally speaking, even a first-level Magical Beast has magic veins and cores in its body that can allow magic to flow, ensuring that the magic can be cast into magic.

But these Mother Nest creations have no magic veins in their bodies that can allow magic to flow. Although they are "Magic Beasts", they are Magical Beasts without magic.

Their terrifying speed and bite force are all from abnormal muscle strength. In this case, the pressure on organs such as the heart will be very huge.

So their lifespan is very short.

While Cloya was conducting research, the vitality in their bodies quickly dissipated like a burning flame. After just a few minutes, they fell down and turned into a pile of unrecognizable gray-brown liquid.


"Wait, so fast?"

Cloya looked at the pool of water and was stunned.

This is really unprecedented. They have no magic power but are classified as monsters, and even the Astral Body Imprinting can work...

To be honest, he was a little entangled.

Could it be that the Astral Body Imprinting can be driven by more than just magic power?

It stands to reason that since it can see and feel the consciousness that these springtails desire, it should be able to imprint.

The reason why Cloya is restricted from imprinting now is that these springtails have no magic power in their bodies. If other powers are used, can they be imprinted?

He was thoughtful, but he couldn't use the rest of his power to try for a while, because he has been learning all kinds of magic power so far.

The colorful magic of "The Poem of Rainbow", the sacred magic from mushrooms, the demonic magic of Mammon's Flower...

In the final analysis, these are all magic.

"Do I have to work part-time as a knight, warrior, druid, or something like that?"

He was a little disappointed, looked at the mother nest, and said:

"Explain what's going on."

The latter hurriedly explained: "They are just creatures used for war. My current ability cannot make them exist for a long time."

"If I want to extend their life, I need to continue to advance. I am now the same as a first-level human wizard."

"If there are higher-level mother nest creatures or the mother nest itself for me to devour, I will soon be able to advance to a higher level!"

"The more creatures there are, the more I can analyze their structure and construction, and then I can create more creatures for you."

After listening to the explanation of the mother nest, Kroya's brows never relaxed.

He said why he could create "life" so easily. It turned out that it only existed for a limited time and could not exist for a long time. This is no wonder.

If that's the case, the value of the nest to him is really greatly reduced.

It can't engrave magic, and it can't exist for a long time. Does he want to use the nest as a war weapon?

Obviously it's unrealistic.

He's very safe here, and he doesn't need to go to war.

Besides, if this thing is revealed, the group of people who were beaten up by the nest creatures in the Yavana Holy Mine might accuse him of colluding with aliens...

That would be quite troublesome.


He looked up and down at the nest, and set his eyes on the worker bees hatched from the nest.

Those little guys are still diligently moving the surrounding grass and trees, and moving all the edible things into the nest.

Kloya's heart moved, and he pointed at them and asked:

"How do you convert these things into the nutrients you need, and can they exist for a long time?"

"Yes, they can exist for a long time." The mother nest replied: "I don't know why, but I can convert these things into the nutrients I need..."

"Let me see what the nutrients you eat are like."

"It's like this..."

The mother nest sprayed some sticky green liquid from its body and then fell to the ground.

They are as sticky as some green slime, or like the paste formed after breaking and stirring things. In short, they look very strange.

But there is no strange smell, and there is even some sweet fragrance.

Kloya went up to take some, and then gave it to the shark tower spirit for testing and feeding experiments-he wanted to see if this thing could be used as feed.

Since the mother nest can grow with this substance, it should mean that they are rich in nutrition. If they are fed to the monsters, maybe they can make them grow faster?

The result still made him very satisfied.

After feeding the fishtail sea duck, rock sheep, flametail dog and many other monsters, they all liked to eat this food.

Even carnivorous monsters such as megalodon and hammerhead shark can eat it, and they eat a lot.

According to their emotional feedback, this green paste is very good for their growth.

"Then can humans eat it..."

Since monsters can eat it, it stands to reason that humans should be able to eat it too.

However, he still planned to wait and see if the monsters would have any abnormal reactions before letting people eat some.

As for the worker bees, since they have such sharp mouthparts that can cut objects, they are simply perfect workers.

It just so happens that he needs these guys who can process basic materials, so he can just order them to replace the work of ordinary workers.

Anyway, it is absolutely impossible to eat for free. If you want to get certain items in Croa's territory, you need to work hard and labor.

Only in this way can there be healthy development.

He immediately ordered the workers to take care of these worker bees.

After solving these problems, he asked how to quickly discover the hidden mother nest creations.

The mother nest told Croa that all mother nest creations have a special smell. Through this smell and the mental fluctuations emitted by the mother nest creations, it is easy to discover the hidden mother nest creations.

Of course, Croa asked for some of the source of this smell without hesitation, and then used canned knowledge to deeply imprint this smell into the memory and instinct of the Flametail Dog.

In this way, the flametail dogs, who can feel emotions and smell, instantly transformed into the nemesis of the mother nest creations.

He temporarily left this small plane and planned to continue communicating with the Knight Commander and Archmage Celeste.


In the Warcraft Magic Plant War Pet Shop.

Knight Commander Bev Celeste was holding a cup of milk tea, sipping the milk tea in it with satisfaction, chewing pearls and coconut from time to time.

"This milk tea tastes really good."

She obviously really likes this kind of milk tea. The table next to her is already full of milk tea cups. Even Archmage Celeste looks at her as if she is looking at a walking dragon.

After the phantom of Cloya appeared, he glanced at the table next to him, his mouth twitched, and he said, "Do you like this kind of sweet drink so much?"

"Of course." Bevoselis nodded decisively: "Although the supplies sent by the Knights include perch from Lake Bell and goat milk from the Silkok Plain, there is really not much to eat."


Cloya, who has a certain understanding of geography, was speechless.

Lake Bell and Silkok Plain are both important production and magic beast breeding areas belonging to the Holy See Codex State. After the blessing of successive popes, almost the entire land is soaked in holy light.

Any rabbit that comes out must be a light rabbit.

The starting point is a magic beast above level 4.

It can be said that being able to eat the food produced there is the ultimate dream of many countries' princes and nobles, but this guy actually said it was not as good as milk tea.

For a moment, Cloya didn't know whether this was in Versailles or his milk tea was really good.

He could only smile and change the subject: "I have a way to let the Flametails find the hidden bugs."

Beforesiris paused for a moment while sipping her milk tea, then raised her lips slightly and said: "Thank you for your help."

"Then I will place an order with you now."

She took out a contract engraved with the Holy Flower of the Church, "The Glory of Liberl". The holy white and extremely regular flower vines emitted a warm light on the white paper.

But it must be pointed out that: except for these flower vines emitting white light, there is no fluctuation of magic on this paper. It is just an ordinary piece of paper without the binding effect of the contract.

"Under the witness of the Glory of Liberl, it is like signing a contract under the light of our Lord. Even if the Holy Mountain collapses, the contract will not be invalid."

The Knight Commander pushed the paper in front of Cloya.

After a brief and careful look, the latter determined that there were no extra regulations in the contract, and it was just a very ordinary transaction content.

Croa needs to provide a sufficient number of Flametail dogs for the frontline base of the Holy See's Yavana Holy Mine, and the frontline base will give Croa a Holy Songwood Medal and guarantee the safety of his shop and the monsters.

Of course, there are some details in it, such as: Croa must provide special training for Flametail dogs at an appropriate time so that Flametail dogs can better take on the vigilance work of the frontline base.

These are all tacitly agreed by Croa.

So he agreed very readily, and sent the contract back after signing it through the channel of the Holy Spring Chamber of Commerce. Bevoselis carefully read the signature on the contract and nodded with satisfaction.

After putting away the contract, she made a request: "There are about 1,000 first-level knights now, so at least 500 flame-tail dogs are needed in the early stage.

I will instruct the priests to build a kennel for the flame-tail dogs to rest."

"Okay." Kloya agreed: "I will provide them with some of the things they need."

"Then we have a happy cooperation. May your path be forever smooth under the light of God."

The Knight Commander took out a badge engraved with verdant trees. It looked ordinary. Except that the material seemed to be a very special jade, there was basically no special magic fluctuation.

"This is the Holy Songwood badge I promised, Sir Kloya."

The Knight Commander smiled slightly and directly changed his words to call Kloya "Sir".

Celestie said dissatisfiedly: "Hey, hey, I'm still here."

"Can your king give Kloya such a medal?" Bevoseri sarcastically said: "If your army didn't have the help of the knights, wouldn't it have been wiped out long ago?"


The Archmage was speechless after hearing her words, and could only snort in dissatisfaction: "You are learning to protect the spirit energy, isn't it supposed to be this kind of thing?

Have you forgotten the oracle of the Mother Goddess of the Earth?"

Now she became the Knight Commander with nothing to say, and her face instantly turned very bad.

"The Guardian Spirit Energy chose me on its own initiative, and even the oracle of the Mother Goddess can't make me give up my perseverance. Haha, what can I say to a mage like you." She sneered.

"You simple-minded knight!" Celeste took out her staff directly.

Seeing that the two were about to fight directly in their own shop, Kloa hurriedly stopped them and changed the subject:

"Speaking of which, I still have a few Sons of Harvest helping me here, Knight Commander, can you find some more for me?"

The two obviously didn't intend to really fight, and after Kloa gave them a way out, Bev Celis moved her eyes away from Celeste and looked at Kloa.

She explained: "Your territory is by the sea. I remember that there are several sons of harvest in the capital of Norant. I can write a letter of recommendation for you."

"Their leader is a druid who has obtained the harvest aura of the Earth Mother Goddess. With his help, you should be able to get what you want soon."

"Thank you for your help." Kloya thanked him.

Then he asked the word that he was concerned about just now: "Aura? Is this a synonym for divine power?"

When he heard the word "aura", he thought that the knight in front of him was pretending to be a cultivator, after all, he had never seen these two words.

"No." The knight spread out his palm, and a golden halo appeared in his palm, intertwining and entwining to form a small shield with feather wings.

Its formation did not come from the power provided by the knight, but a kind of "magic power" that naturally flows and overflows in the surrounding air.

"The so-called aura is actually the magic of the spirit of nature. This is the power I can control after being blessed by the Mother Goddess.

As long as I am still in the natural environment, my power will be endless, but I also have to work hard to maintain the operation and coordination of nature."

She did not hide it from Kloya. After all, this matter is a secret known to everyone, and it is also the reason why she took the initiative to come here to solve the Yavanna Holy Mine.

This mine is like a huge wound with pus, blood and rotten smell on the main plane. If it is not solved, her favor will probably disappear.

After listening to her explanation, Kloya was thoughtful.

The power of the spirit of nature, so it is called aura.

It's a pity that his original body is not here and he can't carefully sense what the power of this aura is.

But since there is still a druid who harvests aura, he just waits to see what effect the other party's aura has.


The three chatted casually.

It was mainly Kloya who listened to them because they knew much more about the situation of the Yavanna Holy Mine than Kloya.

Kloya urgently needs to know more about what happened here, so that he can make more and better arrangements.

For example... the matter of the Pit Lord.

When it comes to this person, Celeste's expression is a bit strange. She doesn't seem to hate the Pit Lord very much.

"He should still be here. The cultists living in the Yavanna Holy Mine know about the outside world through him.

I don't know what he wants to do, but he..."

The Archmage was interrupted by the Knight Commander before he finished speaking. The latter said with disgust: "Do you still want to defend the evil people who are with the devil?

If he hadn't guided the cultists to unlock the seal of the Mother Goddess, how could Zugmoi invade the main plane so quickly?

When I catch him, I will make him shattered under the anger of the earth!"

Bev Selis clenched her fists, very angry.

"You." The Archmage sighed and said nothing more.

She knew that if she continued to talk, she would definitely fight. Faith can change people's character.

The scene fell into embarrassment for a while.

Fortunately, not long after, a red light flashed on the griffin token on the Knight Commander's body, flashing as if warning and reminding something.

"Something came out of the Yavana Holy Mine!"

She didn't care to continue chatting, and turned around and rushed out, and the Archmage followed after a brief hesitation.

Only Kloya was left here, and he also dispersed his projection neatly and began to pay attention to the things outside with the help of the images sent back by the mushroom man camera.

Outside the front-line base, some creatures with bat wings like two-legged dragons flew out of the holy mine wrapped in spores and mycelium.

Following them were some bulging creatures like jellyfish or balloons floating in the sky, each of which was estimated to be the size of a house.

They covered the entire sky and attacked this side.

Along the way, the vigilant scouts or sentries were hit by the fist-sized acid spewed by the dragon, and instantly turned into a pile of indistinguishable black bones.

The "houses" behind them were filled with liquid mucus that kept flowing out of their bodies. After landing, they turned into fungal mats, which spread all the way from the Yavana Holy Mine to the outside of the front-line base.

In the fungal mats, countless eggs covered with mucus and still trembling grew like mushrooms.

The shells of these eggs are all inlaid with shiny magic crystals, which are particularly dazzling and obvious in the gray-brown color.

The creatures in the eggs are obviously absorbing the power of the magic crystals to grow. When they appear, it is estimated that it is time to attack the front-line base.

——This is a situation that anyone can see, and of course the top leaders of the base can also see it.

But the strange thing is that neither the archmage nor the knight commander moved, they seemed to be waiting for something.

After a short silence.

Suddenly, a piano sound rang out in the city.

Clear and bright, like a mountain stream, gurgling.

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