I'm a mage, what's wrong with loving farming?

Chapter 203 Beaver and Pink Porpoise

Chapter 203 203. Beaver and Pink Porpoise

The sound of the zither gives people the feeling of a spring or stream flowing in a mountain stream, and its magic manifestation is the same-

The water-blue light gradually forms visible streams along with the sound of the zither, flowing out from all directions of the front-line base.

The clear water reacts with the gray-brown fungal mat and the eggs in the fungal mat, and white smoke rises like pouring a basin of water into lime.

It seems that the fungal mat is more dominant, but in fact, the stream is continuous, and it directly suppresses the fungal mat in a short time.

The natural fresh and moist water vapor suppresses all unnatural and dirty breaths, and strangles all their roots.

Ellie, the elf of the Orpheus family, holds her harp, sits diagonally on a unicorn, and slowly walks out of the front-line base.

The mane of the unicorn was as smooth as the flowing moonlight, and the horn on its head flickered, as if to spread the sound of the piano more widely.

Every step it took, delicate flowers and plants would grow under its hooves, and as it moved forward, it soon grew into a road formed by flowers and plants.

During this period, Ellie kept playing the harp in her hand, constantly spreading the sound of the piano like a stream, forming a precise and huge magic circle.

But if you look closely, you will find that it is not actually her who plays it, but a figure behind her that looks like the morning mist of the morning sun.

Behind the unicorn, there is a young man riding a winged Pegasus and wearing a red robe on it.

Behind him, the light kept flickering, and one after another of the paladins who also rode pure white Pegasus and wore silver armor walked out.

These silent but tough and tall knights like the silver mountains followed Ellie who rode the unicorn and slowly left the front-line base.

They followed the stream and the music all the way forward, and all the filthy fungus blankets and those aggressive flying dragons were burned into ashes in the holy light emitted from them.

Like a silver-white river in the sky, it went straight to the Yavana Holy Mine, nothing could stop it, and finally disappeared completely in the gray-brown holy mine covered with various mycelium and fungus blankets.

It was not until this time that Bevoselis finally spoke, but the expression on her face was more helpless: "Alas, the bishop is really... sending out the Silver Wing Knights right away.

Then the defense of the entire front-line base will be handed over to me?"

After a deep sigh, she took out a white crystal from her clothes on her chest, which looked like a solidified teardrop.

The Knight Commander held the teardrop in his palm, knelt on one knee, and looked pious. It seemed that he was praying to the existence sitting in the sky above the clouds.

It was just that it was not some gods who responded to her.

But...the purified earth.

——Green balls of light rose from the ground, with the tender green of new buds, the emerald green of leaves, and the dark green of ancient trees.

They gathered towards the entire forward base, and within a few minutes, they formed a fence made of stones, branches and vines, blocking the insects that kept coming.

No matter how the insects bit, they remained unmoved.

It was like the earth and mountains that were always silent but standing, embracing the entire city, ensuring that there would be no danger.

It was not until this time that the Knight Commander breathed a sigh of relief and got up from the ground with some difficulty - it was Celeste who pulled her aside that she could barely stand.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome, but you're using the Tears of Semrio right now, isn't it a bit too..." Celeste stared at the pendant in her hand.

The Archmage's eyes were full of interest, as if he wanted to take it apart and study it.

Bevoselis stuffed the pendant back and explained:

"He is just like that."

"It was just a tentative attack by some bugs, so he sent out the Silver Wing Knights."

"Everyone is gone now. If I don't use this, it will be troublesome if something attacks."

The Archmage responded with a helpless smile: "I don't think it's necessary, and he even asked the elves of the Orpheus family to help."

Obviously, the two of them care about different things. One cares more about the Silver Wing Knights, and the other cares about the elves of the Orpheus family.

But in the end, it's the same.

They both think this matter is a bit too much.

Whether intentionally or unintentionally, Celeste glanced at a certain place in the store behind her and took the initiative to ask: "Speaking of which, why are the members of the Orpheus family willing to interfere in the affairs here?"

"They don't even participate too much in the internal affairs of the elves."

"Huh?" The Knight Commander looked at the Archmage strangely, but still explained: "This is the Son of God who personally invited her. It is said that according to his prophecy, the Yavana Holy Mine must be solved with the participation of the Orpheus family this time.

Otherwise, the Yavana Holy Mine will not allow the elves to enter."

"I know this, after all, it is our human mine, how can we let the elves enter casually?"

"But where did you find her?" The Archmage asked again: "I remember they have disappeared for a long time."

"...Then I don't know."

The Knight Commander looked at the Archmage suspiciously: "Why do you suddenly care about these things? Could it be that you also want to have a relationship with the Ophis family?"

"I advise you to give up."

"As one of the three oldest elven families, they are extremely exclusive internally. It seems that only a few talents have barely entered their sight."


The Archmage just smiled without answering and walked forward.

The knight commander also quickly followed.

The two left one after the other.

Hanjiao Island.

After watching the whole thing in full, Croya withdrew his gaze.

"What a powerful music magic. This cardinal is too exaggerated. He actually rushed in like this. I don't know if the whole army will be annihilated."

To be honest, he didn't really care.

The senior leaders of the Holy See are not fools. Even if his knights suffer heavy casualties, he will definitely be able to escape.

"It's a pity that the myconid's vision cannot transmit magic power."

The only thing he felt a little disappointed about was this. If he could transfer magic power, he could try to imitate the tune played by the elf.

Maybe he can learn a kind of music magic, which will expand his knowledge base again.

With this in mind, he simply took out the Gopher harp, recalled the melody he just heard, and tried to imitate it.

"Ding dong dong dong..."

After playing for a short time, he was surprised to find that this melody was somewhat similar to the "Melody of the Softly Flowing Spring" that he got from the Orpheus Oak on the seabed at that time.

In addition, Celesti didn’t know whether it was intentional or not. The question she asked just now revealed that the elf named Ellie was the member of the Orpheus family that she had been searching for for a long time.

"I didn't expect it to appear directly. This song..."

Now Croya is almost certain that this song was probably composed by his grandfather.

He was very familiar with the melody there, but he couldn't play it because he didn't know the magic composition and techniques.

This kind of musical magic cannot be reproduced just by listening to it. Otherwise, wouldn't it be easily learned by others?

"Forget it, we can only forget it for now."

"Waiting for Ellie to come back and see if I can get in touch with her, it can also be regarded as solving Orpheus Oak's request to me."

He reluctantly put down the Gopher harp and looked at the map beside him.


I saw that somewhere on the map was flashing, and the voice of the Shark Tower Spirit sounded -

"Master, some special monsters were discovered in the Seagull Territory. The apprentices who are reclaiming the land there would like to ask your opinion."

With that said, it showed what the apprentices had discovered.

Croya looked at it with interest.

What I saw was some extremely round, wet, big rat-like creatures with big teeth - beavers.

They gathered together pitifully, their bodies shaking and shaking, even their fat meat shaking, as if they were very scared.

He glanced at the map again.

It was a big river. Judging from the length on the map, it flowed through almost the entire northern border, and finally converged into the ocean.

Generally speaking, the land near the river is very suitable for farming, so this "Tele River" in the local population is one of the areas that Cloya plans to use for planting.

His plan was to open up a huge food growing area on both sides of the river centered on the river.

Of course, it is not easy to achieve this goal.

Whether it is the reclamation of land on both sides of the river or the elimination of monsters in the river, it is very difficult. As far as the current progress is concerned: it has only been dealt with a little bit.

Unexpectedly, we encountered difficulties.

Croya thought for a moment and asked deliberately:

"What kind of monster is this?"

"This is the gray-toothed beaver, a second-level monster. They usually live in the river and build dams. They rarely conflict with people." Shark Taling replied.

"Not bad." Croya praised: "Have you finished reading the Encyclopedia of Warcraft?"


"I'll buy you some more books to read then."

"Thank you, Master."

Croya nodded with satisfaction, and first sent the medals and letters given to him by the Knight Commander to the Imperial Capital through the channels of the Holy Spring Chamber of Commerce.

Then he stood up and ordered: "Let them set up the magic circle, and I will go there myself."

"Don't harm these monsters. No beaver is allowed to die before I arrive!"

He happened to have an itchy hand, and it was a beaver!

Known as a natural dam builder.

If some magic can be imprinted on them, whether it is to divert water for irrigation or ensure the safety of rivers and fields, it probably won't be a problem.

Soon, he arrived at his destination through the space magic array.

This is the Seagull Territory, which is about ten kilometers away from Hanjiao Island. Of course, the lord here has been subdued by Croa's younger brother, Baron Kemoye.

So this place belongs to Croya.

After the blizzard caused by the mermaid tribe completely dissipated, the warm current monsoon from the ocean has enveloped the entire northern land.

Now, almost everywhere Kroya could see was sprouting and growing vegetation, and the entire land was filled with tender green vitality.

Farther away is a large, flowing river.

Its river channel is hundreds of meters wide, and its depth should be more than thirty meters according to measurements. To be honest, it is already a big river.

Croya did not move after coming out of the space magic circle. Instead, he stood quietly and looked into the distance, looking at this beautiful green scene.

To be honest, there is a fundamental difference between seeing it directly with your own eyes and the pictures transmitted back by the myconids, the fragrance of the vegetation, the bright sunshine, and the rushing sound of the flowing river.

It's all "real".

To Cloya, this real view was truly beautiful.

The aura of the mage seemed to be integrated into the scenery. Jamie, who was standing aside, used his own spiritual power to perceive, but he was completely unable to sense Croya's existence.

'Lord Croya is so powerful...'

Jamie's expression became more respectful and he waited patiently.

It took a while for Croya to come back to his senses.

There seemed to be a flash of light like a green sprout in his eyes.

He was right.

After helping the earth rejuvenate in the mermaid tribe's fetal sea last time, I got some clues about the green chapter, which seemed to be related to vitality.

But now he's not sure how to learn.

Seeing him come back to his senses, Jamie, who had been waiting for a long time, saluted respectfully: "Lord Croya."

"These people said they have something important to tell you."

Jamie was accompanied by several ordinary people who looked like they were dressed as farmers. They were all very dark and thin men, and they looked like they worked a lot.

Today, Croya no longer needs to rely on deliberately releasing momentum to maintain his majesty. He smiled and asked:

"You guys live here, right? If you want to tell me anything, tell me. If it's useful, I'll reward you."

Several farmers knelt down quickly, and one of them, a young man who looked to be in his twenties at most, said: "Mr. Master, there are elves in this river..."

The expression on his face was very uneasy when he said this, and several people around him looked at him in disbelief, as if they were surprised that he dared to say such a thing.

"Elf?" Croya had a playful expression on his face.

These two words have many meanings. They may refer to the elves or some naturally born spiritual creatures.

For example, his olive elves, sunflower elves and lotus elves.

"You seem to have some education." He didn't pay much attention to the so-called elf, but was very interested in this person.

"If it were just an ordinary farmer, he wouldn't talk like this."

Facing his inquiry, the kneeling young man replied calmly: "Sir, I once studied in a knight academy in the Northern Territory... I learned how to take care of the knights."

"That's it." Croya nodded.

The Northern Territory is actually the largest territory in the entire Northern Territory. It is one of the few places in the Northern Territory that is relatively developed, and it is also Kemoye's ultimate goal.

Only by truly occupying it can we say that we have controlled the northern border.

It is easier to communicate with educated people.

"Then what do you mean by elves?"

While asking, he came to the river and stared at the beavers shivering on the embankment he built with a very curious expression.

Beavers' dams are made of weeds and gnawed trees. It's really impressive that such a little chubby creature can actually build a dam that directly intercepts the river water.

Of course Jamie and the farmer followed.

The latter pointed to the river: "Sir, this river irrigates our fields. There are definitely elves in it!"

He said this and handed over something.

"Oh?" Croya took the parchment he handed over. This thing was obviously very old and even a little yellow.

There is a legend recorded on it.

A legend about the "pink fish shadow".

It is said that there is a pink fish spirit living in this body of water called Terai River.

At first, people were worried about whether they would hurt themselves, because pink is the color of blood after it has been dissolved, and rounding it off is considered "blood color".

But later people discovered that they would actively rescue victims who fell into the water, and would also catch fish to feed hungry people.

Many people have been helped by them.

So I affectionately call them pink elves.

Hmm... To be honest, this is a very common and unremarkable legend. I guess you can find dozens or twenty such stories just by flipping through books.

And when Croya looked at this description, he always felt weird in his heart... He has a spindle-like body shape, a smooth and hairless body, and he also actively rescues and helps humans.

Isn't this really about dolphins?

No, it should be a freshwater dolphin.

Thinking of this, he simply extended his mental power into the river and began to search for possible traces of freshwater dolphins in the river.

With Croya's current mental strength, it is enough to cover a radius of about forty kilometers. Within this range, as long as he is willing to expend mental power, he can see it.

Of course, this is the ultimate distance of his mental power.

If you stretch your mental power to the extreme without any protection, you are likely to encounter some dangers.

As his mental power continued to extend downwards.

The lush aquatic plants and various fish growing on the bottom of the river gradually appeared in his field of vision, and they shuttled freely in the river.

Both the number and the variety are quite large, and it can even be said that they are densely packed. Any net can probably yield a good harvest.

"There are really a lot of fish resources here."

He muttered and continued to search around, but he searched for about ten kilometers and did not find any "pink elves".

Then he expanded the range by ten kilometers, but still found nothing.

Finally, he searched for thirty kilometers and still found nothing, so he could only withdraw his mental power. If he continued to extend it, he would be injured.


He frowned slightly and glanced at the farmer next to him. The latter felt a chill on his body and hurriedly said: "My lord, I didn't lie to you!"

This is true. He was indeed very nervous, but he was not panicked after cheating, and he was a little disappointed and sad.

"Is it really there?"

Kroya thought about it and found that he had explored all the places except the beaver dam that was close at hand.

Could it be inside the beaver dam?

As soon as this thought came up, he felt that it was very likely, so he directly probed his mental power into it, passed through the dense and moist grass and trees, and came to the dry and warm nest.

As a result, he saw... bones.

That's right, bones.

- In the deepest part of the beaver's nest, there are some strange bones that are emitting light, and some pink flowers are growing around the bones.

At first glance, the pink flowers representing vitality and the white bones are really beautiful together, a combination of life and death.

It stands to reason that it is actually a very normal thing to find bones in the nest of monsters. After all, monsters have more or less the instinct to store food.

But aren't beavers vegetarians...

Kroya remembered that in the description, the gray-toothed beavers don't eat any meat at all, not even small fish and shrimps. What they like to eat most is fresh grass roots and tree hearts.

They are absolute vegetarians.

And the pile of bones is very neat, without any damage, and it seems to look like a finless porpoise when put together.

Another strange thing is that this small piece of land, which looks only three or four meters wide at most, is obviously well taken care of.

The soil inside is very soft, and it definitely doesn't look like a burial ground, but rather like a field.

"Wait, what is this?"

Kloya suddenly noticed that there seemed to be some abnormal magical fluctuations under the small flowers, and he probed into it with his mental power.

The things inside immediately shocked him.

There was actually a small dimensional space in it!!

Although it was only ten square meters in size at most, it was indeed real, filled with water and... sleeping pink porpoises.

They stayed quietly in it, as if they were going to sleep until the next century.

What surprised Kloya even more was that the source of power that maintained this space was actually one of the largest pink porpoises.

It was just a soul state, and its soul was already a little illusory, and it was obviously over-consumed.

When Kloya's mental power probed over, it even shrank back in fear - this is a typical phenomenon of becoming a dead spirit.

Kloya's spiritual power has some solar properties, and most of the undead are afraid of the sun.

Just when Kloya was about to explore further, the fat beavers who were originally cowering on the embankment suddenly rushed over like crazy.

"Jiji!" They bared their teeth and spit out the most basic water magic such as water arrows, like a death squad.

But how to say it...

When you are weak enough, everything you do is cute.

Now these beavers are very cute in Kloya's eyes, even though their emotional fluctuations have the courage to face death, they are still very cute.

'Is it because I sensed those pink porpoises? Is there any relationship between beavers and porpoises? '

'Forget it, control you first. '

Kloya originally planned to control them, but before he stretched out his hand, he suddenly looked to the side.

I saw that the dark and thin young man who was originally very respectful to the side suddenly had a dagger in his hand and stabbed him.

There was fear in his eyes, but more of it was determination. The dagger in his hand flashed with cold light, and it seemed to be made of good material.

Looking at the dagger gradually approaching him, Kloya was not afraid, but found it funny...

I am a level 4 mage who is almost level 5.

Do I really look so easy to bully?

Thank you for the monthly tickets and recommendation tickets, hehe, I am very grateful~

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