I'm a mage, what's wrong with loving farming?

Chapter 211 211 The shop of Shengquan Chamber of Commerce, the consciousness of Maiguling

Chapter 211 211. The store of the Holy Spring Chamber of Commerce, the consciousness of the Wheat Valley Leader

Inside the emerald green crystal ball, there is extremely huge magic power turbulent. At this moment, the natural consciousness is crushed by the endless magic power from the ocean.

In just a blink of an eye, only the blue magic power of the ocean was surging inside the emerald green crystal ball, even as if it was about to break through the shackles of the crystal ball.

"There's a riot."

Croya sighed deeply, stretched out his hand, surrounded the three-color halo of light on his fingertips, and pressed down directly.

The three-color light surrounded the crystal ball, forcibly suppressing the magic power inside and stagnating it for a moment.

At this moment, Croya immediately recalled the magic power he injected into it, and then reconciled the chaotic magic power inside, which finally calmed down the crystal ball.

It regained its emerald green color.

Only a vague message appeared on the surface of the crystal ball——

"The ocean...is rejecting nature."

After he read this sentence, he thought deeply, and he had already had some speculation about this matter.

But after this attempt, he was very sure: the magic of the ocean was squeezing the consciousness of nature.

But the strange thing is, doesn’t nature include the ocean?

Or is it that the sea area where he is now is deviating from the natural scope?

"It seems that the mermaid clan's plan is not over yet."

Croya took a look at the scenery outside. The blue sea was endless as far as the eye could see, and the mermaid prince Treden was playing happily with the creatures in the sea.

Hanjiao Island will always be calm and calm, like a pure land that will not be disturbed.

"never mind."

He shook his head. Fortunately, he didn't need to pay too much attention to these things.

The mermaid clan has now placed a large order for Shui Yao Essence, and there is also a prince of the mermaid clan staying with him. Obviously, there is no need to worry about the mermaid clan suddenly attacking him.

"So the changes in the northern coastal areas are caused by the ocean squeezing the natural consciousness. The natural consciousness of the ocean is moving towards the earth, which leads to the huge changes in the northern border?"

With the gradual increase in his knowledge and knowledge, Croya is now able to speculate on the general possibility through some details.

Anyway, it is quite possible.

"It's a pity. I originally wanted to try the effect."

He rubbed the smooth crystal ball, feeling slightly disappointed.

The current situation is that the natural prophecy crystal ball cannot be used inside the sea area, so the only option left is to use it directly in the Wheat Valley Territory.

But before that, he had to wait for the transformation of the clock golem to be successful. After the matter here was completely over, he could start the plan on the other side.

Out of boredom while waiting, he looked at the items he could buy after becoming a third-level member, and was surprised to find... that he could actually buy some special things.

For example, there is a special item called "Holy Spring Business License" worth 30,000 magic crystals. After purchasing it, you can hang up your own product display window on the platform of the Holy Spring Chamber of Commerce.

All members of the platform can only enter the third level or above. On this platform, you can browse the products sold by the masters and members of the Shengquan Chamber of Commerce.

Croya had already seen the product display window of the potion master named Seagull and the puppet master whom he had talked to before.

It even includes holy-level potions and holy-level puppets up to level nine.

Obviously, the abilities of these two are even more exaggerated than Croya imagined.

Level nine is basically close to the upper limit of alchemy in this world. According to the information Croya received from the angel, the highest level of alchemy in this world is level ten.

Further alchemy will not be realized due to various reasons such as materials and production processes.

As for other various things, they are countless.

Magic, potions, alchemical creations, magic tools, knowledge...

There are even weird products made from elf slaves and succubus slaves...

All in all, he briefly browsed it and felt that it was eye-opening, and then he started thinking about it.

"Should I also open a store?"

Croya was a little hesitant. What should he sell if he opened a store? It was indeed a question.

All those who can open a store here are members of level three or above, and their financial resources and influence are at least middle-level figures in this world. It will be very beneficial for him to communicate more with these people.

Information means communicating and communicating to learn more.


He thought about what he had now. To be honest, he also had some special items, but he didn't feel good about selling them.

After all, what he planned to hang on was the "Master of the Star Spirit".

You can't let Master Xingling sell milk tea and those "low-level magic potions", right?

After much thought, he finally decided to work on monsters and magic plants.

For example... the World of Warcraft Plant Clinic.

Warcraft and magic plants can also get sick, and it is very troublesome to diagnose and treat illness, which involves changes in magic power, environmental influences, and their own mood swings.

This is a very complicated matter, hundreds of times more troublesome than treating ordinary animals and plants. Generally speaking, almost no one will specialize in treating them.

And what he plans to do is to be a "Doctor of Warcraft Plants".

He has the Star Body Imprinting Technique and can see through the body and spirit of the monster. No matter what kind of disease, even mental illness, he can easily sense it.

He will use this method to diagnose monsters and plants.

In this way, he can not only see more strange monsters and plants to expand his knowledge base, but also have intersections with people through monsters and plants.

It's the best of both worlds.

The only problem is whether the Holy Spring Chamber of Commerce is willing to provide him with such a platform, and whether the monsters and plants will expose some of his information after they come.

After all, to activate the Star Body Imprinting Technique, the monsters and plants need to be in front of him, so the Holy Spring Chamber of Commerce needs to be used as a transit channel.

"I think this way, you see if it's possible..."

After thinking about it, he simply described this matter to the Holy Spring Spout and tried to ask if his idea could be realized.

The answer he got was: "It needs to be reported for review."

Obviously, this idea of ​​his was the first time for the Holy Spring Chamber of Commerce, and even the Holy Spring Chamber of Commerce needed time.

Since it needed to be reviewed, he could only wait patiently and improve his plan by the way.

Fortunately, he didn't have to wait too long.

About five minutes later, the voice of the Holy Spring Chamber of Commerce sounded.

"Dear Star Spirit, according to the requirements you just submitted, the reply from the Deep Blue Terminal is as follows.

You can choose to rent a Deep Blue Space, and we will provide you with a series of services such as the transfer of Warcraft and Magic Plants and confidentiality.

But you need to give the Chamber of Commerce three-tenths of the gains from treatment, and the cost of renting the Deep Blue Space will be borne by you alone.

If you agree, we will provide you with a complete contract, in the name of the Holy Spring, and the contract will never expire."

After hearing the answer from the Holy Spring Chamber of Commerce, Kroya was not too surprised. To be honest, this answer was within his expectations.

Three-tenths of the profit, and renting the Deep Blue Space.

The former means that the more you earn, the more the Holy Spring Chamber of Commerce will get, and the latter is a little more troublesome.

The Deep Blue Space is a different space that he can enter in person, which is equivalent to the real version of the Deep Blue Fantasy.

Even the cheapest Deep Blue Space, which is ten square meters in size, requires ten thousand magic crystals a month - and this is the treatment only for level three members.

That is to say, before his business starts, he needs to invest the money for renting the Deep Blue Space and the money for the business license, which will cost at least thirty thousand magic crystals.

It is still unknown whether this business can make money.

However, Cloya did not hesitate too much.

He answered directly: "Okay, I will buy the business license of the Holy Spring and rent a ten-square-meter Deep Blue Space. The products I sell are the inspection and diagnosis of Warcraft and Magic Plants.

Help me prepare it."

As he said, he threw 30,000 magic crystals directly into the Holy Spring spout. As the spout surged, a voice sounded:

"Preparing for you, please wait..."

Of course, it is easier to do things with money.

In just a few dozen seconds, a light screen appeared in front of him, showing that his small shop had been put on the platform of the Holy Spring Chamber of Commerce.

The shop is under the name of "Star Spirit Master" and sells only one product: Warcraft and Demonic Plant Diagnosis.

It looks really strange. Compared with the dazzling array of products in other shops, it is so lonely.

Although there is an introduction written by the Holy Spring Chamber of Commerce and the marks of the two masters, Seagull and Doll, it is really unknown whether it can be opened.

Kroya is not in a hurry to get his money back. Anyway, it is up, and if someone is curious, they will definitely ask.

There is no rush for the moment.

While he was thinking, the Holy Spring spout quietly surged, sending back a clock golem that looked no different from the previous one.

Her voice became more humane:

"The transformation of the clock golem has been completed. Now its internal space capacity has doubled, and there will be an additional field of ten square meters in the internal space.

In the field, you can freely plant magic plants that do not require high environmental requirements."

"Dear Star Spirit, this transaction has ended, and your points are 143,250.

You need one million points to upgrade next time.

I wish you a good time and look forward to seeing you next time."

After saying the above, the nozzle slowly disappeared.

A crystal card that was more dazzling than before fell into his hands.

He took a look and put it away directly, and then he couldn't help but complain: "One million?"

If it is one million for level four, then wouldn't it be tens of millions for level five, and hundreds of millions for level six?

No wonder she said that she wanted to get most of the resources of the plane if she wanted to be promoted to level 12.

Well...it's true after this calculation.

It seems that the gold content of the members of the Holy Spring Chamber of Commerce is really worthy of recognition. These are all magic crystals!


Finally, after finishing the matter of the Holy Spring Chamber of Commerce, Kloya could finally start to deal with the matter of the Wheat Valley Territory.

He put all the wheat into the upgraded clock golem, and then took it to the Wheat Valley Territory.

It was actually already night at this time.

After he came out of the space magic circle, he could see the moonlight gently caressing the earth, and the whole valley was filled with large golden wheat fields.

Although they are not magic plants, but ordinary wheat, the surge in magic power is still good for them. They are growing very vigorously and it is estimated that they will be harvested soon.

"It's so beautiful."

This picture really makes him feel pleasing to the eye, so he simply ordered the Mu Yao Qu Teng that has grown here to record the picture and keep it for a file.

Then he took out the natural prophecy crystal ball and began to inject magic power into it.

The three-color magic power continued to be injected.

This time there was no sea magic power forcibly oppressing the consciousness of nature, and the terrain of the entire wheat valley was quickly formed in the crystal ball.

But the price is that at least one-third of Kloya's magic power was consumed, which is really an exaggerated number.

You know, he has three different cyclones. If it were any other fourth-level magician, it would probably be directly sucked dry by the crystal ball.

It can only be said that prophecy spells are really not something that ordinary people can play.

After it was completely formed, Cloya asked: "What is favored by nature here?"

The surface of the crystal ball trembled, and then a picture was formed. The animal that appeared in it was...


Cloya was a little surprised.

He didn't expect that the natural consciousness of Maiguling favored a squirrel.

Yes, the shadow on the crystal ball showed a small squirrel.

It was petite, with black and round eyes that looked very alert. There was a huge tail behind it, which was almost twice the size of its body.

To be honest, it looked a bit sloppy.

The hair on its body looked like thatch.

From the appearance alone, there was no special feature of being favored by natural consciousness, and it looked pitiful.

But the natural prophecy crystal ball should not be wrong.

Cloya hesitated and continued to ask: "Where is it?"

The shadow on the surface of the crystal ball flickered again.

This time, a pile of wheat straw appeared.

Obviously, this squirrel favored by natural consciousness stayed in the wheat pile to build a nest.


Why does it feel more and more wrong?

Is there any difference between the squirrels he had seen before and this magical squirrel?

Shouldn't squirrels build nests in tree holes? Why is it in a wheat pile?

He rubbed his eyebrows and decided to go and see for himself.

The apprentice standing behind him immediately said: "Sir, this wheat pile should be behind the village. I'll take you there."

"Okay." Cloya did not refuse.

Soon, he followed the apprentice to the place where wheat straw was stored behind the village. At first glance, it was ordinary, and it was still ordinary after a closer look.

——Wheat straw was scattered on the ground, piled up in a mess. Not to mention anything special, even the magic power was very weak...

He once again doubted whether the natural prophecy crystal ball was wrong.

But since he was here, he immediately used his mental power to search, and soon found a squirrel sleeping with its tail covering its body in a wheat pile.

Next to it were piles of peeled wheat grains.

For the squirrel, it was basically sleeping on a bed made of food. It slept quite comfortably, lying on its back.

For some reason, Cloya suddenly thought of the angel who used his wings as a quilt and slept on mushrooms. The two really have a lot of similarities.

"It's quite cute, gray-tailed squirrel."

Cloya did not wake it up directly, but cast one of the fifth-level spells, which is the magic called dream manipulation.

This kind of magic can enter the dream, and for those with lower mental power than oneself, it can even control the changes in the other party's dream, making it forever trapped in the vortex of the dream until death.

This is a very domineering magic.

Because even a mage can hardly be in a state of mental defense forever, especially when sleeping.

Silently, sneak in directly, and kill with one blow.

Many mages have been tricked by this kind of magic.

When his spirit entered the squirrel's dream, he immediately felt something was wrong - this dream... was a bit unexpectedly big.

It stands to reason that the dream of such a second-level monster would not be very big, and the content inside would not be very real. It usually eats, drinks and reproduces.

However, the dream of this squirrel is shining with emerald green light, and the whole dream is filled with this light, which really reflects the characteristics of "dream".

The dream is huge, almost boundless.

Mature wheat grows everywhere, and the squirrel shuttles in the ocean of wheat, biting off a grain from time to time and chewing happily.

It will never be full, and will never be hungry.

It seems that the meaning of the existence of dreams is to provide it with inexhaustible wheat as food to fill its hunger in dreams.

This simplicity forms a sharp contrast with the hugeness of dreams.

Kroya did not act rashly. He was very cautious in perceiving this dream world. He felt that this place might be related to natural consciousness.

But after he explored for a while, he suddenly felt extremely depressed. He felt that this place was too empty.

There was no life here except wheat and squirrels.

The strange feeling of loneliness made him feel depressed.


To deal with this emotion, he chose to directly throw out a handful of flames - it was an orange flame.

It ignited the golden wheat field in just a breath, and the whole world was illuminated by the warm orange flames.

In the flickering flames, there was the crackling of firewood, the clashing of pots and pans, the swimming of fish, the singing of birds, the flapping of insects...

This empty world instantly became lively. Those were the sounds that Cloya recorded that made him feel happy.

They were the sounds of the real world.

They spread with the flames and soon extended to a place beyond the sight.

The squirrel stopped under the flames, and the orange flames were reflected in its eyeballs, as if it was resisting something.

Soon, Cloya saw what it was resisting -

This world, as if alive, was rolling towards him.

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