I'm a mage, what's wrong with loving farming?

Chapter 212 212 Snakes and Squirrels, the Second Wonder

Chapter 212 212. Snakes and squirrels, the second wonder

The surging emerald light, the wheat that is broken and put together like a giant snake, and the fire that is constantly burning in the entire world.

It's really like the end of the world.

It surged towards Croya's position and crushed it, as if it was going to completely crush his consciousness.

To be honest, it's quite scary.

But it was just scary to watch.

Croya remained unmoved and stayed where he was with no thought of escaping.

Since he can easily ignite this space with flames, of course he won't care about the counterattack brought by the dream space.

What he cares about now is how to completely suppress the riot here without affecting the squirrels.

After all, that squirrel was probably favored by nature, and it would be a pity to accidentally kill it too.

"Since it can't be resolved amicably, let's resolve it directly."

So Croya chose a simple and crude method of suppression——

The pretense disappeared from him.

The starry robe shone automatically without wind, and the halo of red, orange and yellow colors on it rotated around him, and the three-color light and the virtual moon leaf-shaped magic guide on his fingers burst out at the same time.

In just one breath, his hair and every inch of skin on his body were bursting with light, transforming into a radiant sun.

Endless three-color light shines all around.

Nothing can survive under the light for even a second, not even the blurry emerald halo.

During the day, when the sun rises, it is not the time when dreams should exist.

"It's so comfortable, wow, so comfortable!"

This is the first time that Croya has gone all out to release the light and heat of the sun - the light and heat of destruction.

He has always used the magical properties of the sun to warm all things. It is a rare experience like this.

It even made him moan.

This requires no skills at all. When the intensity of magic reaches a certain limit, just the light bursting out from the magic is enough to destroy everything.

This is the current situation.

The power of dreams quickly collapsed in front of the sun's light.

Except for the place where the squirrel stood, everything else was dissolving, melting like mist in the early morning under the rays of the sun.


He felt something in the process of releasing the magic... It was another one of the "Golden Tunes" together with the eternal hymn.

It is destruction that is completely opposite to "eternity". It is the destructive power of everything melting and turning into ashes under the sun.

At a certain moment, Croya even felt that his thoughts and consciousness began to blur, leaving only the radiating light.

The power also began to double.

Gao Yuan and indifferent, it seems that at this moment he has turned into a sun hanging in the sky, shining the light of destruction on the whole world.

To be honest, the experience was quite poor.

It became very bad in an instant - I didn't want to destroy it!

This state affected his mood.

He instinctively began to reject this state, rejecting the lofty and indifferent attitude that he wanted to become, without any sadness or joy.

This is completely different from his usual feeling of collecting various musical sounds, which warm and illuminate the magical beasts and magical plants.

He even doubted whether this was a chapter of "Poetry of Rainbow Light" - but it was indeed.

It took him a lot of effort to force himself out of this state.

In the following time, he avoided falling into this state while carefully exploring its structure.

But it's a pity that after exiting that state, he can no longer find any trace of him.

It's like it never appeared.

Even Croya could only give up research and exploration temporarily and concentrate on sensing the changes around him.

Time passed slowly.

Croya could clearly feel something.

It still hides in dreams and refuses to appear.

Although that thing is an extension of natural consciousness, it is definitely not natural consciousness itself.

That's why Croya chose this method.

It should be said or not, it is really simple and direct.

Even after he exited that state of destruction, the entire dream was still quickly shaken.

Soon, a consciousness reluctantly sent a mental wave to Croya to beg for mercy.

Croya just took it easy and curbed his own light.

The dream world was shattered at this moment. Croya opened his eyes and saw a snake with gleaming emerald scales appearing in front of him.

Its length should be about three meters, and it is estimated to be as thick as an adult's arm. Although it is a snake, it does not have the fear and disgust of cold-blooded animals at all.

This comes from the scales on its body.

Those green, translucent scales shine with a warm light under the moonlight, making it feel like a work of art.

"Sir, be careful!"

The two apprentices who had been following Croya immediately stepped forward to block the snake, and also showed their weapons, very cautiously.

"It's fine."

Croya ordered them to step back and stared at the snake in front of them with interest. Unsurprisingly, they saw the structural form in its body that was completely formed by magic power.

"Emerald Demonic Snake, elemental creature."

"I felt a little strange when I saw that world just now. Is it the world you saw?"

"It's so empty and lonely, with only you and the squirrel."

He used the All Things Communication Technique to talk to it.

But this guy just stared at Cloya, completely unmoved.

"Hmph, if you don't want to talk, then don't talk."

Cloya snorted coldly, and continued to use the Astral Body Imprinting Technique to study the body structure of the snake more carefully - to be precise, it was a spell model that was extremely similar to dream control.

'Could it be that dream control is also a simplified version of some great magic, and you can actually see a similar structure on a snake...' Cloya thought.

If the dream control he is learning now is universal for humans and humanoids, then this one is like it is specially designed for the Emerald Demon Snake.

The changes and modifications of that kind of magic made Cloya feel very novel.

He watched intently, and the Emerald Demon Snake did not move.

The man and the snake fell into a stalemate.

In the end, it was the squirrel who was forced to wake up after the dream was shattered and poked his head out of the straw pile, which finally broke the stalemate.

It looked out and immediately squeaked when it saw the Emerald Snake confronting Cloya.

Then, it jumped directly onto the snake's raised body.

Carefully holding the other's head, rubbing it with its plump cheeks.

The Emerald Snake spit out its tongue helplessly, crawled down obediently, and let its head be held by the squirrel, and seemed to enjoy it a little.

With the sudden appearance of this troublemaker, the stalemate obviously could not continue. Cloya looked at the squirrel's intimate behavior towards the Emerald Snake and suddenly felt a strange feeling.

Could it be... the squirrel fell in love with the snake?

Generally speaking, the head of the magic beast is a fatal weakness, and it will never be controlled by other beings at will. Such a situation is obviously very abnormal.


He used the All Things Communication Technique to communicate with the two magic beasts.

But before the squirrel could answer, the Emerald Snake on the side spit out a mouthful of emerald-colored mist, and a very clear picture appeared in it.

The first thing that appeared was the windy and snowy weather.

The squirrel was hibernating in its nest full of food, with its tail as a pillow, when it suddenly felt something fall in front of the nest.

It went out to see that it was an egg.

After a brief hesitation, it dragged the egg into its nest and used it as a large pillow to sleep.

Because it was a blizzard, it had no way to go out to find food, and the food was indeed sufficient, so it slept with the egg every day.

As time went by, the egg gradually cracked.

A very cute little snake came out of it.

The squirrel was afraid at first, but then, for some reason, it began to take care of the little snake.

It would chew the most delicious wheat grains and feed them to the little snake, and would also use its body temperature to melt the ice and snow to bring snow water, and would cover the little snake with its tail when it was cold.

It can be said that throughout the winter, it was its warmth that prevented the little snake from falling into a dead and cold sleep.

A snake and a squirrel stayed in the small and warm nest, interacting and accompanying each other through the long winter.

By the time the hot wind from the ocean awakened the earth's vitality, the little snake had grown into a big snake.

It took the initiative to help the squirrel collect food, and sent piles of wheat to the squirrel's nest, and brought springs and breezes.

It took care of the squirrel meticulously, wrapped its body around the squirrel, and injected magic into the latter's body.

Just like what the squirrel did to it when it was a child.

The picture ended abruptly.

Although it was brief, Cloya understood what it meant. It turned out that this snake was the child raised by the squirrel.


He couldn't help rubbing his eyebrows.

Is this a fairy tale?

To be honest, he felt that there were probably too many details omitted, but the two monsters didn't seem to plan to say much.

So, he took a deep look at the Emerald Demon Snake, and after seeing the latter a little uneasy, he looked away.

"I want to ask you for help."

Then he described in detail what he wanted the squirrel to help with.

Of course, he also promised enough benefits.

For example, he promised to give it absolute protection and an inexhaustible supply of food as long as it was within his territory.

He also took out a bunch of pine cones on the spot - including fruits of seven or eight kinds of pine trees, such as dwarf flame pine, red flame pine, snow mist pine, etc.

There were gray, red, white, blue, green, colorful, and each surface was flowing with the luster of magic, which was obviously of excellent quality.

When the squirrel saw this pile of pine cones full of magic, his eyes immediately sparkled, and he nodded like pounding garlic and agreed.

Then he hugged the pine cones and started to chew them.

The Emerald Demon Snake looked at the squirrel who abandoned him to chew the pine cones, and there seemed to be a flash of complex emotions in his eyes.


Before it could think more, a bunch of crystal clear fruits like grapes fell in front of it.

'I don't believe you won't fall for this thing. '

This is a kind of magic plant he found in the sea, called Hanhai Magic Algae. It is an elemental magic plant, and the fruits it grows are grape-shaped with the thickness of fingers.

This kind of magic plant is very special. It can only grow in a sea area with clear, warm, sufficient light and full of magic. It appeared after he helped the Spiritual Grass to purify the sea area around Hanjiao Island.

Such harsh growth conditions also bring them sufficient magic and nutrients that are beneficial to the human body. Fishermen in coastal areas call it "the gift of the sea god".

Whether it is magic beasts or humans, they have great benefits after taking it, especially elemental magic beasts, which basically cannot refuse it.

For example, now.

The eyes of the magic snake were immediately attracted by it.

The snake's tongue spit out "sss".

It seemed to be enduring not to eat, but it couldn't help it.

In the end, it pounced on it and began to eat these finger-sized grapes raw, one by one, and it couldn't stop eating.

Seeing this, Kloya smiled with satisfaction.


After solving the problem of the two magic beasts, the rest was easy to deal with.

Kloya chose a sunny morning to stand on the ground and use the stone given by Mifeiyin.

The stone shattered into golden wheat waves, gently brushed across the ground from his hand, and then swirled in front of him.

Just like the conversation with the consciousness of the Terai River.

He felt a heavy consciousness approaching him, and sent out a mental wave that he could understand: "Hello, Sun."

Kloya, who had already had a communication experience, looked at the shining stone fragments in his hand and quickly described what he was going to do.

Before the stone lost its effect, he got the answer: "Okay~"

The stone fragments instantly turned into more fragmented fragments and fell on the ground, inviting Kloya to proceed quickly.

With its permission, Kloya did not hesitate, and immediately found the snake and the squirrel and began to carry out his plan--

He watched the squirrel and the emerald demon snake plant the wheat he brought one by one-the latter would dig a hole with its tail, and the former would bury the wheat in the soil with its flexible claws, and then sweep the soil layer with its tail to cover it.

The two cooperated closely, and in just one day, all the wheat was planted.

Croa, who was sitting on a stone and watching them, blinked his eyes. He always felt that this kind of thing was really random, with trees here and there.

But there was a kind of beauty inexplicably.

During this period, there were some other animals, such as magic bulls, magic tigers, sables, leopards...

Anyway, all the magic beasts that the wheat valley could see came over and watched the squirrels and the emerald magic snakes working.

Some of them might be attracted and want to get close to the wheat and eat it directly.

But under the deterrence of the emerald magic snake, they didn't dare to get close at all.

One bear seemed to have the courage to get close, and was directly turned into an emerald bear sculpture by a pool of green liquid spit out by the magic snake.

So far, no magic beast dared to get close to the squirrels and wheat fields.

After witnessing this scene, Croa instantly doubted whether he was doing the right thing. Didn't he say he wanted peace?

This... peace?

His doubts were soon answered.

As the wheat field was completely completed, the magic engraved in the wheat began to take effect.

Four deer left the wheat field in four different directions and walked towards the distance. In front of their bodies, there was a gentle wind that moved away stones and grass.

As long as the place they walked became a smooth road.

With every step they took, rice grains would fall with their footsteps and be eaten voraciously by the long-awaited monsters following behind.

Slowly, more and more monsters followed them.

Bears, tigers, rabbits, groundhogs...

These animals that should be hostile showed no signs of fighting, their eyes were shining, as if they were following the footsteps of God on a pilgrimage.

Until it became a large black area, until they walked around the entire valley of the wheat valley and returned to the wheat field.

The monsters following them watched the deer return to the wheat field, and then bit their claws in unison.

They looked expectantly at their own magical blood sprinkled into the earth and gathered into a stream.

Instantly, the magical blood of the monster surged into the wheat field, gradually dyeing the wheat field of about one acre into blood red.

"Uh..." Kloya frowned slightly.

This is so strange. It is obviously a bloody scene, but he did not feel disgusted, but felt very holy.

"So this is a sacrifice."

He thought about it and continued to wait patiently.

About five minutes later, the blood completely soaked the earth, but the wheat stalks still maintained the emerald green and azure colors, forming a sharp contrast with the red.

At this time, he felt the changes in the wheat.

A stream of magic quietly flowed through the wheat, silently, but it was real.

"Ah, it's done?"

Kloya, who had been paying attention to the wheat, was surprised.

In his field of vision, the roots of the entire wheat field have been connected into a whole in the earth, flashing blood red and heavy khaki light.

There were still countless strange magic patterns surging inside, gradually taking shape in the blood.

[The engraving was completed, the magic blood wheat field in Maiguling]

[This magic is a fixed wonder magic. After being recognized by the earth or nature and constructed with certain materials, it will gain the following effects:


Blood Rice Technique: The fruit of the magic plant will be transformed into rice grains with magic power. After taking the rice grains, resentment and anger will be eliminated, and there will be enough satiety and magic harmonization effect.


Blood Deer Defending Nature: After summoning this magic beast, it can drop rice grains formed by "Blood Rice Technique" and punish everything with the power of the earth of the wonder magic.


Blood Contract Eternity: This wonder magic requires enough magic beast blood as a magic supply. The more different magic beast blood, the more abilities this wonder can derive.


I will give you everything: The blessing given to the gray-tailed squirrel by the Emerald Demon Snake, the darling of nature. Within the scope of this wonder magic, they will share life.


Please be in this dream: The blessing given to the gray-tailed squirrel by the darling of nature can allow it to enjoy joy in the emerald dream, which is only effective for the gray-tailed squirrel. 】

【Note: This wonder building needs the approval of natural consciousness to take effect. 】

After it was completely formed here, the gentle wind and flying dust carried the Emerald Demon Snake and the Gray-tailed Squirrel into it.

Entered into the earth.

At the same time, the consciousness that had just left came back to Cloya and brought him a scene...somewhat inappropriate for children.

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