I'm a mage, what's wrong with loving farming?

Chapter 214 214 Magic, Transformation! (Part 1)

Chapter 214 214. Magic, transformation! (Part 1)

Without friends to chat and discuss with, Cloya did not return to his magic tower immediately, but threw out a ring and let it float in the air, emitting bright but not dazzling light.

Then he opened the book "Miracle of the Earth·The Power of Harvest" given to him by Mifeiyin, intending to study it directly tonight.

He knew that in the entire human magic heritage, when it comes to farming, the Church of the Mother Earth is the most proficient and proficient.

Of course, it does not mean that they are absolutely better than those mages who cultivate magic plants and monsters, but they are the most reliable in terms of basics.

For example, the magic field method that Cloya learned at the beginning actually came from the magic of "Mother Earth's Whiskers" of the Church of the Mother Earth.

So when he saw this book, he was still quite happy and secretly looking forward to it.

"I don't know how many magics are in it."

Cloya slowly turned to the first page, and when he saw the content clearly, his eyebrows were instantly raised.


He didn't expect that the first page would give him a treasure. This is a magic to tame monsters, and its purpose is to make monsters obediently pull carts and transport harvested crops.

You know, the skills to tame monsters are hard to get, and it's even harder to completely tame them like this.

As a result, it's just to make monsters pull carts?

"Is the Church of the Earth really so generous?" He felt a little strange and read the magic carefully.

The look on his face changed from surprise to sudden realization to speechlessness.

It turned out that although this magic can tame monsters quickly, it requires the power of the Mother Earth, that is, it requires faith in the gods and practicing special meditation methods.

After learning this, he laughed dumbly.

"This Miffin hasn't given up the idea of ​​recruiting me."

Kloya couldn't help shaking his head, but immediately the corners of his mouth rose slightly and he spread his palms.

In his palms, there was a white and gold light flashing.

"But I don't lack the holy power."

He tried to build this magic to tame the monster based on the holy power he got from the mushrooms. As a result, there was no obstacle at all and it came naturally.

In just a moment, a wheat ear appeared in his hand, which was completely composed of magic power, but it was a light platinum color.

It looked like a metal wheat ear.

He shook the wheat ear, feeling the unusually stable magic power inside, and muttered to himself:

"I always feel that this ability is very familiar. It seems to be a bit similar to the earth membrane of Hou Tushu. Is it the same type?"

"As long as you give this wheat ear to the monster to eat, you can tame them..."

This completely unfamiliar magic system is even completely different from the holy magic taught to him by the angel, full of the heavy feeling of the earth.

Even if he is, it is impossible to study it thoroughly in a short time.

So he didn't bother too much. After watching for a while, he continued to study the second magic.

This book has only a dozen pages in total, and each page has only one kind of magic, and the handwriting is very small. The diagrams seem to be hand-painted, and it seems that it is not the official printing of the Church.

Instead, it looks like someone secretly copied it.

"Did Miffin secretly copy it? He shouldn't do such a thing, right? Or is there a warrior who dares to take advantage of the church?"

He was a little curious, but was soon attracted by the second kind of magic.

This is also a very special kind of magic, or a skill, which can evenly divide a strand of magic power into multiple parts. In the Church of the Mother Earth, it is used to give "spirituality" to magic plants.

"Tsk, another very useful skill."

Kroya, who has already mastered the Seven Stars Separation Technique, is extremely concerned about this skill that can separate magic power, because it is a universal skill.

It is much more useful than the complex magic that needs to be studied.

Moreover, although the Seven Stars Separation Technique is indeed very powerful, that ability is more inclined to fusion, and the concept of separation is relatively less.

And it is more suitable for that kind of powerful force to attack. The control ability of magic is extremely high.

Even if Cloya intends to pass this method to some apprentices he trusts, he can't do anything, because this thing is not something that ordinary people can learn.

Until now, there is not even a single apprentice who can meet the requirements of practicing the Seven Stars Separation Technique.

In this regard, humans are not as good as magic plants. The ability of magic plants to control their own magic power is much stronger than that of humans.

Now that he has this magic, he can study it and then teach it to the apprentices. In this way, it will be much easier to make magic tools and draw magic patterns.

If he can't teach the original version to the apprentices, then he can always teach the improved version, right?

"Really good, what else is there?"

At the beginning, he got two usable magics. For Cloya, it feels like digging for treasure - in fact, it's almost the same.

He continued to read with great interest and turned to the third page.

This page is a method for making a magic tool.

"Magic Seeder?"

His eyes lit up when he read the name of this magic tool.


This, the Earth Mother Church has this kind of treasure?

Automatic seeding machine?

He read it with interest, and the more he read, the more satisfied he became, because this thing was exactly what he thought, a magic device that could designate land for sowing.

There are still hand-drawn drawings on the pages of the book. The appearance of this magic weapon is that of a cow with only one leg and one horn. According to the data marked on it, it should be three meters long, two meters high, and two meters wide.

There are boxes in its body that can store seeds, as well as magic scrolls and vitality potions. As long as some data is input into its core circuit and magic core, it can carry out seeding operations according to the instructions above.

Depending on the vitality potions and scrolls in the body groove box, it can also cast some simple magic, such as land adjustment, cloud magic, etc.

Croya couldn't help but feel a little emotional at the end.

The value of this golem alone was beyond his expectation. With this blueprint, he should be able to improve his own golem after splitting it and studying it.

Even with the fruit of the gem raspberry, he can create a self-aware golem, sowing seeds more conveniently and intelligently.

To be honest, the efficiency of golems is much higher than that of humans.

The only problem was that he and Mifein had agreed not to give this drawing directly to the apprentices for research. Although this was only a verbal agreement, he would follow it since he agreed.

But then again, just like the technique that can evenly distribute magic power just now, after he carried out the inhumane magic transformation, he shouldn't have taught it to his apprentices, right?

Croya stared at the drawing and thought for a while. With his current knowledge of studying golems, it is not difficult to analyze it.

After all, the reference is the super golem given to members by the Holy Spring Chamber of Commerce. In comparison, this golem is indeed a bit unsightly.

After a short study, he found that the structure of this thing is actually quite simple. The only real key is the core circuit and the special magic pattern that can expand and transform magic power.

The former represents intelligence, and the latter is a magic expander that can release the magic stored in the scroll.

The rest is a very ordinary structure.

"This smart direction can be fused with the gem raspberry and the magic pattern of the Holy Spring Chamber of Commerce..."

He immediately started making the golem the way he usually did, taking out the materials and starting to draw and assemble it.

The clock golem spat out the reef alloy and gem raspberries in batches so that Croa could easily use them.

The entire production process went very smoothly. The cool breeze blowing in at night, carrying the fragrance of grass and trees, made him highly concentrated.

In about an hour, he assembled a golem that was very different from the one in the book and atlas——

A tiger.

It was only half a man tall and looked far less majestic than the Warcraft Tiger. It looked more like a big orange cat than a tiger.

But its eyes were shining with wisdom, and it was running around happily, making "oooooooo" sounds from time to time.

"You guy..."

Just when Croya was about to scold it, his heart suddenly moved and he felt something.

[Successful engraving, Croakian Sowing Golem No. 1 (Magic Diffusion Pattern·Holy Spring Intelligent Pattern and Operational Spiritual Pattern)]

[This monster has been engraved with magic diffusion patterns in its body. The scrolls in the body can be diffused through the magic patterns to cast spells. Depending on the range of the magic, the effect will be weakened. 】


"Really or not?"

Croya was a little surprised.

This seems to be the first time he made a reminder of the Celestial Spirit Imprinting Technique after making a golem. Even when he created living weapons that could fly and transform, there was no such reminder.

"Can it be said that this thing can be recognized as a Warcraft, possessing life and consciousness?" He was really surprised.

But he soon calmed down.

Now that a change has occurred, what he should consider is the reason for this change, why this change occurred, and whether it can be reproduced.

So he checked and recorded the magic patterns engraved by his own hands, and finally found that these magic patterns had shown signs of being integrated.

However, when he used the same method to create a golem again, there was no prompt at all.

The golem just created seemed to be the product of a sudden inspiration and could not be reproduced.

"Alas, I didn't expect to come up with something that I can't mass-produce... I don't know what the logic of the astral body engraving technique is to judge Warcraft?"

He stroked the big cat's head, feeling a little disappointed.

This made him feel a little frustrated, but it didn't last long. He directly sent the brand-new golem back for the apprentices to study and reproduce.

Maybe the apprentices can give him some surprises?

After sending away the golem, he continued to look through the remaining magic.

The next three in a row are all magic that he has seen before, which are the cloud and rain magic, geological adjustment and magic root extension that Rhea told him at the beginning.

He was not disappointed, but compared in detail whether there was any difference between the magic described in the book and what Rhea had given him.

The result still made him quite satisfied - there was no difference at all, both the magic flow and the spell model were completely the same.

After checking these three magics, the following magic aroused his interest. This is also a magic that is helpful for farming.

It's called "Clear Spring Flow Technique".

The effect is that as long as the spell is cast on any newly opened ditch or stream, the magic inside will continue to work, so that the water will not dry up and continue to circulate.

In fact, it is slightly similar to the "water flow propelling mechanism" made in the toilet made by Croa.

They all allow water to circulate.

However, what is more powerful about this magic is that it can absorb free water molecules and magic power in the air to ensure that the river will not dry up.

It is equivalent to building a river or a spring anywhere without worrying about whether there is underground water or whether there are water veins to supply running water.

"An advanced version of the water-making technique."

He thinks this spell is quite useful. In fact, condensing pure water from the air is not a high-end operation. There are many spells.

But think about it carefully, if you perform this at the beach, can you directly turn the pure water vapor in the air into drinkable water?

As Hanjiao Island gets bigger and bigger, the salt water purification pool he built before is getting bigger and bigger, but the supply is still in short supply, and the demand for purified water is growing.

Clearly, he needed to research better ways to obtain fresh water.

Now this is very good.

Compared with the water-generating technique, this is obviously more efficient.

If we use our imagination a little more and imprint this into the bodies of certain plants, can we create a water pipe that collects water by itself?

Thinking of this, his eyes lit up, and he ordered Mu Yao, the Curved Vine King: "Mu Yao, help me get a net root black bamboo."


Mu Yaoqu Vine King moved very quickly and immediately took out a strange bamboo shoot - its shoot was very small, but the roots underneath were extremely complicated, like a huge net, and All have black bamboo sections and smooth shells.

At first glance, it looks like bamboo growing sideways in the ground.

Although the overall size is only about one meter, the roots are really dense. I wonder what it will look like if it grows up.

Croya recalled the scene he saw through the myconids at that time, and couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth.

This strange magical plant was also found on a desert island in the north. The most popular thing growing on that island was this kind of bamboo shoot that looked small on the surface, but actually had a huge root system.

To be honest, this kind of magic plant is really useless, and he even thinks it is useless.

Although the roots that grow into bamboo below are very strong, you can't dig them out and use them as weapons. You can't eat them or use them. It also needs enough water to survive.

It can be said that the reason why that desert island is so desolate is entirely due to it. It almost plunges into the sea water to absorb sea water to survive.

Later, I figured out some ways to use it - these are the bamboos used to transport water from the outside world. In order for them to transport water, a magic circle was built.

Now it can be further advanced and become an all-round water bamboo that can not only transport water, but also produce its own clean water.

"I'm telling you..."

He was very aware of this demonic plant's thirst for water, so after communicating with it with his consciousness, it immediately sent out the mental fluctuations of desire——

"Water! Water! Water!"

There are no extra thoughts, just the desire for water.

This also means that Croya can start carving.

Although he had just seen this kind of magic and was learning and engraving it at the same time, it was not difficult for him now, and he was done in just a few minutes.

Not only learned it, but also imprinted it on it——

[Successful engraving, Net Root Black Bamboo·Roots (Water Spring Flow Technique·Demon Root Extension)]

[During the growth process, the roots of this magic plant will continue to gather the surrounding water vapor and turn it into pure water, which will be collected within its own roots. 】

[The roots of this magic plant will be more sensitive to water and magic power, and the length will increase by 3 to 5 times. 】

[The thirst for water gives this magic plant a certain chance to improve the "Water Spring Surge" and "Magic Root Extension". 】

After completing the engraving, Croya could clearly feel the water vapor rushing towards the net-rooted black bamboo, that is, the bamboo-shaped roots.

At the same time, its roots seem to be eager for nutrients to grow, and their desire is several times stronger than before.

Obviously, the magic of magic root extension also needs nutrient support.

In order to see the results quickly, Croya decided to let it grow here and observe if there were any strange changes.

"You can just grow it here. Mu Yao will bring some nutritious soil."

Croya ordered King Mu Yaoqu Vine to get the prepared nutrient soil, and then planted it.

Then I sat aside and drank tea and carefully observed its changes.

It began to grow at a speed visible to the naked eye in the soil mixed with magic fertilizer and growth-accelerating agents. Its roots became thicker and absorbed water...

In a short period of time, it had broken through the soil, and its dark bamboo roots were growing in all directions.

Croya could clearly see the clear water flowing inside the bamboo joints. They were flowing endlessly in the roots of the bamboo joints, like living creatures.

He also tasted the water and found it had no taste at all.

The only problem I have to say is that it absorbs water vapor too quickly, and Croya can feel the surrounding air becoming dry.

But it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, there is not much on the beach, there is just a lot of water.


He nodded with satisfaction, "However, if you want to become a real water pipe, you need to put it in a place with sufficient water vapor.

I also need to add canned knowledge to you so that you can grow into the appearance of a water pipe..."

Writing down the areas that need improvement, Cloya asked Mu Yao Qu Teng Wang to bring a few more net-rooted black bamboos, and then began to transform them one by one.

At the same time, he began to design their network layout according to the map of Hanjiao Island and its surroundings in his memory.

This took him some time.

"Okay, take it."

After the transformation was completed, he instructed Mu Yao Qu Teng Wang to plant these bamboos in the designated locations of Hanjiao Island and the surrounding air coral bases according to the map he had drawn.

He stared at the flash of Mu Yao Qu Teng Wang representing the start of transmission, and muttered to himself: "If I am not mistaken, there should be no shortage of fresh water, and the water network can also be formed."

With expectation, he retracted his gaze and sat down to continue flipping through the book.

There have been several good magics, are there any more behind?


He just calmed down and turned a page, and he saw the hand-painted...sunflower pattern on it.

Thank you all for your monthly tickets and recommendation tickets. Tomorrow is Chinese Valentine's Day, I wish you all a happy Chinese Valentine's Day in advance~

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