I'm a mage, what's wrong with loving farming?

Chapter 215 215 Magic, Transformation! (Part 2)

Chapter 215 215. Magic, transformation! (Medium)


Kroya stared at the map on the book, thinking of his actions of collecting various sunflowers during this period, and was a little dazed for a moment.

He remembered his actions in recent times.

Ever since he heard from the angels that the sunflowers were the descendants of the powerful magic plant "Eye of Ternas" on the Ark, he has been trying to reproduce it.

He really wanted to reproduce the glory and honor of the powerful magic plants on the Ark, and see what it looks like to be called "powerful" by the angels.

But the process was not smooth... or the road was blocked.

Because the sunflower he used as the basis had completely integrated his light, it was basically impossible to return to the ancestral state, and the road was already unknown.

So after trying to no avail, he simply gave up the idea.

Since the past road could no longer be taken, let's take a brand new road.

And this brand new road, in Kroya's conception and ideas, is a pure road. That is, it will not add other abilities of sunflowers, and will focus on receiving sunlight and converting it into morning dew magic.

But he didn't expect that he could see magic related to sunflowers and the sun in the book given by Mifeiyin.

Of course, he didn't expect that the effect of this magic was actually...

"Sun essential oil?"

Kloya blinked, quite speechless, and wanted to complain.

Simply put, this magic is to allow sunflowers to be blessed, and the light of the sun will be refined into "sun essential oil", and then supplied to those members of the church above the bishop.

In the description of this magic, this essential oil is even called "flowing sun god light" and "wonderful oil that can make people close to God".

To put it bluntly, the effect of this magic is to integrate the light of the sun into the body of the sunflower, and then take it out with the help of sunflower oil.

The oil that combines the temperature of the sun is golden and clear, and both the appearance and the pure magic are quite good.

In addition to the connection between the sun and the sunflower, it adds a layer of sacred light of faith to it.

It can only be said that the divine arts created by the Church, although very close to basic life, are inexplicably off track from basic life, and have come up with a high-sounding statement.

Of course, for Cloya, it is just a kind of magic that can be used.

The magic he first engraved on the sunflower was "Sun Rays", which allows the sunflower to absorb and store the light of the sun.

But in essence, it is an attacking form of magic with extremely powerful lethality.

What he is thinking about now is how to make the red sunflower itself only accept pure light, not light with tendencies.

As for the Sun Rays and the advanced version of the Red Rays, just use them on other sunflowers.

This magic now seems to be just right, and looking at the description here, it seems to have something to do with the earth and the Church of Light.

Although Cloya has no good feelings for the Church of Light, they have indeed done a lot of research in this regard.

It is very stupid to just reject it blindly and not learn from their advantages.

Now that it has been obtained, it is completely possible to transform the sunflower again.

Thinking of this, he made a decision.

After studying for a while, he stood up and returned to his mage tower, then entered the small plane and came to a place blocked by a magic circle.

This is where he placed the clouds produced by the white mist sunflower that absorbed sunlight.

When he entered the magic circle, his eyes were filled with white and golden light - the white mist filled the interior of the magic circle, and the golden light belonging to the sun was not as blazing as usual, becoming soft and rich in layers, flowing like a silk thread to set the mist with a golden edge.

It can be said that the scene in front of him is really magnificent.


The sunflower elf, who was pounced in the mist and ate the golden magic, felt the arrival of Cloya and flew over immediately.

It sat on Cloya's shoulder very skillfully and handed a small petal to the latter, with expectations in its eyes.

It meant to let Cloya taste it.

Cloya looked at the petals it handed over. They were sunflower petals, but they were covered with a layer of golden magic, like syrup.

It looks like marshmallows with honey.

How should I put it? It's the kind that's chokingly sweet.

But this is made of magic, so it shouldn't be...

Thinking this way, Cloya put it in his mouth and chewed it, and then he felt an extremely special sweetness.

It's hard to describe this taste. It feels like the fragrance of sunflowers and the warmth of sunshine. The combination actually has a special sweetness.

It feels like being in the sun without worries, basking in the sun and dazed, and the kind of pleasant sweetness that doesn't need to do anything.

Rather than saying it's a taste, it's better to say that it affects his perception.

"Can you actually use mental magic already?"

Cloya touched the little sunflower with his finger and asked curiously: "Condensing mental power into a physical existence, your mental strength is exaggerated."

"Ah~" The sunflower raised its head proudly.

"Haha, you're still proud."

Cloya thought about it and suddenly had another idea.

This magic is divided into two parts: "absorbing sunlight" and "extracting oil".

I have already arranged the part that absorbs sunlight, so I should make good use of the part that extracts oil.

If we can extract sunflower oil from sunflowers, then... would sunflower oil made with spiritual power work?

His original red sunflower is now an elemental magic plant. If he has to squeeze out the oil, it can only be magic or spiritual power.

If the little sunflower could control itself and turn its mental power into the "grease" of the sunflower, what kind of special thing would it be?

"Xiao Kui, I want this..."

He glanced at the little sunflower and told it his thoughts.

The latter had never rejected Croya's idea. It immediately nodded happily and wanted to take Croya to the place where its body grew.

At this time, the terrace garden has been transformed, just like a crystal palace. The sun's light will shine in through the crystal pieces made by Cloya that condense the sun's rays.

Of course, at night they automatically block out the moonlight.

But even though it is late at night, the terrace garden is still as bright as daytime - this comes from the magic power of the sun provided by the surrounding magic energy pipes.

Light radiates like golden threads. All the light first passes through the flower disks of the growing ordinary sunflowers, and then converges towards the three-color sunflower in the center.

It looks like it's being purified for it.

If you look at it from the perspective of the astral body engraving technique, the spirituality and mental power inside this three-color sunflower is indeed very powerful.

It can even be said that it is really like a small sun emitting light and heat, and the spiritual light is dazzling.

Just by taking a glance, Croya could feel that these sunflowers that had grown with the red sunflowers for a long time had also become spiritual.

Their current behavior... is like making a sacrifice, keeping the less pure light in their bodies and sacrificing the pure light to the red sunflower.

He took a few more glances and felt the fluctuation of his faith.

"The power of these beliefs..." An idea flashed in his mind, and he stopped temporarily and started thinking.

After chatting a lot with the angel, of course he also learned some information related to faith.

Although the angel did not reveal any information related to the core of faith, he could barely guess the source of some of the power of faith.

The angel said that faith is the third power besides spiritual power and vitality. And faith is a variation of this power. The power that angels call is soul power.

Every person or creature will constantly refine its "soul power" while living. The more powerful the life, the more powerful the soul power it can provide.

That is the most important energy to keep life running.

Gods can transform this ethereal power into their own power, and at the same time trace the source of soul power to supply their own divine power.

Therefore, the more powerful the existence, the more and more pure power of faith it can provide. Of course, if enough ordinary believers gather together, winning by quantity is not a bad idea.

After he learned about these things, the angel once seriously warned him not to be contaminated with soul power, otherwise it would be very troublesome.

However, he was really curious about this unknown power, and he also thought about whether he could use it.

Now it seems that you can try it.

In the final analysis, faith is to provide soul power and get the power you need from gods, so the power of sunflowers is...

Sun essential oil!

His thoughts became clear instantly.

Supply faith, give sun essential oil.

If his thinking is correct, not only can Little Sunflower be further transformed, but his own sunflower field can also change.

He patted the small sunflower on his shoulder and asked softly: "Are you willing to help your companions gain spirituality? Are you willing to become their...god?"

Little Sunflower nodded without saying anything.

It has long been looking forward to having more companions. For a spiritual being like it, it will feel lonely even if it is accompanied by its fellow elves.

This is what Croya has known for a long time, and it is also the special effect produced by the "Poetry of Rainbow Colors" engraved on it. This kind of magical blessing will change according to needs.

"Okay, let's try it."

"If this is really how faith is used..."

Croya began to engrave on the astral body of the red sunflower, and at the same time placed this method of extracting oil at the location of the little sunflower's spirituality.

After a short engraving, a prompt came——

[Successful engraving, red sunflower spirituality (bathing in the sun, golden oil method)]

[Due to the existence of Orange Song·Orange Ode, the seal will change at this moment. 】

The prompt disappears temporarily, and the sunflower in front of you has changed.

Its light is getting brighter and brighter.

With it as the center, the orange halo spreads like ripples.

A closer look reveals that these haloes are physical, shimmering with oil.

The halo carries the spirituality from the little sunflower. It is very generously squeezing its own spirituality into "grease" and giving it to the surrounding sunflowers.

The real spiritual oil from the red sunflowers is evenly applied to the sunflowers that are swaying with desire.

The sunflowers suddenly became shiny.

Like a lamp with added oil, it suddenly lights up.

At the same time, the power of faith they exuded suddenly became several times more powerful than before.

"Is this a response? Well, Sunflower's imprint seems to have changed a bit."

[Orange Ode is combined with the method of bathing in the sun and golden oil, and is changed to: Orange Blessing Oil of Red Sunflower]

[The spirituality and special magic power of this magic plant will change into special oils. When similar magic plants or creatures get these oils, they will have the following effects:


Improve spirituality: Depending on how much spirituality the red sunflower emits, it will be converted into one's own spirituality in equal proportion.


Spiritual Link: The same spirit will resonate and can communicate with each other. 】

[The prerequisite for obtaining grease is: providing the power of faith. 】

[The red ray mark disappears. At this moment, the mark will be converted into the special ability of the red sunflower, which can be transferred to the same race friends who have accepted the orange blessing oil. 】

[Red ray engraving changes to: bathing in sunlight]

[The red sunflower can absorb pure sunlight and store it in its body, and can cast fire magic using the magic of the sun.

Specific magic needs to be engraved before it can take effect. 】

Croya was still admiring it, watching the changes in the markings inside the sunflower star's spiritual body, and looking forward to what the surrounding sunflowers would become.

But a portal suddenly opened on the side.

The angel ran out from inside, looking at the changing sunflower with a little surprise on his face.

"My friend, you want to take advantage of Himawari's faith?"

He immediately saw Croya's plan.

"That's right." Croya didn't want to hide it from him and told him his plan.

As he listened, the angel's expression became weirder and weirder.

At the end, He sighed softly: "Lucky friends, the role of oil is far from as simple as you think. This oil of the sun... is not just a symbol of enjoyment and special status for believers in the filthy light.

It is also a ritual necessity. "

Hearing the word "ritual", Croya immediately felt something was wrong, and quickly asked: "Isn't there any danger?"

He really didn't know this level. He thought that the so-called sun essential oil was really just a symbol of the identity and status of those in the Holy See.

"That's not true." The angel shook his head, flew to Croya very skillfully, and then kissed his forehead.

His voice became very ethereal and divine.

"Lucky friend."

"Holy ointment is a special creation. I am now teaching you a kind of magic. Please use it as much as you can. This is the only chance you have at the moment."

"Please accept this humble gift."

In the end, he didn't know if it was Croya's illusion, but he always felt that there seemed to be some excitement in the angel's voice.

Accompanying the voice of the angel is a white-gold ring that surrounds the entire terrace garden, erasing the garden from its existence.

At this moment, even the virtual gods of the mermaid tribe, the superior gods, and the demon lords in the abyss hell were unable to detect what was happening in the garden.

Croya didn't notice this. He was trying his best to digest the magic passed to him by the angel, because this magic was too profound.

With his current magical attainments, at most he can tell that this is somewhat similar to the magic used to summon fireflies for light. They both open a space rift and then summon something.

But that's all.

If it weren't for the method that the angel forcibly taught him, it would probably take a lot of time for him to learn it on his own.

"What exactly do you want me to do?"

Croya, who finally figured out the composition of magic, was helpless.

"The Gospel Garden." The angel replied: "It is a garden of filthy light. It contains a very special kind of magical plant planted by Him."

"This is the source of the Star of Bethlehem medal that the Salt Mountain Knights promised you."

"We can steal a Star of Bethlehem."

"Its light and power can help you."

"Lucky friend, do you dare?"

As if time was urgent, the angel briefly and concisely described his plan, which was to steal a bright divine flower!

Before he finished speaking, Croya replied: "If you don't dare, you have already summoned the power of the ring."

As he spoke, he began to take out the materials needed to cast the spell.

Still clean, but soil soaked with the grease of light, the grease of the sunflower.

He sat down on the ground with the dirt and began to knead it on the ground. Finally, he kneaded it into a small altar.

In the center of the altar is a portal that he spent a lot of effort carving. On it are not only lines of the sun and radiating light, but also patterns of eight archangels.

The rest of the altar is engraved with complicated patterns, and it looks like a simple epic scroll.

Among them are angels killing demons, a figure shrouded in light spreading the gospel and light, and people praying and kneeling...

Although it is made of clay, the altar is truly sacred and solemn.

In order to seal this portal properly, he really spent a lot of time and energy without using magic power and earth and stone shaping techniques.

"Filthy light!"

When the portal was completed, the angel tapped it lightly. The entire altar began to flicker, and then the portal slowly opened, and the holy light that had become substantial flowed out from it.

Just like the mist made of dry ice, it instantly filled the entire terrace garden. If there was no ring outside to block it, it would definitely flow out.

"Quick, reach in, and come back immediately after grabbing something!" The angel said hurriedly.

"Okay." Kloya immediately reached in, felt something warm, and then grabbed it directly.

The moment it came out, the ring that had been stagnant outside immediately flew over and rushed into the portal.



The altar that Kloya had worked so hard to carve was shattered into countless pieces in an instant, and then wiped out by a force, as if it had never existed.

From the time the altar was completed to the time Kloya grabbed something and then the portal collapsed, it was even only a few seconds.

Only the holy light that had not yet dissipated around him and the flowers in his hand could prove what had happened.

He didn't know what happened to the distant Gospel Garden because of the platinum ring that rushed in, nor did he know how the archangels who tended the garden would be in a state of panic.

At this time, Cloya just took a deep breath, calmed down, and looked at the thing in his hand.

"Star of Bethlehem." He said softly.

This is an extremely holy flower.

Its petals are shaped like a hexagram, surrounded by white stamens with golden edges in the center, emitting white light.

It is holy and flawless. Just looking at it, Cloya seemed to see the bright sky and the beam of light that illuminated the darkness.

This is not an illusion.

Since it appeared, the surroundings are really bright like daytime - this is not the solar magic supplied by the magic pipeline, but it is really daytime.


It has the temperature of sunlight.

And it is the light of the early morning.

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