I'm a mage, what's wrong with loving farming?

Chapter 216 216 Magic, Transformation! (Part 2)

Chapter 216 216. Magic, transformation! (Part 2)

In the faith of the Church of Light, this flower that looks very holy does have a very high status, otherwise it would not have been chosen as a medal.

Even the angel approached the flower, touched it gently with his little hand, and said with some emotion: "I haven't seen it for many years. I didn't expect the light of the Star of Bethlehem to be brighter."

"It's really beautiful."

Cloya also looked at the six-pointed star-shaped flower with admiration, squinting his eyes slightly, and carefully observed its astral body structure.

Generally speaking, this kind of special and strange magic plant should have its own magic pattern and magic structure in the astral body, so that it can release unique power.

This time he was indeed not disappointed.

He saw the magic pattern and special structure that radiated like silk threads and like light in the astral body of this little flower.

Obviously, this is the effect of this structure: the light it emits does not converge into a beam, but turns into countless light points the moment it shines, scattered throughout the terrace garden.

How to say it, Cloya's first reaction was not the special magic contained in this light. Instead, he was curious that if this magic pattern structure could be applied to the magic lamp, the light emitted by the lamp would not sting his eyes.

While observing in this way, he suddenly blinked his eyes, thought of something, and immediately took out the book given by Miffin, opened a page and looked carefully.

Then, he was quite speechless: "So this is how this magic came from."

"What?" The angel asked curiously.

"Well, this magic that can evenly disperse magic should come from the special magic pattern of the Star of Bethlehem." Cloya replied.

He obviously forgot that angels cannot see the astral structure of the Star of Bethlehem.

However, after the angel took a look at the book in Cloya's hand, a curious look appeared in his eyes.

He stretched out his hand and summoned the book, which automatically flew in front of Him, and said:

"Everything disguised will eventually be revealed."

Then, the handwriting on the book, which was obviously handwritten, "Miracle of the Earth·The Power of Harvest", immediately began to blur and turned into "Miracle of the Earth? Buried Magic (I)".


Kroya was stunned when he saw this scene.

This sudden change made him instantly think that this book could never be written by someone inside the church. If someone really dared to add a question mark after the miracle of the earth, then they must be tired of living.

Even the best-tempered believers would not tolerate someone using such a questioning symbol to the supreme god.

So this thing was not written by the believers of the Church of Mother Earth? How could the magic in it be the same as that of the Church of Mother Earth?

Could it be that a magician sneaked in?

"This is a very special hidden magic." The angel explained, "and the magic power is a bit high, he should be a legendary wizard."

Kloya, who was used to the angel's prestige, didn't care at all that the other party commented that the legendary wizard's magic power was just "a bit high".

He just thought: "Written by a legendary wizard, there is a number one on it, is there a second and third book behind it?"

If there is really more behind it, then he really has to try to find out if he can get more from Miphiin.

The magic recorded in it is very useful.

The angel didn't answer, but just flipped through the book slightly, showed one page to Cloya, and said: "This magic also involves the ability of the Mother Earth, you can study it carefully."

Kloya took a look at it after hearing it. It was written on it that it was a magic to transform the land. Judging from the description, it was similar to the earth and stone shaping he learned.

But this magic... is more inclined to mobilize the power of the earth itself, rather than the magic of earth and stone shaping and city building, which is completely mobilized by the wizard himself.

If the angel hadn't pointed it out like this, Cloya would have also discovered something wrong, but certainly not as quickly as he thought of it now.

Now, he thought of it immediately.

Is this, in a sense, a special magic that mobilizes the power of the earth and nature?

This kind of magic is actually very common in divine arts, because divine arts themselves are to beg the gods to come down and grant, and to achieve some magical and almost omnipotent special effects in the realm of gods.

But if this power is transferred to the magic system, it would be quite strange - where does the power come from? How can this magic be mobilized?

The angel saw Cloya fall into deep thought, and the smile on his face became more and more obvious.

This is what the original wizards should have considered.

Even the construction of the Ark, nominally the power of God, is actually a super-giant astral structure built by humans with the help of the power of the ring.

So, He decided to remind Cloya again.

"Lucky friend, the source of the gods' power is not fixed. They just use the existence of power, not the power itself."

"This book mixes ordinary magic with magic representing the power of gods. This is the most typical one."

He said and turned to another page.

This is the last page of the book. The pattern depicted on it is a kneeling person praying to the sky and the earth, and the golden light constitutes a scene of raindrops.

Although the raindrops are erratic, they are extremely realistic. What is wrapped in them is clearly full ears of wheat.

The golden rain is the rain of wheat ears!

Kloya came back to his senses and looked at Him, carefully looking at the diagram, and said in surprise: "Isn't this a wish spell? Is there really such a spell? How could Miffin be willing to give it to me--"

At the end of his words, he was stunned and shook his head helplessly: "This guy is hoping that I will see the power of God and let me join the Church of the Mother Earth willingly, right?"

The angel nodded: "The power of God is always fascinating."

"But this is not actually the power of God. Think about what ability can do such a thing?"

After He said this, Kloya always felt something was wrong when looking at this wish spell again.

After a short thought, he suddenly realized: "Ripe and space transfer? Is that right?"

"Yes." The angel nodded.

"..."Kloya, who revealed the wish spell, was speechless.

But it must be said that the cause of the power of God is not as powerful as he imagined.

He turned his eyes and suddenly thought of something.

"Oh? I remember you kept talking about the filthy light. Could it be that the Earth Mother is a real god here?"

Kloya, who was in a good mood, followed the topic and asked the question that he had been curious about for a long time.

The angel remembered the nightmare of the Earth Mother that he had seen at that time, the golden waves of wheat fields all over the mountains. He thought for a moment and said meaningfully: "Yes, the earth is indeed a real god."


Kloya instinctively felt that there was something behind his words, but no matter how much he asked, the other party was unwilling to say it.

Kloya was used to his behavior, so he didn't care much and shifted his attention to the Star of Bethlehem in his hand.

He thought that he could only study the next magic carefully after getting rid of this thing first.

So, he asked directly:

"What is its use?"

There was an encyclopedia next to it, so it would be a waste not to ask.

Although the angel said that the Star of Bethlehem was helpful just now, he didn't say it clearly, and he was too lazy to think about it himself.


The angel, who always felt that Kloya was getting lazier, was speechless for a while, but still explained:

"Its light can guide the magic plants and monsters forward, and can also give them extra vitality."

Although the angel's words were a bit vague, Kloya magically understood what he meant - the light of this flower can speed up the evolution of the magic plants and provide vitality.

Speeding up the evolution of the magic plants also means that the magic that Kloya recorded can evolve quickly.

So, Croa picked up the Star of Bethlehem and said, "I want to try it."

"Of course, you just need to stimulate it with holy magic."


Croa sensed the magic in his body, blinked, and stretched out his hand to the angel: "I've almost used it up."


The angel flew to him helplessly, kissed his forehead again and again, and said, "Lucky friend, I hope you won't worry about the holy power before my light goes out."

This time, His power surged in Croa's body like a clear spring, accepting the mobilization and control of Croa's three-color magic.

Although weak, it is inexhaustible.

"Infinite magic." Croa thanked sincerely: "Thank you."

Of course, it was not just a verbal thank you. He also took out the gopher harp and played it gently, integrating the changes in the sea and the earth's nature that he felt these days into the music of the harp.

This music is not just the light that illuminates everything, but also contains the newly born fetal sea that is free in the light, the revived earth, and the magic plants and monsters that are growing and running happily.

The level of the music has obviously reached a higher level.

Gopher wood itself is a special tree species that is spiritual. Now, under the enhancement of Cloya's symphony magic, the music played is like a slowly unfolding painting, which makes people intoxicated.

Even the angel was soon immersed in the music.


When the song ended, the angel had sunk into the portal by himself and returned to the lake in the back mountain to sleep.

Only Cloya himself was left to put away the gopher wood harp leisurely, and then took up the Star of Bethlehem to inject magic.

With the injection of platinum magic, the surface of the Star of Bethlehem, which was originally faint, immediately became bright, and finally even bright enough to be like a six-pointed star shining in the sky.

Its light shone on the red sunflower.

The changes inside the latter's astral body were changing and stabilizing at an exaggerated speed. It took only half a minute for it to completely stabilize.

Kloya was stunned.

Because according to his speculation, it would take several days for the red sunflower to truly complete its evolution. But it was completed so quickly?

He was even more surprised when he checked it again. This accelerated evolution speed did not damage the vitality of the red sunflower.

The current situation is just the opposite. The vitality of the red sunflower is almost overflowing!

"No wonder the angel wants to help me get you."

Kloya is now really sure that this thing is really useful - of course there is a price.

After the Star of Bethlehem released this beam of light that is brighter than starlight, the pistil has begun to dim. Through mental perception, it can be found that it feels very tired.

It obviously needs to rest.

And the power that the angel had just given him was completely exhausted, and the poor spring water flowed much slower than before.

In Cloya's opinion, this was a very normal thing. If the magic plant could really accelerate its evolution without limit, it would be a bit too exaggerated.

So he was not disappointed. He planted the Star of Bethlehem in a flowerpot and turned to the side of the red sunflower.

He reached out and touched some of the oil created by the sunflower, put it in front of his nose and sniffed it.

There was no greasy smell of ordinary oil, but it was very fragrant, which was worthy of the name "fragrant oil".

The red sunflower shook gently.


First a familiar voice sounded, and then -




Dozens of small sunflowers with different timbres, but almost the same sound, flew out of the flower disks of other sunflowers.

They spun around the sunflower elf of the largest red sunflower happily, and actually burst out golden light, covering Kloya from head to toe.

In the light column, Kloya only felt that his body was very warm, and his mood became extremely happy. It seemed that all the irritability disappeared, leaving only the joy as bright as the sun.

This feeling was not unfamiliar. The sunflower petals and nectar on them that he had just eaten had this taste.

He enjoyed this feeling very happily for a while. It was really strange to say that he had never been affected by mental magic in this way.

Now experiencing it actually gave him an indescribable pleasure.

It seemed to really relieve his mental power.

"So this is your divine power." He raised his hand and poked the little sunflower lying on his shoulder.

"Yeah!" The little sunflower nodded proudly.

"Not bad, keep learning." Kloya nodded with satisfaction, and then checked the other sunflowers that gave birth to elves one by one.

He was surprised to find that the magic power in these sunflowers became very pure, and all of them had lost the sun's somewhat scorching glow, leaving only the warm light that made people feel comfortable.

It seemed that there was still music echoing.

While he was observing, the Star Body Imprinting Technique reminded him again-

[Due to the influence of the Orange Song·Endless Rock Notes, the red sunflowers will have and play their own music. ]

[In the music, you will feel happy and eliminate pain. ]

[When the music sounds, the red sunflowers will be able to summon the power of their believers and gather into "Symphony·Red Sunflowers". ]

[As an imprinter, you can also mobilize the "Symphony of Red Sunflowers". ]

"It turns out that there is evolution." Kroya murmured to himself, "The symphony belonging to the sunflowers... Really good."

This is the first time he has received new music from his own sunflowers, and it is directly representing the music of the sunflowers, which will add bricks and tiles to his symphony.

"You all did a great job. Eat. This is my reward for you!"

He was quite satisfied and generously summoned magic power to feed all the sunflowers.

After eating the magic power, the sunflowers fell drunk on the flower disks, as if they wanted to take a rest.

All the sunflower elves except the red sunflower left, but it was still reluctant. Cloya could only poke it and persuaded it: "Go and rest quickly. When you rest well, I still need your help to infect more sunflowers."

"Ah." The red sunflower left and returned to its flower disk, and began to try to adapt to its sudden increase in strength.

Although this is also part of evolution, Cloya does not intend to force it. It can learn as long as it wants.

He has time anyway.

This kind of evolution is better to take it slowly.

And now, he will start to learn all the remaining magic, and then start to engrave magic on more magic beasts and magic plants.


A few days passed in a flash.

During this period, Cloya has never left the terrace garden.

Although he had not rested, he was still energetic. There were several different magic plants and several different magic beasts in front of him.

Among them were rabbits, earth-thieves, ducks, seaweed, corals and pure white sea coconuts.

"Not bad, finally all the engravings are completed."

He looked at these magic plants with a gleam in his eyes, and there was no fatigue from not sleeping for a few days.

These were all the test products he tried to engrave, and all of them succeeded without a single failure.

Among them were the earth-thieves and their husband and wife who had been following him for a long time - they engraved the "Hand of the Mother Goddess" recorded in the book, which was the divine version of earth and stone shaping that could transform the terrain with the help of the earth and natural forces.

I have to say that this version of the Hand of the Mother Goddess is really exaggerated.

It can not only transform the earth with very little magic power, but also perfectly integrate into the original terrain under the influence of the earth and nature.

To put it simply, even if a pigpen is built with this thing, it will be a "natural pigpen", just like it already exists in nature.

It seems useless, but in fact, if you build a magic circle related to nature, this kind of situation close to nature will become very useful.

Mixing elf magic is really useful.

Another example is the cloud magic. If this magic is used in combination with the "Hand of the Mother Goddess", it can even make the natural consciousness favor a certain location, and it can rain intermittently without continuous casting.

There is also the divine version of the wishing spell on the last page. After he engraved it on a wheat plant, he was surprised to find that the wheat could actually move instantly!

Although the magic power consumed is quite huge, this ability to move instantly is really extremely exaggerated, which involves space!

There are also such as the power of dividing magic power equally, the magic of stimulating the root system of magic plants to grow longer, and the magic of summoning wind...

It can be said that if these powers are carefully excavated and studied, they have great research value and are far from as simple as they seem on the surface.

The book that Mifeiyin gave him made Cloya gain a lot.

While he was excited, he was also a little worried about Mifeiyin.

Why is there no news yet? The other party gave such a big gift. He should give the other party some help out of reason and emotion-even if Mifeiyin didn't know the true value of the book, he still needed to repay the favor.


"This is good!"

So, after he scanned the magic beasts and magic plants he had engraved, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he picked up a magic plant and left.

He planned to find the Orpheus Oak Tree on the seabed and show it a big treasure.

Thank you for the reward from the small mode boss, thank you for the monthly tickets and recommendation tickets from all the bosses, I am very grateful!

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