I'm a mage, what's wrong with loving farming?

Chapter 217 The Elven Giant Ship is about to set sail

Chapter 217 217. The Elven Giant Ship About to Set Sail

Undersea Ruins.

When Kloya came here again, the ship that had sunk to the bottom of the sea had been repaired and was much more complete than before.

There were even magic patterns on the surface of the huge ship, swaying with the waves of the sea.

If you ignore the fact that this is a very deep seabed, it looks like it is about to set sail.

"Is it about to set sail?"

Kloya was a little surprised. He didn't quite believe that the Orpheus Oak could really set sail.

When he saw the ship with his naked eyes, a vast and friendly consciousness came from it.

"Human friend!"

The voice of the Orpheus Oak came, still with enthusiasm and excitement: "You are finally here."

Its magic power instantly formed a bridge that was enough for Kloya to cross smoothly. It was a portal wrapped in vines, inviting him.

"I'm here."

Kloya suppressed his doubts and accepted it happily. He just took a step and arrived in the forest garden of the Orpheus Oak.

There were still many flowers here, but there were many tall and simple trees, with bark and branches all dark green, standing like silent sentinels.

Orpheus Oak looked at him with joy.

"I'm here to see you, friend Oak."

He found a place to sit down very familiarly and carelessly, and completely regarded this place as his home, without any politeness.

"Welcome, human friend!"

The expression on the face of the man made of oak became more lively, and a small rainbow pattern representing joy appeared on his head.

It immediately prepared a drink for Cloya.

Cloya also took out a small bottle, generously poured out a glass of amber wine that seemed to have fine sunlight, and smiled and invited: "Please try it, friend Oak!"

The small wine glass was naturally filled with grapes from the magic field vines and wine brewed with his magic. As soon as it was poured out, an indescribable fragrance filled the surroundings.

It was like walking through a vineyard filled with magic and covered by the sun. The warmth of the sun and the aroma of the grapes, as well as a slightly tipsy fragrance, made the sense of smell and touch all warm and comfortable.

The nose of the Orpheus Oak moved exaggeratedly, just like a lying Pinocchio, with an intoxicated look, and then picked up the cup and poured it all directly on his head.

The amber wine flowed along the branches of its hair, and dried up in a few seconds, leaving only a more fragrant wine aroma in the air.


So this is how to drink it?

Cloya looked at the branches of the Orpheus Oak in front of him, which instantly turned red, just like a drunk face.

Its eyes also became blurred, and the light inside seemed to be covered by the mottled shadows of the trees, and it exclaimed: "Good wine!"

"I have been in the sea for too long!"

"I want to see the sun!"

Its voice became low, and it suddenly stood up.

Then, he grabbed Cloya's arm with his own branch arm, and the surrounding space changed, and he arrived on the deck of the giant elf ship.

The green magic barrier protected Cloya and it.

It raised its head and looked at the sky. There seemed to be a huge amount of magic flowing on its small body, which gathered from the stream into a turbulent river.

Cloya instinctively felt that something was wrong, and was about to ask the other party what to do, when he suddenly saw the surrounding sea water and marine life retreating to the back at a high speed.

"Hua La La!"

Accompanied by the loud sound of the turbulent sea water.

It was as if a pair of invisible big hands grabbed the sea water and tore a crack in the sea water, and air and sunlight shone in instantly.

His eyes lit up, and it was already golden, and the warm light shone on the seabed.

You know, this is a hundred meters deep under the sea!

Although there is sunlight at ordinary times, it has never shone directly like this-at this moment, the reefs and corals on the seabed, including the entire ship, are bathed in golden light.


Kroya, who had known for a long time that this guy's power was definitely extraordinary, was very surprised. This huge amount of magic that could split the sea water...

'I can't do it with the help of the mermaid song, what level is this guy? 'He muttered in his heart.

Then he was attracted by the melodious singing.


On the separated waves, several mermaids appeared one after another, including the mermaid wizard Alia, who was quite related to Croya.

The rest of the mermaids were probably at least at the level of the wizard. As soon as they stood here, the magic of the ocean immediately surged towards them.

They stood quietly on the waves, looking at the giant elf boat with extremely complicated expressions, which had already blown up the sails and seemed to be about to set sail.

Alia certainly saw Croya, and she just shook her head imperceptibly, and the meaning was very clear, asking him not to speak.

Croya didn't intend to speak either.

He remembered what he had heard from Treden.

This sea called Atlantis is the promised land of the mermaids. The power from the virtual god covers the entire sea area, which is both a constraint and a protection.

Except for the mermaids, no other race can influence this place. It is as peaceful as a dreamland covered by a moonlit veil.

The things Croya can see here include this very strange giant elf boat and...the ark.

To be honest, this made him wonder whether the so-called "sinking" was really the sinking in his understanding? Is it possible to be protected.

Because of this, he remained silent and did not speak.

The current situation is obviously a matter between Orpheus Oak and the mermaid tribe. Even if he has some connections with the mermaid tribe, it is not appropriate to speak before he understands the situation.

"You shouldn't have come out now." Aaliyah's voice came along with the sound of the waves.

The Orpheus Oak didn't answer at all. It raised its head very proudly, and even though it was only 1.6 meters tall, it burst out with an aura of more than ten meters.

"Let your king come to see me!" Its tone was very impolite.

It's just that there seems to be a bit of anxiety and expectation in this unkind tone, like a child hesitating in the face of the truth.

It's not so much that he's rude, it's more that he's sullen.

"It's not time yet." Aaliyah shook her head: "Please rest temporarily. This is the request your master told the king at that time."

"Please wait. Before someone comes to pick you up, continue to absorb the magic power from the sea and wait for the opportunity."

"You will be very tired when you are needed."

As she spoke, she took out a silver conch and blew it——


A long conch sound sounded, and the seawater that was forcibly torn open by magic fell down in the next moment, and the huge amount of seawater closed without any turmoil.

It was silent, and it seemed that as soon as the eyes darkened, it returned to the previous scene.

Of course the mermaids standing on the waves also disappeared.

There are no fish or marine creatures in the deep sea water. They were driven away by magic just now and they dare not come here now.

For a moment, the supposedly lively seabed seemed a little lonely.

Croya glanced at Orpheus Oak, but the latter just blinked at him, with no trace of disappointment in his emerald-like pupils.

He suddenly seemed to understand something.

He smiled slightly and invited: "I brought a magic plant. Its power should be helpful to you, my oak friend."

"Okay." Orpheus Oak nodded happily.

One person and one tree returned to the garden again.

As if nothing happened, Croya took out a very strange magic plant - it was a walking tree with flat roots like human feet.

Orpheus Oak touched the little tree man with his hand and said with a smile: "Hello, little guy from the elemental plane."

Its "hands" flowed with vitality and magic, pouring it into the little guy without hesitation.

The little guy's body flashed with green light, and suddenly countless vines stretched out, gently wrapping around the Orpheus Oak.

"Huh?" Orpheus Oak trembled.

It felt as if its soul was covered and caressed by gentle big hands. The indescribable touch that reached directly into the soul made its whole body feel comfortable.

As if it was a pleasure, the body of Orpheus Oak twitched, and suddenly with a "pop" sound, a bunch of beautiful and small flowers suddenly bloomed on its body.

Croya: "..."

Is this the legendary feeling of being comfortable enough to bloom?

"Ah, this is the natural comfort of the Mother Earth." Orpheus Oak directly picked up the little tree man and let him stay in his arms.

It's like holding a baby.

"Yes, friend Oak, you are so smart." Croya nodded: "How are you? Are you comfortable?"


Orpheus Oak's face was full of joy. It was thinking about what to give as a gift to Croya when it heard the latter say: "I may be able to contact someone from the Orpheus family right away. Do you have anything?" Can tokens prove identity?”

It suddenly froze.

It looked at Croya with disbelief, but saw the latter nodding firmly.

For a moment, the wind in the garden stopped.

——Perhaps, it really is about to go into battle.

At the same time, on the other side.

Yavanna Sacred Mine Forward Base.

Beverselis sat on the seat and looked at the elf sitting opposite with a serious face.

This elf was wearing a moon-white robe with laurel lace. He had a slender body and an indescribably handsome appearance, as if he had been carefully crafted by the Creator.

He rested his head lazily on his hands, and his whole person was filled with a lazy temperament.

"I think I've made that clear."

The elf said: "Ms. Knight Commander, as long as Ellie comes back, I will not hold anyone responsible."

He didn't need to use any threatening words at all, the badge on his chest was enough to prove everything - the name of the Orpheus family of elves was a very powerful one.

Not even the Holy See dares to confront the Orpheus family of elves head-on. No matter how arrogant they are, they do have the capital to be arrogant.

What's more, they are unreasonable now.

Therefore, Knight Commander Beverselis had to say softly: "Our knights have also lost contact, friends of the elves, and I feel pain for this too."

"That's your business." Her words were rudely interrupted by the other party: "Your bishop recklessly broke into the Yavanna Holy Mine. This should not have been done."

The elf Icarus said unceremoniously: "Stupidity has created evil consequences, flowing out rancid water and bringing dark nights.

The Light will be disgusted by his stupidity! "

These words are indeed quite serious. For believers in the light, they are basically pointing at each other's nose and scolding them.

If the person sitting right now was a paladin from the Holy See of Light, he would probably fight the opponent regardless.

But it is a pity that those sitting now are believers of the Church of the Mother Earth, and they are also very sane believers.

Beverselis did not make any comment on this sentence, but just advised: "We are also working hard. Your Excellency the Cardinal has arrived with the Holy Artifact Tears of Bethlehem. It will guide us to find our companions who have fallen inside."

"I promise you, nothing will happen to Ellie!"

"What guarantee do you use?" Icarus asked even more rudely: "Can the power of Mother Earth cover this place? We all know why the Yavanna Sacred Mine was born."

"If the envoys of the Mother Goddess of the Earth were here, they would definitely push all of you who desecrated the body of the Mother Goddess into the endless abyss!"

Okay, now I am pointing my finger at all believers of the Earth Mother God.

Even Beverselis couldn't help but said seriously: "Please be careful what you say!"

"Hmph." Icarus snorted coldly and continued: "This is an ancient contract. It is understandable that Ellie will help you, but..."

He stretched out his hand and drew a circle next to it.

An unknown person immediately fell inside. There were crack-like marks on his back, and it was filled with chaotic magic power.

Seeing this person, Beverselis' expression immediately became solemn, but she was very surprised: Did the Orpheus family actually know about this?

If this matter is really leaked, the position of the Earth Mother Goddess Church will immediately become very delicate, and it will even be held accountable by dwarves and elves who also believe in the Mother Goddess.

"The tortured person." Icarus said with pity in his eyes, "For his own selfish desires, he tore the body of the Mother Goddess apart and allowed the Mother Goddess' divine blood to flow."

"...Please be careful what you say."

Beverselis spoke again, this time, she had pinched the pendant on her chest.

That is the artifact Semrio's Tears.

Icarus glanced at the shining artifact and changed the subject: "I will help you, but there is a condition."

"...In the northern border of the Kingdom of Norland, in the Sea of ​​Atlantis, a divine boat of our elves sank there."

“Long ago our ancestors predicted that there would be great changes.

He left a solution.

Inside that divine boat was the crystallization of natural consciousness. "

"Its blood and bones, soul and consciousness can suppress the scars on the earth here."

Thank you all for your monthly votes and recommendation votes, double update tomorrow! It's time to enter the main line.

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