I'm a mage, what's wrong with loving farming?

Chapter 218 People with their own agenda

Chapter 218 218. People with different agendas

In fact, the changes in the Atlantis Sea are currently limited to the upper Semrio, and they are still the uppermost kind.

The reason is that the mermaids used the magic power of the False God to form a huge magic circle, and the Titan creations in Qunxing Town deliberately concealed it, so the impact was actually very small.

So much so that the knight commander thought for a moment before reacting: "Are you talking about the sea of ​​mermaids?"

"...where will the elves' divine boat sink?"

Her expression was very subtle, as if she was saying are you kidding me.

The territory of the elves is actually in the sea outside the sphere of influence of the human race. Their shipbuilding industry can be said to be quite exaggerated, and the so-called "Shenzhou" has been blessed by nature.

No matter how big the storm is, it should not be overturned and sunk.

So there is only one possibility.

"Of course it sank on purpose." Icarus still had a smile on his face, but what he said made the knight commander feel very uncomfortable——

"The ancestors once calculated that the mermaid tribe would use the power of the false gods to squeeze the natural consciousness in the ocean, so they deliberately used an Orpheus oak tree to carry the fragmented natural consciousness."

"With the help of natural consciousness, it will have legendary level of magic fluctuations, and its tree heart will condense the crystallization of the Atlantis Sea.

If it is used as a sacrifice, it can definitely heal the cracks in the earth. "

After hearing this, the Knight Commander couldn't help but blurt out: "You are doing this on purpose. You are plotting against the natural consciousness. You are blaspheming the Mother Goddess!"

Okay, now it's her who is pointing at the other person's nose and scolding him.

As a qualified believer of the Earth Mother Goddess, she certainly couldn't stand the other party's use of such a teasing tone to arrange natural consciousness. It was as if he was... deceiving and inducing the gods.

When she thought of these two words, she felt the faith in her heart tremble for a moment. She could not imagine that the omniscient and omnipotent Mother Earth could be deceived in this way.

She had even taken off the Tears of Semrio from her chest, and the crystal green light was swimming around, forming clusters of thorny thorns.

But the elf Icarus made no move at all.

He smiled first: "Thorns, the source of all these disasters are thorns."

Then, he stared at the Knight Commander, or rather at the empty space behind the Knight Commander: "Your Excellency, Cardinal, are you really not going to persuade her?"


Beverselis was shocked. Just as she was about to activate Semrio's Tears, she suddenly felt that her fingers were sore and weak, and the crystal teardrops in her hands were about to fall to the ground in an instant.

Then, a slender hand with white leather mittens caught the teardrop that was about to fall to the ground.

A gentle voice sounded: "Sleep, and sleep in the embrace of light until the filth is eliminated."

No matter how powerful the consciousness was, it would disappear in this voice. The knight commander's thoughts suddenly became blurred, and then he closed his eyes and fell into a deep sleep in a dazzling light.

Those lights formed a feather-shaped cocoon to wrap around her. At first glance, it looked like an angel spreading its wings and covering her gently, but in fact, it looked more like a cage.

In the dazzling light, a man wearing extremely elegant and complicated cassocks and a crystal crown suddenly appeared here. He glanced at the Tears of Semrio in his hand, without saying a word, he just read It's put away.

The halo that the crystal teardrops had been spreading disappeared at this moment, and the magic that was maintained naturally disappeared.

Without the Tears of Semrio, the defense of the frontline base will completely collapse, and the Paladins and people living there will be torn apart.

Not only the Paladins, but also the pagans in Salt Mountain. As long as they all die, they will definitely be able to sacrifice and receive God's gift.

When he thought that his plan was about to succeed, the cardinal's face showed a proud smile.

Then, he looked at the elf Icarus.

"The rudder is in your hands."

"Yes." Icarus handed the cardinal a small rudder that looked like a handicraft directly.

I don’t know if it’s a piece of advice or a show, but with a joking smile on his face: “The mermaid tribe is not easy to mess with.”

"Under the holy light, those foreign races will cooperate." The cardinal took over the rudder with a calm expression.

"Oh, that's right. You want to eradicate dissidents, and you don't care about the mermaid clan...well, they are very powerful."

Icarus clapped his hands lightly, but only with the back of his hand, which was extremely perfunctory.

"Humph." The Cardinal ignored him, and his figure disappeared into the light again.

In the huge room, only Icarus was left looking at the cocoon of light formed by feathers. He approached the cocoon, took out a vine from his sleeve, and inserted it directly into the cocoon.

The vines were like snakes, all inserted into the cocoon, but after entering, there was no change on the surface of the cocoon, as if nothing happened.

"Let's go, let's wait and see the show now."

After doing all this, he opened a space portal and left straight away, leaving only a pure white cocoon covered with a bloody haze.

Yavanna Sacred Mine.

The frontline base of the Kingdom of Norland.

Celesti, who was enjoying the magic massage peacefully in the mansion she had unfolded, suddenly felt something.

She reached out and grabbed it.

A golden ear of wheat fell into her hand.

Then, with the wheat as the center, a space portal quickly took shape. After it was completely formed, a young man with golden hair walked out of it.

"Your Highness Miffin." Celesti didn't expect that the person arriving was actually him, and she was a little surprised.

After all, she is also working in the Kingdom of Norant, and the other party is currently the only direct bloodline in the Kingdom of Norant, born from King Norant and the late queen.

In the eyes of King Norland, only this eldest son was qualified to inherit the kingdom. Unfortunately, he didn't care about the power of the kingdom at all and went directly to become the bishop of the Church of the Mother Goddess of the Earth.

After all, compared with the status of the king of a small country and the status of the bishop of the Mother Earth Church, the latter is really more noble.

So when she saw it was Mifein, she still bowed to show respect.

"Arch Mage Celesti."

Miffyin walked out completely and said with a serious face: "The Tears of Semrio have been taken away, and the Holy See's frontline base will no longer be safe."

"I will take over the position of Knight Commander Beverselis. I just hope that you can...contact the Pit Lord."

After a brief silence, Celesti revealed a playful smile on her face: "How do you know that I am connected with the Lord of the Pit? He is a sinner who is being hunted by the Archmage."

The beautiful mage lay lazily on the soft bed, picked up a fruit, and took a slow bite, causing juice to splash everywhere.

She seemed completely relaxed.

Mifein said directly: "He was originally your Hellwalker, the contract is in your hands, and he would never come here without your order.

Archmage, we should all stop hiding anything. "

"The Holy Spring Chamber of Commerce wants something in the Yavanna Holy Mine, so it goes to such trouble to let you lay it out. Please tell me."

"In exchange, I'll help you."

He held out a hand and said very sincerely: "We are all the same."

Facing this hand, Archmage Celesti just squeezed it lightly, then let it go as if avoiding a snake or scorpion. She also took out a handkerchief and wiped her fingers, wiping each one clean.

She muttered: "It's so ugly! Why do we have to shake hands?"

Mifein: "???"

Obviously this "ugly" refers to his ugly appearance...

If he didn't need to cooperate with the other party now, and it wasn't the time to prove how good-looking he was, he really wanted to ask the other party, was he really ugly?

He took a deep breath, "I need to see the Pit Lord immediately. Since he can contact the cultists, he can bring the power of Zurgmoi to the main plane world.

Then, he must have some ancient sacrifices in his hands.

With the ancient sacrifice, I can locate Ellie's location. As long as I rescue her, the Ophis family will not get involved in this matter! "

"No." Celesti shook her head after hearing what he said: "It was not him who really opened the passage to the main plane, but the cultists."

When she said this, there was an indelible gloom on her face. Although the Holy Spring Chamber of Commerce was indeed planning the treasures in Yavanna's holy mine, she would definitely not do such a thing as opening a rift in the main plane and causing demons to invade. .

She didn't expect things to develop to this point.

"...How is it possible?" Miffy frowned: "If those cultists really had such ability, they wouldn't hide around like rats in the sewer."

But Celesti didn't speak, so he knew that the other party definitely didn't lie. If he really didn't lie, then things would be really troublesome.

If Ellie is not brought back, the Orpheus family will have sufficient reasons and excuses to intervene in this matter, and it may even turn into a conflict between the elves and the Holy See.

The elves are really world-famous in protecting their shortcomings.

Seeing this, Celesti reminded her again:

"And it's too late."

"Your Highness, the Cardinal is already rushing to the Sea of ​​Atlantis."

"My father actually allowed him to enter like this..."

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, he rubbed his brows helplessly.

Yes, that is the Cardinal of the Holy See of Light.

Even his father, the king of Norland, must bow respectfully in front of the other party. If someone wants to go, who has the right to stop him?

Mifein's expression turned even worse now. He remembered that there were fields in the north where he was planting and researching, and that his mage friend was also in the north.

But it was obviously too late to go back now, and there was nothing he could do to stop it.

So he simply said: "You must be in contact with the pit lord, we still cooperate.

I will stay on the ground, you take the pit lord to find the treasure you want, and then rescue the elf Ellie. "

This time Celesti did not refuse.

"I let him enter in advance and set the spatial anchor point. You should thank me, otherwise even you would not be able to sneak into the sacred mine without alerting the abyss lord."

She stretched out her hand to summon a huge space teleportation circle, and the two went straight through the portal formed by the power of the Holy Spring Chamber of Commerce and arrived at the area where the Pit Lord was.

This place is covered with hyphae and monsters swimming inside the hyphae. It is located in the shallow mining area of ​​the Yavanna Holy Mine.

The Yavanna Holy Mine is one of the largest magic crystal mines in the Semrio continent. The entire mine has an above-ground area of ​​100,000 hectares.

The maze-like roads and downward extension areas deep in the mine are several times larger than the ground area. Even the most experienced miners dare not say that they can recognize all the areas.

This place can be called a magnificent city.

Therefore, even if the power of the Abyss Lord has eroded this place, it is not all under control. There are still humans in some hidden deep mines.

For example, here is where the Pit Lord is.

Unexpectedly, there is only a wall here, and there is no mycelium. It is very clean. There is an extremely special magic in the air, as if they prevented the mycelium from entering here.

It forms a sharp contrast with the mycelium forest outside.

Both of them were a little surprised, but they did not show it.

Can the Pit Lord find some treasure to resist the mycelium containing the magic of the abyss of Zuggmoi?

At the same time, they were silent, which led to no one asking questions. Miffin thought that this matter was a secret, perhaps a secret of the Holy Spring Chamber of Commerce; Celeste decided to wait until the matter was over before asking.

So they missed the fastest opportunity to find the elf Ellie.

Celeste had not contacted him for a while, just worried that the fluctuation of magic power would be exposed, but now it seems that it was completely over-concerned.

"Please wait a moment." Celeste took out a magic device and activated it. After a while, a tall figure rushed over.

When he saw the two of them, the other party showed sincere joy on his face: "Lord Celeste."

"Thank you for your hard work. It's not easy to stay here." Celeste said gently: "It's almost time. As long as I can find that treasure, I will take you away from here."

She approached the other party and patted the other party's distinct abdominal muscles with her fingers, and a touch of joy flashed in her eyes.

In order to let his master touch it better, the lord of the pit deliberately inhaled to make his abdominal muscles firmer.

Miffin, who was watching this scene, was really trying to suppress his discomfort. Could humans and demons be like this? This was like going to the stake!

In order to prevent his eyes from being hurt further, he interrupted decisively and said, "I have a divine artifact of the Mother Goddess in my hand, which can directly reach the bottom of the Yavanna Holy Mine.

The things that the Holy Spring Chamber of Commerce wants should also be there, right?

In exchange, I need to get the ancient sacrifices in the hands of the cultists."

After exchanging glances with Celesti, the lord of the pit replied, "Okay!"

Along with his voice, a bunch of tall and strong men who didn't look like humans immediately jumped out from behind him, and sulfur flames burned on their bodies.

After a moment, they all turned into demons with bat wings and steel whip tails.

Their eyes were already full of violent desire for destruction.

After lying in ambush and farming here for so long, they can finally have a big fight - with the magic potion that can affect the mycelium given by the Star Spirit Master, they don't have to worry about being invaded by spores.

"...You will be punished sooner or later."

Seeing so many demons suddenly, Mifeiyin almost couldn't breathe. He took out a yellowish sphere with countless mountains undulating on it, surrounding a bull-like head in the center.

"Mother Goddess, please show your mercy."

"Mother Goddess, please... forgive our usurpation."

"Mother Goddess, please take us to see your wounds."

Mifeiyin devoutly injected his sacred power into it, chanting.

The sphere gradually melted, exuding an ochre halo, enveloping all the demons present, and then directly dived into the ground, heading deeper.

Their goal was the deepest part of the Yavana Holy Mine. Only by finding the sacrificial vessel that the cultists used to maintain the gap in the main plane could they search for the location of the elf Ellie through it.

After sending away the demons and the great wizard, Mifeiyin sighed softly, tidied his robes, turned around and returned to the ground through the space portal that did not collapse.

He also had to use his own power to maintain the safety of the front-line base of the Church.

As long as those people didn't die... there would be no sacrifices, and he didn't believe that the cardinal would do anything to him.


At the same time.

At the seaside of Atlantis.

A white "sun" hung on the seaside, confronting a huge indigo giant that was several hundred meters high.

Although the cardinal could enter the territory of the Kingdom of Norant with a swagger, he had no way to directly break into the territory of the mermaids.

If the mermaids were really angered and attacked him, there would be absolutely no chance of survival unless it was the power of the God of Light.

But fortunately... he had a token.

The cardinal took out the exquisite rudder and said loudly: "I am here to take away the divine ship of the elf Orpheus family!"

"This is the token agreed with your king!"

The indigo giant looked at the token, opened its huge mouth, and uttered a dull voice: "Allowed to enter, please do not spy on the sea!"

After that, its body shrank rapidly, wrapped around the rudder, and quickly entered the sea with the cardinal.

In just a few seconds, he crossed the vast sea and arrived above the sea where the Oak of Orpheus sank.

And what was waiting for him here... was actually a very young mermaid.

The mermaid prince Treden, riding on a seahorse, raised his head proudly and looked at the cardinal in front of him, who was wearing a leather vestment and had no skin on his body except his head.

He said in a defiant tone: "You should salute me, servant of light!"

His tone was really impolite.

"Greetings to you, Your Highness."

The cardinal really bowed his head slightly and saluted him, suppressing his dissatisfaction and handing the rudder in his hand to the mermaid prince.

The latter took the rudder and threw it into the sea, muttering in his heart: "Teacher, you should solve it quickly, I will hold him first!"

After muttering, he smiled a little and asked the cardinal curiously: "Will your gods not be angry if you betray the earth like this?

Haha, isn't light one of the offspring born by the earth?

Betraying your own mother..."

He smiled subtly.

The cardinal was still observing the sea area. After hearing this, he couldn't help but get angry.

"This is not something you should care about, Your Highness."

After warning the other party, he said nothing and waited for the Shenzhou to rise.

Seeing this, Treden knew that he had said the wrong thing, and immediately felt that his mother was really unreliable. This was clearly what she taught him, so why didn't it work!

Both the man and the mermaid were a little anxious.

At this time, deep in the sea, a huge ship was about to set sail.

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